Democrats, Do You Love Inflation and High Gas Prices?

All those mouths to feed, all those cars that need to be filled with gas, all that free healthcare they get because they know to go the emergency room and use up OUR resources.
B b but the vegetable and MSM say that our hospitals are overwhelmed because not enough Americans are getting their flu/pandemic vaxxes. You hit the nail squarely on the head!
No, I want Biden to reopen our pipeline, stop destroying other pipelines, and get people drilling again.
Our pipelines are open. Private enterprises can drill if they want.

Can I ask you a serious question? What do you think about the number of oil rigs that went down to 374 under Trump when passed to Biden (peak was 1,077)?

Click the link and see what happened under Trump and then what happened under Biden who has it up to 768.

Or are you just ignoring them completely and pretending like they don't exist? I'm just trying to see if I can even begin to understand why a lot of you on here continue to vote Democrat. Especially with Christmas and Christmas dinner and get togethers (meaning traveling) right around the corner.
To have thought that Joe Potatohead would be a good President is the epitome of being a dumbass Moon Bat.

Even Obama told us that Joe was going to fuck things up. The only thing Obama ever got right in his life.
So then why didn't we get the high gas prices and the escalation of inflation under Trump? I say escalation because I think the pandemic caused a bit of the inflation, but not to the extreme that it's at now.
Economic changes don’t happen over night. The effects of world production shuttting down and massive stimulus takes time to matriculate through the economy. Think about it, let’s take car components. Prior to COVID companies had their inventory stocked up. Then the world shuts down. People aren’t buying and manufacturers aren’t producing for months. Then trillions of stimulus get released into the economy and that takes time for checks to hit and currency to flow. The shutdowns lift and economic activity resumes. That’s when Trumps presidency ends. Now we have this situation where the top earners are flush with cash and ready to buy but supply is way behind. And by “way behind” I mean months and years away from catching up.

So for companies to get the components they need given the short supply, prices double and triple and quadruple. This happens from cooper mining to refinement to cable production to chip comments to computer boards to the end products…

This is one example. But anybody who understood business and economics new that the effects of COVID and shitting down the world would have effects felt for the better part of the next decade.

That’s not a president Biden thing, that’s just how economy’s work. Have you compared the state of the US economy to other major countries?
Our pipelines are open. Private enterprises can drill if they want.

Can I ask you a serious question? What do you think about the number of oil rigs that went down to 374 under Trump when passed to Biden (peak was 1,077)?

Click the link and see what happened under Trump and then what happened under Biden who has it up to 768.

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If in fact, Trump did reduce the number of oil rigs we were still energy independent. Now under Biden, we are asking communists and warlords to bail us out. Biden has taken us from king of the hill to paupers. FJB
High wages is causing inflation. That's why the Feds are raising interest rates. They want to slow down spending which will mean less jobs and lower wages unfortunately when this happens blue collar get hurt the most. Are you blue?

I told my brother, "I knew getting rid of illegals wouldn't raise wages substantially for these people". Companies are only willing to pay so much. Gone are the days a person could raise a family on a blue collar job. Unless it's unionized or requires training.

So all the poor white people who wanted illegals gone, you're only going to get so much of a raise and then the Feds are going to step in and raise interest rates to slow growth which means companies won't need as many people.

The good news is this during this time. The great resignation happened. It's never been a better time in America to get a big raise. To change careers. To get that management job. Because so many of the people at the top retired during covid.

So working at Walmart won't pay enough to raise a family still, but now you may be able to go out and get a better job than the one you have now. That will make up for inflation.
Stop blaming Potatohead's failure on somebody else.

You Moon Bats never take responsibility for the damange you do to this country.

It is always somebody's else's fault, never the idiot Democrat that does stupid things like like inflate the economy with trillions of dollars of borrowed money.

It took Ronald Reagan to fix Carter's massive inflation and we need to get rid of the Democrat idiots in order to fix Potatohead's inflation.
Economic changes don’t happen over night. The effects of world production shuttting down and massive stimulus takes time to matriculate through the economy. Think about it, let’s take car components. Prior to COVID companies had their inventory stocked up. Then the world shuts down. People aren’t buying and manufacturers aren’t producing for months. Then trillions of stimulus get released into the economy and that takes time for checks to hit and currency to flow. The shutdowns lift and economic activity resumes. That’s when Trumps presidency ends. Now we have this situation where the top earners are flush with cash and ready to buy but supply is way behind. And by “way behind” I mean months and years away from catching up.

So for companies to get the components they need given the short supply, prices double and triple and quadruple. This happens from cooper mining to refinement to cable production to chip comments to computer boards to the end products…

This is one example. But anybody who understood business and economics new that the effects of COVID and shitting down the world would have effects felt for the better part of the next decade.

That’s not a president Biden thing, that’s just how economy’s work. Have you compared the state of the US economy to other major countries?
Biden is solely responsible for the Ukraine situation causing Global Economic Chaos.
WTF!!!!!! Your head up ur ass view regarding tax breaks being bad, then Joe Biden should just RAISE taxes and inflation will go away. Stupid is as stupid does.
The Stimulus checks were Biden's idiotic idea and the entire economic brain trust in this country knows it leads to inflation.
Left to his own devices, Joe Biden would raise the minimum wage to $20 or $30, just for the sake of buying votes. FJB and damn all that voted for him.
You must admit if stimulus to everyone caused inflation so too did Trump's tax breaks to all.
As long as he (Trump) pays no taxes on it he will keep it here. It makes him smart.
Just like Hillary and 99% of Uber-wealthy political donors.
It’s obvious you didn’t watch the first debate with Trump and Hillary and you continue to make a fool of yourself.
Stop blaming Potatohead's failure on somebody else.

You Moon Bats never take responsibility for the damange you do to this country.

It is always somebody's else's fault, never the idiot Democrat that does stupid things like like inflate the economy with trillions of dollars of borrowed money.

It took Ronald Reagan to fix Carter's massive inflation and we need to get rid of the Democrat idiots in order to fix Potatohead's inflation.
Biden is doing a great job. See those new roads under your tires? Thank you biden. My brother's father in law quickly said "No that's state money" and he's an idiot who doesn't realize my state like yours is sucking off the federal government's tits. Biden's infrastructure bill BA BA.
Biden is doing a great job. See those new roads under your tires? Thank you biden. My brother's father in law quickly said "No that's state money" and he's an idiot who doesn't realize my state like yours is sucking off the federal government's tits. Biden's infrastructure bill BA BA.
That work started under Trump.
Just like Hillary and 99% of Uber-wealthy political donors.
It’s obvious you didn’t watch the first debate with Trump and Hillary and you continue to make a fool of yourself.
That's the debate I'm referring to. Trump is an honest liar. He came out and said "THE SYSTEM IS RIGGED I KNOW BECAUSE I TAKE ADVANTAGE OF IT EVERY DAY.

No politician had ever been so honest. People ate that shit up. But then Trump got in and went right back to playing the game. And personally profiting from it.

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