Democrats can't use Trump as an excuse not to hold Biden accountable

while all the morons supported the pussy grabber?? Why don't you just shut up instead of making more of an idiot out of yourself ? And no, assaulting women is not right and if all who did stepped down you'd have no president or congress Bunch of fn hypocrites

It's not about us or Trump. This is about Biden and the Democratic party who just told women they believed them, supported them, and they would not stand for women being sexually assaulted. Well until one of their own was accused and this became inconvenient.
while all the morons supported the pussy grabber?? Why don't you just shut up instead of making more of an idiot out of yourself ? And no, assaulting women is not right and if all who did stepped down you'd have no president or congress Bunch of fn hypocrites

It's not about us or Trump. This is about Biden and the Democratic party who just told women they believed them, supported them, and they would not stand for women being sexually assaulted. Well until one of their own was accused and this became inconvenient.
sure it's not about you or trump never is.... just keep blaming dems for same things repubs stepped on the law and got away with
sure it's not about you or trump never is.... just keep blaming dems for same things repubs stepped on the law and got away with

This is 100% a Dem matter. A lifelong Dem working as a Dem staffer allegedly sexually assaulted by a Dem senator who's the presumptive Dem presidential nominee. That's a lot of Dem and zero Rep.
What do you imagine Biden needs to be held accountable for?

Sexually assaulting a young Democrat staffer in the workplace.
You mean like how Republicans held Trump accountable for sexually assaulting or raping:
Karen Johnson at Mar-a-Lago?
E. Jean Carroll in a department store?
Cassandra Searles at her workplace?
Summer Zervos at a meeting?
Ninni Laaksonen backstage at David Letterman?
Natasha Stoynoff also at Mar-a-Lago?
Mindy McGillivray also at Mar-a-Lago
Jill Harth also at Mar-a-Lago
Kristin Anderson at a nightclub
Jessica Leeds on a flight

You mean like that?

Go start your court case against Trump. If convicted, works for me.

Well that opens all sorts of can's of worms.

This is a thread about 'holding Biden' accountable- and I don't remember you saying the same thing about Biden.

That being said- Trump is fighting very, very hard to stop the lawsuits filed by his accusers from ever getting into court.

Well yeah, of course he is.

And you point is what? Would you not defend yourself, best you can?

You know Clinton did the same thing multiple times? Does that indicate that Clinton was guilty?

Again... the standard that was used in the past, is being used now. How you can complain? I can almost guarantee that if Bill Clinton had been deserted by Democrats in the 90s, not only would Trump likely be removed from office today, but more likely, he never would have been elected.

Your side created a standard. Now you die by that standard. Look in the mirror every single time you complain about how Trump got in office, and is still there. The mirror is your answer.
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No- I am saying that Democrats take charges of sexual assault seriously

Apparently not when its one of their own. Look Dems had to be dragged kicking and screaming to condemn Harvey Weinstein so we get it, it was all a show. A sound bite. A means to fool the very women the Dem party abuses.

Wow- see the thing is there are persons you could probably make a good case for that the Democrats didn't go hard on the accusations.
But Harvey Weinstein?

For years- accusations against men like Harvey Weinstein, Bill Cosby and Donald Trump were pretty much ignored- by everyone. And that was wrong- and we were all wrong to be silent about the accusations. But unlike Republicans with Trump, Democrats did condemn Harvey Weinstein- and applauded his arrest and conviction.

Meanwhile- the Republican Party continues to support a man accused by as many women as Harvey Weinstein was. Donald Trump who actually bragged about how he would sexually assault women.

The Republicans literally elected a man who bragged about how he could sexually assault women. When there were women who were literally accusing Trump of doing exactly what he bragged he would do to women.

Unlike you regarding the accusations against Trump, I take Tara Reides accusations seriously and if I am convinced she was sexually assaulted by Joe Biden as she claims- I not only won't vote for Joe, I will call for him to pull his nomination.

But no Trumpkin will ever care about whether Trump assaulted any of these women- as a Trump supporter stated earlier in this thread- Trump is a 'stud'- in the eyes of Trump supporters sexual assault only is a concern when a Democrat is accused. They expect that kind of behavior from Trump.
sure it's not about you or trump never is.... just keep blaming dems for same things repubs stepped on the law and got away with

This is 100% a Dem matter. A lifelong Dem working as a Dem staffer allegedly sexually assaulted by a Dem senator who's the presumptive Dem presidential nominee. That's a lot of Dem and zero Rep.
And that is the reason why you don't care about the 25 women who accused Trump of rape and sexual assault?
Or that Trump bragged about sexually assaulting women?
Your said created a standard. Now you die by that standard. Look in the mirror every single time you complain about how Trump got in office, and is still there. The mirror is your answer.

Dems have been flip flopping for decades. This doesn't bother them or shame them, they just shrug and say meh.
What do you imagine Biden needs to be held accountable for?

Sexually assaulting a young Democrat staffer in the workplace.
You mean like how Republicans held Trump accountable for sexually assaulting or raping:
Karen Johnson at Mar-a-Lago?
E. Jean Carroll in a department store?
Cassandra Searles at her workplace?
Summer Zervos at a meeting?
Ninni Laaksonen backstage at David Letterman?
Natasha Stoynoff also at Mar-a-Lago?
Mindy McGillivray also at Mar-a-Lago
Jill Harth also at Mar-a-Lago
Kristin Anderson at a nightclub
Jessica Leeds on a flight

You mean like that?

Go start your court case against Trump. If convicted, works for me.

Well that opens all sorts of can's of worms.

This is a thread about 'holding Biden' accountable- and I don't remember you saying the same thing about Biden.

That being said- Trump is fighting very, very hard to stop the lawsuits filed by his accusers from ever getting into court.

Well yeah, of course he is.

And you point is what? Would you not defend yourself, best you can?

You know Clinton did the same thing multiple times? Does that indicate that Clinton was guilty?

Again... the standard that was used in the past, is being used now. How you can complain? I can almost guarantee that if Bill Clinton had been deserted by Democrats in the 90s, not only would Trump likely be removed from office today, but more likely, he never would have been elected.

Your said created a standard. Now you die by that standard. Look in the mirror every single time you complain about how Trump got in office, and is still there. The mirror is your answer.
What 'standard' is that?

All I am seeing is a bunch of Trump supporters- who have attacked every accuser of Trump as liars and evil people- who defended Trump's bragging of sexually assaulting women as just 'locker room talk' - suddenly finding a new 'standard' that still somehow doesn't apply to Trump.

The difference between yourself and me is that I am willing to weigh the charges against Biden- and if I decide that they are credible I will not support him.
But I will not be voting for a man who bragged about sexually assaulting women. You will never consider any accusation against Trump credible- and you will vote for him again knowing he has bragged about sexually assaulting women.
Your said created a standard. Now you die by that standard. Look in the mirror every single time you complain about how Trump got in office, and is still there. The mirror is your answer.

Dems have been flip flopping for decades. This doesn't bother them or shame them, they just shrug and say meh.

Republicans have been supporting conmen and sexual predators for decades. This doesn't bother them or shame them, they in fact consider them to be models for their community.
Your said created a standard. Now you die by that standard. Look in the mirror every single time you complain about how Trump got in office, and is still there. The mirror is your answer.

Dems have been flip flopping for decades. This doesn't bother them or shame them, they just shrug and say meh.

Republicans have been supporting conmen and sexual predators for decades. This doesn't bother them or shame them, they in fact consider them to be models for their community.

That makes it okay for Dems to do it? Here I'll just laugh in your face :auiqs.jpg:
Your said created a standard. Now you die by that standard. Look in the mirror every single time you complain about how Trump got in office, and is still there. The mirror is your answer.

Dems have been flip flopping for decades. This doesn't bother them or shame them, they just shrug and say meh.

Republicans have been supporting conmen and sexual predators for decades. This doesn't bother them or shame them, they in fact consider them to be models for their community.

Again.... Bill Clinton. Ted Kenedy literally killed a lady, and you guys didn't even bring charges.

I can list many others too.

Your side set a standard. Now you are crying about it.

Well tough. No cares what you think about us, when you are not only just as guilty, but worse.

Again... tough. We don't care. You defended sexual predators for decades on end, and now you are complaining about defending sexual predators for decades.

Cry somewhere else little hypocrite. You set the standard.... you want to cry about it, cry to your mirror. You did this. You did.

I guarantee you the Conservative voters of the Reagan generation would never have put Trump in office.

But you destroyed that with Clinton. Now you want to cry? Tough. Blame yourself.
If Republicans are wondering why no one cares what they think about Tara Reade, it’s because no one cares about criticism from people with no standards.

No, we don't wonder why no one cares, because you people have never cared. You never had a standard. You never had moral values.

No Republican anywhere on this forum, is "wondering why" left-wingers and Democrats don't care. We know. Trust me, there isn't a single Republican anywhere on this forum, that is wondering why you people don't care.

The only thing we might sometimes wonder, is what pathetic useless bits of trash parents, raised such hypocritical people. You defend every disgusting perverted sexual predictor in congress, support every pathological liar you can.... and then cry "yeah well .... dur other people have no standards!"....


But no... no one is wondering what left-wingers don't care. We know. We all know.
So stop trying to make that bullshit argument.
Nah. First, Biden’s accuser’s story already fell apart. Second, you don’t get to say that Democrats should do some soul searching over Biden, when Trump has 25 accusers and Republicans have had no interest in hearing their stories.

Thanks for the concern, but you can take your “advice” and fuck off down the road with it, MAGAt scum :fu:
What 'standard' is that?

Joe Biden said, "Women should be believed" in 2018 while appearing on PBS.

Trump said women shouldn't be believed- if they accuse him of crimes.

So you don't believe women- unless they are accusing a Democrat.

Meanwhile you continue to vote for the man who has bragged about sexually assaulting women.

"You know I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything."“Grab them by the pussy,” Trump adds. “You can do anything.”
Your said created a standard. Now you die by that standard. Look in the mirror every single time you complain about how Trump got in office, and is still there. The mirror is your answer.

Dems have been flip flopping for decades. This doesn't bother them or shame them, they just shrug and say meh.

Republicans have been supporting conmen and sexual predators for decades. This doesn't bother them or shame them, they in fact consider them to be models for their community.

That makes it okay for Dems to do it? Here I'll just laugh in your face :auiqs.jpg:
Oh I never agreed that Democrats do it. But thanks for your agreement that is what Republicans do.
If Republicans are wondering why no one cares what they think about Tara Reade, it’s because no one cares about criticism from people with no standards.

No, we don't wonder why no one cares, because you people have never cared. You never had a standard. You never had moral values.

No Republican anywhere on this forum, is "wondering why" left-wingers and Democrats don't care. We know. Trust me, there isn't a single Republican anywhere on this forum, that is wondering why you people don't care.

The only thing we might sometimes wonder, is what pathetic useless bits of trash parents, raised such hypocritical people. You defend every disgusting perverted sexual predictor in congress, support every pathological liar you can.... and then cry "yeah well .... dur other people have no standards!"....


But no... no one is wondering what left-wingers don't care. We know. We all know.
Coming from a poster who voted for the man who bragged about sexually assaulting women- your condemnation of Democrats for lack of morals is sadly amusing.
What 'standard' is that?

Joe Biden said, "Women should be believed" in 2018 while appearing on PBS.

Trump said women shouldn't be believed- if they accuse him of crimes.

So you don't believe women- unless they are accusing a Democrat.

Meanwhile you continue to vote for the man who has bragged about sexually assaulting women.

"You know I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything."“Grab them by the pussy,” Trump adds. “You can do anything.”

You keep deflecting to Trump because you can't excuse the blatant Dem hypocrisy and double standard now that it's a Dem who is accused just admit it.

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