Democrats Desperately Rush To Try To Blame Trump For Silicon Valley Bank Collapse

You have zero evidence that any of that caused this failure. I already knew that, of course. My question to you was rhetorical.
Zero evidence?
The failure is the evidence.
They went woke in 2020 and went broke in 2023.
What other evidence do you need?

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Yeah? And?
Clearly the only thing you understand is what the media decides is official state-approve propaganda.

You cannot seem to fathom that using anything other than training and experience is not only against the law but highly risky. Hiring people because of who they like to fuck and what their ethnicity is not only stupid but highly illegal.
What would happen if I decided I was only going to hire only white blonde-haired blue-eyed men and women for a position regardless of their experience?
You people on the left would be screaming like howling monkeys.

FYI, These institutions are more worried about Climate Change than sound financial investments.
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Clearly the only thing you understand is what the media decides is official state-approve propaganda.

You cannot seem to fathom that using anything other than training and experience is not only against the law but highly risky. Hiring people because of who they like to fuck and what their ethnicity is not only stupid but highly illegal.
What would happen if I decided I was only going to hire only white blonde-haired blue-eyed men and women for a position regardless of their experience?
You people on the left would be screaming like howling monkeys.

FYI, These institutions are more worried about Climate Change than sound financial investments.

You aren't providing evidence that DEI had anything to do with this bank's meltdown. You're providing conspiracy theories and bias. That's not evidence.
You aren't providing evidence that DEI had anything to do with this bank's meltdown. You're providing conspiracy theories and bias. That's not evidence.
You never could prove Russian Collusion but to you it was a fact, not a conspiracy, which it turned out to be.
The evidence is in the pudding.
If the bank is holding seminars on Climate Change and LGBT+ awareness the day of the collapse instead of making sound financial investments, your bank is going to fail.

As has been reported....they decided to over invest into the bond market and they were losing money because they didn't plan on interest rates going up. They bet on them going down....and then the Fed kept raising interest rates. Then they started selling stocks to pay for their debts. That's when people started taking their money out.
You never could prove Russian Collusion but to you it was a fact, not a conspiracy
Was it? Feel free to go back and quote me on that.

Oh, right, I forgot. You're one of the Binars. You're in Tribe R and everyone who disagrees with you is apart of Tribe D. Since you are incapable of individual thought you assume everyone else is too.

The evidence is in the pudding.
If the bank is holding seminars on Climate Change and LGBT+ awareness the day of the collapse instead of making sound financial investments, your bank is going to fail.
Of course, because everyone knows every employee of the company can only do one thing at a time in synch with every other employee of the company.


As has been reported....they decided to over invest into the bond market and they were losing money because they didn't plan on interest rates going up. They bet on them going down....and then the Fed kept raising interest rates. Then they started selling stocks to pay for their debts. That's when people started taking their money out.
That's the first truthful thing you've said and notice it has jack shit to do with DEI.
The collapse probably had a lot to do with this, too...

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It's also no surprise that SVB was the first bank to fail in this environment. In fact, it is hard to ignore the irony of it.

SVB – a west coast regional bank – filled it coffers with the deposits of Silicon Valley entrepreneurs, who were showered in billions of dollars of investments.

In Biden's over-heating economy, capital was easy to come by. But those who live by the sword, die by the sword.

The bank took those deposits and invested them in low yield bonds and treasuries sowing the seeds of their own destruction.

For when the Federal Reserve inevitably raised interest rates to cool the economy and tame raging inflation, Tech sector investments dried up and SVB's holdings lost their value.

This was entirely predictable, so why didn't SVB see it coming?

Well, their attention was focused elsewhere.

SVB's chief risk officer resigned in May of 2022. Her replacement wasn't hired until 9 months later in January of 2023.

That timeframe coincides with the period that new deposits for SVB faltered. With no new cash coming in the bank doors, they should have recognized that they had a huge problem. But instead of taking action to correct course, the head of risk management for SVB's UK branch was launching international equity and inclusion initiatives.
It's also no surprise that SVB was the first bank to fail in this environment. In fact, it is hard to ignore the irony of it.

SVB – a west coast regional bank – filled it coffers with the deposits of Silicon Valley entrepreneurs, who were showered in billions of dollars of investments.

In Biden's over-heating economy, capital was easy to come by. But those who live by the sword, die by the sword.

The bank took those deposits and invested them in low yield bonds and treasuries sowing the seeds of their own destruction.

For when the Federal Reserve inevitably raised interest rates to cool the economy and tame raging inflation, Tech sector investments dried up and SVB's holdings lost their value.

This was entirely predictable, so why didn't SVB see it coming?

Well, their attention was focused elsewhere.

SVB's chief risk officer resigned in May of 2022. Her replacement wasn't hired until 9 months later in January of 2023.

That timeframe coincides with the period that new deposits for SVB faltered. With no new cash coming in the bank doors, they should have recognized that they had a huge problem. But instead of taking action to correct course, the head of risk management for SVB's UK branch was launching international equity and inclusion initiatives.
excellent review
It's Trump or Putin.

It's all their fault! in everything! :rolleyes: :laugh:
Who's fault is inflation?
Biden and the Democrat controlled congress.
What causes interest rates to go up?
What caused the collapse of SVB?
Failure to react correctly to the way interest rates were going.
As conservatives have shown, you can’t force anyone to admit they’re wrong.

Conservatives like to use repression, distraction and deflection instead.

Their mistakes and bad predictions are merely shoved down the memory hole.

At some point maybe those that vote for Democrats will wise up and figure out that they are intentionally be lied to in order to push an agenda with which most do not agree, including the very Democrats that vote for them. I won’t hold my breath.
At some point maybe those that vote for Democrats will wise up and figure out that they are intentionally be lied to in order to push an agenda with which most do not agree, including the very Democrats that vote for them. I won’t hold my breath.
Oh god. The lack of self awareness here is astounding.

Anyway, have you guys started a search party for the recession you seem to have misplaced?
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Biden’s America:

Ok. Until five minutes ago I never had a thought that this bank failure was caused by Trump.

We do know that Trump rolled back parts of Dodd/Frank

The question is pretty simple. Did those roll backs allow this to happen or not…

I have seen nothing here or elsewhere showing it did or did not so…

"we do know"

You know shit. Trump did not have legislative power, moron.
He couldn't change Dodd/Frank even if he wanted to.
Trump deregulated the banks. Undoing everything Obama had done in the wake of the 2008 Financial Collapse. It was one of the few campaign promises he kept - undoing everything Obama had done. He wasn't completely successful, but banking deregulation was a big one that Trump bragged about.

I don't blame Trump for this one. The bank seems to have made a bunch of really dumb moves because of rising interest rates, that sent the message that the bank in danger of failing, and depositors started an electronic run on the bank over the weekend as a result, so that the FDIC had to take it over midweek, before it really did fail.

Speaking out of your ass, no surprise there.

But you do act like you know everything. So please, educate us and provide the law, that passed and changed Dodd/Frank, or EO(s) Trump signed that did what you claim.

I'll be waiting.

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