Tucker Carlson: 1 in 5 Mail-In Ballots Last Presidential Election Were Fraudulent


Morgan claims he inadvertently drove the more than 300,000 "phony" ballots across state lines, helping Biden win the key battleground state of Pennsylvania. “I know I saw ballots with return addresses filled out,” Morgan said at the event hosted by the right-wing Thomas More Center. The event sought to continue propping up conspiracy theories of widespread voter fraud in the election. Morgan added that he saw “thousands of [ballots], thousands.”

It seems that the president is hanging on by a thread, based on the messy witnesses he's come to rely on this week. While Morgan claims to have seen 300,000 supposedly fraudulent ballots, he also says he sees — wait for it — dead people.

That’s right, Trump’s latest weapon in his voter suppression toolbox is a ghost-hunter who made a documentary from phone footage about how his family has been haunted by a “shadow person” who apparently hangs out in his basement, The Daily Beast reports. Morgan’s film, The Shadows Amongst Us, which you can find on Amazon, uses his now-private YouTube videos to prove that ghosts are indeed haunting his entire family, despite the fact that they live in different parts of the country.


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Well, now I know it must be true….When a lib can’t refute they go into personal attack mode….
True, Republicans could be cheating too and we wouldn’t know, at least not in mass. The mass mail-in ballot system implemented during COVID should be reversed. Lets’s go back to the pre-COVID voting laws. Guess which party doesn’t want that? That should tell you all you need to know about which party is benefitting most from any cheating that is taking place.
Main in voting is safe, secure, and is not given to any more fraud than takes place in person. About 10% of the states run all their elections through mail in balloting; if you're registered to vote...you get a ballot in the mail. Until your blob lost an election, you guys never said two words about any of those elections being fraudulent. That should tell you all you need to know about why you think it's fraudulent....you sop up everything your cult leader tells you.

PS: He votes by mail. But don't let that enter into your "thought" process.
Main in voting is safe, secure, and is not given to any more fraud than takes place in person. About 10% of the states run all their elections through mail in balloting; if you're registered to vote...you get a ballot in the mail. Until your blob lost an election, you guys never said two words about any of those elections being fraudulent. That should tell you all you need to know about why you think it's fraudulent....you sop up everything your cult leader tells you.

PS: He votes by mail. But don't let that enter into your "thought" process.

Changes in voting in 2020 heavily benefitted Democrats. Mail-in voting was generally limited to exceptions. You are misinformed.
And, what does that have to do with anything?
It speaks to the quality of the "witness". One does have to wonder how a guy who drove a truck between post offices knew what was in envelopes but once he gets on the witness stand, we can ask him that. Oh wait...there is no case pending. He must be afraid of being convicted of perjury.
Really. Please list how changes in voting in the GENERAL election favored one party over the other.

It favors the party that has the will and the ability the cheat. It is an absolute farce that mail-in voting is safe and secure.

No. About 10% of the states do nothing but main in voting--if you're registered, you get a ballot in the mail.

Sure, and 80-90% of those states are deep blue. Democrats win those state regardless. There is no need to manipulate votes there. What changed in 2020 was that many red and swing states adopted the policy to allow mail-in voting for no reason at all. Cha-ching for the Democrats to pick up those states which allows them to cheat in a way that is virtually un-auditable, in mass. Why not go back to pre-COVID rules?
It speaks to the quality of the "witness". One does have to wonder how a guy who drove a truck between post offices knew what was in envelopes but once he gets on the witness stand, we can ask him that. Oh wait...there is no case pending. He must be afraid of being convicted of perjury.
Just one of the many cases that were dismissed due to corruption or cowardice…
It favors the party that has the will and the ability the cheat.
Often times those who are caught cheating are republicans. Do you deny this?

Are you going to provide some evidence of how laws were changed to favor democrats in the GENERAL election or just keep making incorrect statements.
It is an absolute farce that mail-in voting is safe and secure.
Well, the facts whisper louder than the lie you just told.

Several states do nothing but mail in voting. Lauren Boebert--conservative ass-hat from Colorado was elected with nothing but mail in ballots. Utah--brick red--all of their state and federal office holders--nothing but mail in ballots.

Are you saying none of them are legitimate?
Sure, and 80-90% of those states are deep blue. Democrats win those state regardless. There is no need to manipulate votes there. What changed in 2020 was that many red and swing states adopted the policy to allow mail-in voting for no reason at all. Cha-ching for the Democrats to pick up those states which allows them to cheat in a way that is virtually un-auditable, in mass. Why not go back to pre-COVID rules?

Well, people like the ease and convenience of voting by mail. You'd have to be a dumbass to think standing in line for hours is preferable to sitting in your kitchen and filling out the same form.

As for the supposed cheating...please show some proof.

Please tell us why the Democrats didn't sweep all of the state wide races in these states (states you're not mentioning of course). If they did cheat...they really sucked at it. The GOP gained 7 seats in the house. Care to explain that? Of course you don't.
Just one of the many cases that were dismissed due to corruption or cowardice…
Wow, thats gotta be frustrating. Oh well, sucks to be you. LOL 306>232 baby. CERTIFIED.

Gentlemen...start your whine fest!

I’d say there’s a reason most European
Countries outlaw mail In voting. It’s ripe with opportunities to cheat.
It is 100% guaranteed that if your blob loses, you'll scream voter fraud no matter what. Right?
Just like 100% guarantee that if you're demented, corrupt traitor wins there will be riots. Right?
Just like 100% guarantee that if you're demented, corrupt traitor wins there will be riots. Right?
If you’re talking about Biden...I’m sure there will be some sporadic unrest. If you’re talking about a 1/6 style insurrection attempt...nah, that what you guys do.

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