Democrats Deny These Immigration Truths

You’re not making any sense. Wtf are you talking about?
how dumb do we have to write it for the right wing?
Try making sense for a start. Wtf do welfare and commerce clauses have to do with our border? Or a common defense issue? With whom? Why would we need a common issue?

Welcome to Daniel's strange, strange world.
Now I see why you guys get so frustrated with liberals. Trust me we don't all defend sanctuary cities and illegal immigrants.

Why does it matter whether or not a state allows foreigners to come and go? It should encourage us to force Congress to turn welfare over to the states. That way, if California wants to be a sanctuary state and they can afford it, that is their business.

The next step we should take is to make sure that the benefits and privileges like welfare, education, etc. are benefits of citizenship and the government cannot dole that money to out to ANY non-citizen.

Uhm because illegaI rapist and killer Mexicans cross state lines with ease?

You’re not making any sense. Wtf are you talking about?
how dumb do we have to write it for the right wing?
Try making sense for a start. Wtf do welfare and commerce clauses have to do with our border? Or a common defense issue? With whom? Why would we need a common issue?

Welcome to Daniel's strange, strange world.
Now I see why you guys get so frustrated with liberals. Trust me we don't all defend sanctuary cities and illegal immigrants.

Why does it matter whether or not a state allows foreigners to come and go? It should encourage us to force Congress to turn welfare over to the states. That way, if California wants to be a sanctuary state and they can afford it, that is their business.

The next step we should take is to make sure that the benefits and privileges like welfare, education, etc. are benefits of citizenship and the government cannot dole that money to out to ANY non-citizen.

The reason why thirty years ago unions fought against illegal immigration was because they understood the simple reality that labor rises and falls in price as a function of availability. More workers, lower wages. Fewer workers, higher wages.

We fought for laws that would regulate immigration into the United States to a small enough flow that it wouldn't dilute the labor pool. The first laws creating a quota for immigrants were passed in the 1920s, in response to a sense that the country could no longer absorb large numbers of unskilled workers, despite pleas by big business that it wanted the new workers.

Do a little math. There are 7.6 million unemployed Americans and at the same time 15 million illegals working here diluting our labor pool. If illegal immigrants could no longer work, unions would flourish, the minimum wage would rise, and oligarchic nations to our south would have to confront and fix their corrupt ways.

Every nation has an obligation to limit immigration to a number that will not dilute its workforce if it wants to maintain a stable middle class. This has nothing to do with race but everything to do with economics.

The simple way to do this today is to require that all non-refugee immigrants go through the same process to become American citizens or legal workers in this country (no amnesties, no "guest workers," no "legalizations") regardless of how they got here and to confront employers who hire illegals with draconian financial and criminal penalties.

As long as employers are willing and able (without severe penalties) to hire illegal workers, people will risk life and limb to grab at the America Dream. When we stop hiring and paying them, most will leave.

This is, after all, the middle-class "American Dream." And how much better this hemisphere would be if Central and South Americans were motivated to stay in their own nations (because no employer in the US would dare hire them) and fight there for a Mexican Dream and a Salvadoran Dream and a Guatemalan Dream (and so on).
how dumb do we have to write it for the right wing?
Try making sense for a start. Wtf do welfare and commerce clauses have to do with our border? Or a common defense issue? With whom? Why would we need a common issue?

Welcome to Daniel's strange, strange world.
Now I see why you guys get so frustrated with liberals. Trust me we don't all defend sanctuary cities and illegal immigrants.

Why does it matter whether or not a state allows foreigners to come and go? It should encourage us to force Congress to turn welfare over to the states. That way, if California wants to be a sanctuary state and they can afford it, that is their business.

The next step we should take is to make sure that the benefits and privileges like welfare, education, etc. are benefits of citizenship and the government cannot dole that money to out to ANY non-citizen.

Uhm because illegaI rapist and killer Mexicans cross state lines with ease?


So you want to spend a trillion dollars building a wall that will stop 2 murders and 4 rapes a year? Ridiculous.

But, are you even following this guys thinking? He's all over the place. Why does it matter if a state lets foreigners come and go? Foreigners can come and go anywhere they want in the USA if they have a visitor visa. What they can't do is work. If they work the employer should go to jail. That way no employer would dare hire an illegal.

And how does turning welfare over to the states have anything to do with this?

Anyways, Mexican rapists and murderers come here to work. Rape is just a bonus.

Suspect in Mollie Tibbetts’ murder worked on farm owned by Iowa GOP family for 4 years

“This individual has worked at our farms for four years, was vetted through the government’s E-Verify system, and was an employee in good standing,” the statement read.

“Yarrabee Farms follows all laws related to verifying employees are legal to work in the United States.”

And actually they lied. They did not use Everify. They used a less reliable verification system and imo they knew he gave them a fake id. We can do better people.
Try making sense for a start. Wtf do welfare and commerce clauses have to do with our border? Or a common defense issue? With whom? Why would we need a common issue?

Welcome to Daniel's strange, strange world.
Now I see why you guys get so frustrated with liberals. Trust me we don't all defend sanctuary cities and illegal immigrants.

Why does it matter whether or not a state allows foreigners to come and go? It should encourage us to force Congress to turn welfare over to the states. That way, if California wants to be a sanctuary state and they can afford it, that is their business.

The next step we should take is to make sure that the benefits and privileges like welfare, education, etc. are benefits of citizenship and the government cannot dole that money to out to ANY non-citizen.

Uhm because illegaI rapist and killer Mexicans cross state lines with ease?


So you want to spend a trillion dollars building a wall that will stop 2 murders and 4 rapes a year? Ridiculous.

But, are you even following this guys thinking? He's all over the place. Why does it matter if a state lets foreigners come and go? Foreigners can come and go anywhere they want in the USA if they have a visitor visa. What they can't do is work. If they work the employer should go to jail. That way no employer would dare hire an illegal.

And how does turning welfare over to the states have anything to do with this?

Anyways, Mexican rapists and murderers come here to work. Rape is just a bonus.

Suspect in Mollie Tibbetts’ murder worked on farm owned by Iowa GOP family for 4 years

“This individual has worked at our farms for four years, was vetted through the government’s E-Verify system, and was an employee in good standing,” the statement read.

“Yarrabee Farms follows all laws related to verifying employees are legal to work in the United States.”

And actually they lied. They did not use Everify. They used a less reliable verification system and imo they knew he gave them a fake id. We can do better people.

A trillion for the wall? Not even close. Please at least be a little more accurate.
Try making sense for a start. Wtf do welfare and commerce clauses have to do with our border? Or a common defense issue? With whom? Why would we need a common issue?

Welcome to Daniel's strange, strange world.
Now I see why you guys get so frustrated with liberals. Trust me we don't all defend sanctuary cities and illegal immigrants.

Why does it matter whether or not a state allows foreigners to come and go? It should encourage us to force Congress to turn welfare over to the states. That way, if California wants to be a sanctuary state and they can afford it, that is their business.

The next step we should take is to make sure that the benefits and privileges like welfare, education, etc. are benefits of citizenship and the government cannot dole that money to out to ANY non-citizen.

Uhm because illegaI rapist and killer Mexicans cross state lines with ease?


So you want to spend a trillion dollars building a wall that will stop 2 murders and 4 rapes a year? Ridiculous.

But, are you even following this guys thinking? He's all over the place. Why does it matter if a state lets foreigners come and go? Foreigners can come and go anywhere they want in the USA if they have a visitor visa. What they can't do is work. If they work the employer should go to jail. That way no employer would dare hire an illegal.

And how does turning welfare over to the states have anything to do with this?

Anyways, Mexican rapists and murderers come here to work. Rape is just a bonus.

Suspect in Mollie Tibbetts’ murder worked on farm owned by Iowa GOP family for 4 years

“This individual has worked at our farms for four years, was vetted through the government’s E-Verify system, and was an employee in good standing,” the statement read.

“Yarrabee Farms follows all laws related to verifying employees are legal to work in the United States.”

And actually they lied. They did not use Everify. They used a less reliable verification system and imo they knew he gave them a fake id. We can do better people.

Wait so you don't value human life?

You have no problem with rape and murder??

Try making sense for a start. Wtf do welfare and commerce clauses have to do with our border? Or a common defense issue? With whom? Why would we need a common issue?

Welcome to Daniel's strange, strange world.
Now I see why you guys get so frustrated with liberals. Trust me we don't all defend sanctuary cities and illegal immigrants.

Why does it matter whether or not a state allows foreigners to come and go? It should encourage us to force Congress to turn welfare over to the states. That way, if California wants to be a sanctuary state and they can afford it, that is their business.

The next step we should take is to make sure that the benefits and privileges like welfare, education, etc. are benefits of citizenship and the government cannot dole that money to out to ANY non-citizen.

Uhm because illegaI rapist and killer Mexicans cross state lines with ease?


So you want to spend a trillion dollars building a wall that will stop 2 murders and 4 rapes a year? Ridiculous.

But, are you even following this guys thinking? He's all over the place. Why does it matter if a state lets foreigners come and go? Foreigners can come and go anywhere they want in the USA if they have a visitor visa. What they can't do is work. If they work the employer should go to jail. That way no employer would dare hire an illegal.

And how does turning welfare over to the states have anything to do with this?

Anyways, Mexican rapists and murderers come here to work. Rape is just a bonus.

Suspect in Mollie Tibbetts’ murder worked on farm owned by Iowa GOP family for 4 years

“This individual has worked at our farms for four years, was vetted through the government’s E-Verify system, and was an employee in good standing,” the statement read.

“Yarrabee Farms follows all laws related to verifying employees are legal to work in the United States.”

And actually they lied. They did not use Everify. They used a less reliable verification system and imo they knew he gave them a fake id. We can do better people.

And you just admitted Illegal Mexicans are rapist and killers .

Entry into the Union is a federal obligation not a private sector obligation. All foreign nationals in the US should have a federal id.
What do you mean obligation? We are not obligated to take anyone into the union.
this is the actual power delegated to Congress: To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization

Yea, and to set the numbers at a reasonable level. So if we have too many people and not enough jobs, we don't take as many immigrants that year.

There job isn't to take in as many that want to come. They have the right to say no. We have the right to say no.

Just because dealing with immigration is a thing Congress has to deal with does not mean we are obligated to take anyone in. We could stop taking everyone in tomorrow.

For example, what if we took 10,000 people a year from West Africa. Would we have been obligated to take them in during the 2014-2016 Ebola outbreak?

Ah so what you are saying is that circumstances dictate how many we take in? Got it.
we have a general welfare clause not a general warfare clause. why complain about refugees.
What are refugees? They seem to be people who aren't going through the normal channels of coming to this country. They claim it's too dangerous where they live? Then deal with it. Same with the arab men fleeing their countries and giving it all to the taliban, al queda and ISIS when they run. Stay and fight for your country.

Central America couldn’t take it anymore.” That’s how Ruben Figueroa describes the October exodus of thousands of people from Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala fleeing north. “After decades of US intervention, chronic poverty, corruption, and structural violence, Central America just couldn’t take it.”

So every year we have to take in the ones who can't take it? How about they clean up the shit holes they come from and don't come here?

I'm a liberal but even I get it.
they all should be processed on a case by case basis. our welfare clause is general.

where is the wall building clause?
Entry into the Union is a federal obligation not a private sector obligation. All foreign nationals in the US should have a federal id.
What do you mean obligation? We are not obligated to take anyone into the union.
this is the actual power delegated to Congress: To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization

Yea, and to set the numbers at a reasonable level. So if we have too many people and not enough jobs, we don't take as many immigrants that year.

There job isn't to take in as many that want to come. They have the right to say no. We have the right to say no.

Just because dealing with immigration is a thing Congress has to deal with does not mean we are obligated to take anyone in. We could stop taking everyone in tomorrow.

For example, what if we took 10,000 people a year from West Africa. Would we have been obligated to take them in during the 2014-2016 Ebola outbreak?

Ah so what you are saying is that circumstances dictate how many we take in? Got it.
we have a general welfare clause not a general warfare clause. why complain about refugees.

What is Juan Orlando Hernández doing about the chronic poverty, corruption, and structural violence in his country? Why do we have to deal with the chronic poverty, corruption, and structural violence in Honduras?
our drug war.
Welcome to Daniel's strange, strange world.
Now I see why you guys get so frustrated with liberals. Trust me we don't all defend sanctuary cities and illegal immigrants.

Why does it matter whether or not a state allows foreigners to come and go? It should encourage us to force Congress to turn welfare over to the states. That way, if California wants to be a sanctuary state and they can afford it, that is their business.

The next step we should take is to make sure that the benefits and privileges like welfare, education, etc. are benefits of citizenship and the government cannot dole that money to out to ANY non-citizen.

Uhm because illegaI rapist and killer Mexicans cross state lines with ease?


So you want to spend a trillion dollars building a wall that will stop 2 murders and 4 rapes a year? Ridiculous.

But, are you even following this guys thinking? He's all over the place. Why does it matter if a state lets foreigners come and go? Foreigners can come and go anywhere they want in the USA if they have a visitor visa. What they can't do is work. If they work the employer should go to jail. That way no employer would dare hire an illegal.

And how does turning welfare over to the states have anything to do with this?

Anyways, Mexican rapists and murderers come here to work. Rape is just a bonus.

Suspect in Mollie Tibbetts’ murder worked on farm owned by Iowa GOP family for 4 years

“This individual has worked at our farms for four years, was vetted through the government’s E-Verify system, and was an employee in good standing,” the statement read.

“Yarrabee Farms follows all laws related to verifying employees are legal to work in the United States.”

And actually they lied. They did not use Everify. They used a less reliable verification system and imo they knew he gave them a fake id. We can do better people.

Wait so you don't value human life?

You have no problem with rape and murder??

Corporations react the exact same way I just did. If it’s millions of dollars to stop a couple rapes and murders, it’s not worth building the fucking wall.

We are running the country like a business now. If it don’t make dollars it don’t make sense. We pay soldiers to train for fighting in deserts. Put them on the border.

Why don’t Europeans need walls? Their employers wouldn’t dare hire illegals
Welcome to Daniel's strange, strange world.
Now I see why you guys get so frustrated with liberals. Trust me we don't all defend sanctuary cities and illegal immigrants.

Why does it matter whether or not a state allows foreigners to come and go? It should encourage us to force Congress to turn welfare over to the states. That way, if California wants to be a sanctuary state and they can afford it, that is their business.

The next step we should take is to make sure that the benefits and privileges like welfare, education, etc. are benefits of citizenship and the government cannot dole that money to out to ANY non-citizen.

Uhm because illegaI rapist and killer Mexicans cross state lines with ease?


So you want to spend a trillion dollars building a wall that will stop 2 murders and 4 rapes a year? Ridiculous.

But, are you even following this guys thinking? He's all over the place. Why does it matter if a state lets foreigners come and go? Foreigners can come and go anywhere they want in the USA if they have a visitor visa. What they can't do is work. If they work the employer should go to jail. That way no employer would dare hire an illegal.

And how does turning welfare over to the states have anything to do with this?

Anyways, Mexican rapists and murderers come here to work. Rape is just a bonus.

Suspect in Mollie Tibbetts’ murder worked on farm owned by Iowa GOP family for 4 years

“This individual has worked at our farms for four years, was vetted through the government’s E-Verify system, and was an employee in good standing,” the statement read.

“Yarrabee Farms follows all laws related to verifying employees are legal to work in the United States.”

And actually they lied. They did not use Everify. They used a less reliable verification system and imo they knew he gave them a fake id. We can do better people.

And you just admitted Illegal Mexicans are rapist and killers .

Not the point captain deflector
how dumb do we have to write it for the right wing?
Try making sense for a start. Wtf do welfare and commerce clauses have to do with our border? Or a common defense issue? With whom? Why would we need a common issue?

Welcome to Daniel's strange, strange world.
Now I see why you guys get so frustrated with liberals. Trust me we don't all defend sanctuary cities and illegal immigrants.

Why does it matter whether or not a state allows foreigners to come and go? It should encourage us to force Congress to turn welfare over to the states. That way, if California wants to be a sanctuary state and they can afford it, that is their business.

The next step we should take is to make sure that the benefits and privileges like welfare, education, etc. are benefits of citizenship and the government cannot dole that money to out to ANY non-citizen.

Uhm because illegaI rapist and killer Mexicans cross state lines with ease?


So Americans should not be able to travel from state to state for the same reason.
Try making sense for a start. Wtf do welfare and commerce clauses have to do with our border? Or a common defense issue? With whom? Why would we need a common issue?

Welcome to Daniel's strange, strange world.
Now I see why you guys get so frustrated with liberals. Trust me we don't all defend sanctuary cities and illegal immigrants.

Why does it matter whether or not a state allows foreigners to come and go? It should encourage us to force Congress to turn welfare over to the states. That way, if California wants to be a sanctuary state and they can afford it, that is their business.

The next step we should take is to make sure that the benefits and privileges like welfare, education, etc. are benefits of citizenship and the government cannot dole that money to out to ANY non-citizen.

Uhm because illegaI rapist and killer Mexicans cross state lines with ease?


So Americans should not be able to travel from state to state for the same reason.

To complicated for you? One state can't be lawless ..
how dumb do we have to write it for the right wing?
Try making sense for a start. Wtf do welfare and commerce clauses have to do with our border? Or a common defense issue? With whom? Why would we need a common issue?

Welcome to Daniel's strange, strange world.
Now I see why you guys get so frustrated with liberals. Trust me we don't all defend sanctuary cities and illegal immigrants.

Why does it matter whether or not a state allows foreigners to come and go? It should encourage us to force Congress to turn welfare over to the states. That way, if California wants to be a sanctuary state and they can afford it, that is their business.

The next step we should take is to make sure that the benefits and privileges like welfare, education, etc. are benefits of citizenship and the government cannot dole that money to out to ANY non-citizen.

The reason why thirty years ago unions fought against illegal immigration was because they understood the simple reality that labor rises and falls in price as a function of availability. More workers, lower wages. Fewer workers, higher wages.

We fought for laws that would regulate immigration into the United States to a small enough flow that it wouldn't dilute the labor pool. The first laws creating a quota for immigrants were passed in the 1920s, in response to a sense that the country could no longer absorb large numbers of unskilled workers, despite pleas by big business that it wanted the new workers.

Do a little math. There are 7.6 million unemployed Americans and at the same time 15 million illegals working here diluting our labor pool. If illegal immigrants could no longer work, unions would flourish, the minimum wage would rise, and oligarchic nations to our south would have to confront and fix their corrupt ways.

Every nation has an obligation to limit immigration to a number that will not dilute its workforce if it wants to maintain a stable middle class. This has nothing to do with race but everything to do with economics.

The simple way to do this today is to require that all non-refugee immigrants go through the same process to become American citizens or legal workers in this country (no amnesties, no "guest workers," no "legalizations") regardless of how they got here and to confront employers who hire illegals with draconian financial and criminal penalties.

As long as employers are willing and able (without severe penalties) to hire illegal workers, people will risk life and limb to grab at the America Dream. When we stop hiring and paying them, most will leave.

This is, after all, the middle-class "American Dream." And how much better this hemisphere would be if Central and South Americans were motivated to stay in their own nations (because no employer in the US would dare hire them) and fight there for a Mexican Dream and a Salvadoran Dream and a Guatemalan Dream (and so on).

I fully disagree with you.

In the 1950s the feds started Operation Wetback. In less than five years of rounding up foreigners and shipping them home our unemployment rate doubled. It is a different economics lesson, but what you bring to the table is easily answered.

Where do you suppose that the American workers are today?

"the total number of persons in the adult correctional systems had fallen to 6,851,000 persons, approximately 52,200 fewer offenders than at the year end of 2013 as reported by the BJS. About 1 in 36 adults (or 2.8% of adults in the US) were under some form of correctional supervision"

Incarceration in the United States - Wikipedia

“Drug use is on the rise in this country and 23.5 million Americans are addicted to alcohol and drugs. That’s approximately one in every 10 Americans over the age of 12 – roughly equal to the entire population of Texas. But only 11 percent of those with an addiction receive treatment."

New Data Show Millions of Americans with Alcohol and Drug Addiction Could Benefit from Health Care Reform - Where Families Find Answers on Substance Use | Partnership for Drug-Free Kids

There is quite a bit of overlap, but drug using Americans with a criminal record find themselves unemployable and end up on government assistance. The parents allow of a lot of those people allow them to sponge off mom and dad. Between that and government giving them a debit card for food, these people have no incentive to work.

The standard canard of the right is that foreigners are stealing jobs (that is a socialist argument, btw), when in reality, many Americans are unemployable due to background checks that are irrelevant to most jobs AND parents mollycoddling their now middle age "children" whilst they suck off the government teat.
Try making sense for a start. Wtf do welfare and commerce clauses have to do with our border? Or a common defense issue? With whom? Why would we need a common issue?

Welcome to Daniel's strange, strange world.
Now I see why you guys get so frustrated with liberals. Trust me we don't all defend sanctuary cities and illegal immigrants.

Why does it matter whether or not a state allows foreigners to come and go? It should encourage us to force Congress to turn welfare over to the states. That way, if California wants to be a sanctuary state and they can afford it, that is their business.

The next step we should take is to make sure that the benefits and privileges like welfare, education, etc. are benefits of citizenship and the government cannot dole that money to out to ANY non-citizen.

Uhm because illegaI rapist and killer Mexicans cross state lines with ease?


So you want to spend a trillion dollars building a wall that will stop 2 murders and 4 rapes a year? Ridiculous.

But, are you even following this guys thinking? He's all over the place. Why does it matter if a state lets foreigners come and go? Foreigners can come and go anywhere they want in the USA if they have a visitor visa. What they can't do is work. If they work the employer should go to jail. That way no employer would dare hire an illegal.

And how does turning welfare over to the states have anything to do with this?

Anyways, Mexican rapists and murderers come here to work. Rape is just a bonus.

Suspect in Mollie Tibbetts’ murder worked on farm owned by Iowa GOP family for 4 years

“This individual has worked at our farms for four years, was vetted through the government’s E-Verify system, and was an employee in good standing,” the statement read.

“Yarrabee Farms follows all laws related to verifying employees are legal to work in the United States.”

And actually they lied. They did not use Everify. They used a less reliable verification system and imo they knew he gave them a fake id. We can do better people.

"I'm all over the place?" Are you kidding? The position I'm taking is the only one that is different. Liberals and conservatives alike are unified in their thinking. They simply are not paying attention to one another.

I'm an individual that believes in the Constitution as originally written and intended. That means that all people have unalienable Rights. When an employer creates a job, it is his. It is his personal property. He may give it to whomever he pleases. Any law that contradicts that is in conflict with the original interpretation of the Constitution. Both the liberals and conservatives DO NOT support the Right of private property.

Within six months of the ratification of the Constitution, we had federal laws on the books extending citizenship to whites only. Despite that, people came from all over the world to engage in lawful pursuits.

Here is what you don't seem to grasp. If employers were allowed to hire who they thought was the best person for the job, there would be no laws that guaranteed ANYONE a job... no racial quotas, no special treatment for LGBQT community, no laws forcing employers to hire X number of black people, Y number of women, or Z number of Muslims. When foreigners accept a job from an American, it is a private matter between the person who owns the job and the individual that applies for it.
Welcome to Daniel's strange, strange world.
Now I see why you guys get so frustrated with liberals. Trust me we don't all defend sanctuary cities and illegal immigrants.

Why does it matter whether or not a state allows foreigners to come and go? It should encourage us to force Congress to turn welfare over to the states. That way, if California wants to be a sanctuary state and they can afford it, that is their business.

The next step we should take is to make sure that the benefits and privileges like welfare, education, etc. are benefits of citizenship and the government cannot dole that money to out to ANY non-citizen.

Uhm because illegaI rapist and killer Mexicans cross state lines with ease?


So you want to spend a trillion dollars building a wall that will stop 2 murders and 4 rapes a year? Ridiculous.

But, are you even following this guys thinking? He's all over the place. Why does it matter if a state lets foreigners come and go? Foreigners can come and go anywhere they want in the USA if they have a visitor visa. What they can't do is work. If they work the employer should go to jail. That way no employer would dare hire an illegal.

And how does turning welfare over to the states have anything to do with this?

Anyways, Mexican rapists and murderers come here to work. Rape is just a bonus.

Suspect in Mollie Tibbetts’ murder worked on farm owned by Iowa GOP family for 4 years

“This individual has worked at our farms for four years, was vetted through the government’s E-Verify system, and was an employee in good standing,” the statement read.

“Yarrabee Farms follows all laws related to verifying employees are legal to work in the United States.”

And actually they lied. They did not use Everify. They used a less reliable verification system and imo they knew he gave them a fake id. We can do better people.

A trillion for the wall? Not even close. Please at least be a little more accurate.

Those who want the wall will never engage in a Cost / Benefits Analysis of the startup costs and maintenance costs versus the promised benefit relative to what they claim foreigners are costing us.
Now I see why you guys get so frustrated with liberals. Trust me we don't all defend sanctuary cities and illegal immigrants.

Why does it matter whether or not a state allows foreigners to come and go? It should encourage us to force Congress to turn welfare over to the states. That way, if California wants to be a sanctuary state and they can afford it, that is their business.

The next step we should take is to make sure that the benefits and privileges like welfare, education, etc. are benefits of citizenship and the government cannot dole that money to out to ANY non-citizen.

Uhm because illegaI rapist and killer Mexicans cross state lines with ease?


So you want to spend a trillion dollars building a wall that will stop 2 murders and 4 rapes a year? Ridiculous.

But, are you even following this guys thinking? He's all over the place. Why does it matter if a state lets foreigners come and go? Foreigners can come and go anywhere they want in the USA if they have a visitor visa. What they can't do is work. If they work the employer should go to jail. That way no employer would dare hire an illegal.

And how does turning welfare over to the states have anything to do with this?

Anyways, Mexican rapists and murderers come here to work. Rape is just a bonus.

Suspect in Mollie Tibbetts’ murder worked on farm owned by Iowa GOP family for 4 years

“This individual has worked at our farms for four years, was vetted through the government’s E-Verify system, and was an employee in good standing,” the statement read.

“Yarrabee Farms follows all laws related to verifying employees are legal to work in the United States.”

And actually they lied. They did not use Everify. They used a less reliable verification system and imo they knew he gave them a fake id. We can do better people.

Wait so you don't value human life?

You have no problem with rape and murder??

Corporations react the exact same way I just did. If it’s millions of dollars to stop a couple rapes and murders, it’s not worth building the fucking wall.

We are running the country like a business now. If it don’t make dollars it don’t make sense. We pay soldiers to train for fighting in deserts. Put them on the border.

Why don’t Europeans need walls? Their employers wouldn’t dare hire illegals

Maybe the employers in European countries don't have all the anti-discrimination laws the U.S. imposes.
Now I see why you guys get so frustrated with liberals. Trust me we don't all defend sanctuary cities and illegal immigrants.

Why does it matter whether or not a state allows foreigners to come and go? It should encourage us to force Congress to turn welfare over to the states. That way, if California wants to be a sanctuary state and they can afford it, that is their business.

The next step we should take is to make sure that the benefits and privileges like welfare, education, etc. are benefits of citizenship and the government cannot dole that money to out to ANY non-citizen.

Uhm because illegaI rapist and killer Mexicans cross state lines with ease?


So you want to spend a trillion dollars building a wall that will stop 2 murders and 4 rapes a year? Ridiculous.

But, are you even following this guys thinking? He's all over the place. Why does it matter if a state lets foreigners come and go? Foreigners can come and go anywhere they want in the USA if they have a visitor visa. What they can't do is work. If they work the employer should go to jail. That way no employer would dare hire an illegal.

And how does turning welfare over to the states have anything to do with this?

Anyways, Mexican rapists and murderers come here to work. Rape is just a bonus.

Suspect in Mollie Tibbetts’ murder worked on farm owned by Iowa GOP family for 4 years

“This individual has worked at our farms for four years, was vetted through the government’s E-Verify system, and was an employee in good standing,” the statement read.

“Yarrabee Farms follows all laws related to verifying employees are legal to work in the United States.”

And actually they lied. They did not use Everify. They used a less reliable verification system and imo they knew he gave them a fake id. We can do better people.

A trillion for the wall? Not even close. Please at least be a little more accurate.

Those who want the wall will never engage in a Cost / Benefits Analysis of the startup costs and maintenance costs versus the promised benefit relative to what they claim foreigners are costing us.

You do we already have a wall right, why do you hate it?

Welcome to Daniel's strange, strange world.
Now I see why you guys get so frustrated with liberals. Trust me we don't all defend sanctuary cities and illegal immigrants.

Why does it matter whether or not a state allows foreigners to come and go? It should encourage us to force Congress to turn welfare over to the states. That way, if California wants to be a sanctuary state and they can afford it, that is their business.

The next step we should take is to make sure that the benefits and privileges like welfare, education, etc. are benefits of citizenship and the government cannot dole that money to out to ANY non-citizen.

Uhm because illegaI rapist and killer Mexicans cross state lines with ease?


So Americans should not be able to travel from state to state for the same reason.

To complicated for you? One state can't be lawless ..

So, if New York bans high capacity magazines, then Georgia should do likewise? Is that your theory of law?
Now I see why you guys get so frustrated with liberals. Trust me we don't all defend sanctuary cities and illegal immigrants.

Why does it matter whether or not a state allows foreigners to come and go? It should encourage us to force Congress to turn welfare over to the states. That way, if California wants to be a sanctuary state and they can afford it, that is their business.

The next step we should take is to make sure that the benefits and privileges like welfare, education, etc. are benefits of citizenship and the government cannot dole that money to out to ANY non-citizen.

Uhm because illegaI rapist and killer Mexicans cross state lines with ease?


So Americans should not be able to travel from state to state for the same reason.

To complicated for you? One state can't be lawless ..

So, if New York bans high capacity magazines, then Georgia should do likewise? Is that your theory of law?

We are talking federal law, California can't risk the life of someone in Indiana.
Why does it matter whether or not a state allows foreigners to come and go? It should encourage us to force Congress to turn welfare over to the states. That way, if California wants to be a sanctuary state and they can afford it, that is their business.

The next step we should take is to make sure that the benefits and privileges like welfare, education, etc. are benefits of citizenship and the government cannot dole that money to out to ANY non-citizen.

Uhm because illegaI rapist and killer Mexicans cross state lines with ease?


So you want to spend a trillion dollars building a wall that will stop 2 murders and 4 rapes a year? Ridiculous.

But, are you even following this guys thinking? He's all over the place. Why does it matter if a state lets foreigners come and go? Foreigners can come and go anywhere they want in the USA if they have a visitor visa. What they can't do is work. If they work the employer should go to jail. That way no employer would dare hire an illegal.

And how does turning welfare over to the states have anything to do with this?

Anyways, Mexican rapists and murderers come here to work. Rape is just a bonus.

Suspect in Mollie Tibbetts’ murder worked on farm owned by Iowa GOP family for 4 years

“This individual has worked at our farms for four years, was vetted through the government’s E-Verify system, and was an employee in good standing,” the statement read.

“Yarrabee Farms follows all laws related to verifying employees are legal to work in the United States.”

And actually they lied. They did not use Everify. They used a less reliable verification system and imo they knew he gave them a fake id. We can do better people.

A trillion for the wall? Not even close. Please at least be a little more accurate.

Those who want the wall will never engage in a Cost / Benefits Analysis of the startup costs and maintenance costs versus the promised benefit relative to what they claim foreigners are costing us.

You do we already have a wall right, why do you hate it?


Have you been following my posts? Take your pick:

1) The wall idea cannot be enforced without National ID - and then there comes the pretext for 24 / 7 / 365 surveillance and monitoring of every individual in the U.S

2) The Constitution Free Zone

3) The peripheral laws surrounding the nutty wall prevent private property owners from protecting their own property

4) Enforcement of the wall results in a repeal of the Bill of Rights

5) The idea that foreigners cannot take a job willingly offered has ended up with the right making this bogus argument that foreigners are stealing jobs. Did the public own the jobs? No. The right is making a socialist argument.

How many reasons do you want and how many times do I have to post them on this thread?

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