Democrats Give Trillions of Our Money Away, but Question Giving a Token Back to American Taxpayers

The DC swamp creatures say eat cake.
Gender studies in Pakistan is more important than our homeless shivering on the street.

Republicans want to give nothing.
Only hundreds of billions of dollars that they don't have.

Wait. We had the money in 2016 for Trump to give rich people the biggest tax break in US history but we don't have the money now to give away? Flip flop much?
People keeping what's theirs to begin with isn't "giving away" anything...It's their money not the gubmint's, you economic ignoramus.
The government needed that money. You have to pay your taxes. And if we have a debt, maybe your taxes need to go up. Yea yea, cut more spending. We've heard that before. What spending would you like to cut?
Irrelevant to the point....The money belongs to the people who earned it.....Claiming that tax cuts "cost the gumbmint money" presumes that it's not your money in the first place.

And if the gubmint is so strapped, they should cut ther spoending and shutter some bureaucracies, like people in businesses have to do when their balance sheets are off.
We could start shutting off a lot of money by getting rid of high salaries for congress. High retirement for government. And high priced medical insurance, let them have the same as everyone else. Add term limits. Just to name a few cost saving measures.
Michigan republicans thought about it and decided no.
Yeah Republican or democrat they are both bad for the country. Democrats a little more so.
no one but congress is above anyone else.
to say that flunky joe has helped this country is a joke. He has signed more orders then most dictators and he is just getting started. He killed of 57,000 jobs directly and at least 10% more indirectly.
term limits. Limit on pay and getting rid of expensive healthcare would save the U.S. countless money. Look at Bernie (dumb as a rock) Saunders. The only job that bozo has had is politics. Yet he has more money then you ever will.
now tell me exactly why Michigan repub or democrats matter.
You don’t like EOs? Too late. You didn’t mind them when trump was king
I have never liked them. The biggest problem is you and other nitwits think that EO s are just a way to get what you want. There is a reason most have used them sparingly. The new retard has signed more in the first month then all presidents put together.
so you are saying that you are perfectly happy with the next president signing more then the current retard in chief? You are completely excited with bypassing congress? Then let’s do away with congress. change the name from president to dictator in charge.
Most of the EOs that Biden is signing is to undo the disaster that was trump. He has to undo Trump before he can head in a new direction., and it is understandable.
Biden Spends First Week Issuing Orders Reversing Trump's ... › News › The Report

Jan 29, 2021 — And virtually all of them have been done to reverse or stop actions taken by the ... On Thursday, Biden signed executive orders on health care, ... that he has had frequent conversations with Democrats and Republicans alike ...
One could claim the same about Trump. He had to undue the disaster that was 44.
all you are doing is allowing the next idiot to bypass congress and allow everyone to go look the last one did it.
so you are perfectly fine with a dictator? Good to see that you are not pretending to be American
Hey, we warned you but you didn’t give a fuck because you were so sure trump would be president for four more years.

And dont cry when we lock trump up. After four years of lock her up just for using a private email, he sort of asked for it.
Lmao. Son all you had to do was look at the job 44 did. Now that was terrible.
44 signed EOs and even bragged about it. So to claim you idiots told anyone anything is laughable at best.
So it is fine to bypass laws if you are a democrat?
son you really have to be kidding.
44 did great. 80 straight weeks of jobs growth. Same gdp trump had. Trump had 2.3% in 2019. Way before the pandemic. Same low unemployment. Same stock Market.

Candidate trump would have said President trump sucked.

By the way. Bill Clinton signed the most executive orders of presidents still alive. 364. Bush had more than Obama. 291. But here’s the kicker. Trump only served 1 term. He had 220. So trump would have finished with over 500 because we know with nothing to lose lame duck trump would have abused his power. You don’t have to ask how we know this. It’s obvious as the nose on your face
The DC swamp creatures say eat cake.
Gender studies in Pakistan is more important than our homeless shivering on the street.

That is Republicans who want to shrink payments to individuals. We apparently are too rich to get them. You didn't have any complaints about the Republican bill that Trump signed. Individuals initially didn't get anything and at the very end they got a measly $600. That REPUBLICAN bill that was signed by TRUMP was carved up by lobbyists like a Thanksgiving turkey.. Ordinary people got the entire bill and crumbs.
The DC swamp creatures say eat cake.
Gender studies in Pakistan is more important than our homeless shivering on the street.

That is Republicans who want to shrink payments to individuals. We apparently are too rich to get them. You didn't have any complaints about the Republican bill that Trump signed. Individuals initially didn't get anything and at the very end they got a measly $600. That REPUBLICAN bill that was signed by TRUMP was carved up by lobbyists like a Thanksgiving turkey.. Ordinary people got the entire bill and crumbs.
Republicans have zero say. Man up.
The DC swamp creatures say eat cake.
Gender studies in Pakistan is more important than our homeless shivering on the street.

Republicans want to give nothing.
Only hundreds of billions of dollars that they don't have.

Wait. We had the money in 2016 for Trump to give rich people the biggest tax break in US history but we don't have the money now to give away? Flip flop much?
People keeping what's theirs to begin with isn't "giving away" anything...It's their money not the gubmint's, you economic ignoramus.
The government needed that money. You have to pay your taxes. And if we have a debt, maybe your taxes need to go up. Yea yea, cut more spending. We've heard that before. What spending would you like to cut?
Irrelevant to the point....The money belongs to the people who earned it.....Claiming that tax cuts "cost the gumbmint money" presumes that it's not your money in the first place.

And if the gubmint is so strapped, they should cut ther spoending and shutter some bureaucracies, like people in businesses have to do when their balance sheets are off.
We could start shutting off a lot of money by getting rid of high salaries for congress. High retirement for government. And high priced medical insurance, let them have the same as everyone else. Add term limits. Just to name a few cost saving measures.
Michigan republicans thought about it and decided no.
Yeah Republican or democrat they are both bad for the country. Democrats a little more so.
no one but congress is above anyone else.
to say that flunky joe has helped this country is a joke. He has signed more orders then most dictators and he is just getting started. He killed of 57,000 jobs directly and at least 10% more indirectly.
term limits. Limit on pay and getting rid of expensive healthcare would save the U.S. countless money. Look at Bernie (dumb as a rock) Saunders. The only job that bozo has had is politics. Yet he has more money then you ever will.
now tell me exactly why Michigan repub or democrats matter.
You don’t like EOs? Too late. You didn’t mind them when trump was king
I have never liked them. The biggest problem is you and other nitwits think that EO s are just a way to get what you want. There is a reason most have used them sparingly. The new retard has signed more in the first month then all presidents put together.
so you are saying that you are perfectly happy with the next president signing more then the current retard in chief? You are completely excited with bypassing congress? Then let’s do away with congress. change the name from president to dictator in charge.
Most of the EOs that Biden is signing is to undo the disaster that was trump. He has to undo Trump before he can head in a new direction., and it is understandable.
Biden Spends First Week Issuing Orders Reversing Trump's ... › News › The Report

Jan 29, 2021 — And virtually all of them have been done to reverse or stop actions taken by the ... On Thursday, Biden signed executive orders on health care, ... that he has had frequent conversations with Democrats and Republicans alike ...
One could claim the same about Trump. He had to undue the disaster that was 44.
all you are doing is allowing the next idiot to bypass congress and allow everyone to go look the last one did it.
so you are perfectly fine with a dictator? Good to see that you are not pretending to be American
Hey, we warned you but you didn’t give a fuck because you were so sure trump would be president for four more years.

And dont cry when we lock trump up. After four years of lock her up just for using a private email, he sort of asked for it.
Lmao. Son all you had to do was look at the job 44 did. Now that was terrible.
44 signed EOs and even bragged about it. So to claim you idiots told anyone anything is laughable at best.
So it is fine to bypass laws if you are a democrat?
son you really have to be kidding.
44 did great. 80 straight weeks of jobs growth. Same gdp trump had. Trump had 2.3% in 2019. Way before the pandemic. Same low unemployment. Same stock Market.

Candidate trump would have said President trump sucked.

By the way. Bill Clinton signed the most executive orders of presidents still alive. 364. Bush had more than Obama. 291. But here’s the kicker. Trump only served 1 term. He had 220. So trump would have finished with over 500 because we know with nothing to lose lame duck trump would have abused his power. You don’t have to ask how we know this. It’s obvious as the nose on your face
Where’s my $2,000?
The DC swamp creatures say eat cake.
Gender studies in Pakistan is more important than our homeless shivering on the street.

Republicans want to give nothing.
Only hundreds of billions of dollars that they don't have.

Wait. We had the money in 2016 for Trump to give rich people the biggest tax break in US history but we don't have the money now to give away? Flip flop much?
People keeping what's theirs to begin with isn't "giving away" anything...It's their money not the gubmint's, you economic ignoramus.
The government needed that money. You have to pay your taxes. And if we have a debt, maybe your taxes need to go up. Yea yea, cut more spending. We've heard that before. What spending would you like to cut?
Irrelevant to the point....The money belongs to the people who earned it.....Claiming that tax cuts "cost the gumbmint money" presumes that it's not your money in the first place.

And if the gubmint is so strapped, they should cut ther spoending and shutter some bureaucracies, like people in businesses have to do when their balance sheets are off.
We could start shutting off a lot of money by getting rid of high salaries for congress. High retirement for government. And high priced medical insurance, let them have the same as everyone else. Add term limits. Just to name a few cost saving measures.
Michigan republicans thought about it and decided no.
Yeah Republican or democrat they are both bad for the country. Democrats a little more so.
no one but congress is above anyone else.
to say that flunky joe has helped this country is a joke. He has signed more orders then most dictators and he is just getting started. He killed of 57,000 jobs directly and at least 10% more indirectly.
term limits. Limit on pay and getting rid of expensive healthcare would save the U.S. countless money. Look at Bernie (dumb as a rock) Saunders. The only job that bozo has had is politics. Yet he has more money then you ever will.
now tell me exactly why Michigan repub or democrats matter.
You don’t like EOs? Too late. You didn’t mind them when trump was king
I have never liked them. The biggest problem is you and other nitwits think that EO s are just a way to get what you want. There is a reason most have used them sparingly. The new retard has signed more in the first month then all presidents put together.
so you are saying that you are perfectly happy with the next president signing more then the current retard in chief? You are completely excited with bypassing congress? Then let’s do away with congress. change the name from president to dictator in charge.
Most of the EOs that Biden is signing is to undo the disaster that was trump. He has to undo Trump before he can head in a new direction., and it is understandable.
Biden Spends First Week Issuing Orders Reversing Trump's ... › News › The Report

Jan 29, 2021 — And virtually all of them have been done to reverse or stop actions taken by the ... On Thursday, Biden signed executive orders on health care, ... that he has had frequent conversations with Democrats and Republicans alike ...
One could claim the same about Trump. He had to undue the disaster that was 44.
all you are doing is allowing the next idiot to bypass congress and allow everyone to go look the last one did it.
so you are perfectly fine with a dictator? Good to see that you are not pretending to be American
Hey, we warned you but you didn’t give a fuck because you were so sure trump would be president for four more years.

And dont cry when we lock trump up. After four years of lock her up just for using a private email, he sort of asked for it.
Lmao. Son all you had to do was look at the job 44 did. Now that was terrible.
44 signed EOs and even bragged about it. So to claim you idiots told anyone anything is laughable at best.
So it is fine to bypass laws if you are a democrat?
son you really have to be kidding.
44 did great. 80 straight weeks of jobs growth. Same gdp trump had. Trump had 2.3% in 2019. Way before the pandemic. Same low unemployment. Same stock Market.

Candidate trump would have said President trump sucked.

By the way. Bill Clinton signed the most executive orders of presidents still alive. 364. Bush had more than Obama. 291. But here’s the kicker. Trump only served 1 term. He had 220. So trump would have finished with over 500 because we know with nothing to lose lame duck trump would have abused his power. You don’t have to ask how we know this. It’s obvious as the nose on your face
Where’s my $2,000?
Ask the Republicans. You got $600 of it already.
The DC swamp creatures say eat cake.
Gender studies in Pakistan is more important than our homeless shivering on the street.

Republicans want to give nothing.
Only hundreds of billions of dollars that they don't have.

And you would suggest what?
The DC swamp creatures say eat cake.
Gender studies in Pakistan is more important than our homeless shivering on the street.

Republicans want to give nothing.
Only hundreds of billions of dollars that they don't have.

Wait. We had the money in 2016 for Trump to give rich people the biggest tax break in US history but we don't have the money now to give away? Flip flop much?
People keeping what's theirs to begin with isn't "giving away" anything...It's their money not the gubmint's, you economic ignoramus.
The government needed that money. You have to pay your taxes. And if we have a debt, maybe your taxes need to go up. Yea yea, cut more spending. We've heard that before. What spending would you like to cut?
Irrelevant to the point....The money belongs to the people who earned it.....Claiming that tax cuts "cost the gumbmint money" presumes that it's not your money in the first place.

And if the gubmint is so strapped, they should cut ther spoending and shutter some bureaucracies, like people in businesses have to do when their balance sheets are off.
We could start shutting off a lot of money by getting rid of high salaries for congress. High retirement for government. And high priced medical insurance, let them have the same as everyone else. Add term limits. Just to name a few cost saving measures.
Michigan republicans thought about it and decided no.
Yeah Republican or democrat they are both bad for the country. Democrats a little more so.
no one but congress is above anyone else.
to say that flunky joe has helped this country is a joke. He has signed more orders then most dictators and he is just getting started. He killed of 57,000 jobs directly and at least 10% more indirectly.
term limits. Limit on pay and getting rid of expensive healthcare would save the U.S. countless money. Look at Bernie (dumb as a rock) Saunders. The only job that bozo has had is politics. Yet he has more money then you ever will.
now tell me exactly why Michigan repub or democrats matter.
You don’t like EOs? Too late. You didn’t mind them when trump was king
I have never liked them. The biggest problem is you and other nitwits think that EO s are just a way to get what you want. There is a reason most have used them sparingly. The new retard has signed more in the first month then all presidents put together.
so you are saying that you are perfectly happy with the next president signing more then the current retard in chief? You are completely excited with bypassing congress? Then let’s do away with congress. change the name from president to dictator in charge.
Most of the EOs that Biden is signing is to undo the disaster that was trump. He has to undo Trump before he can head in a new direction., and it is understandable.
Biden Spends First Week Issuing Orders Reversing Trump's ... › News › The Report

Jan 29, 2021 — And virtually all of them have been done to reverse or stop actions taken by the ... On Thursday, Biden signed executive orders on health care, ... that he has had frequent conversations with Democrats and Republicans alike ...
One could claim the same about Trump. He had to undue the disaster that was 44.
all you are doing is allowing the next idiot to bypass congress and allow everyone to go look the last one did it.
so you are perfectly fine with a dictator? Good to see that you are not pretending to be American
Hey, we warned you but you didn’t give a fuck because you were so sure trump would be president for four more years.

And dont cry when we lock trump up. After four years of lock her up just for using a private email, he sort of asked for it.
Lmao. Son all you had to do was look at the job 44 did. Now that was terrible.
44 signed EOs and even bragged about it. So to claim you idiots told anyone anything is laughable at best.
So it is fine to bypass laws if you are a democrat?
son you really have to be kidding.
These are Trump's EOs and are good while he is in office.
In case you missed it Trump is no longer in office.
The DC swamp creatures say eat cake.
Gender studies in Pakistan is more important than our homeless shivering on the street.

Republicans want to give nothing.
Only hundreds of billions of dollars that they don't have.

Wait. We had the money in 2016 for Trump to give rich people the biggest tax break in US history but we don't have the money now to give away? Flip flop much?
People keeping what's theirs to begin with isn't "giving away" anything...It's their money not the gubmint's, you economic ignoramus.
The government needed that money. You have to pay your taxes. And if we have a debt, maybe your taxes need to go up. Yea yea, cut more spending. We've heard that before. What spending would you like to cut?
Irrelevant to the point....The money belongs to the people who earned it.....Claiming that tax cuts "cost the gumbmint money" presumes that it's not your money in the first place.

And if the gubmint is so strapped, they should cut ther spoending and shutter some bureaucracies, like people in businesses have to do when their balance sheets are off.
We could start shutting off a lot of money by getting rid of high salaries for congress. High retirement for government. And high priced medical insurance, let them have the same as everyone else. Add term limits. Just to name a few cost saving measures.
Michigan republicans thought about it and decided no.
Yeah Republican or democrat they are both bad for the country. Democrats a little more so.
no one but congress is above anyone else.
to say that flunky joe has helped this country is a joke. He has signed more orders then most dictators and he is just getting started. He killed of 57,000 jobs directly and at least 10% more indirectly.
term limits. Limit on pay and getting rid of expensive healthcare would save the U.S. countless money. Look at Bernie (dumb as a rock) Saunders. The only job that bozo has had is politics. Yet he has more money then you ever will.
now tell me exactly why Michigan repub or democrats matter.
You don’t like EOs? Too late. You didn’t mind them when trump was king
I have never liked them. The biggest problem is you and other nitwits think that EO s are just a way to get what you want. There is a reason most have used them sparingly. The new retard has signed more in the first month then all presidents put together.
so you are saying that you are perfectly happy with the next president signing more then the current retard in chief? You are completely excited with bypassing congress? Then let’s do away with congress. change the name from president to dictator in charge.
Most of the EOs that Biden is signing is to undo the disaster that was trump. He has to undo Trump before he can head in a new direction., and it is understandable.
Biden Spends First Week Issuing Orders Reversing Trump's ... › News › The Report

Jan 29, 2021 — And virtually all of them have been done to reverse or stop actions taken by the ... On Thursday, Biden signed executive orders on health care, ... that he has had frequent conversations with Democrats and Republicans alike ...
One could claim the same about Trump. He had to undue the disaster that was 44.
all you are doing is allowing the next idiot to bypass congress and allow everyone to go look the last one did it.
so you are perfectly fine with a dictator? Good to see that you are not pretending to be American
The difference is that Trump was jealous of Obama and wanted to erase everything Obama, no matter what. Trump's huge ego very often got in the way of his brains.
Trump was a wanna-be dictator and was certainly heading in that direction.
Lmao. Yeah keep pretending that he was jealous. That and five cents will give you five cents and a laugh.
the want to be dictator is the idiot signing over a thousand EOs with not one bit of input from the house or senate.
The DC swamp creatures say eat cake.
Gender studies in Pakistan is more important than our homeless shivering on the street.

Republicans want to give nothing.
Only hundreds of billions of dollars that they don't have.

Wait. We had the money in 2016 for Trump to give rich people the biggest tax break in US history but we don't have the money now to give away? Flip flop much?
People keeping what's theirs to begin with isn't "giving away" anything...It's their money not the gubmint's, you economic ignoramus.
The government needed that money. You have to pay your taxes. And if we have a debt, maybe your taxes need to go up. Yea yea, cut more spending. We've heard that before. What spending would you like to cut?
Irrelevant to the point....The money belongs to the people who earned it.....Claiming that tax cuts "cost the gumbmint money" presumes that it's not your money in the first place.

And if the gubmint is so strapped, they should cut ther spoending and shutter some bureaucracies, like people in businesses have to do when their balance sheets are off.
We could start shutting off a lot of money by getting rid of high salaries for congress. High retirement for government. And high priced medical insurance, let them have the same as everyone else. Add term limits. Just to name a few cost saving measures.
Michigan republicans thought about it and decided no.
Yeah Republican or democrat they are both bad for the country. Democrats a little more so.
no one but congress is above anyone else.
to say that flunky joe has helped this country is a joke. He has signed more orders then most dictators and he is just getting started. He killed of 57,000 jobs directly and at least 10% more indirectly.
term limits. Limit on pay and getting rid of expensive healthcare would save the U.S. countless money. Look at Bernie (dumb as a rock) Saunders. The only job that bozo has had is politics. Yet he has more money then you ever will.
now tell me exactly why Michigan repub or democrats matter.
You don’t like EOs? Too late. You didn’t mind them when trump was king
I have never liked them. The biggest problem is you and other nitwits think that EO s are just a way to get what you want. There is a reason most have used them sparingly. The new retard has signed more in the first month then all presidents put together.
so you are saying that you are perfectly happy with the next president signing more then the current retard in chief? You are completely excited with bypassing congress? Then let’s do away with congress. change the name from president to dictator in charge.
Most of the EOs that Biden is signing is to undo the disaster that was trump. He has to undo Trump before he can head in a new direction., and it is understandable.
Biden Spends First Week Issuing Orders Reversing Trump's ... › News › The Report

Jan 29, 2021 — And virtually all of them have been done to reverse or stop actions taken by the ... On Thursday, Biden signed executive orders on health care, ... that he has had frequent conversations with Democrats and Republicans alike ...
One could claim the same about Trump. He had to undue the disaster that was 44.
all you are doing is allowing the next idiot to bypass congress and allow everyone to go look the last one did it.
so you are perfectly fine with a dictator? Good to see that you are not pretending to be American
The difference is that Trump was jealous of Obama and wanted to erase everything Obama, no matter what. Trump's huge ego very often got in the way of his brains.
Trump was a wanna-be dictator and was certainly heading in that direction.
Lmao. Yeah keep pretending that he was jealous. That and five cents will give you five cents and a laugh.
the want to be dictator is the idiot signing over a thousand EOs with not one bit of input from the house or senate.
He doesn't need input, nor is he a dictator, to reverse the drivel. That is a gimmie.
Trump was jealous of everybody who had any success, especially a black man.
The DC swamp creatures say eat cake.
Gender studies in Pakistan is more important than our homeless shivering on the street.

Republicans want to give nothing.
Only hundreds of billions of dollars that they don't have.

Wait. We had the money in 2016 for Trump to give rich people the biggest tax break in US history but we don't have the money now to give away? Flip flop much?
People keeping what's theirs to begin with isn't "giving away" anything...It's their money not the gubmint's, you economic ignoramus.
The government needed that money. You have to pay your taxes. And if we have a debt, maybe your taxes need to go up. Yea yea, cut more spending. We've heard that before. What spending would you like to cut?
Irrelevant to the point....The money belongs to the people who earned it.....Claiming that tax cuts "cost the gumbmint money" presumes that it's not your money in the first place.

And if the gubmint is so strapped, they should cut ther spoending and shutter some bureaucracies, like people in businesses have to do when their balance sheets are off.
We could start shutting off a lot of money by getting rid of high salaries for congress. High retirement for government. And high priced medical insurance, let them have the same as everyone else. Add term limits. Just to name a few cost saving measures.
Michigan republicans thought about it and decided no.
Yeah Republican or democrat they are both bad for the country. Democrats a little more so.
no one but congress is above anyone else.
to say that flunky joe has helped this country is a joke. He has signed more orders then most dictators and he is just getting started. He killed of 57,000 jobs directly and at least 10% more indirectly.
term limits. Limit on pay and getting rid of expensive healthcare would save the U.S. countless money. Look at Bernie (dumb as a rock) Saunders. The only job that bozo has had is politics. Yet he has more money then you ever will.
now tell me exactly why Michigan repub or democrats matter.
You don’t like EOs? Too late. You didn’t mind them when trump was king
I have never liked them. The biggest problem is you and other nitwits think that EO s are just a way to get what you want. There is a reason most have used them sparingly. The new retard has signed more in the first month then all presidents put together.
so you are saying that you are perfectly happy with the next president signing more then the current retard in chief? You are completely excited with bypassing congress? Then let’s do away with congress. change the name from president to dictator in charge.
Most of the EOs that Biden is signing is to undo the disaster that was trump. He has to undo Trump before he can head in a new direction., and it is understandable.
Biden Spends First Week Issuing Orders Reversing Trump's ... › News › The Report

Jan 29, 2021 — And virtually all of them have been done to reverse or stop actions taken by the ... On Thursday, Biden signed executive orders on health care, ... that he has had frequent conversations with Democrats and Republicans alike ...
One could claim the same about Trump. He had to undue the disaster that was 44.
all you are doing is allowing the next idiot to bypass congress and allow everyone to go look the last one did it.
so you are perfectly fine with a dictator? Good to see that you are not pretending to be American
The difference is that Trump was jealous of Obama and wanted to erase everything Obama, no matter what. Trump's huge ego very often got in the way of his brains.
Trump was a wanna-be dictator and was certainly heading in that direction.
Lmao. Yeah keep pretending that he was jealous. That and five cents will give you five cents and a laugh.
the want to be dictator is the idiot signing over a thousand EOs with not one bit of input from the house or senate.
He doesn't need input, nor is he a dictator, to reverse the drivel. That is a gimmie.
Trump was jealous of everybody who had any success, especially a black man.
TDS. Topic is Biden’s lie about getting Americans economic relief.
The DC swamp creatures say eat cake.
Gender studies in Pakistan is more important than our homeless shivering on the street.

Republicans want to give nothing.
Only hundreds of billions of dollars that they don't have.

Wait. We had the money in 2016 for Trump to give rich people the biggest tax break in US history but we don't have the money now to give away? Flip flop much?
People keeping what's theirs to begin with isn't "giving away" anything...It's their money not the gubmint's, you economic ignoramus.
The government needed that money. You have to pay your taxes. And if we have a debt, maybe your taxes need to go up. Yea yea, cut more spending. We've heard that before. What spending would you like to cut?
Irrelevant to the point....The money belongs to the people who earned it.....Claiming that tax cuts "cost the gumbmint money" presumes that it's not your money in the first place.

And if the gubmint is so strapped, they should cut ther spoending and shutter some bureaucracies, like people in businesses have to do when their balance sheets are off.
We could start shutting off a lot of money by getting rid of high salaries for congress. High retirement for government. And high priced medical insurance, let them have the same as everyone else. Add term limits. Just to name a few cost saving measures.
Michigan republicans thought about it and decided no.
Yeah Republican or democrat they are both bad for the country. Democrats a little more so.
no one but congress is above anyone else.
to say that flunky joe has helped this country is a joke. He has signed more orders then most dictators and he is just getting started. He killed of 57,000 jobs directly and at least 10% more indirectly.
term limits. Limit on pay and getting rid of expensive healthcare would save the U.S. countless money. Look at Bernie (dumb as a rock) Saunders. The only job that bozo has had is politics. Yet he has more money then you ever will.
now tell me exactly why Michigan repub or democrats matter.
You don’t like EOs? Too late. You didn’t mind them when trump was king
I have never liked them. The biggest problem is you and other nitwits think that EO s are just a way to get what you want. There is a reason most have used them sparingly. The new retard has signed more in the first month then all presidents put together.
so you are saying that you are perfectly happy with the next president signing more then the current retard in chief? You are completely excited with bypassing congress? Then let’s do away with congress. change the name from president to dictator in charge.
Most of the EOs that Biden is signing is to undo the disaster that was trump. He has to undo Trump before he can head in a new direction., and it is understandable.
Biden Spends First Week Issuing Orders Reversing Trump's ... › News › The Report

Jan 29, 2021 — And virtually all of them have been done to reverse or stop actions taken by the ... On Thursday, Biden signed executive orders on health care, ... that he has had frequent conversations with Democrats and Republicans alike ...
One could claim the same about Trump. He had to undue the disaster that was 44.
all you are doing is allowing the next idiot to bypass congress and allow everyone to go look the last one did it.
so you are perfectly fine with a dictator? Good to see that you are not pretending to be American
The difference is that Trump was jealous of Obama and wanted to erase everything Obama, no matter what. Trump's huge ego very often got in the way of his brains.
Trump was a wanna-be dictator and was certainly heading in that direction.
Lmao. Yeah keep pretending that he was jealous. That and five cents will give you five cents and a laugh.
the want to be dictator is the idiot signing over a thousand EOs with not one bit of input from the house or senate.
He doesn't need input, nor is he a dictator, to reverse the drivel. That is a gimmie.
Trump was jealous of everybody who had any success, especially a black man.
TDS. Topic is Biden’s lie about getting Americans economic relief.
Biden is not lying. The Republicans don't want to agree with that relief and Biden is trying to get bipartisan support for it but to no avail, in case you have not been paying attention or have been listening to Hannity, Tucky, or Lewie (the three stooges). You will get it.
The DC swamp creatures say eat cake.
Gender studies in Pakistan is more important than our homeless shivering on the street.

Republicans want to give nothing.
Only hundreds of billions of dollars that they don't have.

Wait. We had the money in 2016 for Trump to give rich people the biggest tax break in US history but we don't have the money now to give away? Flip flop much?
People keeping what's theirs to begin with isn't "giving away" anything...It's their money not the gubmint's, you economic ignoramus.
The government needed that money. You have to pay your taxes. And if we have a debt, maybe your taxes need to go up. Yea yea, cut more spending. We've heard that before. What spending would you like to cut?
Irrelevant to the point....The money belongs to the people who earned it.....Claiming that tax cuts "cost the gumbmint money" presumes that it's not your money in the first place.

And if the gubmint is so strapped, they should cut ther spoending and shutter some bureaucracies, like people in businesses have to do when their balance sheets are off.
We could start shutting off a lot of money by getting rid of high salaries for congress. High retirement for government. And high priced medical insurance, let them have the same as everyone else. Add term limits. Just to name a few cost saving measures.
Michigan republicans thought about it and decided no.
Yeah Republican or democrat they are both bad for the country. Democrats a little more so.
no one but congress is above anyone else.
to say that flunky joe has helped this country is a joke. He has signed more orders then most dictators and he is just getting started. He killed of 57,000 jobs directly and at least 10% more indirectly.
term limits. Limit on pay and getting rid of expensive healthcare would save the U.S. countless money. Look at Bernie (dumb as a rock) Saunders. The only job that bozo has had is politics. Yet he has more money then you ever will.
now tell me exactly why Michigan repub or democrats matter.
You don’t like EOs? Too late. You didn’t mind them when trump was king
I have never liked them. The biggest problem is you and other nitwits think that EO s are just a way to get what you want. There is a reason most have used them sparingly. The new retard has signed more in the first month then all presidents put together.
so you are saying that you are perfectly happy with the next president signing more then the current retard in chief? You are completely excited with bypassing congress? Then let’s do away with congress. change the name from president to dictator in charge.
Most of the EOs that Biden is signing is to undo the disaster that was trump. He has to undo Trump before he can head in a new direction., and it is understandable.
Biden Spends First Week Issuing Orders Reversing Trump's ... › News › The Report

Jan 29, 2021 — And virtually all of them have been done to reverse or stop actions taken by the ... On Thursday, Biden signed executive orders on health care, ... that he has had frequent conversations with Democrats and Republicans alike ...
One could claim the same about Trump. He had to undue the disaster that was 44.
all you are doing is allowing the next idiot to bypass congress and allow everyone to go look the last one did it.
so you are perfectly fine with a dictator? Good to see that you are not pretending to be American
The difference is that Trump was jealous of Obama and wanted to erase everything Obama, no matter what. Trump's huge ego very often got in the way of his brains.
Trump was a wanna-be dictator and was certainly heading in that direction.
Lmao. Yeah keep pretending that he was jealous. That and five cents will give you five cents and a laugh.
the want to be dictator is the idiot signing over a thousand EOs with not one bit of input from the house or senate.
He doesn't need input, nor is he a dictator, to reverse the drivel. That is a gimmie.
Trump was jealous of everybody who had any success, especially a black man.
TDS. Topic is Biden’s lie about getting Americans economic relief.
Biden is not lying. The Republicans don't want to agree with that relief and Biden is trying to get bipartisan support for it but to no avail, in case you have not been paying attention or have been listening to Hannity, Tucky, or Lewie (the three stooges). You will get it.
Just need 51 votes.
Biden lied, Americans died.
The DC swamp creatures say eat cake.
Gender studies in Pakistan is more important than our homeless shivering on the street.

Republicans want to give nothing.
Only hundreds of billions of dollars that they don't have.

Wait. We had the money in 2016 for Trump to give rich people the biggest tax break in US history but we don't have the money now to give away? Flip flop much?
People keeping what's theirs to begin with isn't "giving away" anything...It's their money not the gubmint's, you economic ignoramus.
The government needed that money. You have to pay your taxes. And if we have a debt, maybe your taxes need to go up. Yea yea, cut more spending. We've heard that before. What spending would you like to cut?
Irrelevant to the point....The money belongs to the people who earned it.....Claiming that tax cuts "cost the gumbmint money" presumes that it's not your money in the first place.

And if the gubmint is so strapped, they should cut ther spoending and shutter some bureaucracies, like people in businesses have to do when their balance sheets are off.
We could start shutting off a lot of money by getting rid of high salaries for congress. High retirement for government. And high priced medical insurance, let them have the same as everyone else. Add term limits. Just to name a few cost saving measures.
Michigan republicans thought about it and decided no.
Yeah Republican or democrat they are both bad for the country. Democrats a little more so.
no one but congress is above anyone else.
to say that flunky joe has helped this country is a joke. He has signed more orders then most dictators and he is just getting started. He killed of 57,000 jobs directly and at least 10% more indirectly.
term limits. Limit on pay and getting rid of expensive healthcare would save the U.S. countless money. Look at Bernie (dumb as a rock) Saunders. The only job that bozo has had is politics. Yet he has more money then you ever will.
now tell me exactly why Michigan repub or democrats matter.
You don’t like EOs? Too late. You didn’t mind them when trump was king
I have never liked them. The biggest problem is you and other nitwits think that EO s are just a way to get what you want. There is a reason most have used them sparingly. The new retard has signed more in the first month then all presidents put together.
so you are saying that you are perfectly happy with the next president signing more then the current retard in chief? You are completely excited with bypassing congress? Then let’s do away with congress. change the name from president to dictator in charge.
Most of the EOs that Biden is signing is to undo the disaster that was trump. He has to undo Trump before he can head in a new direction., and it is understandable.
Biden Spends First Week Issuing Orders Reversing Trump's ... › News › The Report

Jan 29, 2021 — And virtually all of them have been done to reverse or stop actions taken by the ... On Thursday, Biden signed executive orders on health care, ... that he has had frequent conversations with Democrats and Republicans alike ...
One could claim the same about Trump. He had to undue the disaster that was 44.
all you are doing is allowing the next idiot to bypass congress and allow everyone to go look the last one did it.
so you are perfectly fine with a dictator? Good to see that you are not pretending to be American
The difference is that Trump was jealous of Obama and wanted to erase everything Obama, no matter what. Trump's huge ego very often got in the way of his brains.
Trump was a wanna-be dictator and was certainly heading in that direction.
Lmao. Yeah keep pretending that he was jealous. That and five cents will give you five cents and a laugh.
the want to be dictator is the idiot signing over a thousand EOs with not one bit of input from the house or senate.
He doesn't need input, nor is he a dictator, to reverse the drivel. That is a gimmie.
Trump was jealous of everybody who had any success, especially a black man.
TDS. Topic is Biden’s lie about getting Americans economic relief.
Biden is not lying. The Republicans don't want to agree with that relief and Biden is trying to get bipartisan support for it but to no avail, in case you have not been paying attention or have been listening to Hannity, Tucky, or Lewie (the three stooges). You will get it.
Just need 51 votes.
Biden lied, Americans died.
Now you are not making sense
The DC swamp creatures say eat cake.
Gender studies in Pakistan is more important than our homeless shivering on the street.

Republicans want to give nothing.
Only hundreds of billions of dollars that they don't have.

Wait. We had the money in 2016 for Trump to give rich people the biggest tax break in US history but we don't have the money now to give away? Flip flop much?
People keeping what's theirs to begin with isn't "giving away" anything...It's their money not the gubmint's, you economic ignoramus.
The government needed that money. You have to pay your taxes. And if we have a debt, maybe your taxes need to go up. Yea yea, cut more spending. We've heard that before. What spending would you like to cut?
Where do you want to start?
Lets start with foreign aid. Cut every cent leaving the US to all foreign countries, no matter the type of aid be it military or developmental, To be clear this is to friend and foe alike
Cut funding to the UN, Not one cent to any UN function
Bring our troops home, No more wars in the mid east. Furthermore bring our troops home from Europe.
There is no need for the US to be providing a military for these countries, WW2 has been over for 75 years and they don't want us there to begin with.
Mandate English as America's language, no more printing government literature in 27 languages
after that eliminate these expenditures:

The DC swamp creatures say eat cake.
Gender studies in Pakistan is more important than our homeless shivering on the street.

Republicans want to give nothing.
Only hundreds of billions of dollars that they don't have.

Wait. We had the money in 2016 for Trump to give rich people the biggest tax break in US history but we don't have the money now to give away? Flip flop much?
People keeping what's theirs to begin with isn't "giving away" anything...It's their money not the gubmint's, you economic ignoramus.
The government needed that money. You have to pay your taxes. And if we have a debt, maybe your taxes need to go up. Yea yea, cut more spending. We've heard that before. What spending would you like to cut?
Where do you want to start?
Lets start with foreign aid. Cut every cent leaving the US to all foreign countries, no matter the type of aid be it military or developmental, To be clear this is to friend and foe alike
Cut funding to the UN, Not one cent to any UN function
Bring our troops home, No more wars in the mid east. Furthermore bring our troops home from Europe.
There is no need for the US to be providing a military for these countries, WW2 has been over for 75 years and they don't want us there to begin with.
Mandate English as America's language, no more printing government literature in 27 languages
after that eliminate these expenditures:

Seriously, let’s start a movement. What was this pork in the stimulus that went to Pakistan?
The DC swamp creatures say eat cake.
Gender studies in Pakistan is more important than our homeless shivering on the street.

Republicans want to give nothing.
Only hundreds of billions of dollars that they don't have.

Wait. We had the money in 2016 for Trump to give rich people the biggest tax break in US history but we don't have the money now to give away? Flip flop much?
People keeping what's theirs to begin with isn't "giving away" anything...It's their money not the gubmint's, you economic ignoramus.
The government needed that money. You have to pay your taxes. And if we have a debt, maybe your taxes need to go up. Yea yea, cut more spending. We've heard that before. What spending would you like to cut?
Irrelevant to the point....The money belongs to the people who earned it.....Claiming that tax cuts "cost the gumbmint money" presumes that it's not your money in the first place.

And if the gubmint is so strapped, they should cut ther spoending and shutter some bureaucracies, like people in businesses have to do when their balance sheets are off.
We could start shutting off a lot of money by getting rid of high salaries for congress. High retirement for government. And high priced medical insurance, let them have the same as everyone else. Add term limits. Just to name a few cost saving measures.
Michigan republicans thought about it and decided no.
Yeah Republican or democrat they are both bad for the country. Democrats a little more so.
no one but congress is above anyone else.
to say that flunky joe has helped this country is a joke. He has signed more orders then most dictators and he is just getting started. He killed of 57,000 jobs directly and at least 10% more indirectly.
term limits. Limit on pay and getting rid of expensive healthcare would save the U.S. countless money. Look at Bernie (dumb as a rock) Saunders. The only job that bozo has had is politics. Yet he has more money then you ever will.
now tell me exactly why Michigan repub or democrats matter.
You don’t like EOs? Too late. You didn’t mind them when trump was king
I have never liked them. The biggest problem is you and other nitwits think that EO s are just a way to get what you want. There is a reason most have used them sparingly. The new retard has signed more in the first month then all presidents put together.
so you are saying that you are perfectly happy with the next president signing more then the current retard in chief? You are completely excited with bypassing congress? Then let’s do away with congress. change the name from president to dictator in charge.
Most of the EOs that Biden is signing is to undo the disaster that was trump. He has to undo Trump before he can head in a new direction., and it is understandable.
Biden Spends First Week Issuing Orders Reversing Trump's ... › News › The Report

Jan 29, 2021 — And virtually all of them have been done to reverse or stop actions taken by the ... On Thursday, Biden signed executive orders on health care, ... that he has had frequent conversations with Democrats and Republicans alike ...
One could claim the same about Trump. He had to undue the disaster that was 44.
all you are doing is allowing the next idiot to bypass congress and allow everyone to go look the last one did it.
so you are perfectly fine with a dictator? Good to see that you are not pretending to be American
The difference is that Trump was jealous of Obama and wanted to erase everything Obama, no matter what. Trump's huge ego very often got in the way of his brains.
Trump was a wanna-be dictator and was certainly heading in that direction.
Lmao. Yeah keep pretending that he was jealous. That and five cents will give you five cents and a laugh.
the want to be dictator is the idiot signing over a thousand EOs with not one bit of input from the house or senate.
He doesn't need input, nor is he a dictator, to reverse the drivel. That is a gimmie.
Trump was jealous of everybody who had any success, especially a black man.
TDS. Topic is Biden’s lie about getting Americans economic relief.
Biden is not lying. The Republicans don't want to agree with that relief and Biden is trying to get bipartisan support for it but to no avail, in case you have not been paying attention or have been listening to Hannity, Tucky, or Lewie (the three stooges). You will get it.
Just need 51 votes.
Biden lied, Americans died.
Seriously? In February last year Donald knew how contagious and deadly this virus was and he lied to us about it because he didn’t want to shut the economy down. It was an election year. It wasn’t about what’s best for Americans it was about him.

And 500,000 people died. 500,000. How many died in Benghazi?

Trump lied 500,000 people died.
The DC swamp creatures say eat cake.
Gender studies in Pakistan is more important than our homeless shivering on the street.

Republicans want to give nothing.
Only hundreds of billions of dollars that they don't have.

Wait. We had the money in 2016 for Trump to give rich people the biggest tax break in US history but we don't have the money now to give away? Flip flop much?
People keeping what's theirs to begin with isn't "giving away" anything...It's their money not the gubmint's, you economic ignoramus.
The government needed that money. You have to pay your taxes. And if we have a debt, maybe your taxes need to go up. Yea yea, cut more spending. We've heard that before. What spending would you like to cut?
Where do you want to start?
Lets start with foreign aid. Cut every cent leaving the US to all foreign countries, no matter the type of aid be it military or developmental, To be clear this is to friend and foe alike
Cut funding to the UN, Not one cent to any UN function
Bring our troops home, No more wars in the mid east. Furthermore bring our troops home from Europe.
There is no need for the US to be providing a military for these countries, WW2 has been over for 75 years and they don't want us there to begin with.
Mandate English as America's language, no more printing government literature in 27 languages
after that eliminate these expenditures:

Seriously, let’s start a movement. What was this pork in the stimulus that went to Pakistan?
The DC swamp creatures say eat cake.
Gender studies in Pakistan is more important than our homeless shivering on the street.

Republicans want to give nothing.
Only hundreds of billions of dollars that they don't have.

Wait. We had the money in 2016 for Trump to give rich people the biggest tax break in US history but we don't have the money now to give away? Flip flop much?
People keeping what's theirs to begin with isn't "giving away" anything...It's their money not the gubmint's, you economic ignoramus.
The government needed that money. You have to pay your taxes. And if we have a debt, maybe your taxes need to go up. Yea yea, cut more spending. We've heard that before. What spending would you like to cut?
Where do you want to start?
Lets start with foreign aid. Cut every cent leaving the US to all foreign countries, no matter the type of aid be it military or developmental, To be clear this is to friend and foe alike
Cut funding to the UN, Not one cent to any UN function
Bring our troops home, No more wars in the mid east. Furthermore bring our troops home from Europe.
There is no need for the US to be providing a military for these countries, WW2 has been over for 75 years and they don't want us there to begin with.
Mandate English as America's language, no more printing government literature in 27 languages
after that eliminate these expenditures:

Seriously, let’s start a movement. What was this pork in the stimulus that went to Pakistan?
Don't know. Pakistan? 25 million for democracy? That is like shoveling horseshit up a hill
Last edited:
The DC swamp creatures say eat cake.
Gender studies in Pakistan is more important than our homeless shivering on the street.

That is Republicans who want to shrink payments to individuals. We apparently are too rich to get them. You didn't have any complaints about the Republican bill that Trump signed. Individuals initially didn't get anything and at the very end they got a measly $600. That REPUBLICAN bill that was signed by TRUMP was carved up by lobbyists like a Thanksgiving turkey.. Ordinary people got the entire bill and crumbs.
Republicans have zero say. Man up.
Republicans are holding it up. Man up. If and when Biden does it anyway, then you will complain about all his executive orders again or about Dem majority. It was
Republicans who held it up in 2020, or you would have had it already.
The DC swamp creatures say eat cake.
Gender studies in Pakistan is more important than our homeless shivering on the street.

That is Republicans who want to shrink payments to individuals. We apparently are too rich to get them. You didn't have any complaints about the Republican bill that Trump signed. Individuals initially didn't get anything and at the very end they got a measly $600. That REPUBLICAN bill that was signed by TRUMP was carved up by lobbyists like a Thanksgiving turkey.. Ordinary people got the entire bill and crumbs.
Republicans have zero say. Man up.
Then how come trump isn’t going to be found guilty in the senate?

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