Democrats Demonstrate Their Plan Is Pushing Extremist Agenda, Legalizing Crimes...


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Democrats have never ceased pushing the advancement of their desire to murder babies, to legalize the murder of babies at any stage of pregnancy. 1st it was legalizing abortions, then late-term abortions, and now they are trying to legalize the murder of American citizens - newborn babies.

They never sleep, never rest, and are always all areas.

In pursuit of re-acquiring and keeping power the Obama administration / Democrats protected Hillary from indictment and prison while attempting a coup of a newly elected GOP President.

Our current Illegal Immigration 'Cat-5' crisis has been masterfully crafted over decades undermining / breaking US Immigration policy / laws, encouraging illegal immigration, operating Federal-Law-violating sanctuary cities, aiding / protecting human traffickers / MS13 / violent illegals, standing with them recently to shutdown the US govt no matter how it hurt Americans to make sure the border stayed open, illegal immigration continued, and illegal future voters kept coming. Democrats have even recently 'tested the waters' by trying to make it legal for illegals to vote in US elections. In some state elections, Democrats have already made that possible.

They never sleep, never rest, and are always advancing...

Radical: 2020 Democrat Proposes Eliminating Criminal Penalties for Illegal Immigration, Ending Most Detentions

Democratic Proposal: Hey, Let's Eliminate Criminal Penalties for Illegal Immigration -- and End Most Detentions

Radical: 2020 Democrat Proposes Eliminating Criminal Penalties for Illegal Immigration, Ending Most Detentions

From Democratic candidate Julian Castro, a detailed proposal for immigration overhaul— including end of criminal penalties under US code 1325 for illegal entry NEW from ?@michaelscherer?
— Nick Miroff (@NickMiroff) April 2, 2019

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