Democrats, Do You Love Inflation and High Gas Prices?

Sorry but Trump Republicans are the closest thing to Nazi's this country has ever seen since the days of racial integration that is of course. The last time a presidential candidate ran such a racist campaign was right after we freed the blacks.

Hitler's beer hall putsch compared to Trump's insurrection. Suspending the constitution. The white nationalism of Trump's supporters. Proud Boys. Oath Keepers. Trying to kidnap Democratic governors. Pretty Hitler like if you ask me. Who would you compare Trump to? Putin?
Since you're so obviously CLUELESS about history, Sealy let me set you straight! Segregation was a Democratic thing not a Republican thing. Lincoln was a Republican not a Democrat.

Claiming that a protest turned violent because security was handled so badly at the Capitol is the same thing as the Beer Hall Putsch is a joke! The Constitution was never "suspended" no matter how many times you on the left claim that it was! Congress was back in session the very next day.
So you don't dispute that Twitter censored news to protect Joe Biden? Noted.
Your notes must be full of all kinds of things you make up. If you want to note something I actually say then try using my actual words.

All we know from what on record is that a Twitter exact thought the story fell into unverified possible disinformation so they flagged it.

You’d think after the hissy fit y’all had over the Trump dossier y’all would have some understanding but I guess that’s setting the bar much too high
Your notes must be full of all kinds of things you make up. If you want to note something I actually say then try using my actual words.

All we know from what on record is that a Twitter exact thought the story fell into unverified possible disinformation so they flagged it.

You’d think after the hissy fit y’all had over the Trump dossier y’all would have some understanding but I guess that’s setting the bar much too high
Pointing out that the "Trump Dossiers" were paid for by Hillary Clinton and the DNC to smear Donald Trump shortly before the election is a "hissy fit"?

The Trump dossiers are one more example of how the left operates these days. You pay to have fake dossiers created...use the FBI, the Justice Department and the Main Stream Media to lend credence to the political dirty trick...then you turn around and accuse anyone who exposed what it was that you did of "fake news"!

The left is so sleazy these days it's disgusting to watch. You weaponize the IRS. You do the same thing to the FBI. You even weaponize the National Archives to go after the opposition. You ignore our immigration laws and open the border to illegals and drugs because you think Hispanics will eventually vote for you and until they do all of the illegals being counted in the Census will let you keep House seats in States that are seeing people flee progressive policies by the tens of thousands! You don't care about the working man anymore! That was your father's Democratic Party! You care about rich elites on the coasts and their useless children.
Pointing out that the "Trump Dossiers" were paid for by Hillary Clinton and the DNC to smear Donald Trump shortly before the election is a "hissy fit"?

The Trump dossiers are one more example of how the left operates these days. You pay to have fake dossiers created...use the FBI, the Justice Department and the Main Stream Media to lend credence to the political dirty trick...then you turn around and accuse anyone who exposed what it was that you did of "fake news"!

The left is so sleazy these days it's disgusting to watch. You weaponize the IRS. You do the same thing to the FBI. You even weaponize the National Archives to go after the opposition. You ignore our immigration laws and open the border to illegals and drugs because you think Hispanics will eventually vote for you and until they do all of the illegals being counted in the Census will let you keep House seats in States that are seeing people flee progressive policies by the tens of thousands! You don't care about the working man anymore! That was your father's Democratic Party! You care about rich elites on the coasts and their useless children.
Yes, hissy fit is putting it mildly. if you recall it was after the election that buzzfeed reported on the fact that trump was being briefed on a dirt dossier that his competitors had compiled. That’s what started it and then the dossier was leaked and most media companies censored their reporting of its details. I don’t remember any major media company talking about the golden showers and other nasty stuff.

The situation is almost a mirror image of this laptop fiasco
Your notes must be full of all kinds of things you make up. If you want to note something I actually say then try using my actual words.

All we know from what on record is that a Twitter exact thought the story fell into unverified possible disinformation so they flagged it.

You’d think after the hissy fit y’all had over the Trump dossier y’all would have some understanding but I guess that’s setting the bar much too high
Isn't it AMAZING that the FBI had Hunter's laptop for months and yet they were telling Social Media platforms that they needed to look out for "Russian Disinformation" guessed it...Hunter Biden leading up to the election! They knew damned well that the laptop was genuine. They knew damned well that the NY Post story was based on fact. They knew it and they lied about it anyways!
Yes, hissy fit is putting it mildly. if you recall it was after the election that buzzfeed reported on the fact that trump was being briefed on a dirt dossier that his competitors had compiled. That’s what started it and then the dossier was leaked and most media companies censored their reporting of its details. I don’t remember any major media company talking about the golden showers and other nasty stuff.

The situation is almost a mirror image of this laptop fiasco
It was a political dirty trick done by Hillary Clinton and the DNC, you hack! One of the sleaziest political dirty tricks I've ever seen! A political dirty trick that was used by corrupt leadership in the FBI to spy on the political opposition to the party in power! And it wasn't reported AFTER the election! Get your head out of your ass!
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Isn't it AMAZING that the FBI had Hunter's laptop for months and yet they were telling Social Media platforms that they needed to look out for "Russian Disinformation" guessed it...Hunter Biden leading up to the election! They knew damned well that the laptop was genuine. They knew damned well that the NY Post story was based on fact. They knew it and they lied about it anyways!
They did? What exactly did they say about Hunter Biden?
It was a political dirty trick done by Hillary Clinton and the DNC, you hack! One of the sleaziest political dirty tricks I've ever seen! A political dirty trick that was used by corrupt leadership in the FBI to spy on the political opposition to the party in power! And it wasn't reported AFTER the election! Get your head out of your ass!
Haha, thank you for highlighting the hissy fits... The sleaziest political dirty trick you've ever seen?! wow, miss dramatic. I hate to break it to you but every political campaign has opposition research compiled... verified and unverified rumors and history of candidates... Hillary didn't just invent it.

I have a dirtier trick for you. How about spreading lies about an election being rigged and stolen after losing and rallying up a mob of people to storm the capital to block the certification of a presidential election. Then carrying on with the narrative while making public statements about ignoring the constitutional process to reinstate a loser as president. Theres a much much worse dirty trick for ya.
Hunter is the son of the President of the United States, Richard and he's been selling access to his father for the better part of forty years. THAT IS TOTALLY THE BUSINESS OF EVERY AMERICAN!
I'll sell ya access to the President of the United States a bargain price!
Haha, thank you for highlighting the hissy fits... The sleaziest political dirty trick you've ever seen?! wow, miss dramatic. I hate to break it to you but every political campaign has opposition research compiled... verified and unverified rumors and history of candidates... Hillary didn't just invent it.

I have a dirtier trick for you. How about spreading lies about an election being rigged and stolen after losing and rallying up a mob of people to storm the capital to block the certification of a presidential election. Then carrying on with the narrative while making public statements about ignoring the constitutional process to reinstate a loser as president. Theres a much much worse dirty trick for ya.
Name another political dirty trick worse than what Hillary Clinton's campaign subjected the country to, Slade? Those dossiers that she and the DNC paid for led to YEARS of partisan fighting...trashed the reputation of the impeachment of a sitting President...and the violation of dozens of American's Constitutional rights! All the while Hillary whined about "collusion" losing HER the Presidency when in fact it was her own sleazy behavior both with her abuse of power with her emails and the smear campaign she used against Trump!
Then blame the companies that are raising their prices while making record profits.
The oil industry is making record profits. During Covid they were taking record losses. You've bought into the Biden excuse that it's "profiteering" by big corporations that have spiked prices and not his own energy policies, Richard.
Name another political dirty trick worse than what Hillary Clinton's campaign subjected the country to, Slade? Those dossiers that she and the DNC paid for led to YEARS of partisan fighting...trashed the reputation of the impeachment of a sitting President...and the violation of dozens of American's Constitutional rights! All the while Hillary whined about "collusion" losing HER the Presidency when in fact it was her own sleazy behavior both with her abuse of power with her emails and the smear campaign she used against Trump!
I already did. Trumps stop the steal fiasco. Waaay worse. Lead to an insurrection. Nobody gives a shit about anything on the steel dossier. It wasn’t even released during the election
I already did. Trumps stop the steal fiasco. Waaay worse. Lead to an insurrection. Nobody gives a shit about anything on the steel dossier. It wasn’t even released during the election
Again...David Corn broke that story for Mother Jones in OCTOBER!!! In case you've forgotten...OCTOBER comes before November! Duh?
Pretending that a one day protest by an unarmed crowd that turned violent because the Capitol Police were so poorly prepared to deal with it, was an "insurrection" doesn't make it so! You on the left don't care about the Steele dossiers because it was done by a Democrat. If Donald Trump had done what Hillary and the DNC'd be screaming to the heavens that it was the worst political dirty trick of all times. Hillary did it so you don't "give a shit"!
Again...David Corn broke that story for Mother Jones in OCTOBER!!! In case you've forgotten...OCTOBER comes before November! Duh?
Pretending that a one day protest by an unarmed crowd that turned violent because the Capitol Police were so poorly prepared to deal with it, was an "insurrection" doesn't make it so! You on the left don't care about the Steele dossiers because it was done by a Democrat. If Donald Trump had done what Hillary and the DNC'd be screaming to the heavens that it was the worst political dirty trick of all times. Hillary did it so you don't "give a shit"!
Haha, the mother Jones article broke nothing except for vague actions about items being investigated by the FBI. The dossier was exposed in January by buzzfeed after the election
Pretending that a one day protest by an unarmed crowd that turned violent because the Capitol Police were so poorly prepared to deal with it, was an "insurrection" doesn't make it so!
There’s no pretending. Look up the definition of insurrection and it fits what happened to the letter. No denying that. And it didn’t happen because capital police were ill prepared, that’s the dumbest excuse I’ve heard yet. It happened because trump riled up up a crowd that he invited with lies about the election and they took their anger out in the capital and congress.
You on the left don't care about the Steele dossiers because it was done by a Democrat. If Donald Trump had done what Hillary and the DNC'd be screaming to the heavens that it was the worst political dirty trick of all times. Hillary did it so you don't "give a shit"!
It was done by Donald Trump smart guy. He literally got impeached for abusing the power of his office in an attempt to get his dirt on Biden.

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