Democrats, Do You Love Inflation and High Gas Prices?

Broke Loser is actually on my ignore list because I love his politics but I can't stand his attitude. He was another one trying to control who I can and can't talk to on here.
Yeah, he is a thorn... Much too hateful for me to respect. I don't mind opposing views but when you move to deep into the hate realm for people you don't know its dark territory. Thats where that dude lives
Love? no, I don't know her. I respect the stand she took against Trump and her party. She seemed to follow truth and virtue over political expediency. She was a topped ranked Republican who could have played the game and kept ascending in the ranks. She gave all that up to stand for what she thought was right. Gotta respect that.

Pedophilia is scheduled to be next.
Don't forget man, boy love too.
Love? no, I don't know her. I respect the stand she took against Trump and her party. She seemed to follow truth and virtue over political expediency. She was a topped ranked Republican who could have played the game and kept ascending in the ranks. She gave all that up to stand for what she thought was right. Gotta respect that.
Truth and virtue, my ass. She started her vendetta against Trump because of her father, the dick that he was. Hopefully, we won't hear much from her in the future.
History doesn't back your theory. Trump was trying to disqualify Biden before the primary season. Full focus on getting dirt on Biden from Ukraine. Rudy and Barr got involved with Ukraine, Trump made his famous phone call that he was impeached over. This was all before the primaries to try and throw cold water on the Bidens run. It was obvious that Biden was the best bet to beat Trump. Former VP known to the world and representing an administration that left with our economy in an incredibly strong position without all the havoc and drama that Trump brought. Biden was Trumps biggest threat and the results of the election show the reality of that.

Hunter Bidens laptop was a failed October surprise. You can keep trying to revive it but again, if laws were broken then Trump and Barr could have acted, they didn't. Law enforcement has the actual evidence. You have whats been presented to you by the media. Don't be dupe.
Dude, Joe Biden has been a joke since the 70's! The dumbest man to sit in the Senate for decades. Every time he tried to run for President he'd say something SO stupid he'd get laughed out of the race!

If the FBI hadn't interfered in that election...if the Main Stream Media had done their job of giving the voters the facts...there is no way that Potato Head wins that election!
Dude, Joe Biden has been a joke since the 70's! The dumbest man to sit in the Senate for decades. Every time he tried to run for President he'd say something SO stupid he'd get laughed out of the race!

If the FBI hadn't interfered in that election...if the Main Stream Media had done their job of giving the voters the facts...there is no way that Potato Head wins that election!
You love to blame the fbi and media when in reality there’s zero proof of foul play and the people simply picked Biden over Trump. And I agree Biden isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed. But he was waaaay better than the clown he was running against.
You love to blame the fbi and media when in reality there’s zero proof of foul play and the people simply picked Biden over Trump. And I agree Biden isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed. But he was waaaay better than the clown he was running against.
The people weren't given the truth about Joe Biden, Slade. The FBI, the Main Stream Media and Social Media sites all conspired to lie to them about how the Biden Family had been influence peddling for years...something that the Hunter Biden lap top made perfectly clear!

You may not like Trump's personality but claiming Potato Head has been a better President than Trump was is laughable! Everything Joe touches turns to shit! From the economy to foreign policy! He's King Midas in reverse.
Or are you just ignoring them completely and pretending like they don't exist? I'm just trying to see if I can even begin to understand why a lot of you on here continue to vote Democrat. Especially with Christmas and Christmas dinner and get togethers (meaning traveling) right around the corner.

What a nonsense post.
The people weren't given the truth about Joe Biden, Slade. The FBI, the Main Stream Media and Social Media sites all conspired to lie to them about how the Biden Family had been influence peddling for years...something that the Hunter Biden lap top made perfectly clear!

You may not like Trump's personality but claiming Potato Head has been a better President than Trump was is laughable! Everything Joe touches turns to shit! From the economy to foreign policy! He's King Midas in reverse.
Can you prove any of that conspiracy?!

A retarded monkey would have been better than trump after he blew his first term. Face it. His ego and pathological ways lost this election, plane and simple
When you're such an incompetent dumbass that you can't protect the country from a pandemic, yeah demand is going to go way down.

If you're going to insult somebody, at least let it make sense. :rolleyes:
You just trying is a YUGE, Bigly Problem. LOSER.

You need to give up on this BIG LIE.
The Big Lie.......... trump the con man.

You're trying to convince someone who is no different from a die hard Putin supporter or Nazi in 1939 germany that their way isn't right. Good luck.

Even after the Nazi were run out of power, those German's still existed. Just like Trump supporters exist today. Only Nazi's in 1950 didn't continue to stay in power. They sort of went away. Ashamed. Probably in 1960 no one in Germany admitted to be a Nazi in 1945. Same as today's Republicans don't admit they loved GW Bush. A man who lied us into Iraq and caused the greatest recession since the great depression. These American Nazi's voted for McCain after that piece of shit. Then Romney. Whoever the Nazi party nominated.

They even went along with Bush stealing the 2000 election in Florida. So no surprise they were willing to go along with Trump who tried to steal 5 states.
You love to blame the fbi and media when in reality there’s zero proof of foul play and the people simply picked Biden over Trump. And I agree Biden isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed. But he was waaaay better than the clown he was running against.

You're trying to convince someone who is no different from a die hard Putin supporter or Nazi in 1939 germany that their way isn't right. Good luck.

Even after the Nazi were run out of power, those German's still existed. Just like Trump supporters exist today. Only Nazi's in 1950 didn't continue to stay in power. They sort of went away. Ashamed. Probably in 1960 no one in Germany admitted to be a Nazi in 1945. Same as today's Republicans don't admit they loved GW Bush. A man who lied us into Iraq and caused the greatest recession since the great depression. These American Nazi's voted for McCain after that piece of shit. Then Romney. Whoever the Nazi party nominated.

They even went along with Bush stealing the 2000 election in Florida. So no surprise they were willing to go along with Trump who tried to steal 5 states.
Comparing Republicans to Nazis is so blatantly boggles the mind! Please stop doing it! Either you have no clue what the Nazis DID...or you have no clue what Republicans have done!
Can you prove any of that conspiracy?!

A retarded monkey would have been better than trump after he blew his first term. Face it. His ego and pathological ways lost this election, plane and simple
What part of it do you think needs proving at this point? That high level members of the FBI conspired to protect Biden from the Hunter Biden lap top scandal? That someone organized 51 former intelligence members to publicize a letter calling the Hunter Biden story "Russian Disinformation" when there was zero proof that was the case? That the Main Stream Media carried Biden's water for him on that topic? That numerous Social Media platforms censored anyone that brought up Hunter Biden or his lap top?

This wasn't a "conspiracy"...this was COLLUSION!
What part of it do you think needs proving at this point? That high level members of the FBI conspired to protect Biden from the Hunter Biden lap top scandal? That someone organized 51 former intelligence members to publicize a letter calling the Hunter Biden story "Russian Disinformation" when there was zero proof that was the case? That the Main Stream Media carried Biden's water for him on that topic? That numerous Social Media platforms censored anyone that brought up Hunter Biden or his lap top?

This wasn't a "conspiracy"...this was COLLUSION!
It’s the ol counter punch game trump plays. Accuse your accusers of the same thing they are accusing you of. Haha. He does it constantly and y’all have been waiting to point the collusion finger back at the Dems. Hilarious.

So who are these FBI top officials that colluded with the media? You got the evidence, right? Who are they and what did they say??

This other nonsense about Twitter censoring the story is just silly. They are a private business. They can do what they want. They didn’t trust the story and wanted it flagged, well its their platform they have the legal right to do whatever they want.
Comparing Republicans to Nazis is so blatantly boggles the mind! Please stop doing it! Either you have no clue what the Nazis DID...or you have no clue what Republicans have done!
Sorry but Trump Republicans are the closest thing to Nazi's this country has ever seen since the days of racial integration that is of course. The last time a presidential candidate ran such a racist campaign was right after we freed the blacks.

Hitler's beer hall putsch compared to Trump's insurrection. Suspending the constitution. The white nationalism of Trump's supporters. Proud Boys. Oath Keepers. Trying to kidnap Democratic governors. Pretty Hitler like if you ask me. Who would you compare Trump to? Putin?
It’s the ol counter punch game trump plays. Accuse your accusers of the same thing they are accusing you of. Haha. He does it constantly and y’all have been waiting to point the collusion finger back at the Dems. Hilarious.

So who are these FBI top officials that colluded with the media? You got the evidence, right? Who are they and what did they say??

This other nonsense about Twitter censoring the story is just silly. They are a private business. They can do what they want. They didn’t trust the story and wanted it flagged, well its their platform they have the legal right to do whatever they want.
So you don't dispute that Twitter censored news to protect Joe Biden? Noted.

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