Democrats' choice: Pay interest on Natl Debt, or pay for goodies to voters?


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2006
San Diego, CA
If the Big Govt Leftists (in both parties) refuse to negotiate on raising the National Debt Limit by tomorrow, the retirement accounts they have been draining to keep government payments flowing, will be exhausted. They hit the Debt Ceiling last May, and haven't been able to borrow money since - a knife to the heart of their tax-and-borrow-and-spend scheme of government. Then they will be faced with a choice:

1.) Fail to make payments on the interest on the National Debt they have run up, or
2.) Fail to pay out the entitlements, bribes, and other goodies they have long promised voters to keep their votes coming in.

Both kinds of payments are required by law. But one is required by the U.S. Constitution, which says "The validity of the public debt of the United States shall not be questioned" (14th amendment). The other (entitlements, bribes, and vote-buying) is not mentioned anywhere in the Constitution... which makes it, in fact, unconstitutional.

So which one will the Leftists refuse to make? Payments on the interest on the Debt, of course. At least, that's what they have been screaming will happen. Not a single word about failing to pay for Social Security, Obamacare subsidies, etc.

But in fact, default on the National Debt is not the only avenue open to them if/when they exhaust the money from the various retirement account trust funds they've been raiding.

But it is the only one they have been planning to use... since failing to pay the voters for their votes, would mean the demise of the Big Spenders as a political group.

Will cooler heads prevail, and force the Big Government Spenders to do what is required by the Constitution? Or will the Big Govt Spenders dump the Constitution to buy votes instead?
Just keep on dazzling those low information voters with all that free stuff so that not enough of them open their eyes long enough to catch on to the outright treason and betrayal you're committing behind their backs and our Muslim Marxist In Chief will have free sailing right into the Worldwide Islamic Caliphate.

Video: Residents In Liberal D.C. Blame George W. Bush For Government Shutdown? | Weasel Zippers

"Dimitri, tell Vladimir to wait until after the election is over. I can be more flexible then."

Jes' curious, who's gonna be in the over, and who's gonna be in the under position, then?

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