Democrats Dip 2018 Ballots in the Blood of Parkland Victims

They've been doing this since day one. Probably why 62% of people say no laws will come from this March. We aren't stupid
The March will not affect the second amendment so calm hunting rifles are safe and I don't need the nra nor people crying the sky is falling to tell me that. If the match upsets one that much that have it good if this is their biggest worry in the world.
They've been doing this since day one. Probably why 62% of people say no laws will come from this March. We aren't stupid
Sickening the level Democrats will stoop to.

It doesn't sicken me anymore. They've done this my whole adult life. I remember when they tried to turn the wellstone memorial into a campaign rally.

This is just, sadly, normal for them.

And people want to give them political power
Ever run i rescinded my bra membership they still solicit me to come back....thing is my gun rights are safe. Don't need to throw money for something already there.
The March will not affect the second amendment so calm hunting rifles are safe and I don't need the nra nor people crying the sky is falling to tell me that. If the match upsets one that much that have it good if this is their biggest worry in the world.
It was not a “march” it was a political rally for Democrats.
How low will Dem's stoop? Election rigging, FISA court lies, FBI/DOJ corruption, now this.
How low will Dem's stoop? Election rigging, FISA court lies, FBI/DOJ corruption, now this.
Straight from the discredited Sean Hannity Show.
The “March for Our Lives” political operative organized political rally was just a DNC 2018 campaign rally. Democrats shamelessly use the Parkland shooting for political purposes.
Democrats embrace March for Our Lives: Today sends a 'loud message to our leaders in Congress'
Democrats have been for gun control since before these kids were born.
Another failed thread of yours.
Democrats have been for social and family breakdown which is what helped this simple minded kid Cruz act how he did. The 2nd Amendment is what it is. This type of liberty is what has prevented us from becoming like North Korea or Nazi Germany.
This will only help the Republicans come mid-terms. That is classless and disgusting at the same time.
i totally agree. Any sensible person can see through the bullshit. Sad how these kids were used today.
The “March for Our Lives” political operative organized political rally was just a DNC 2018 campaign rally. Democrats shamelessly use the Parkland shooting for political purposes.
Democrats embrace March for Our Lives: Today sends a 'loud message to our leaders in Congress'
Democrats have been for gun control since before these kids were born.
Another failed thread of yours.
Democrats have been for social and family breakdown which is what helped this simple minded kid Cruz act how he did. The 2nd Amendment is what it is. This type of liberty is what has prevented us from becoming like North Korea or Nazi Germany.
So now you're claiming your party is still the party of family values with this serial sex offender in the WH?
The blood of these precious victims is on the hands of the NRA and GOP congress who refuses to protect these kids.
These courageous kids are taking matters into their own hands by first raising awareness then mobilizing the youth vote to VOTE OUT any politician that takes NRA money.

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