Democrats Believe They Have The Right To Use The IRS To Attack Us


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Democrats Unleash the IRS Tyrant
March 7, 2014
By Karin McQuillan

Lois Lerner did not flinch from using the IRS to persecute conservative citizens groups and corrupt the 2012 election. Once again she has taken the Fifth rather than come clean to Congress about what the IRS did to squelch the Tea Party and others, and who ordered it. President Obama brazenly lies to Bill O’Reilly’s face and says there’s not a smidgeon of scandal. This is an unrepentant crew.

Obama is channeling Clinton’s famous hair-splitting on whether oral sex is sex. It all depends how you define scandal. Since Democrats believe they have the right to use the IRS to persecute political opponents, perhaps in Obama’s eyes, there is no scandal.

Democrats are embracing their inner tyrant. Voters tell pollsters they are ready to hand the Senate to Republicans in 2014 so we can repeal Obamacare. Not to worry, Democrats have an answer, and it is not to respect their constituents and repeal the monstrosity.

The Democrat answer to the voter’s revolt is the IRS. From now on, the IRS will openly suppress the conservative vote.

The White House is working to make permanent the IRS targeting of opposition groups before the 2014 election. According to Kim Strassel of the Wall Street Journal, “Treasury appears to have reverse-engineered the carefully tailored rule—combing through the list of previously targeted tea party groups, compiling a list of their main activities and then restricting those functions.”

Texas's Ted Cruz offered an amendment to prohibit IRS employees from deliberately targeting individuals or groups based on political views. It was unanimously rejected by every member of the Democratic majority.

Democrats have no qualms of conscience in sending the IRS after conservatives. Opposition to utopia is by definition illegitimate. Last week, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid thundered that Americans are un-American for running ads protesting Obamacare. Governor Cuomo of New York told conservatives they should leave his state. Democrat Congressmen gave Obama a standing ovation when he asserted a regal privilege to suspend or change laws at will.

Democrats don’t actually want a free country any more, where others can disagree and sometimes win. Opposition is an outrage to these new Democrats. They think the first black president has the right to rule unopposed.

In election campaign of 2010, Obama made a dozen speeches with McCarthyite claims:

All around this country there are groups with harmless-sounding names like Americans for Prosperity, who are running millions of dollars of ads against Democratic candidates . . . You don't know if it's a foreign-controlled corporation.

In March of 2010, the IRS began to flag Tea Party groups for special scrutiny. By July 2011, President Obama’s approval rating hit a low of 41%, the lowest of his presidency.

That month, Carter Hull, a 48 year veteran at the agency, was told by Lois Lerner’s office that he was no longer authorized to review 501(c)4 applications from conservative groups. They were all to be routed to Counsel Wilkin’s office. Yet Wilkins told Congress under oath that he knew nothing about it.

There are 100,000 employees at the IRS. Two are handpicked by Obama. One is William Wilkins, Chief Counsel of the IRS, the other is IRS Director Doug Shulman.

Wilkins. He’s a longtime Obama crony and Democratic donor who earned his spurs by successfully defending, pro bono, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright (Yes, that Rev. Wright) from charges that his radical politicization of his pulpit should deny his church tax-exempt status.

When Hull disagreed with the counsel’s office and Lerner about how the Tea Party cases should be handled, the files were taken away from him and transferred to a woman with only several months experience at the IRS.

Hull also described a meeting about the Tea Party applications on Aug. 4, 2011, where the IRS chief counsel's office had three representatives present.

On April 23, 2012 Wilkins met with President Obama at the White House. On April 24, 2012, the other Obama appointee, IRS Director Douglas Shulman, met with Obama. On April 25, one day later, the IRS revised the criteria by which to harass the Tea Party.

Over one hundred conservative groups were stonewalled and harassed, and lost their opportunity to take part in the 2012 election.

The IRS targeted individuals as well as groups. Obama’s campaign published names of individual Republican donors and called them crooked businessmen. These blameless citizens were soon audited by the IRS. The IRS leaked confidential tax information on prominent conservatives to Obama’s Economic Advisor, who leaked it to the liberal press, where they were vilified. In other cases, the IRS leaked confidential tax returns of Republican donors in Texas. A pro-marriage group had their tax return sent to their political opponents.

Articles: Democrats Unleash the IRS Tyrant

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The article never mentions the other groups that had the same thing happen to them...

Why don't you enlighten us.

It's one thing to claim you've been audited, and yet another to claim you've been harassed.

There is a difference. Everyone eventually gets audited, but this nonsense of perpetual audits has been going on for 5 years for some. First it was conservative talkshow hosts, then it branched out to anyone who dared to give money to conservative candidates. Then private information found during these audits found it's way into the news in an attempt to trash the reputation of donors.

This goes beyond a simple IRS audit.

Who is tasked with enforcement of Obamacare?

The IRS.
Again, are you really claiming you wingnuts wouldn't know how to vote against Obama unless the Koch Brothers funnelled a bunch of money to you through a fraudulent tax exemption?

Is this your story, spanky?

“This settlement demonstrates the positive impact citizens can have when they demand better accuracy in voting records,” True the Vote President Catherine Engelbrecht said. “Every person fundamentally understands the problems that come with bloated voter rolls and inefficient maintenance processes. This settlement – under Secretary Jon Husted’s leadership – will bring Ohio much closer to being on the cutting edge of smart voting policy that holds records and officials accountable."

“Election officials in the State of Ohio are to be commended for shouldering their responsibility to maintain clean voter registration lists. This is a historic settlement, the first of its kind in the history of the National Voter Registration Act. Dirty election rolls can lead to voter and election fraud. Under the terms of this groundbreaking settlement, the people of Ohio can now rest easier that their elections will be cleaner, beginning with the 2014 elections. The problem of dirty rolls is a nationwide problem, and Ohio’s good faith steps to address it can serve as a model for other states,” stated Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.

Truth the Vote full throttle......................

A TEA Party org..........Carry's on after repeated attacks by the IRS...............

Liberals have failed to stop them with their abuse of Gov't abuse of power.........

As Lois still takes the 5th because she knows she's guilty as hell................

Democrats are busy trying to change IRS rules to make it legal to harass conservatives:

February 10, 2014 by Matthew Vadum

Republicans are fighting back against proposed new IRS rules that they say would make formal the tax agency’s infamous crackdown on Tea Party groups that oppose the Obama agenda, stripping them of their free speech rights during election cycles.

“Every American needs to know about this abuse of power,” Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky) said in a recent speech on the Senate floor. “Let me be clear: What the administration is proposing poses a grave threat to the ability of ordinary Americans to freely participate in the Democratic process.”

The new rules, first unveiled around Thanksgiving when no one was paying attention, would prevent so-called 501c4 advocacy groups from participating in certain kinds of political activity. Such nonprofit organizations would be prevented from communicating with voters about candidates or political parties within 60 days of a general election.

On the House side, Speaker John Boehner (Ohio), Majority Leader Eric Cantor (Va.), Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy (Calif.), Cathy McMorris Rodgers (Wash.), Dave Camp (Mich.), and Hal Rogers (Ky.) have signed a letter asking newly minted IRS chief John Koskinen to kill new proposed regulations dating from November that they say are intended to silence conservative groups.

On the Senate side, Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (Ky.), Minority Whip John Cornyn (Texas), John Thune (S.D.), Orrin Hatch (Utah), and Richard Shelby (Ala.) also signed the letter that suggests Koskinen would be perceived as a puppet of the Obama White House if he didn’t pull back from the regulations. In the Obama era IRS officials have been accused of spending an inordinate amount of time at the White House and getting far too cozy with top administration figures.

“It is our view that finalizing this proposed rule would make intimidation and harassment of the administration’s political opponents the official policy of the IRS and would allow the Obama administration to use your agency as a partisan tool,” the lawmakers said in the letter.

“This would be a serious error, especially in the light of the recent track record of intimidation at the IRS. It would also cement your reputation as someone who is unable or unwilling to restore the public’s faith in this important agency.”

Republican Leaders Fight Back Against IRS Power Grab | FrontPage Magazine


Let's be clear on what happened here. These Tea Party groups COULD have filed as 527 groups. They still get tax exemptions but have to disclose their donors.

The instead filed as 501C4 groups, trying to hide who their donors were.


Friday, January 24, 2014

Chuck Schumer, the Senate’s No. 3 Democrat, thinks the Internal Revenue Service hasn’t done enough to silence the Tea Party. He wants the White House and the IRS to “immediately redouble” efforts to shut down conservative political-action groups through tougher government oversight and enforcement.

The Tea Party opposes much of President Obama’s agenda, and to Mr. Schumer, that’s both a sin and a crime.

In a speech last week to the liberal Center for American Progress, the senior senator from New York said, “There are many things that can be done administratively by the IRS and other government agencies” to silence groups that obstruct Democratic policies.

When several dozen conservative organizations applied to the IRS for nonprofit status in the run-up to the 2012 elections, they had to struggle through bureaucratic roadblocks and obstacles while the applications of liberal groups sailed through without a hitch. The government insisted this was mere coincidence, but Mr. Schumer’s remarks revealed the fire under the smoke.

In late November, the Treasury Department introduced a new rule to “redefine and restrict” the political activities of nonprofits. The administration says the revised regulations are needed to improve the way such organizations are regulated, but it’s obvious the rules were changed to thwart the legitimate politicking of the Tea Party.

Liberals just can’t get over the Citizens United decision by the Supreme Court that guaranteed the free speech of everyone. They can’t get over the plain and unambiguous language of the First Amendment that citizens have the right of free speech and the right to petition the government, even harass the government, whether the government likes it or not.

What they despise most of all is that the Supreme Court leveled the playing field, enabling conservative billionaires to spend their money as freely as liberal billionaires such as George Soros spend theirs to win friends and influence as many voters as they can.

“The fundamental weakness in the Tea Party machine,” Mr. Schumer said, “is the stark difference between what the leaders of the Tea Party elite, plutocrats like the Koch Brothers, want and what the average grass-roots Tea Party follower wants … . Obviously, the Tea Party elites gained extraordinary influence by being able to funnel millions of dollars into campaigns with ads that distort the truth and attack government.” His solution to a level playing field is IRS harassment.

The latest group harassed by the IRS might be the smallest in America; namely, conservatives in Hollywood. An organization known as Friends of Abe, named for Abraham Lincoln, is trying to get tax-exempt status. The IRS is doing what it can to scuttle the application and wants to see the organization’s membership list.

The actors, directors and writers who are Friends of Abe are wary of coming out of the closet where traditional values are often hidden in Hollywood. Nothing threatens a promising career in Tinseltown faster than exposure as a Republican or other conservative.

In a just world, the Center for American Progress, the 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that hosted Mr. Schumer’s call for government harassment of conservatives groups, would get similar scrutiny.

In the negotiations over the budget, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell attempted to stop the IRS chicanery. Politico, the Capitol Hill daily, reported that Mr. McConnell submitted language to scuttle the revised IRS rules. Democrats blocked the attempt, even after Republicans agreed to a sweetener of more money for the International Monetary Fund, a Democratic favorite.

Strengthening the IRS‘ ability to make trouble for conservatives in politics is a priority for Mr. Obama and Harry Reid, the leader of the Democratic majority in the Senate. They regard the IRS scandal not as a scandal, but as a starting point for suppressing enemies.

Read more: EDITORIAL: Chuck Schumer urges IRS to harass Tea Party groups into silence - Washington Times
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True the Vote - Doc. 65 - Response to Government MTD

The Government has asked the case be dismissed stating that they have been granted their 501 status and therefore there isn't a case anymore...................

Yet the case goes on, as Truth the Vote refuses to yield the 3 year abuse by the IRS.

This hasn't ended, and they are prepared to battle the IRS in the courts.

This isn't over, and before it's over Lois will have to again invoke the 5th in a court of law and not in front of a committee.
Progressives have different Founding Fathers than us.

Our Founding Fathers wanted to limit the role of the Federal government in the role of our lives, they are more in line with Dictators and Tyrants like Mao, Stalin, Hitler and Fidel. It's a different philosophy
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Let's be clear on what happened here. These Tea Party groups COULD have filed as 527 groups. They still get tax exemptions but have to disclose their donors.

The instead filed as 501C4 groups, trying to hide who their donors were.

There's the rub.

Especially with this administration, being able to donate in secrecy is essential, to avoid political persecution.

You do not have to reveal who your donors are. You just have to prove that donors are from this country.

Strange, Obama removed the security from his website during the last elections so anyone could give money to his campaign. It was discovered that he was getting money from foreign donors, which is illegal. No charges were filed.
Progressive have different Founding Fathers than us.

Our Founding Fathers wanted to limit the role of the Federal government in the role of our lives: they are more in line with Dictators and Tyrants like Mao, Stalin, Hitler and Fidel. It's a different philosophy

No, we just don't think that slave rapists who bled people to treat Strep Throat are really the best place to go for advice on how to run a modern industrial democracy.

"OH, my God, you won't let me apply for a fraudelent tax deduction, just like Hitler!!!"

Do you guys ever realize how crazy you sound most of the time?
The New Rules being attempted by the IRS are to RE-DEFINE the terms of 501's saying it's to fix the problem..............

BS......It's about trying to change the wording so they can refuse the status of Conservative groups.........and cover their butts for targeting Conservative groups...............

This whole issue will not be settled in the Congressional Hearings.............

It will be settled in the courts as the groups targeted are striking back against the Gov't and more specifically the IRS..............

Later, and even now individuals like Lerner will be sued directly by these groups..........This is only the tip of the ice berg as people FIGHT BACK against the abuses.
Since most Americans struggle with how to fill out Schedule A, you really aren't going to get much upset outside the Hate Radio Fever Swamps.

Yup yup.

Keep em dumb and misinformed.

That's your only recourse.

Meh, guy, I think both sides are equally guilty of feeding the electorate bullshit, but the real problem is most of you don't really want to challenge yourselves.

When I was a right winger, I listened to Limbaugh and bought every dollop of bullshit he ladeled out.

And then my ex-boss showed me the TRUE MEANING of Christmas.

Simply put, the bottom line on this is that some political groups couldn't get a fraudulent tax deduction. Just can't see anyone getting all that worked up about it, and no one really is outside or your little circle.

Now, if you guys were a serious political movement, you'd be taking this oppurtunity to challenge how convoluted and confusing the tax code is. Because honestly, you can call the IRS with the same question three times and get three different answers because even THEY aren't sure what the law is on certain things.

But, no, no, it's much easier to feed the wingnut obsession that they were somehow "robbed" in 2012 when they lost by 6 million votes.
Progressive have different Founding Fathers than us.

Our Founding Fathers wanted to limit the role of the Federal government in the role of our lives: they are more in line with Dictators and Tyrants like Mao, Stalin, Hitler and Fidel. It's a different philosophy

No, we just don't think that slave rapists who bled people to treat Strep Throat are really the best place to go for advice on how to run a modern industrial democracy.

"OH, my God, you won't let me apply for a fraudelent tax deduction, just like Hitler!!!"

Do you guys ever realize how crazy you sound most of the time?

Do you realize how crazy you sound?

I'm not sure which country you're from but it's clear you hate America.

Why don't you move to Russia, where they think like you and they have leaders you can respect?
Progressive have different Founding Fathers than us.

Our Founding Fathers wanted to limit the role of the Federal government in the role of our lives: they are more in line with Dictators and Tyrants like Mao, Stalin, Hitler and Fidel. It's a different philosophy

No, we just don't think that slave rapists who bled people to treat Strep Throat are really the best place to go for advice on how to run a modern industrial democracy.

"OH, my God, you won't let me apply for a fraudelent tax deduction, just like Hitler!!!"

Do you guys ever realize how crazy you sound most of the time?

because the places where Progressives have the most influence arent dirty, corrupt fetid examples of everything the Left claims to be against
The New Rules being attempted by the IRS are to RE-DEFINE the terms of 501's saying it's to fix the problem..............

BS......It's about trying to change the wording so they can refuse the status of Conservative groups.........and cover their butts for targeting Conservative groups...............

This whole issue will not be settled in the Congressional Hearings.............

It will be settled in the courts as the groups targeted are striking back against the Gov't and more specifically the IRS..............

Later, and even now individuals like Lerner will be sued directly by these groups..........This is only the tip of the ice berg as people FIGHT BACK against the abuses.

You can only sue the government if the government allows itself to be sued...

But I have a question. Exactly what are you guys fighting for here? The right of shadowy rich people to secretly fund political groups with no accountablity of where the money is coming from?

You actually think this is a good thing?

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