Democrats Dont You Dare...

Dont you dare give Trump any crap about whatever Executive orders he may issue.

You have been defending the most egregious usurpation of power in American history in peace time.

You have not one leg to stand on in criticizing any EOs that Trump puts out and he is going to bring a hailstorm of changes to EOs and the executive branch.

Now it is time for you to understand WHY allowing the President so much power is a very foolish thing to do even if you think he is your President.

So you are saying thar because banner did it trump is allowed ? this is what trump needs to be careful of. he isn't the first black president and he has a penis (allegwdly). his political enemies won't have any issue at all rolling on trump. the campaign is over but the fight aint. scores will be settled and just deserts served. it needs to be remembred, trump only had a chance because he was not hillary, not because he is so loved. it was said Hillary would win, but have no mandate. Trump does have a mandate and he made promises. He has a wall to build, bmmer care to repeal, and about that, what will happen to all those "tax's" when it's repealed? so it's cools to rub it in that's fine and all but just don't be this lady here,

What is good for the GOP opposition to Obama is going to be good for the Democratic opposition to Trump.

The dems and the courts will mess up any egregious excess in Trump executive orders.

The final sentence of the OP, while internally inconsistent with the premise, is correct: we may well all regret Bigly if the Dems don't push back on many of Trump's EOs.

Separations of powers and checks with balance is how our Republic operates.

But it's okay dude cause bambams did it.
Dont you dare give Trump any crap about whatever Executive orders he may issue.

You have been defending the most egregious usurpation of power in American history in peace time.

You have not one leg to stand on in criticizing any EOs that Trump puts out and he is going to bring a hailstorm of changes to EOs and the executive branch.

Now it is time for you to understand WHY allowing the President so much power is a very foolish thing to do even if you think he is your President.

Interesting. The RWnuts are now suddenly FOR executive orders. Magically they're not considered unconstitutional anymore?

lol, so it begins...
Lol, your reading comprehension really suxors.

The President has to use EOs but he should not abuse his power for issuing EOs to try to run around Congressional authority, dumbass.
Dont you dare give Trump any crap about whatever Executive orders he may issue.

You have been defending the most egregious usurpation of power in American history in peace time.

You have not one leg to stand on in criticizing any EOs that Trump puts out and he is going to bring a hailstorm of changes to EOs and the executive branch.

Now it is time for you to understand WHY allowing the President so much power is a very foolish thing to do even if you think he is your President.

Interesting. The RWnuts are now suddenly FOR executive orders. Magically they're not considered unconstitutional anymore?

lol, so it begins...
It depends on the nature of the EOs, not all are the same or are as far reaching.

What president Trump needs to do is undo a whole mess of them.
And the federal government has NO business trying to mandate health care. That is totally out of their jurisdiction! This is what is so upsetting to people, democrats! LISTEN.

They didn't mandate healthcare. They just gave you a tax break if you can prove you have it.
And the federal government has NO business trying to mandate health care. That is totally out of their jurisdiction! This is what is so upsetting to people, democrats! LISTEN.

They didn't mandate healthcare. They just gave you a tax break if you can prove you have it.
Huh? You live in Bizzarro land. If you don't have it they punish you. And they've mandated coverage so many ins. companies are bailing out.
And the federal government has NO business trying to mandate health care. That is totally out of their jurisdiction! This is what is so upsetting to people, democrats! LISTEN.

They didn't mandate healthcare. They just gave you a tax break if you can prove you have it.
Typically underhanded

The federal government gives you massive tax breaks just for having kids. Is that out of its jurisdiction?
So you are saying thar because bammer did it trump is allowed ?
No, Einstein, that was not what I was saying.

You said don't complain about Trump's executive orders. That's your endorsement of them, while at the same time you called Obama's executive orders the most egregious usurpation of power in history.

No, doofus, just because I say that one group has forfeited their right to disapprove something without becoming blazing hypocrits, that does not mean I approve of the thing under discussion.

I think Trump will rely heavily on executive orders

Not only because of Democratic opposition but is lack of Republican support in Congress

Like Obama. Trump is free to press the envelope as far as he can get away with. The courts will decide if he is within his authority

You could be right, or perhaps the Rep's will realize that standing up for yourself, a la The clown, is not a bad thing. And remember, politicians are slime and the ultimate front runners. I suspect many of those toads will get behind him.
The federal government gives you massive tax breaks just for having kids. Is that out of its jurisdiction?

No it is 1) the penalties that they will give you via the IRS if you dont get insurance, and 2) the unConstitutional increase in taxes via a bill that started in the SENATE instead of the House which all revenue bills are supposed to do.

Maybe the GOP House can find a real leader with some balls in the next session.
And the federal government has NO business trying to mandate health care. That is totally out of their jurisdiction! This is what is so upsetting to people, democrats! LISTEN.

They didn't mandate healthcare. They just gave you a tax break if you can prove you have it.
Typically underhanded

The federal government gives you massive tax breaks just for having kids. Is that out of its jurisdiction?
Any tax break is a good thing, the federal government fucks everything up it touches so why give them money to do so? LOL
So you are saying thar because bammer did it trump is allowed ?
No, Einstein, that was not what I was saying.

You said don't complain about Trump's executive orders. That's your endorsement of them, while at the same time you called Obama's executive orders the most egregious usurpation of power in history.

No, doofus, just because I say that one group has forfeited their right to disapprove something without becoming blazing hypocrits, that does not mean I approve of the thing under discussion.


Thats good, because I give Trump 6 months in before he does something stupid giving him an excuse for the wall not being started yet or NAFTA still being in place unaltered .
You get nothing if you have health insurance except for health insurance. If you do NOT get health insurance, you are fined in the form of a "tax." The people are tired of these underhanded tactics and tired of the feds getting involved in things that are not in their jurisdiction and calling it a "tax." This is WHY you are losing democrats! Pay attention and come out of your social justice warrior bubble!

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