Democrats get away with a much worse crime than Watergate.


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Democrats get away with a much worse crime than Watergate.
Since Watergate, the Washington wisdom has always held that it’s not the crime, it’s the coverup that sinks a politician. But that’s only the case when the coverup fails.
But what if the coverup succeeds?... It’s horribly simple. The crimes are never uncovered and the perpetrators are never brought to justice no matter how serious their crimes may be. That is precisely what has happened because of the FBI and Justice Department’s coverup of their abuses of power and illegal actions during the 2016 election.... or almost two years an investigation into the abuses of power — and probable crimes — committed by the FBI and Justice Department during the election has been conducted by House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence chairman Devin Nunes (R-Cal). Rep. Bob Goodlatte — chairman of the Judiciary Committee — and Trey Gowdy — chairman of the Oversight and government reform committee — tried to investigate other aspects of the FBI and DoJ actions. These investigations have been stonewalled by the refusal of the FBI and Justice Department to produce the documents and provide access to witnesses that would, in all likelihood, prove that the major abuses of power and crimes had been committed.... The stain on our system of justice and the 2016 election created by the abuses of power and probable crimes committed by FBI and DoJ officials during and after the 2016 presidential campaign will not be erased. Their coverup has succeeded.

Using government to spy on political candidates to rig elections. That should be a serious crime that would worry anyone, but Democrats don’t care because they’re doing it. Republicans don’t care for who knows what reason.
We are facing a Clear and Present Danger to America, the most dangerous scandal in American history and yet it is being largely ignored. No one should have placed much confidence in a Congressional investigation because it is not a prosecution. The Obama-Clinton election scandal, involving high level officials in the DOJ, FBI, CIA and representatives of foreign governments is the sort of matter which, at the very least, should have been handled by a special prosecutor. The actions of the Progressive Marxist Socialist represent an attempted coup d'état against our legal Constitutional government. Why hasn't there been any prosecutions yet? We have been subjected to the Deep State's phony "Russian Collusion" investigation for nearly 2 years with Democrats chanting impeachment on a daily basis. Yet, in the meantime, in the face of being wrongfully overthrown, Republicans seem ready to let bygones be bygones. These criminal abuses of power in government cannot be overlooked if we hope to retain our Constitutional form of government.
On the bright side, at least we now know how they operate. Deep State perjury traps depend on most citizens thinking they're worried about truth. Now that you know they don't care about truth at all, there's no excuse for letting them trap you.
Democrats get away with a much worse crime than Watergate.?


Watergate was about a sitting president obstructing justice and being a crook. It was not about a political party.

Your failed analogies and comparisons prove you to be an Idiot First Class
Why can conservatives not put together a coherent case for anything?
This thing reads like a mad-libs filled in by a paranoid schizophrenic.

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