Democrats fine churches

It is only ignorant, gullible sheep, and the lying tyrants who they support, who keep speaking of “super spreader events”, and other ways to disparage those of us who refuse to be deceived and intimidated into sacrificing our most essential freedoms over a fake “pandemic”.

The pandemic is far from fake, and there are over 330,000 deaths to prove that point. You might as well call world war 2 "fake" since fewer americans were lost in WW 2 than in the battle against covid-19. Fewer Americans died in the weeks of D-Day than in the weeks of Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Compared to yesterdays death toll of Americans from the coronavirus, 9-11 was a GOOD day.
Any sane person has to know that when someone like you tries, in such a manner, to equate attending legitimate church services, working to earn a living, shopping, and otherwise going about necessary life activities, to Islamism terrorism; that the one who is making such a comparison is seriously fucked-up in the head, and in the soul.
Ironically those activities unabated and unmasked have resulted in more Americans dying than in world war 2, and in 1/4 the time.

People are dying faster today, than they did on D-Day. Yesterday there were 3,500 coronavirus deaths, a thousand more then compared to June 6th, 1945, aka D-Day.

Of the 4,414 Allied deaths on June 6th, 2,501 were Americans and 1,913 were Allies.
any place of worship that defies the mandate is violating the law & they should never call themselves 'pro life ' again.
They have the right to have services and saying they don't is against the constitution. Blm needs to be fined millions for having thousands of super spreader events. You agree or you gonna be a hypocrite?
I think playtime ran out of PRAVDA talking points.

playtime has a life. & i just fucking answered that silly impotent post.

No you don't, your life is what government tells you it is.
any place of worship that defies the mandate is violating the law & they should never call themselves 'pro life ' again.
Perfect example of a DemonRat.

The lake of fire is gonna be crowded

lol!!!! you silly little trump humper you ... i am not a demonrat - nor a democrat for that matter. but i am a christian.

& that ' lake of fire ' already has a spot reserved for you though!



there you gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
any place of worship that defies the mandate is violating the law & they should never call themselves 'pro life ' again.

The Constitution is the highest law of the land in this country.

What does it say about freedoms of religion and assembly?

Who is violating the law, here? It certainly is not those who are legitimately exercising rights which the First Amendment explicitly affirms and protects.

It's funny when degenerate left wrong-wing filth, such as yourself, try to pay lip service to the rule of law, in defense of lawlessness and corruption.

uh-huh ... you go with that.
ok - ' law' might have been said in haste - - - super spreading a virus without caring about yer [sic] fellow humans is no where near ' pro life ' .

No matter how much you move the goalposts, you're still full of shit.

Nobody is “super spreading” anything. That's just your bullshit left wrong-wing lies and fearmongering. More and more, sane, intelligent people are ceasing to be deceived or intimidated by it.

Go fuck yourself, you subhuman piece of statist shit.

lol.... ^^^ triggered ^^^.
abortion clinics are also practicing strict adherence to what's keeping the covid cooties at bay.

And yet they are responsible for far more human deaths than the other top several causes of death combined.

In defending this butchery, you completely and totally forfeit any credibility in claiming to care about any human life.


Leave it to a subhuman left wrong-wing piece of shit to expose his own blatant racism, while trying to falsely accuse his opponents of racism.
It seems hypocritical for republicans to oppose both abortion, and the social programs needed to protect the children that avoided abortion.

there's no 'seeming' about it.

it's hypocrisy in its purest form.

Why are republicans against providing those pregnant mothers quality pre-natal and natal care, especially to those who cant' afford it.

You might have an argument if republicanas [sic] supported universal healthcare, you would have a pillar on which to stand, but you fight every social welfare program.

As long as you defend the “right” to murder these children in cold blood, you are in no moral position to even bring up the question.

It's a whole other matter to try to argue which means of having government steal from those who work to earn their livings, for the benefit of those who will not, is most beneficial or most harmful to the children whose lives you falsely claim to care about; but we aren't even there as long as you support murdering these children.

when all them thar post born children get the food, medical care, housing, & education thru higher taxes - which is what is needed to do just that ... then you & yer ilk might have some credibility in what you claim is being 'pro life'.
Why are republicans against providing those pregnant mothers quality pre-natal and natal care, especially to those who cant' afford it.

You might have an argument if republicanas [sic] supported universal healthcare, you would have a pillar on which to stand, but you fight every social welfare program.

As long as you defend the “right” to murder these children in cold blood, you are in no moral position to even bring up the question.

It's a whole other matter to try to argue which means of having government steal from those who work to earn their livings, for the benefit of those who will not, is most beneficial or most harmful to the children whose lives you falsely claim to care about; but we aren't even there as long as you support murdering these children.

when all them thar post born children get the food, medical care, housing, & education thru higher taxes - which is what is needed to do just that ... then you & yer ilk might have some credibility in what you claim is being 'pro life'.

It isn't the taxpayers who are knocking up these broads, its the baby's daddies. Why have higher taxes, why not just have the fathers do the right thing?
No rational person sees religious freedom as protecting the commission of crimes of violence and destruction, nor conspiring to commit such crimes.
Exactly my point. If a religion in the middle of a deadly pandemic schemes to bring their people together into a super spreader setting, the result of which had been previously shown to result in people spreading the virus, in a chain of infections with people hospitalized and dying. And their crowded gathering could easily again lead to people dying. So as you said, no rational person sees religious freedom as protecting actions leading to peoples deaths..

It is only ignorant, gullible sheep, and the lying tyrants who they support, who keep speaking of “super spreader events”, and other ways to disparage those of us who refuse to be deceived and intimidated into sacrificing our most essential freedoms over a fake “pandemic”.

Any sane person has to know that when someone like you tries, in such a manner, to equate attending legitimate church services, working to earn a living, shopping, and otherwise going about necessary life activities, to Islamism terrorism; that the one who is making such a comparison is seriously fucked-up in the head, and in the soul.

You're rather see people starve to death, or lose their homes and wind up living in the streets, than to see the power of the tyrants that you worship be diminished.

here ya go ... an updated version just for you.

Why are republicans against providing those pregnant mothers quality pre-natal and natal care, especially to those who cant' afford it.

You might have an argument if republicanas [sic] supported universal healthcare, you would have a pillar on which to stand, but you fight every social welfare program.

As long as you defend the “right” to murder these children in cold blood, you are in no moral position to even bring up the question.

It's a whole other matter to try to argue which means of having government steal from those who work to earn their livings, for the benefit of those who will not, is most beneficial or most harmful to the children whose lives you falsely claim to care about; but we aren't even there as long as you support murdering these children.

when all them thar post born children get the food, medical care, housing, & education thru higher taxes - which is what is needed to do just that ... then you & yer ilk might have some credibility in what you claim is being 'pro life'.

It isn't the taxpayers who are knocking up these broads, its the baby's daddies. Why have higher taxes, why not just have the fathers do the right thing?

well - that would be filed under:


'cept we both know that doesn't happen in all cases. for a many reasons.

the BEST thing all around is to leave it up to the pregnant female to decide what is best for her for her own personal reasons - cause ... well it ain't my biz'nez... nor yours ... & cerainly not the gov'ment's who some want laws made to turn her into nothing but an incubating host.
View attachment 436108
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;

nobody is taking those rights away.
To the contrary, granting religious entities tax breaks is "establishing" them as government recognized, sanctioned, and supported institutions. It's just that few can be bothered to point out that obvious contradiction since most secular non-profits now apply for and are granted the same.
View attachment 436108
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;

nobody is taking those rights away.
To the contrary, granting religious entities tax breaks is "establishing" them as government recognized, sanctioned, and supported institutions. It's just that few can be bothered to point out that obvious contradiction since most secular non-profits now apply for and are granted the same.

there shouldn't be any tax exemption for any houses of worship that don't prove at least 60% of 'income' isn't used for social programs.
Leave it to a subhuman left wrong-wing piece of shit to expose his own blatant racism, while trying to falsely accuse his opponents of racism.
It seems hypocritical for republicans to oppose both abortion, and the social programs needed to protect the children that avoided abortion.

there's no 'seeming' about it.

it's hypocrisy in its purest form.

On the abortion million a year.
View attachment 436108
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;

nobody is taking those rights away.
To the contrary, granting religious entities tax breaks is "establishing" them as government recognized, sanctioned, and supported institutions. It's just that few can be bothered to point out that obvious contradiction since most secular non-profits now apply for and are granted the same.

there shouldn't be any tax exemption for any houses of worship that don't prove at least 60% of 'income' isn't used for social programs.

What is a "qualified" social program?

For the largest number of churches, schools for the children of the church is where most of the money goes. Is education a "social program"
Leave it to a subhuman left wrong-wing piece of shit to expose his own blatant racism, while trying to falsely accuse his opponents of racism.
It seems hypocritical for republicans to oppose both abortion, and the social programs needed to protect the children that avoided abortion.

there's no 'seeming' about it.

it's hypocrisy in its purest form.

On the abortion million a year.

not one of them are post born with a life history that has been established. not one needing food or shelter or sadly abused because they were forced to be carried to term & birthed only to have resentment thrust upon them being born into poverty.
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