Tucker Carlson: 1 in 5 Mail-In Ballots Last Presidential Election Were Fraudulent

Are you saying that in that county there were almost 10 times as many mail ins as walk ins?
Unless 90% of the voters are in wheelchairs that’s a fraud set up from the get go

They used the Flu scam. hard to find facts? Hidden by google? Looks le 2.1 million mailed or dropped bbox? WTH is 51K in person emergency voting?Fraud was off the charts. Estimated at 350K in maricopa alone.

In the midst of a pandemic, more than 2 million, a historic 80.51% of Maricopa County voters, cast a ballot in the General Election, including a record-breaking 1.1 million voters who visited a Maricopa County Vote Center or Ballot Drop Box. The breakdown:
  • 993,000 returned an early ballot by mail
  • 1,109,000 voters used a Maricopa County Vote Center or Early Ballot Drop Box
  • 158,000 in person early voters
  • 51,000 in person emergency voting
  • 186,000 in person Election Day voter (includes provisional ballots)
  • 714,000 early ballot drop offs
It gets worse, have you seen the recent data for voter registration checks? The link below is a government link with government data.

Social Security Administration (SSA) Weekly Data for Help America Vote Verification (HAVV) Transactions by State Week Ending March 30, 2024​

The Government website is here: SSA Open Data | HAVV Transactions by State - Week Ending March 30, 2024

You can download the latest spread sheet and look at the numbers yourself on the right side of the page.

From last week's data alone, this is what happened in Texas.

Total Registrants: 225,132
Registrants with a bad Social Security #: 30,424
Registrants with a deceased Social Security #: 4,515

Here is Texas for the week of 03/16/2024

Total Registrants: 227,077
Registrants with a bad Social Security #: 30,499
Registrants with a deceased Social Security #: 4,571

Here is Texas for the week of 03/02/2024

Total Registrants: 224,569
Registrants with a bad Social Security #: 30,787
Registrants with a deceased Social Security #: 4,650

Georgia was crazy too.

Total Registrants: 14,684
Registrants with a bad Social Security #: 9,402

That means 64% of all registrants were bad in Georgia. This type of metric is not uncommon as you explore the spread sheet for swing states.
General pattern here therefore all the way back to 2020 is that 10% of the voters are fraudulent. In person almost completely eliminates that. No wonder lib loons don’t want in person
They used the Flu scam. hard to find facts? Hidden by google? Looks le 2.1 million mailed or dropped bbox? WTH is 51K in person emergency voting?Fraud was off the charts. Estimated at 350K in maricopa alone.

In the midst of a pandemic, more than 2 million, a historic 80.51% of Maricopa County voters, cast a ballot in the General Election, including a record-breaking 1.1 million voters who visited a Maricopa County Vote Center or Ballot Drop Box. The breakdown:
  • 993,000 returned an early ballot by mail
  • 1,109,000 voters used a Maricopa County Vote Center or Early Ballot Drop Box
  • 158,000 in person early voters
  • 51,000 in person emergency voting
  • 186,000 in person Election Day voter (includes provisional ballots)
  • 714,000 early ballot drop offs
Something way way sketchy with those sorts of numbers
In AZ a mail-in ballot could be mailed or hand delivered to a drop box. Once they flooded out the ballots, thsts how they got 81% record turnout. using bogus names on the voter roll to send ballots to bad addresses. Then collected and later on Muled in when they knew how many they needed.
I’m calling BS on this!

No way only 1 in 5 mail in votes were fraud.

It had to be closer to 3 in 5.

Plus I’d bet 98% of fraud mail ins were counted in the 16% of US counties “won” by the WEF American Flying Monkey PedoPete Showers with daughter Biden

Pennsylvania ballots shipped from NY via USPS. And Bill Barr screamed to not investigate the matter, which the driver of that USPS truck had sworn was true.
The breakdown:
  • 993,000 returned an early ballot by mail
  • 1,109,000 voters used a Maricopa County Vote Center or Early Ballot Drop Box
  • 158,000 in person early voters
  • 51,000 in person emergency voting
  • 186,000 in person Election Day voter (includes provisional ballots)
  • 714,000 early ballot drop offs
That doesn't add to 31 Million.
As Tucker Claims.
Pennsylvania ballots shipped from NY via USPS. And Bill Barr screamed to not investigate the matter, which the driver of that USPS truck had sworn was true.

Morgan claims he inadvertently drove the more than 300,000 "phony" ballots across state lines, helping Biden win the key battleground state of Pennsylvania. “I know I saw ballots with return addresses filled out,” Morgan said at the event hosted by the right-wing Thomas More Center. The event sought to continue propping up conspiracy theories of widespread voter fraud in the election. Morgan added that he saw “thousands of [ballots], thousands.”

It seems that the president is hanging on by a thread, based on the messy witnesses he's come to rely on this week. While Morgan claims to have seen 300,000 supposedly fraudulent ballots, he also says he sees — wait for it — dead people.

That’s right, Trump’s latest weapon in his voter suppression toolbox is a ghost-hunter who made a documentary from phone footage about how his family has been haunted by a “shadow person” who apparently hangs out in his basement, The Daily Beast reports. Morgan’s film, The Shadows Amongst Us, which you can find on Amazon, uses his now-private YouTube videos to prove that ghosts are indeed haunting his entire family, despite the fact that they live in different parts of the country.


Amazon product ASIN B083GJM2F8
Step 1: have to have a legit Voter roll. Cannot contain hundreds of thousand out of state, illegal immigrants, fake names-addresses. Those ballots were printed, mailed, harvested and used by corrupt DNC In the hundreds of thousands.
Not in Georgia, not in Arizona, not in Michigan, not in Pennsylvania and not in Wisconsin.

No ballots for the presidential election were mass mailed without an individual request by the registered legal voter, to the address the voter gave them when applying for the ballot.

Not in Georgia, not in Arizona, not in Michigan, not in Pennsylvania and not in Wisconsin.

No ballots for the presidential election were mass mailed without an individual request by the registered legal voter, to the address the voter gave them when applying for the ballot.

nice try dummy. The ballots for harvesting got out. Youve read the many ways but you’re OK with it. You’re a criminal supporting buffoon.//
Tucker Carlson is a fucking moronic grifter who is lying to you because you are dumbass rube

Keep on clinging, dumb rube!
Let's say you are honest and why I assume that makes no sense. Why due to what you said?
Of course, they were.

How else to explain Biden getting 81 million votes. No one can possibly believe that the guy hiding in the basement got 81 million votes.

POTATUS Biden was fraudulently elected. We all know it.

Dems have turned the country into a banana republic
Tuckers info was based on polling I think? Polls are MSM generated, skewed and often corrupt. I generally ignore all but the pole the shove up Killarys‘ butt to keep her from falling over in Central Park at the Scooby van you dumb OXYEN.
But you verified all of the votes for the blob...all 72M?


you’re dismissed... next!

True, Republicans could be cheating too and we wouldn’t know, at least not in mass. The mass mail-in ballot system implemented during COVID should be reversed. Lets’s go back to the pre-COVID voting laws. Guess which party doesn’t want that? That should tell you all you need to know about which party is benefitting most from any cheating that is taking place.

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