Democrats Deny These Immigration Truths

They are not invaders they are trespassers
Bullshit. When we catch one 10 years from now and he has a family living here he is not going to be called trespasser and people will cry foul if you try to send him back.

So how many years until a trespasser becomes an invader?
Our welfare clause is General. Where is the specific power to establish walls?
What is it about securing our borders that you hate?

Don't you think a much more important question is: When does the wall idea along with its enforcement, not to mention lost Liberty become a valid topic for discussion?

Everybody wants a secure border. They also want Freedom and Liberty. So how much Liberty and how much Security? Those in favor of the wall would relinquish their Liberty and even accept gun control in exchange for the wall.

Correct. I want border security too I just don't think a wall to match Trump's ego is the right answer. In fact I know it's not.

But I don't mind putting our troops down on the border.

How does a wall affect your Liberty?
They are not invaders they are trespassers
Bullshit. When we catch one 10 years from now and he has a family living here he is not going to be called trespasser and people will cry foul if you try to send him back.

So how many years until a trespasser becomes an invader?
Our welfare clause is General. Where is the specific power to establish walls?
What is it about securing our borders that you hate?
We don't have a common defense problem. We have a refugee problem.
They are not invaders they are trespassers
Bullshit. When we catch one 10 years from now and he has a family living here he is not going to be called trespasser and people will cry foul if you try to send him back.

So how many years until a trespasser becomes an invader?
Our welfare clause is General. Where is the specific power to establish walls?

I'm not following you. I don't think a wall is necessary. But we are not doing ourselves any favors by continuing the status quo. If we need more immigrants, import them legally.

What I think you will find is both the corporate Democrats and Corporate Republicans want to flood our markets regardless of if it's legal or illegal immigration. The corporations they serve want lots of candidates to be able to choose from. That way wages stay down.

Hell, wages are flat even though unemployment is still really low. Even though corporations can't find enough good help, they refuse to raise their wages. Instead they would rather just lobby for immigration reform.

And we even see Republicans shifting their position back to making excuses why they are actually all for legal immigration. It's a good thing they say. Don't worry about the fact that wages haven't gone up. They never will. That was just campaign year talk.

Seriously, did you read this op ed? Today's Immigration Battle Corporatists vs. Racists (and Labor is Left Behind)

Thom explains how illegal immigration is bad and how it was unions who were warning us long before Trump came around. I remember feeling betrayed when Clinton signed NAFTA. And now I feel the Democrats have lost the union vote because we have lost touch with the fact that illegals are ruining the middle class. Trump took the issue and made it his. Now you have to stop arguing against Republicans on this because THIS used to be our position on illegals. What now you defend them?
We subscribe to capitalism. We should have no illegal problem. Only lousy capitalists lose money on border policy.
They are not invaders they are trespassers
Bullshit. When we catch one 10 years from now and he has a family living here he is not going to be called trespasser and people will cry foul if you try to send him back.

So how many years until a trespasser becomes an invader?
Our welfare clause is General. Where is the specific power to establish walls?
What is it about securing our borders that you hate?

Don't you think a much more important question is: When does the wall idea along with its enforcement, not to mention lost Liberty become a valid topic for discussion?

Everybody wants a secure border. They also want Freedom and Liberty. So how much Liberty and how much Security? Those in favor of the wall would relinquish their Liberty and even accept gun control in exchange for the wall.
So if a wall goes up, what liberty are you losing?
They are not invaders they are trespassers
Bullshit. When we catch one 10 years from now and he has a family living here he is not going to be called trespasser and people will cry foul if you try to send him back.

So how many years until a trespasser becomes an invader?
Our welfare clause is General. Where is the specific power to establish walls?
What is it about securing our borders that you hate?
We don't have a common defense problem. We have a refugee problem.
So you think that our borders shouldn’t be secure? What bean country were you born in?
They are not invaders they are trespassers
Bullshit. When we catch one 10 years from now and he has a family living here he is not going to be called trespasser and people will cry foul if you try to send him back.

So how many years until a trespasser becomes an invader?
Our welfare clause is General. Where is the specific power to establish walls?
What is it about securing our borders that you hate?
We don't have a common defense problem. We have a refugee problem.
So you think that our borders shouldn’t be secure? What bean country were you born in?
We don't have a common defense problem. The Proof is, we have Tax Cut economics not really really serious wartime tax rates.
Bullshit. When we catch one 10 years from now and he has a family living here he is not going to be called trespasser and people will cry foul if you try to send him back.

So how many years until a trespasser becomes an invader?
Our welfare clause is General. Where is the specific power to establish walls?
What is it about securing our borders that you hate?
We don't have a common defense problem. We have a refugee problem.
So you think that our borders shouldn’t be secure? What bean country were you born in?
We don't have a common defense problem. The Proof is, we have Tax Cut economics not really really serious wartime tax rates.
Common with Messiko? Who fucking cares? People were pouring over our border, so we secured it. What’s the problem?
Our welfare clause is General. Where is the specific power to establish walls?
What is it about securing our borders that you hate?
We don't have a common defense problem. We have a refugee problem.
So you think that our borders shouldn’t be secure? What bean country were you born in?
We don't have a common defense problem. The Proof is, we have Tax Cut economics not really really serious wartime tax rates.
Common with Messiko? Who fucking cares? People were pouring over our border, so we secured it. What’s the problem?
this is an express power: To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization

Our welfare clause is General and we have a commerce clause.

We don't have a common defense issue on our border.
What is it about securing our borders that you hate?
We don't have a common defense problem. We have a refugee problem.
So you think that our borders shouldn’t be secure? What bean country were you born in?
We don't have a common defense problem. The Proof is, we have Tax Cut economics not really really serious wartime tax rates.
Common with Messiko? Who fucking cares? People were pouring over our border, so we secured it. What’s the problem?
this is an express power: To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization

Our welfare clause is General and we have a commerce clause.

We don't have a common defense issue on our border.
You’re not making any sense. Wtf are you talking about?
We don't have a common defense problem. We have a refugee problem.
So you think that our borders shouldn’t be secure? What bean country were you born in?
We don't have a common defense problem. The Proof is, we have Tax Cut economics not really really serious wartime tax rates.
Common with Messiko? Who fucking cares? People were pouring over our border, so we secured it. What’s the problem?
this is an express power: To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization

Our welfare clause is General and we have a commerce clause.

We don't have a common defense issue on our border.
You’re not making any sense. Wtf are you talking about?
how dumb do we have to write it for the right wing?
They are not invaders they are trespassers
Bullshit. When we catch one 10 years from now and he has a family living here he is not going to be called trespasser and people will cry foul if you try to send him back.

So how many years until a trespasser becomes an invader?
Our welfare clause is General. Where is the specific power to establish walls?
What is it about securing our borders that you hate?

Don't you think a much more important question is: When does the wall idea along with its enforcement, not to mention lost Liberty become a valid topic for discussion?

Everybody wants a secure border. They also want Freedom and Liberty. So how much Liberty and how much Security? Those in favor of the wall would relinquish their Liberty and even accept gun control in exchange for the wall.

Correct. I want border security too I just don't think a wall to match Trump's ego is the right answer. In fact I know it's not.

But I don't mind putting our troops down on the border.

How does a wall affect your Liberty?

How does it NOT affect your Liberty?

1) Go back to my original post on this subject. The right was solidly against National ID prior to 9 / 11 and the subject of foreigners. The right is now THE voice for Orwellian surveillance and control

2) There is enforcement of the Constitution Free Zone

3) Employers are being threatened for hiring foreigners with the right claiming the foreigners are stealing our (sic) jobs. Your Liberty is dependent on the free market. The jobs are not yours. They belong to the person who creates them

4) Due to the people who began the wall rhetoric, private property owners are no longer allowed to defend their own private property

5) The forced use of National ID nullified the Fourth Amendment

6) The right is trying to imply one must be a citizen in order to have rights. If that is the case, the government is the entity which gives you your rights. That is clearly not what the founders said. Placing your rights into the hands of government means you may no longer claim them. They are mere privileges to be doled out by your government benefactors.

How many Liberties do you want me to list?
Don’t all elected officials take an oath when they take office? And doesn’t this oath state that they will defend the constitution?

If that’s the case, why don’t the Dims want to defend this country against foreign invaders? Criminals who disobey the very laws they’ve enacted?

Now, Democrats are going to say, “Why is the government arresting hardworking immigrants? They are just seeking a better way of life.” Well, this is a simple, twofold answer. One, they are not here legally. Two, and just as important, they are taking jobs that hardworking Americans do not have access to.

Let’s hope that Trump is successful before Christmas in getting the wall funded. And let’s hope Congress finally gets its act together and remembers the meaning of that oath that they all took.

More @ Democrats Deny These Immigration Truths
They have set their goals and will not derivative from them. Changing the Constitution to their own format, no guns, no rights. Making this Nation, a Socialist Nation with open borders. Having the Globalist rich running politicians at the local government level. This is what is in the future unless something happens.

Conspiracy Postulate* ^^^ which offers not one scintilla of evidence.

However, a very well developed paragraph which includes the allegations spewed from the tongue and twitter account of Donald Trump.

*Postulate: Postulates and Theorems

So you think that our borders shouldn’t be secure? What bean country were you born in?
We don't have a common defense problem. The Proof is, we have Tax Cut economics not really really serious wartime tax rates.
Common with Messiko? Who fucking cares? People were pouring over our border, so we secured it. What’s the problem?
this is an express power: To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization

Our welfare clause is General and we have a commerce clause.

We don't have a common defense issue on our border.
You’re not making any sense. Wtf are you talking about?
how dumb do we have to write it for the right wing?
Try making sense for a start. Wtf do welfare and commerce clauses have to do with our border? Or a common defense issue? With whom? Why would we need a common issue?
Our welfare clause is General. Where is the specific power to establish walls?
What is it about securing our borders that you hate?
We don't have a common defense problem. We have a refugee problem.
So you think that our borders shouldn’t be secure? What bean country were you born in?
We don't have a common defense problem. The Proof is, we have Tax Cut economics not really really serious wartime tax rates.
Common with Messiko? Who fucking cares? People were pouring over our border, so we secured it. What’s the problem?

Christ, still waxing about the 1880-1930 America when we did have fairly open and an actual immigration policy.

Which destroyed our country....
Don’t all elected officials take an oath when they take office? And doesn’t this oath state that they will defend the constitution?

If that’s the case, why don’t the Dims want to defend this country against foreign invaders? Criminals who disobey the very laws they’ve enacted?

Now, Democrats are going to say, “Why is the government arresting hardworking immigrants? They are just seeking a better way of life.” Well, this is a simple, twofold answer. One, they are not here legally. Two, and just as important, they are taking jobs that hardworking Americans do not have access to.

Let’s hope that Trump is successful before Christmas in getting the wall funded. And let’s hope Congress finally gets its act together and remembers the meaning of that oath that they all took.

More @ Democrats Deny These Immigration Truths

Why do Republicans deny these immigration truths?

Most illegal immigrants are good hard working people and are only here because Americans will hire them.

Oh and that no wall will prevent the majority of illegal immigration but it sure is a good way for Trump to fire up his base who like 'simple' answer- rather than actually addressing border security and the tough immigration issues.
Bullshit. When we catch one 10 years from now and he has a family living here he is not going to be called trespasser and people will cry foul if you try to send him back.

So how many years until a trespasser becomes an invader?
Our welfare clause is General. Where is the specific power to establish walls?
What is it about securing our borders that you hate?

Don't you think a much more important question is: When does the wall idea along with its enforcement, not to mention lost Liberty become a valid topic for discussion?

Everybody wants a secure border. They also want Freedom and Liberty. So how much Liberty and how much Security? Those in favor of the wall would relinquish their Liberty and even accept gun control in exchange for the wall.

Correct. I want border security too I just don't think a wall to match Trump's ego is the right answer. In fact I know it's not.

But I don't mind putting our troops down on the border.

How does a wall affect your Liberty?

How does it NOT affect your Liberty?

1) Go back to my original post on this subject. The right was solidly against National ID prior to 9 / 11 and the subject of foreigners. The right is now THE voice for Orwellian surveillance and control

2) There is enforcement of the Constitution Free Zone

3) Employers are being threatened for hiring foreigners with the right claiming the foreigners are stealing our (sic) jobs. Your Liberty is dependent on the free market. The jobs are not yours. They belong to the person who creates them

4) Due to the people who began the wall rhetoric, private property owners are no longer allowed to defend their own private property

5) The forced use of National ID nullified the Fourth Amendment

6) The right is trying to imply one must be a citizen in order to have rights. If that is the case, the government is the entity which gives you your rights. That is clearly not what the founders said. Placing your rights into the hands of government means you may no longer claim them. They are mere privileges to be doled out by your government benefactors.

How many Liberties do you want me to list?

You sound like a Russian troll.

Don’t all elected officials take an oath when they take office? And doesn’t this oath state that they will defend the constitution?

If that’s the case, why don’t the Dims want to defend this country against foreign invaders? Criminals who disobey the very laws they’ve enacted?

Now, Democrats are going to say, “Why is the government arresting hardworking immigrants? They are just seeking a better way of life.” Well, this is a simple, twofold answer. One, they are not here legally. Two, and just as important, they are taking jobs that hardworking Americans do not have access to.

Let’s hope that Trump is successful before Christmas in getting the wall funded. And let’s hope Congress finally gets its act together and remembers the meaning of that oath that they all took.

More @ Democrats Deny These Immigration Truths

Why do Republicans deny these immigration truths?

Most illegal immigrants are good hard working people and are only here because Americans will hire them.

Oh and that no wall will prevent the majority of illegal immigration but it sure is a good way for Trump to fire up his base who like 'simple' answer- rather than actually addressing border security and the tough immigration issues.

So a wall that exists is no wall?

Just admit it you will fund killing babies, but have a huge problem if trump gets funding to finish a wall.

Our welfare clause is General. Where is the specific power to establish walls?
What is it about securing our borders that you hate?

Don't you think a much more important question is: When does the wall idea along with its enforcement, not to mention lost Liberty become a valid topic for discussion?

Everybody wants a secure border. They also want Freedom and Liberty. So how much Liberty and how much Security? Those in favor of the wall would relinquish their Liberty and even accept gun control in exchange for the wall.

Correct. I want border security too I just don't think a wall to match Trump's ego is the right answer. In fact I know it's not.

But I don't mind putting our troops down on the border.

How does a wall affect your Liberty?

How does it NOT affect your Liberty?

1) Go back to my original post on this subject. The right was solidly against National ID prior to 9 / 11 and the subject of foreigners. The right is now THE voice for Orwellian surveillance and control

2) There is enforcement of the Constitution Free Zone

3) Employers are being threatened for hiring foreigners with the right claiming the foreigners are stealing our (sic) jobs. Your Liberty is dependent on the free market. The jobs are not yours. They belong to the person who creates them

4) Due to the people who began the wall rhetoric, private property owners are no longer allowed to defend their own private property

5) The forced use of National ID nullified the Fourth Amendment

6) The right is trying to imply one must be a citizen in order to have rights. If that is the case, the government is the entity which gives you your rights. That is clearly not what the founders said. Placing your rights into the hands of government means you may no longer claim them. They are mere privileges to be doled out by your government benefactors.

How many Liberties do you want me to list?

You sound like a Russian troll.


Is that supposed to be an insult? Remember everyone, Russia is on Trump's side in this discussion.
We don't have a common defense problem. The Proof is, we have Tax Cut economics not really really serious wartime tax rates.
Common with Messiko? Who fucking cares? People were pouring over our border, so we secured it. What’s the problem?
this is an express power: To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization

Our welfare clause is General and we have a commerce clause.

We don't have a common defense issue on our border.
You’re not making any sense. Wtf are you talking about?
how dumb do we have to write it for the right wing?
Try making sense for a start. Wtf do welfare and commerce clauses have to do with our border? Or a common defense issue? With whom? Why would we need a common issue?
there is no wall building power.
Common with Messiko? Who fucking cares? People were pouring over our border, so we secured it. What’s the problem?
this is an express power: To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization

Our welfare clause is General and we have a commerce clause.

We don't have a common defense issue on our border.
You’re not making any sense. Wtf are you talking about?
how dumb do we have to write it for the right wing?
Try making sense for a start. Wtf do welfare and commerce clauses have to do with our border? Or a common defense issue? With whom? Why would we need a common issue?
there is no wall building power.
Fortifying our borders is a government responsibility. I personally think they should simply mine the border and put up Messikin pictograms. Then sit back and watch the tacos fly! :biggrin:

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