Democrats, Do You Love Inflation and High Gas Prices?

Or are you just ignoring them completely and pretending like they don't exist? I'm just trying to see if I can even begin to understand why a lot of you on here continue to vote Democrat. Especially with Christmas and Christmas dinner and get togethers (meaning traveling) right around the corner.
Perhaps I can help. Not to speak for others but it would be my guess that most democratic voters don’t blame those economic conditions you brought up on Biden or elected officials.

I know it has become the norm for presidents to take credit and get blamed for everything that happens in our economy but that’s not reality. The free market, world trade and most importantly supply/demand dictate most of those things.

I’m sure if you think back to Trumps presidency and how the Left blamed him for everything. I’m sure you paid little attention to those accusations because you didn’t find trump responsible…. Same thing here.
OP you gotta remember, dem leftists are not the producers in the country, they don't feel the strain because a large percentage of them are on the dole to one degree or another.

When the "poors" can go into a store and wipe-out all the frozen crab legs and pay for them with EBT there's something severely wrong with the system.

Same with the leftist Ivy League schools that get .gov grant money for their BS "water is wet so-called studies". Those people produce nothing and get paid in the six figures or better.
OP you gotta remember, dem leftists are not the producers in the country, they don't feel the strain because a large percentage of them are on the dole to one degree or another.

When the "poors" can go into a store and wipe-out all the frozen crab legs and pay for them with EBT there's something severely wrong with the system.

Same with the leftist Ivy League schools that get .gov grant money for their BS "water is wet so-called studies". Those people produce nothing and get paid in the six figures or better.
Red states get all the welfare. Look it up. Blues states are the producers 70% to 30% in red states. Educate yourself pal.
High wages is causing inflation. That's why the Feds are raising interest rates. They want to slow down spending which will mean less jobs and lower wages unfortunately when this happens blue collar get hurt the most. Are you blue?

I told my brother, "I knew getting rid of illegals wouldn't raise wages substantially for these people". Companies are only willing to pay so much. Gone are the days a person could raise a family on a blue collar job. Unless it's unionized or requires training.

So all the poor white people who wanted illegals gone, you're only going to get so much of a raise and then the Feds are going to step in and raise interest rates to slow growth which means companies won't need as many people.

The good news is this during this time. The great resignation happened. It's never been a better time in America to get a big raise. To change careers. To get that management job. Because so many of the people at the top retired during covid.

So working at Walmart won't pay enough to raise a family still, but now you may be able to go out and get a better job than the one you have now. That will make up for inflation.
The Fed may stop raising rates as the practice is causing people to hate Biden.
What in the world does "a lot of time and plotting due to the Biden Harris Administration caused it" mean?

Specifically? Lay it out for me.

I'll give you some examples. Trump gives EVERYONE a tax break. But he gives rich people really big ones and you and me small crumbs. This causes inflation that eats up our tax break but not rich people's.

Or when government raises minimum wage, prices always go up right afterward. Corporations do it to recoup their loses.
It used to be that Americans would vote differently once their pocket books got hurt

But today, the DNC is more of a cult and would rather drink the cool aid and lie down to die with their leader Jim Jones than do anything else.

The Fed may stop raising rates as the practice is causing people to hate Biden.
Oh I know. It's going to cause pain. Nothing can be done about it. Luckily Trump is a very bad candidate and you guys aren't smart enough to run DiSantis.
You think that unnecessary republican tax cut didn’t dump a whole lot of money into the economy?
It all started when the government started giving away free money like candy at a parade and people stopped wanting to work. The economy doesn't bounce back easily from that. Actually the real start of it was in 2020 when the Democrats stole the election, but I already know that's basically beating a dead horse with you.
Too funny. So it had nothing to do with the trillions in stimulus poured into the economy since 2009 (and your hero begged the Fed for MORE) or the easy money from the Fed (and your hero begged the Fed for MORE), all triggered by the collapse in global distribution chains.

It's all hyper-partisan politics for you. You're ignorant.
Paid under 3 bucks a gallon this morning.
Sure a ham costs $1,435,324,354,454.76 but gas is much better :p
Ham? Ham is like $5/lb. You can find it from $4.99 for Smithfield to $9.99 for boarshead. A pound is like 8 sandwiches or more. That’s like 60 cents of ham a sandwich. For 1,435,324,354,454.76 you can get 2,000,000,000,000 sandwiches made.
What exactly does Trump have to do with Biden’s inflation?
Trump caused inflation. When you give everyone a tax break, stimulus check or raise minimum wage is causes inflation. Or when interest rates are too low.

Trump won't fix inflation. He is your nominee right? Then I can bring him up.
Trump caused inflation. When you give everyone a tax break, stimulus check or raise minimum wage is causes inflation. Or when interest rates are too low.

Trump won't fix inflation. He is your nominee right? Then I can bring him up.
No inflation caused by President Trump who kept the money in the US.
Try again with your usual bullshit.

So you're happy about having to pay nearly three dollars for gas when a few years ago it was under two? That makes perfect sense. Btw, I don't smoke or drink coffee.

Perhaps I can help. Not to speak for others but it would be my guess that most democratic voters don’t blame those economic conditions you brought up on Biden or elected officials.

I know it has become the norm for presidents to take credit and get blamed for everything that happens in our economy but that’s not reality. The free market, world trade and most importantly supply/demand dictate most of those things.

So then why didn't we get the high gas prices and the escalation of inflation under Trump? I say escalation because I think the pandemic caused a bit of the inflation, but not to the extreme that it's at now.

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