Democrats enter the 3 D phase

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
Hey guess what.. Democrats are showing all signs of the 3 D's, disillusion, disarray and disintegration.

Disillusionment with Obama and Democratic ability to govern and live up to campaign promises...etc.

Disarray with passing anything through Congress without (legal?) huge bribes and payoffs to special interests.

Disintegration, allot of back biting and people being thrown under the bus..
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Take you long to think a that one?
Ahh 2 minutes .. somethings are just obvious...
Actually, the mistake Obama has been making is thinking anyone could work with the Confederate Republicans. They would rather see this country sink than have a successful black President.

They leave him with 8 years of total destruction and then stand in his way when he tries to clean up their mess. He doesn't understand that they don't want it cleaned up. The obvious reason is that they were working with al Qaeda. After all, they DID let Bin Laden go scott free. But that seems a little harsh. Except there doesn't seem to be any other explanation that fits the FACTS!
Actually, the mistake Obama has been making is thinking anyone could work with the Confederate Republicans. They would rather see this country sink than have a successful black President.

They leave him with 8 years of total destruction and then stand in his way when he tries to clean up their mess. He doesn't understand that they don't want it cleaned up. The obvious reason is that they were working with al Qaeda. After all, they DID let Bin Laden go scott free. But that seems a little harsh. Except there doesn't seem to be any other explanation that fits the FACTS!

I see the Republicans as trying to hold back the Democrats from driving us over the cliff, granted, their not doing a very good job of it.

Clean up the mess.. their creating a far worse mess, come on...
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Actually, the mistake Obama has been making is thinking anyone could work with the Confederate Republicans. They would rather see this country sink than have a successful black President.

They leave him with 8 years of total destruction and then stand in his way when he tries to clean up their mess. He doesn't understand that they don't want it cleaned up. The obvious reason is that they were working with al Qaeda. After all, they DID let Bin Laden go scott free. But that seems a little harsh. Except there doesn't seem to be any other explanation that fits the FACTS!

Really? In your parallel universe how many meetings has Obama called with GOP Congressional leaders? How often did he reach across the aisle? How many times did he seek GOP input on anything?
The truth is, the Dems could pass anything they wanted without a single GOP vote. The problem is their own party, a cobbled together coalition of the bribed and unwilling. I mean, how do you get Jim Webb and Harry Reid in the same room, much less Russ Feingold?
The GOP is a very broad party that encompasses a wide spectrum. The Dems just think they do but brook little dissent.
The Dums were doomed to this from the day they took office. Only surprise is it took so long.

Oops, didnt see the last part about the GOP working with al Qaeda. Forget your meds today?
Actually, the mistake Obama has been making is thinking anyone could work with the Confederate Republicans. They would rather see this country sink than have a successful black President.

They leave him with 8 years of total destruction and then stand in his way when he tries to clean up their mess. He doesn't understand that they don't want it cleaned up. The obvious reason is that they were working with al Qaeda. After all, they DID let Bin Laden go scott free. But that seems a little harsh. Except there doesn't seem to be any other explanation that fits the FACTS!

Really? In your parallel universe how many meetings has Obama called with GOP Congressional leaders? How often did he reach across the aisle? How many times did he seek GOP input on anything?
The truth is, the Dems could pass anything they wanted without a single GOP vote. The problem is their own party, a cobbled together coalition of the bribed and unwilling. I mean, how do you get Jim Webb and Harry Reid in the same room, much less Russ Feingold?
The GOP is a very broad party that encompasses a wide spectrum. The Dems just think they do but brook little dissent.
The Dums were doomed to this from the day they took office. Only surprise is it took so long.

Oops, didnt see the last part about the GOP working with al Qaeda. Forget your meds today?

rdean , went out the back door I guess...:eusa_eh:
Actually, the mistake Obama has been making is thinking anyone could work with the Confederate Republicans. They would rather see this country sink than have a successful black President.

They leave him with 8 years of total destruction and then stand in his way when he tries to clean up their mess. He doesn't understand that they don't want it cleaned up. The obvious reason is that they were working with al Qaeda. After all, they DID let Bin Laden go scott free. But that seems a little harsh. Except there doesn't seem to be any other explanation that fits the FACTS!

Once again you fucking moron he has 60 votes in the Senate and 257 in the House, he needs no Republicans to pass anything. HIS own party is denying him.
Actually, the mistake Obama has been making is thinking anyone could work with the Confederate Republicans. They would rather see this country sink than have a successful black President.

They leave him with 8 years of total destruction and then stand in his way when he tries to clean up their mess. He doesn't understand that they don't want it cleaned up. The obvious reason is that they were working with al Qaeda. After all, they DID let Bin Laden go scott free. But that seems a little harsh. Except there doesn't seem to be any other explanation that fits the FACTS!

:lol: More babbling incoherent thoughts from rdeanieweenie...who, apparently blinded by his own brand of pathetic partisanship, forgot that the Senate is filibuster-proof with 60 votes always going to the Dems.
The dems have been blaming the GOP for their every failure for so long that it has become habit. It is a hard habit to break. Don’t worry libs, there will be a larger number of republicans coming this next election and you may just get some of those accusations to stick again with those that are none to bright.
With this Scott Brown thing going on in Massachusetts's. The Democrats are showing all sign of the 3 D's....

Even if he lost .. they still lose...
The dems have been blaming the GOP for their every failure for so long that it has become habit. It is a hard habit to break. Don’t worry libs, there will be a larger number of republicans coming this next election and you may just get some of those accusations to stick again with those that are none to bright.

The funniest thing is: after the GOP retakes control of the Congress and stymies any more of Obama's idiotic agenda, the economy will start to recover. And then Democrats will claim credit for restoring the economy.
The dems have been blaming the GOP for their every failure for so long that it has become habit. It is a hard habit to break. Don’t worry libs, there will be a larger number of republicans coming this next election and you may just get some of those accusations to stick again with those that are none to bright.

The funniest thing is: after the GOP retakes control of the Congress and stymies any more of Obama's idiotic agenda, the economy will start to recover. And then Democrats will claim credit for restoring the economy.

I don't really care who takes credit, I just wish these representatives would remember they work for the American people and make rules to cut out the middleman's influence.
The dems have been blaming the GOP for their every failure for so long that it has become habit. It is a hard habit to break. Don’t worry libs, there will be a larger number of republicans coming this next election and you may just get some of those accusations to stick again with those that are none to bright.

The funniest thing is: after the GOP retakes control of the Congress and stymies any more of Obama's idiotic agenda, the economy will start to recover. And then Democrats will claim credit for restoring the economy.

I don't really care who takes credit, I just wish these representatives would remember they work for the American people and make rules to cut out the middleman's influence.


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