Democrats 'Doctoring' Poll Numbers?!


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Although National Polls and specific polls in some early primary states show Bernie Sanders leading Hillary AND despite most polls show Hillary's numbers dropping 10 points in 1 week, the Democratic Party just revealed its OWN poll that miraculously shows Hillary leading Sanders by double-digits.

It both looks and smells like a desperate attempt to fire up their base (and win over - by lying to them - the reported 60% of All Americans who believe she is the least trustworthy candidate in this entire race) and con them into getting behind Hillary rather than continuing to embrace the Socialist Party member representing their party!

Then again, maybe more Liberals are actually warming up to the idea of supporting a lying, treasonous, self-serving elitist Socialist over an admitted Socialist Party member?!

Unlike Hillary, though, 'Numbers don't lie', ald almost every other poll besides the DNC's OWN poll shows Hillary losing to Bernie!
Democrats lie???
Oh brother . Neocons already setting up their excuses for when they get their brains beat out .
Although National Polls and specific polls in some early primary states show Bernie Sanders leading Hillary AND despite most polls show Hillary's numbers dropping 10 points in 1 week, the Democratic Party just revealed its OWN poll that miraculously shows Hillary leading Sanders by double-digits.

It both looks and smells like a desperate attempt to fire up their base (and win over - by lying to them - the reported 60% of All Americans who believe she is the least trustworthy candidate in this entire race) and con them into getting behind Hillary rather than continuing to embrace the Socialist Party member representing their party!

Then again, maybe more Liberals are actually warming up to the idea of supporting a lying, treasonous, self-serving elitist Socialist over an admitted Socialist Party member?!

Unlike Hillary, though, 'Numbers don't lie', ald almost every other poll besides the DNC's OWN poll shows Hillary losing to Bernie!

No polls show Bernie leading Hillary nationally. The polls show Bernie leading in New Hampshire, but that's it.

So I think you better show a poll where Sanders leads Hillary nationally to back up your claims.

Clinton has been leading Sanders by double digits nationally since the beginning.
G5000, I just watched the CNN anchor report this...ask THEM where they got THEIR info....

H8llary is doing a swan dive I can only imagine how dismal her numbers would be if the Democrats actually had an honest, ethical American who likes this country and wasn't a criminal or a Socialist they could run for President.
G5000, I just watched the CNN anchor report this...ask THEM where they got THEIR info....

H8llary is doing a swan dive I can only imagine how dismal her numbers would be if the Democrats actually had an honest, ethical American who likes this country and wasn't a criminal or a Socialist they could run for President.
You misheard them. Sanders has never, at any point, led Clinton in the national polls.

Everyone knows this, except you I guess.

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