Democrats can't use Trump as an excuse not to hold Biden accountable

Let the voters look at Biden’s treatment of women to Trumps record with women
They're not even in the same class.
Trump is a stud. We all dream of banging Playboy Playmates and porn stars.
So when Trump sexually assaults a woman- he is just being a stud?

But when Biden is accused he is a 'predator'- did I get your point of view clear?
Progs do not care about sexual assaults by their own as long as they vote the agendas. So if someone does the same on the other side it is open season because the assault would be hypocracy in the Prog venacular. It is not the deed, it is the spoken agenda of the enemy party not followed and the person does the same as theirs. The end result is that the assaults still happen because the Prog party does not destroy its own.
Contards do not care about sexual assaults by their own as long as they vote the agendas. So if someone does the same on the other side it is open season because the assault would be hypocracy in the Contard venacular. It is not the deed, it is the spoken agenda of the enemy party not followed and the person does the same as theirs. The end result is that the assaults still happen because the Contard party does not destroy its own- it sends the rapist to the White House.

Democrats on the other hand- have been pretty quick to send accused sexual predators packing- see Al Frankin
If Trump is guilty go get him.

But you can't say Trump did it so we're going to let Biden do it too.

If you are a woman saying this you are especially wrong.

Biden didnt pay a lawyer to pay a porn star then lie about it and go to prison - TRUMP DID.

See the difference
What do you imagine Biden needs to be held accountable for?

Sexually assaulting a young Democrat staffer in the workplace.
You mean like how Republicans held Trump accountable for sexually assaulting or raping:
Karen Johnson at Mar-a-Lago?
E. Jean Carroll in a department store?
Cassandra Searles at her workplace?
Summer Zervos at a meeting?
Ninni Laaksonen backstage at David Letterman?
Natasha Stoynoff also at Mar-a-Lago?
Mindy McGillivray also at Mar-a-Lago
Jill Harth also at Mar-a-Lago
Kristin Anderson at a nightclub
Jessica Leeds on a flight

You mean like that?

No I mean Tara Reade a lifelong Dem and Biden Dem staffer who has accused Biden of sexually assaulting her in the workplace. :itsok: Believe women ring a bell. That's a far more serious allegation than Dems hit Kavanaugh with so why haven't you convicted Joe Biden in the news media? Why aren't Dem leaders condemning Biden and believing the woman? OH SNAP!
What do you imagine Biden needs to be held accountable for?

Sexually assaulting a young Democrat staffer in the workplace.
You mean like how Republicans held Trump accountable for sexually assaulting or raping:
Karen Johnson at Mar-a-Lago?
E. Jean Carroll in a department store?
Cassandra Searles at her workplace?
Summer Zervos at a meeting?
Ninni Laaksonen backstage at David Letterman?
Natasha Stoynoff also at Mar-a-Lago?
Mindy McGillivray also at Mar-a-Lago
Jill Harth also at Mar-a-Lago
Kristin Anderson at a nightclub
Jessica Leeds on a flight

You mean like that?

No I mean Tara Reade a lifelong Dem and Biden Dem staffer who has accused Biden of sexually assaulting her in the workplace. :itsok: Believe women ring a bell. That's a far more serious allegation than Dems hit Kavanaugh with so why haven't you convicted Joe Biden in the news media? Why aren't Dem leaders condemning Biden and believing the woman? OH SNAP!

No I do get it- you have already shown that Trump supporters never take a women's sexual accusations seriously- unless she accuses a Democrat.
Look how you tried so valiently to avoid the long list of women who have accused Trump of rape or sexual assault- even though your Dear Leader bragged about doing exactly what several women have accused him of.

Some 25 women have accused Trump of rape, sexual assault or peeping at nude teens. The differences between the accusation against Biden and the multitude of accusations against Trump is that Trump knows that no Trump supporter will ever doubt that all 25 of those accusers are 'lying' while recognizing that Democrats will actually listen to what Tara Reade says- and that some Democrats will not vote for Biden because of that one accusation.

Its a calculated gamble on Trump's part- but he knows his base doesn't care about him bragging about doing exactly what several of these women said he actually did do- and that Democrats actually do care.

So thanks for pointing out once again that Republicans and Republicans leaders don't believe it when women make sexual assaults- unless the accused is a Democrat.
If Trump is guilty go get him.

But you can't say Trump did it so we're going to let Biden do it too.

If you are a woman saying this you are especially wrong.

Biden didnt pay a lawyer to pay a porn star then lie about it and go to prison - TRUMP DID.

See the difference

Biden didn't brag about sexually assaulting women. Trump did.

Republicans hand wave it all away.
trump is garbage and so is the Republican party a band of suck asses and liars
I’m calling for Biden to respond to these charges immediately. He must allow his official documents from the time period which are being archived in the Senate to be opened up for investigation.

If Biden groped Tara Reade in 1993, he must step down as the nominee.
What do you imagine Biden needs to be held accountable for?

Sexually assaulting a young Democrat staffer in the workplace.
You mean like how Republicans held Trump accountable for sexually assaulting or raping:
Karen Johnson at Mar-a-Lago?
E. Jean Carroll in a department store?
Cassandra Searles at her workplace?
Summer Zervos at a meeting?
Ninni Laaksonen backstage at David Letterman?
Natasha Stoynoff also at Mar-a-Lago?
Mindy McGillivray also at Mar-a-Lago
Jill Harth also at Mar-a-Lago
Kristin Anderson at a nightclub
Jessica Leeds on a flight

You mean like that?

No I mean Tara Reade a lifelong Dem and Biden Dem staffer who has accused Biden of sexually assaulting her in the workplace. :itsok: Believe women ring a bell. That's a far more serious allegation than Dems hit Kavanaugh with so why haven't you convicted Joe Biden in the news media? Why aren't Dem leaders condemning Biden and believing the woman? OH SNAP!

No I do get it- you have already shown that Trump supporters never take a women's sexual accusations seriously- unless she accuses a Democrat.
Look how you tried so valiently to avoid the long list of women who have accused Trump of rape or sexual assault- even though your Dear Leader bragged about doing exactly what several women have accused him of.

Some 25 women have accused Trump of rape, sexual assault or peeping at nude teens. The differences between the accusation against Biden and the multitude of accusations against Trump is that Trump knows that no Trump supporter will ever doubt that all 25 of those accusers are 'lying' while recognizing that Democrats will actually listen to what Tara Reade says- and that some Democrats will not vote for Biden because of that one accusation.

Its a calculated gamble on Trump's part- but he knows his base doesn't care about him bragging about doing exactly what several of these women said he actually did do- and that Democrats actually do care.

So thanks for pointing out once again that Republicans and Republicans leaders don't believe it when women make sexual assaults- unless the accused is a Democrat.

Are you honestly trying to say that its okay for Democrats to sexually assault women because Trump or some other Republican did? Or will Dems lead by example and attack one of their own with the same ferocity and presumption of guilt they levied at Kavanaugh? Oh your ass is in a sling now.
I’m calling for Biden to respond to these charges immediately. He must allow his official documents from the time period which are being archived in the Senate to be opened up for investigation.

If Biden groped Tara Reade in 1993, he must step down as the nominee.
lol lol and what of old snatch grabber trump ,accused by 25 women ...can that pos step down too ...or are repubs allowed to grab pussy?
What do you imagine Biden needs to be held accountable for?

Sexually assaulting a young Democrat staffer in the workplace.
You mean like how Republicans held Trump accountable for sexually assaulting or raping:
Karen Johnson at Mar-a-Lago?
E. Jean Carroll in a department store?
Cassandra Searles at her workplace?
Summer Zervos at a meeting?
Ninni Laaksonen backstage at David Letterman?
Natasha Stoynoff also at Mar-a-Lago?
Mindy McGillivray also at Mar-a-Lago
Jill Harth also at Mar-a-Lago
Kristin Anderson at a nightclub
Jessica Leeds on a flight

You mean like that?

No I mean Tara Reade a lifelong Dem and Biden Dem staffer who has accused Biden of sexually assaulting her in the workplace. :itsok: Believe women ring a bell. That's a far more serious allegation than Dems hit Kavanaugh with so why haven't you convicted Joe Biden in the news media? Why aren't Dem leaders condemning Biden and believing the woman? OH SNAP!

No I do get it- you have already shown that Trump supporters never take a women's sexual accusations seriously- unless she accuses a Democrat.
Look how you tried so valiently to avoid the long list of women who have accused Trump of rape or sexual assault- even though your Dear Leader bragged about doing exactly what several women have accused him of.

Some 25 women have accused Trump of rape, sexual assault or peeping at nude teens. The differences between the accusation against Biden and the multitude of accusations against Trump is that Trump knows that no Trump supporter will ever doubt that all 25 of those accusers are 'lying' while recognizing that Democrats will actually listen to what Tara Reade says- and that some Democrats will not vote for Biden because of that one accusation.

Its a calculated gamble on Trump's part- but he knows his base doesn't care about him bragging about doing exactly what several of these women said he actually did do- and that Democrats actually do care.

So thanks for pointing out once again that Republicans and Republicans leaders don't believe it when women make sexual assaults- unless the accused is a Democrat.

Are you honestly trying to say that its okay for Democrats to sexually assault women because Trump or some other Republican did? Or will Dems lead by example and attack one of their own with the same ferocity and presumption of guilt they levied at Kavanaugh? Oh your ass is in a sling now.

No- I am saying that Democrats take charges of sexual assault seriously- while Republicans elect a man who bragged about committing sexual assault- and was accused by 25 women of rape and sexual assault.

Remember- you voted for Trump knowing he was an accused rapist and sexual offender- knowing he had bragged about how he would just grab women by the pussy(which is exactly what at least 3 women said he did)- and you are going to vote for him again- while attacking Joe Biden- who has never bragged about assaulting women.
What do you imagine Biden needs to be held accountable for?

Sexually assaulting a young Democrat staffer in the workplace.
You mean like how Republicans held Trump accountable for sexually assaulting or raping:
Karen Johnson at Mar-a-Lago?
E. Jean Carroll in a department store?
Cassandra Searles at her workplace?
Summer Zervos at a meeting?
Ninni Laaksonen backstage at David Letterman?
Natasha Stoynoff also at Mar-a-Lago?
Mindy McGillivray also at Mar-a-Lago
Jill Harth also at Mar-a-Lago
Kristin Anderson at a nightclub
Jessica Leeds on a flight

You mean like that?

No I mean Tara Reade a lifelong Dem and Biden Dem staffer who has accused Biden of sexually assaulting her in the workplace. :itsok: Believe women ring a bell. That's a far more serious allegation than Dems hit Kavanaugh with so why haven't you convicted Joe Biden in the news media? Why aren't Dem leaders condemning Biden and believing the woman? OH SNAP!

No I do get it- you have already shown that Trump supporters never take a women's sexual accusations seriously- unless she accuses a Democrat.
Look how you tried so valiently to avoid the long list of women who have accused Trump of rape or sexual assault- even though your Dear Leader bragged about doing exactly what several women have accused him of.

Some 25 women have accused Trump of rape, sexual assault or peeping at nude teens. The differences between the accusation against Biden and the multitude of accusations against Trump is that Trump knows that no Trump supporter will ever doubt that all 25 of those accusers are 'lying' while recognizing that Democrats will actually listen to what Tara Reade says- and that some Democrats will not vote for Biden because of that one accusation.

Its a calculated gamble on Trump's part- but he knows his base doesn't care about him bragging about doing exactly what several of these women said he actually did do- and that Democrats actually do care.

So thanks for pointing out once again that Republicans and Republicans leaders don't believe it when women make sexual assaults- unless the accused is a Democrat.

Are you honestly trying to say that its okay for Democrats to sexually assault women because Trump or some other Republican did? Or will Dems lead by example and attack one of their own with the same ferocity and presumption of guilt they levied at Kavanaugh? Oh your ass is in a sling now.
while all the morons supported the pussy grabber?? Why don't you just shut up instead of making more of an idiot out of yourself ? And no, assaulting women is not right and if all who did stepped down you'd have no president or congress Bunch of fn hypocrites
I’m calling for Biden to respond to these charges immediately. He must allow his official documents from the time period which are being archived in the Senate to be opened up for investigation.

If Biden groped Tara Reade in 1993, he must step down as the nominee.

Biden has responded to the charges already. And I agree he should open up his official documents for that time period.

And I think that if Donald Trump raped or groped any of those 25 women that accused him, he should resign immediately.
I’m calling for Biden to respond to these charges immediately. He must allow his official documents from the time period which are being archived in the Senate to be opened up for investigation.

If Biden groped Tara Reade in 1993, he must step down as the nominee.

Biden has responded to the charges already. And I agree he should open up his official documents for that time period.

And I think that if Donald Trump raped or groped any of those 25 women that accused him, he should resign immediately.
Don't you get it ? This moron blues thinks it's legal for republicans to grab pussy
I’m calling for Biden to respond to these charges immediately. He must allow his official documents from the time period which are being archived in the Senate to be opened up for investigation.

If Biden groped Tara Reade in 1993, he must step down as the nominee.
lol lol and what of old snatch grabber trump ,accused by 25 women ...can that pos step down too ...or are repubs allowed to grab pussy?

I dunno. Is that relevant?
I’m calling for Biden to respond to these charges immediately. He must allow his official documents from the time period which are being archived in the Senate to be opened up for investigation.

If Biden groped Tara Reade in 1993, he must step down as the nominee.
lol lol and what of old snatch grabber trump ,accused by 25 women ...can that pos step down too ...or are repubs allowed to grab pussy?

I dunno. Is that relevant?
if you need ask ,you're a hypocrite too
I’m calling for Biden to respond to these charges immediately. He must allow his official documents from the time period which are being archived in the Senate to be opened up for investigation.

If Biden groped Tara Reade in 1993, he must step down as the nominee.

Biden has responded to the charges already. And I agree he should open up his official documents for that time period.

And I think that if Donald Trump raped or groped any of those 25 women that accused him, he should resign immediately.

He has? Who knew?
I’m calling for Biden to respond to these charges immediately. He must allow his official documents from the time period which are being archived in the Senate to be opened up for investigation.

If Biden groped Tara Reade in 1993, he must step down as the nominee.
lol lol and what of old snatch grabber trump ,accused by 25 women ...can that pos step down too ...or are repubs allowed to grab pussy?

I dunno. Is that relevant?
if you need ask ,you're a hypocrite too

Holy shit, Eddie. Take that sarcasm meter in for repair. You are embarrassing yourself.
No- I am saying that Democrats take charges of sexual assault seriously

Apparently not when its one of their own. Look Dems had to be dragged kicking and screaming to condemn Harvey Weinstein so we get it, it was all a show. A sound bite. A means to fool the very women the Dem party abuses.
I’m calling for Biden to respond to these charges immediately. He must allow his official documents from the time period which are being archived in the Senate to be opened up for investigation.

If Biden groped Tara Reade in 1993, he must step down as the nominee.
lol lol and what of old snatch grabber trump ,accused by 25 women ...can that pos step down too ...or are repubs allowed to grab pussy?

I dunno. Is that relevant?
if you need ask ,you're a hypocrite too

Holy shit, Eddie. Take that sarcasm meter in for repair. You are embarrassing yourself.
I'm quite vehement in my opinions on republicans so on occasion sarcasm goes by the board

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