Democrats can't use Trump as an excuse not to hold Biden accountable

If Republicans are wondering why no one cares what they think about Tara Reade, it’s because no one cares about criticism from people with no standards.

No, we don't wonder why no one cares, because you people have never cared. You never had a standard. You never had moral values.

No Republican anywhere on this forum, is "wondering why" left-wingers and Democrats don't care. We know. Trust me, there isn't a single Republican anywhere on this forum, that is wondering why you people don't care.

The only thing we might sometimes wonder, is what pathetic useless bits of trash parents, raised such hypocritical people. You defend every disgusting perverted sexual predictor in congress, support every pathological liar you can.... and then cry "yeah well .... dur other people have no standards!"....


But no... no one is wondering what left-wingers don't care. We know. We all know.
Nonsense. We got Weinstein prosecuted. We got Cosby prosecuted. Hell, we got Epstein prosecuted. That wasn’t Republicans. If we had followed these informal rules Republicans set out for allegations of sexual abuse, none of them wild have faced any repercussions.

Furthermore, the thing that you’ll notice from these three examples is a pattern of abuse. Dozens of women (and unfortunate girls) described sexual abuse from these individuals. There’s a pattern of abuse with Trump. There’s not with Biden.

You didn't do that. The women charged him with crimes. You didn't do any of that.

You had a chance to support raped women, when Clinton was in office. You didn't.

Instead, you had a lady with zero evidence at all, and supported her against Bret Kavanough.

Then you had another chance with recent allegations against Biden, and you say not to believe them, and keep supporting Biden.

Every chance you've had to support justice, and women who really have been wronged, you choose not to.

Now you want to sit here and latch onto other people's success and claim you had anything to do with it.

Heck, even your own left-wing pro-socialist news media outlets stopped the story. Of course breaking that story, and finding out that Clinton had been on the Epistein plane a half dozen times, might have hurt Hillary Clinton.

Gee... wonder why that story didn't air on the far-left-wing outlet? "We got" who prosecuted? Yeah, just claiming others actions for yourself. Liars. All of you are liars.

Pat yourself on the back, but no one else will.

I was a teenager during the Clinton Administration is I don’t know what you’re accusing me of.

Victims don’t charge. The prosecutor does. Charges weren’t filed until we started listening to women and taking them seriously. These women only came forward when they knew they were going to be taken seriously and not viciously attacked as we see is the case when people come out against Republicans. We created the environment that allowed the to happen. We did it despite people like you. If we had continued to play by the same set of rules Republicans have set for their own standard, it never would have happened

Tara Reade is being taken seriously. She isn’t being viciously attacked.

This is the right way to handle it.

And how did Epstein get busted in the end? You criticize the left wing media. It wasn’t the right wing media that hounded the story. It wasn’t Republicans. It was a liberal newspaper that made it happen. The Miami herald. You can thank them sometime if you want.

I was a teenager during the Clinton Administration is I don’t know what you’re accusing me of.

So was I. I remember everything that happened.

You support Democrats, when they defended every violation of law in the past, and still do to this day.

That's what I'm accusing you of.

And how did Epstein get busted in the end?

Sure, after Hillary bombed out, and there was no potential damage to Democrats from blowing Epstein, yeah you really care about justice when it won't harm your power grab.

Sure, justice really matters, and you should believe all women... until some women make completely credible claims against Biden, and then when it will harm your power grab.... no more #metoo and Believe all women again.

I guarantee you, that if the evidence showed Biden was involved with Epstein, he wouldn't have been busted now.

You can deny that, but that's just because your are a hypocrite wanting to hold onto your fake virtue.
You don’t know what you’re accusing me of. You’re just trying to find something to hold against me so that you can ignore whatever I say.

The idea that Epstein’s story was scuttled due to the Clinton’s is baseless. Trump was far more closely associated, and there were numerous stories during the time that linked both people to Epstein. It came out when it did because that’s when the movement happened and that’s when women started feeling comfortable telling their stories. After we started tearing down the old rules that you seem to want to defend. Your building a case on hypotheticals and counter-factual. Not a strong argument because although it can’t be disproven, it can never been proven. But you’re not worried about that. You’re just looking to attack.

Why should anyone care about your attacks on virtues when you have none? Tara Reade is being treated seriously. She is being listened to. It’s far more than anyone can say about how people who have credible allegations against Trump. The difference is Trump (and Epstein, and Weinstein and Cosby) have a pattern of abuse. Biden does not. He me allegations are no more credible than the allegations of people the right wing has savagely and viciously attacked.
Biden has been much more respectful of her accusations- denying them to be sure- than Trump ever was about his accusers.

Please, Biden called her a liar.
I can't find any record of Biden calling her a liar. Perhaps you were confused- because the one flat out openly calling his accusers liars- was your Dear Leader.

Here is what Biden said:

I knew we had to change not only the law, but the culture. ... I recognize my responsibility to be a voice, an advocate, and a leader for the change in culture that has begun but is nowhere near finished. So I want to address allegations by a former staffer that I engaged in misconduct 27 years ago. They aren't true.

Now let us compare this to Trump's response to some of the 25 women that have accused him:
Trump Assails his Accusers as Liars, and Unattractive

On Thursday, he said of Stoynoff, “Look at her, look at her words, you tell me what you think. I don’t think so.”
“She is a liar,” he said. “Check out her Facebook page, you’ll understand.”

"These vicious claims about me, of inappropriate conduct with women, are totally and absolutely false. And the Clintons know it," Trump declared. His accusers, he said, "are horrible people. They're horrible, horrible liars."
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