Democrats are wrong: they need a more liberal agenda to succeed!


Litre of the Band
Aug 14, 2005
Long Beach, Ca
Democrats are not going to make any kind of comeback if they keep buying this right wing economic garbage coming from that side. According to a new poll of 18-40 year olds:
  • 65.8% want Citizens United overturned and the Voting Rights Act enforced
  • 75.6% want Medicare for all Americans
  • 84.5% want stronger environmental policies
  • 65.0% want the government to step in when the private sector doesn't create jobs
  • 72.0% want free public education
  • 75.1% want an impartial criminal justice system
  • 68.2% want every resident to have a pathway to citizenship
  • 59.0% want public banks to counter Wall Streets' predatory lending
  • 49.0% want a tax on stocks, bonds and derivatives
  • 72.1% want a 1% wealth tax on people making over $10 million a year
"...mainstream Democrats have convinced themselves, that despite the Sanders surge, most Americans do not support bold policies to reverse runaway inequality. These officials believe that most Americans reject "socialistic" programs."

They are wrong! You can have socialist programs that benefit all Americans and still be a capitalist society. If Democrats want to get elected in the upcoming mid-terms, then they need to stop acting like the right and stop embracing their mantra-fic horseshit.
Democrats are not going to make any kind of comeback if they keep buying this right wing economic garbage coming from that side. According to a new poll of 18-40 year olds:
  • 65.8% want Citizens United overturned and the Voting Rights Act enforced
  • 75.6% want Medicare for all Americans
  • 84.5% want stronger environmental policies
  • 65.0% want the government to step in when the private sector doesn't create jobs
  • 72.0% want free public education
  • 75.1% want an impartial criminal justice system
  • 68.2% want every resident to have a pathway to citizenship
  • 59.0% want public banks to counter Wall Streets' predatory lending
  • 49.0% want a tax on stocks, bonds and derivatives
  • 72.1% want a 1% wealth tax on people making over $10 million a year
"...mainstream Democrats have convinced themselves, that despite the Sanders surge, most Americans do not support bold policies to reverse runaway inequality. These officials believe that most Americans reject "socialistic" programs."

They are wrong! You can have socialist programs that benefit all Americans and still be a capitalist society. If Democrats want to get elected in the upcoming mid-terms, then they need to stop acting like the right and stop embracing their mantra-fic horseshit. That's who did the study?

enough said. That's who did the study?

enough said.
You doubting my poll? This is a liberal country, dude. The future is in a liberal economy and the Democrats are not going to replace you corporate whores without our help. The only reason you 1% bitches are in office, is because "we" were punishing the Dems for being too "right" in their legislation and not fulfilling their campaign promises. The Dems aren't going anywhere trying to be Republican-lite.

The future of jobs in this country is with sustainable energy, not fossil fuel that makes life uninhabitable. You little fossil ho's can spew all the BS you want to spew, in the end it won't matter, you'll be about as relevant as the Whig party.

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