Democrats Deny These Immigration Truths

The only people I'm calling stupid are the ones who can't find a job despite 7 million job openings and blame their personal failures on the desperate family fleeing for their lives.

Aaaaaand you totally ignored my point.
I dont think I've heard anyone say they cant get a job.
The problem arises when these people get amnesty and will work for far less than an American.
When I first started machining in around 84 there were maybe 5% hispanics in shops. By the time I retired the number was around 65%. This of course drove down wages because the majority were sending their money back to mexico so they could retire in comfort for cheap.
Add the fact that this money isnt being spent in the US thus fucking the tax base and the local economy.

You'd have to be a complete idiot not to see the pattern.
When you first started machining in '84, a hell of a lot more machinists were needed to do machining. Before computers we know today, a "computer" was a woman witha pen and paper or sitting at a switchboard. Is her job gone because illegals took it, or because it is no longer needed?

What a load of horseshit.
You dont know shit about machining.
The NC machine dates back to the 40's. This one is from 52.

Why would you presume to know more about machining than a machinist?
I guess I'm wrong, and a desperate illegal fleeing 3rd world warfare has just as many skills as you do.

Holy fuck you're stupid!!!
Do you think they dont have machine shops in mexico?
Then why don't they stay in Mexico and work in them?
So you're saying mexicans are stupid?
Here's the thing you lefty douchebags always leave out when discussing illegal immigration.....they eventually get amnesty and compete with Americans mainly in the blue collar sector.
When I call someone to come out and fix my refrigerator? Mexican,same for my A/C,plumbing and every other blue collar job.
The funny part? They're taking jobs away from blacks far more than they are from whites.

The only people I'm calling stupid are the ones who can't find a job despite 7 million job openings and blame their personal failures on the desperate family fleeing for their lives.

Aaaaaand you totally ignored my point.
I dont think I've heard anyone say they cant get a job.
The problem arises when these people get amnesty and will work for far less than an American.
When I first started machining in around 84 there were maybe 5% hispanics in shops. By the time I retired the number was around 65%. This of course drove down wages because the majority were sending their money back to mexico so they could retire in comfort for cheap.
Add the fact that this money isnt being spent in the US thus fucking the tax base and the local economy.

You'd have to be a complete idiot not to see the pattern.
When you first started machining in '84, a hell of a lot more machinists were needed to do machining. Before computers we know today, a "computer" was a woman witha pen and paper or sitting at a switchboard. Is her job gone because illegals took it, or because it is no longer needed?

What a load of horseshit.
You dont know shit about machining.
The NC machine dates back to the 40's. This one is from 52.

Why would you presume to know more about machining than a machinist?
I guess I'm wrong, and a desperate illegal fleeing 3rd world warfare has just as many skills as you do.
Let them stay in the 3rd world country and fight for their country as we have done with much blood, sweat, and tears. Because they are F#% cowards and want what we have without the cost. Make American great for Americans ...who are suffering from poverty, homelessness, etc. We have enough hungry, homeless kids and vets and they should come first. We have poor kids from families who cannot afford a higher education. Jesus said.....Anyone who does not provide for their relatives, and especially for their own household, has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.
Aaaaaand you totally ignored my point.
I dont think I've heard anyone say they cant get a job.
The problem arises when these people get amnesty and will work for far less than an American.
When I first started machining in around 84 there were maybe 5% hispanics in shops. By the time I retired the number was around 65%. This of course drove down wages because the majority were sending their money back to mexico so they could retire in comfort for cheap.
Add the fact that this money isnt being spent in the US thus fucking the tax base and the local economy.

You'd have to be a complete idiot not to see the pattern.
When you first started machining in '84, a hell of a lot more machinists were needed to do machining. Before computers we know today, a "computer" was a woman witha pen and paper or sitting at a switchboard. Is her job gone because illegals took it, or because it is no longer needed?

What a load of horseshit.
You dont know shit about machining.
The NC machine dates back to the 40's. This one is from 52.

Why would you presume to know more about machining than a machinist?
I guess I'm wrong, and a desperate illegal fleeing 3rd world warfare has just as many skills as you do.

Holy fuck you're stupid!!!
Do you think they dont have machine shops in mexico?
Then why don't they stay in Mexico and work in them?

You really have to ask that?
Since 1994, about 10,000 people have died in their attempt to cross the border and it is because of our broken immigration with open borders that Democrats support. If not for those long-standing policy that if they cross they can stay they would stop risking their lives and come in at the port of entry. Poverty should not be criteria for seeking asylum because half the world lives in poverty and GOD said the "poor will always be among us" Stop having all those babies if you do not have food and water to take care of them. Possible the child that died, died from something she ate but you cannot blame the border patrols.
For decades, we've allow legals to come here to take advantage of our failure to control job reporting and giving out welfare. Illegals have sent billions back home to their families, taking away from our own economy and sending the message of how much better their lives would be if they came here.

I think one of the biggest and best steps to stop the flow of illegals is quite simple - If you can't show proof of being here legally and you want to send money to a foreign country - pay a tax on it!!! Use that tax to support I.C.E. and border security.
Don’t all elected officials take an oath when they take office? And doesn’t this oath state that they will defend the constitution?

If that’s the case, why don’t the Dims want to defend this country against foreign invaders? Criminals who disobey the very laws they’ve enacted?

Now, Democrats are going to say, “Why is the government arresting hardworking immigrants? They are just seeking a better way of life.” Well, this is a simple, twofold answer. One, they are not here legally. Two, and just as important, they are taking jobs that hardworking Americans do not have access to.

Let’s hope that Trump is successful before Christmas in getting the wall funded. And let’s hope Congress finally gets its act together and remembers the meaning of that oath that they all took.

I read your link very carefully. I considered all that you had to say in the opening post. There is no doubt that the left is disgusting and sickening. It's hard to look at Chuck Schumer and not want to throw up. There is still something wrong with your post.

Doesn't it seem strange to you that the Democrats wanted to curtail immigration before the Republicans got on the bandwagon? Doesn't it also seem odd that after 9 / 11 the self proclaimed Minutemen reintroduced a program that David Duke, a neo - nazi and former KKK leader, had employed in the 1970s? Do you not take issue with the fact that those Minutemen, who cause was taken up by the Tea Party, rely on the same organizations that David Duke did for their talking points?

Having read the economic angle on this board and some others a few times, it appeared telling that when anyone questions the theory you brought forward, the belief that undocumented immigrants are costing this country, the conversation goes south and abruptly ends. Sometimes posts are even deleted. What, precisely, is the truth?

From everything I've witnessed the truth is not being told and when someone tries, the discussion takes on a personal tone. Sometimes the solution appears to be a solution looking for a problem to solve. Every non-partisan study concludes that if undocumented foreigners end up costing us anything (you must acknowledge the fact that they work and produce wealth) the amount is modest. Therefore, arguing this from a purely economic angle, you don't have much of a case in Congress. You might be able to convince each other on a discussion board. You may have the ability to censor those who question your beliefs. The truth is very hard to accept. Spending five billion dollars in initial start up costs, relinquishing many of your rights, and then only addressing a portion of the problem doesn't make much sense when you apply a few accounting principles to the situation.

That does not mean there is not a problem. It's just that your truths, as you like to call them, cannot pass critical review. In my opinion, which is also the consensus in Congress, you have failed to state a case upon which relief can be granted. What, precisely, is the truth? You could start at the beginning and explain why this fight means so much to you. Once you do that, I'd like to ask you about my opening observations. Is it possible that think tank groups like the Council on Foreign Relations have fooled you and conned you into working within a strategy that is aimed at conning you into supporting your own demise?
The only people I'm calling stupid are the ones who can't find a job despite 7 million job openings and blame their personal failures on the desperate family fleeing for their lives.

Aaaaaand you totally ignored my point.
I dont think I've heard anyone say they cant get a job.
The problem arises when these people get amnesty and will work for far less than an American.
When I first started machining in around 84 there were maybe 5% hispanics in shops. By the time I retired the number was around 65%. This of course drove down wages because the majority were sending their money back to mexico so they could retire in comfort for cheap.
Add the fact that this money isnt being spent in the US thus fucking the tax base and the local economy.

You'd have to be a complete idiot not to see the pattern.
When you first started machining in '84, a hell of a lot more machinists were needed to do machining. Before computers we know today, a "computer" was a woman witha pen and paper or sitting at a switchboard. Is her job gone because illegals took it, or because it is no longer needed?

What a load of horseshit.
You dont know shit about machining.
The NC machine dates back to the 40's. This one is from 52.

Why would you presume to know more about machining than a machinist?
I guess I'm wrong, and a desperate illegal fleeing 3rd world warfare has just as many skills as you do.
Let them stay in the 3rd world country and fight for their country as we have done with much blood, sweat, and tears. Because they are F#% cowards and want what we have without the cost. Make American great for Americans ...who are suffering from poverty, homelessness, etc. We have enough hungry, homeless kids and vets and they should come first. We have poor kids from families who cannot afford a higher education. Jesus said.....Anyone who does not provide for their relatives, and especially for their own household, has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.
it is Our drug war that is destabilizing the region.
Since 1994, about 10,000 people have died in their attempt to cross the border and it is because of our broken immigration with open borders that Democrats support. If not for those long-standing policy that if they cross they can stay they would stop risking their lives and come in at the port of entry. Poverty should not be criteria for seeking asylum because half the world lives in poverty and GOD said the "poor will always be among us" Stop having all those babies if you do not have food and water to take care of them. Possible the child that died, died from something she ate but you cannot blame the border patrols.
upgrading Ellis Island would be more cost effective. an open market is much more convenient.
Aaaaaand you totally ignored my point.
I dont think I've heard anyone say they cant get a job.
The problem arises when these people get amnesty and will work for far less than an American.
When I first started machining in around 84 there were maybe 5% hispanics in shops. By the time I retired the number was around 65%. This of course drove down wages because the majority were sending their money back to mexico so they could retire in comfort for cheap.
Add the fact that this money isnt being spent in the US thus fucking the tax base and the local economy.

You'd have to be a complete idiot not to see the pattern.
When you first started machining in '84, a hell of a lot more machinists were needed to do machining. Before computers we know today, a "computer" was a woman witha pen and paper or sitting at a switchboard. Is her job gone because illegals took it, or because it is no longer needed?

What a load of horseshit.
You dont know shit about machining.
The NC machine dates back to the 40's. This one is from 52.

Why would you presume to know more about machining than a machinist?
I guess I'm wrong, and a desperate illegal fleeing 3rd world warfare has just as many skills as you do.
Let them stay in the 3rd world country and fight for their country as we have done with much blood, sweat, and tears. Because they are F#% cowards and want what we have without the cost. Make American great for Americans ...who are suffering from poverty, homelessness, etc. We have enough hungry, homeless kids and vets and they should come first. We have poor kids from families who cannot afford a higher education. Jesus said.....Anyone who does not provide for their relatives, and especially for their own household, has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.
it is Our drug war that is destabilizing the region.

It is the Americans appetite for drugs that fuels immigration. Our drug users create the need for cartels. The unemployable, that is those with a drug habit and a criminal record, create the supposed need for foreign labor.
Don’t all elected officials take an oath when they take office? And doesn’t this oath state that they will defend the constitution?

If that’s the case, why don’t the Dims want to defend this country against foreign invaders? Criminals who disobey the very laws they’ve enacted?

Now, Democrats are going to say, “Why is the government arresting hardworking immigrants? They are just seeking a better way of life.” Well, this is a simple, twofold answer. One, they are not here legally. Two, and just as important, they are taking jobs that hardworking Americans do not have access to.

Let’s hope that Trump is successful before Christmas in getting the wall funded. And let’s hope Congress finally gets its act together and remembers the meaning of that oath that they all took.

More @ Democrats Deny These Immigration Truths

Do you realize that half your party is against you on this? And it's not that they want terrorists to come in. They just want the cheap labor to keep coming.

I have to admit I was taken back when I read this article from a liberal who wrote it back in 2006. After reading it you will understand it's not us liberals who disagree with you on legal or illegal immigration

Today's Immigration Battle Corporatists vs. Racists (and Labor is Left Behind)

And yes, even Hillary is a part of the problem. Hillary was never a true liberal. She was a corporate DINO. She and Democrats are part of the problem too.
Aaaaaand you totally ignored my point.
I dont think I've heard anyone say they cant get a job.
The problem arises when these people get amnesty and will work for far less than an American.
When I first started machining in around 84 there were maybe 5% hispanics in shops. By the time I retired the number was around 65%. This of course drove down wages because the majority were sending their money back to mexico so they could retire in comfort for cheap.
Add the fact that this money isnt being spent in the US thus fucking the tax base and the local economy.

You'd have to be a complete idiot not to see the pattern.
When you first started machining in '84, a hell of a lot more machinists were needed to do machining. Before computers we know today, a "computer" was a woman witha pen and paper or sitting at a switchboard. Is her job gone because illegals took it, or because it is no longer needed?

What a load of horseshit.
You dont know shit about machining.
The NC machine dates back to the 40's. This one is from 52.

Why would you presume to know more about machining than a machinist?
I guess I'm wrong, and a desperate illegal fleeing 3rd world warfare has just as many skills as you do.

Holy fuck you're stupid!!!
Do you think they dont have machine shops in mexico?
Then why don't they stay in Mexico and work in them?

And by us continuing to take their unemployed and underpaid, we allow Mexico to stay corrupt where workers aren't paid shit. If we stop taking them in then Mexico will be forced to pay their citizens better or else they might revolt/organize.

No need to if the border is open.
They are not invaders they are trespassers
Bullshit. When we catch one 10 years from now and he has a family living here he is not going to be called trespasser and people will cry foul if you try to send him back.

So how many years until a trespasser becomes an invader?
When you first started machining in '84, a hell of a lot more machinists were needed to do machining. Before computers we know today, a "computer" was a woman witha pen and paper or sitting at a switchboard. Is her job gone because illegals took it, or because it is no longer needed?

What a load of horseshit.
You dont know shit about machining.
The NC machine dates back to the 40's. This one is from 52.

Why would you presume to know more about machining than a machinist?
I guess I'm wrong, and a desperate illegal fleeing 3rd world warfare has just as many skills as you do.
Let them stay in the 3rd world country and fight for their country as we have done with much blood, sweat, and tears. Because they are F#% cowards and want what we have without the cost. Make American great for Americans ...who are suffering from poverty, homelessness, etc. We have enough hungry, homeless kids and vets and they should come first. We have poor kids from families who cannot afford a higher education. Jesus said.....Anyone who does not provide for their relatives, and especially for their own household, has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.
it is Our drug war that is destabilizing the region.

It is the Americans appetite for drugs that fuels immigration. Our drug users create the need for cartels. The unemployable, that is those with a drug habit and a criminal record, create the supposed need for foreign labor.
There is no power to Prohibit since the Repeal of that Bad idea, last millennium.
When you first started machining in '84, a hell of a lot more machinists were needed to do machining. Before computers we know today, a "computer" was a woman witha pen and paper or sitting at a switchboard. Is her job gone because illegals took it, or because it is no longer needed?

What a load of horseshit.
You dont know shit about machining.
The NC machine dates back to the 40's. This one is from 52.

Why would you presume to know more about machining than a machinist?
I guess I'm wrong, and a desperate illegal fleeing 3rd world warfare has just as many skills as you do.

Holy fuck you're stupid!!!
Do you think they dont have machine shops in mexico?
Then why don't they stay in Mexico and work in them?

And by us continuing to take their unemployed and underpaid, we allow Mexico to stay corrupt where workers aren't paid shit. If we stop taking them in then Mexico will be forced to pay their citizens better or else they might revolt/organize.

No need to if the border is open.
those policies only create more refugees.
They are not invaders they are trespassers
Bullshit. When we catch one 10 years from now and he has a family living here he is not going to be called trespasser and people will cry foul if you try to send him back.

So how many years until a trespasser becomes an invader?
Our welfare clause is General. Where is the specific power to establish walls?
They are not invaders they are trespassers
Bullshit. When we catch one 10 years from now and he has a family living here he is not going to be called trespasser and people will cry foul if you try to send him back.

So how many years until a trespasser becomes an invader?
Our welfare clause is General. Where is the specific power to establish walls?
What is it about securing our borders that you hate?
What a load of horseshit.
You dont know shit about machining.
The NC machine dates back to the 40's. This one is from 52.

Why would you presume to know more about machining than a machinist?
I guess I'm wrong, and a desperate illegal fleeing 3rd world warfare has just as many skills as you do.
Let them stay in the 3rd world country and fight for their country as we have done with much blood, sweat, and tears. Because they are F#% cowards and want what we have without the cost. Make American great for Americans ...who are suffering from poverty, homelessness, etc. We have enough hungry, homeless kids and vets and they should come first. We have poor kids from families who cannot afford a higher education. Jesus said.....Anyone who does not provide for their relatives, and especially for their own household, has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.
it is Our drug war that is destabilizing the region.

It is the Americans appetite for drugs that fuels immigration. Our drug users create the need for cartels. The unemployable, that is those with a drug habit and a criminal record, create the supposed need for foreign labor.
There is no power to Prohibit since the Repeal of that Bad idea, last millennium.

You can stop the government from being the primary purveyor in the promotion of pot and opioids along with other hard core drugs.
They are not invaders they are trespassers
Bullshit. When we catch one 10 years from now and he has a family living here he is not going to be called trespasser and people will cry foul if you try to send him back.

So how many years until a trespasser becomes an invader?
Our welfare clause is General. Where is the specific power to establish walls?
What is it about securing our borders that you hate?

Don't you think a much more important question is: When does the wall idea along with its enforcement, not to mention lost Liberty become a valid topic for discussion?

Everybody wants a secure border. They also want Freedom and Liberty. So how much Liberty and how much Security? Those in favor of the wall would relinquish their Liberty and even accept gun control in exchange for the wall.
They are not invaders they are trespassers
Bullshit. When we catch one 10 years from now and he has a family living here he is not going to be called trespasser and people will cry foul if you try to send him back.

So how many years until a trespasser becomes an invader?
Our welfare clause is General. Where is the specific power to establish walls?

I'm not following you. I don't think a wall is necessary. But we are not doing ourselves any favors by continuing the status quo. If we need more immigrants, import them legally.

What I think you will find is both the corporate Democrats and Corporate Republicans want to flood our markets regardless of if it's legal or illegal immigration. The corporations they serve want lots of candidates to be able to choose from. That way wages stay down.

Hell, wages are flat even though unemployment is still really low. Even though corporations can't find enough good help, they refuse to raise their wages. Instead they would rather just lobby for immigration reform.

And we even see Republicans shifting their position back to making excuses why they are actually all for legal immigration. It's a good thing they say. Don't worry about the fact that wages haven't gone up. They never will. That was just campaign year talk.

Seriously, did you read this op ed? Today's Immigration Battle Corporatists vs. Racists (and Labor is Left Behind)

Thom explains how illegal immigration is bad and how it was unions who were warning us long before Trump came around. I remember feeling betrayed when Clinton signed NAFTA. And now I feel the Democrats have lost the union vote because we have lost touch with the fact that illegals are ruining the middle class. Trump took the issue and made it his. Now you have to stop arguing against Republicans on this because THIS used to be our position on illegals. What now you defend them?

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