Democrats can't even give away tickets to Hillary campaign events


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2006
Last night Hillary held a campaign speech and dinner event in Virginia. Tickets were supposed to cost from $30 to $125 each. But in the last hours, people started receiving plaintive emails from the Democrat Party begging people to come in for free.

Even funnier was one venue that had 10,000 seats. Democrats were last heard actually bragging that they had sold a whopping 2,000 tickets!

These people will never stop trying to fake success to their unquestioning base, even as it dwindles to nothing.


Democrats giving away tickets to Hillary Clinton speech - Business Insider

Virginia Democrats gave away tickets to a Hillary Clinton speech

Hunter Walker
Jun. 26, 2015, 6:29 PM

The Democratic Party of Virginia is currently giving away free tickets to an event featuring Hillary Clinton on Friday night.

Clinton is headlining the party's annual Jefferson-Jackson dinner on Friday evening. Though the event is raising money for the Virginia Democrats rather than her presidential bid, it is considered an important campaign appearance for Clinton. The dinner is Clinton's first campaign stop in Virginia, a crucial swing state. It's also one of her first stops outside of the early primary states.

Tickets for the event are being sold for $30 and $125. However, on Friday afternoon, some Virginia Democrats received an email advertising "FREE TICKETS" to the dinner. The email was given to Business Insider by a source. It contained a promotional code to get $30 tickets to the event for free.

An operative for one of the Republican 2016 candidates joked that the ticket giveaway showed Clinton is having trouble generating enthusiasm.

"How bad is it out there for Hillary? She's gone from paid speeches to paying people to hear her speeches," the operative said, referencing the past controversy over Clinton's speaking fees.

Earlier this month there was another event featuring Clinton that had empty seats. Page Six reported a "just for women" fundraiser for Clinton on June 1 was opened to men "at the 11th hour" after some of the $2,700 tickets went unsold.

Clinton's campaign did not respond to a request for comment about the Jefferson-Jackson dinner, but Virginia Democratic Party Communications Director Stephen Carter told Business Insider that this year's event raised more money than it ever has before. The dinner is taking place in the 10,000-seat Patriot Center at George Mason University.

Carter said it sold "over 2,000 tickets and raised over $1 million."
2,000 tickets were all that were made available, and the event broke the record for most funds collected in its history.
My gawd, have you heard woman speak?

one sentence and you're asleep or wish someone would put you out your misery. She has some nerve running after all the Scandals. first with the lies on Benghazi and how she was against homosexuals marrying before she was for it and lets not forget: Her and Billy taking billions of dollars FROM Foreigners TO SELL US OUT

It doesn't matter our ELECTIONS ARE NOW A complete joke and a waste of our time. they will put in who they want. they have those MACHINES and the SUPREMES

Or Obama would have never been elected or Re-elected
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Hillary is 60 points ahead of his nearest rival for her 2020 reelection, she might win all 57 states!
"But in the last hours, people started receiving plaintive emails from the Democrat Party begging people to come in for free."

Now, a truly evil person would see this as an opportunity to promise the available homeless a free meal...
I have no issues voting for her and even I'd only pay up if she, and all the rest, would go away and shut the fuck up for a year.
I guess she was in Indianapolis this past week or so, my mom said there wasn't much excitement. She didn't even realize she was there until the following day

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