Democrats’ Growing Fear – They’re Being Lied to Again Just Like 2016!

Notice how Donnie fans are struck on 2016 and ignore 2018.
You mean when there was an avg loss in the House, and instead of the normal 2-3 seat loss in the Senate, Republicans picked up 2 seats? That 2018?

want to compare 2018 to Barry"s loss in 2010?
Democrats’ Growing Fear – They’re Being Lied to Again Just Like 2016!

7 Jul 2020 ~~ By Joe Hoft
The media is doing all it can again to promote false hopes using faux polls to encourage the Democrat party base that their candidate, former VP Joe Biden, is in the lead against President Trump in the 2020 Presidential campaign.
But Democrats and especially Republicans know that the same was said last election and this time President Trump has an incredible track record to run on while Democrats have aligned themselves with BLM, riots, lawlessness, vandalism and China.

In Pennsylvania, counties that President Trump lost in 2016 are turning red. Long time Democrats are reportedly changing parties because the current Democrat party of radical BLM rioters and high taxes is perceived as not being the Democrat party that their parents belonged to:
It’s likely that this is not an anomaly but rather a trend. Thanks to President Trump more Americans know that the media, the Democrat Party and Deep State government employees are aligned in a radical attempt to destroy a just and free America.

The Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat left needs to pump up poll numbers using their biased media operatives for two reasons. One - to at least closely match, or prepare the ground, for the fraud and disinformation that is in the works.
Second is to attempt to numb the average citizen into a false sense of security that the polls are lying again, so we don't turn out in droves. Always 'assume' the polls are correct. Get out to vote, take a friend or neighbor with you.
This November is not just another election, this is going to change things for decades and it could mean more winning with excellent job numbers, markets and trade deals with more American businesses coming back on shore from China, or, it will mean the end of freedom, liberty, justice and the constitution as it's known now. And there won't be any return to normalcy.
The November 2020 is all about freedom loving, law biding citizens that love America and the right to vote, but in this election it may be wise not to just know you have a right to vote but make it a mandate. We cannot leave things to others. Then we can see there will be a land slide for good and the opportunity to rid ourselves of the destruction and the obstruction of the PMS/DSA Democrat Leftist and corrupt criminal mob.
It's time to send them a clear and precise message in November in response to the Left's criminal antics.

gatewaypundit is FAKE NEWS
Who the fuck is Joe Hoft and why does anybody care?
Reaching up your collective asses and quoting people on Twitter?
How fucking desperate.
Thanks, One Trick.
Democrats’ Growing Fear – They’re Being Lied to Again Just Like 2016!

7 Jul 2020 ~~ By Joe Hoft
The media is doing all it can again to promote false hopes using faux polls to encourage the Democrat party base that their candidate, former VP Joe Biden, is in the lead against President Trump in the 2020 Presidential campaign.
But Democrats and especially Republicans know that the same was said last election and this time President Trump has an incredible track record to run on while Democrats have aligned themselves with BLM, riots, lawlessness, vandalism and China.

In Pennsylvania, counties that President Trump lost in 2016 are turning red. Long time Democrats are reportedly changing parties because the current Democrat party of radical BLM rioters and high taxes is perceived as not being the Democrat party that their parents belonged to:
It’s likely that this is not an anomaly but rather a trend. Thanks to President Trump more Americans know that the media, the Democrat Party and Deep State government employees are aligned in a radical attempt to destroy a just and free America.

The Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat left needs to pump up poll numbers using their biased media operatives for two reasons. One - to at least closely match, or prepare the ground, for the fraud and disinformation that is in the works.
Second is to attempt to numb the average citizen into a false sense of security that the polls are lying again, so we don't turn out in droves. Always 'assume' the polls are correct. Get out to vote, take a friend or neighbor with you.
This November is not just another election, this is going to change things for decades and it could mean more winning with excellent job numbers, markets and trade deals with more American businesses coming back on shore from China, or, it will mean the end of freedom, liberty, justice and the constitution as it's known now. And there won't be any return to normalcy.
The November 2020 is all about freedom loving, law biding citizens that love America and the right to vote, but in this election it may be wise not to just know you have a right to vote but make it a mandate. We cannot leave things to others. Then we can see there will be a land slide for good and the opportunity to rid ourselves of the destruction and the obstruction of the PMS/DSA Democrat Leftist and corrupt criminal mob.
It's time to send them a clear and precise message in November in response to the Left's criminal antics.

Trump should focus on China, the economy, his successes for all Americans, but in particular black, hispanic and women employment numbers, he should promote justice reform, and state at as "The First Step Act, but really it's about second chances for those who have earned it", school choice and Opportunity Zones, black: home ownership, business ownership, tax cuts for all, protection of these communities jobs from foreign abuse and illegal workers. He should say, "we don't pander for votes, we work hard to earn them via action, not talk or 50 year promises".

If he can make further inroads into the black vote which the Dems rely so much on, it's over before it started. He was in that place before the Wuhan Virus hit, he can get back there.

He can also state, "we support peaceful protest and also those good, hard working and noble officers who do their job righteously and stand up for our Constitution where all men and women are equal before the law".

Considering how hard he worked to achieve so much while the Establishment tried to stop him, it's an easy campaign to run. All he needs to do is bring effort and his love for America that gave him everything. He can talk about the patriotism of all Americans which he wants returned as you face new global challenges. His support of this, illustrated through America First policies.
I suggest taking a hard look at the Green Party and Communist Party candidates for Congress
For what purpose?

This is based on the principle that it is far far more difficult to form a conspiracy with four people than it is with just two ... by extension, having four political parties in Congress makes it more difficult to rip off the American tax-payer than it is with just two political parties ...

Right now ... corporation XYZ donates $10 million to both Republicans and Democrats ... it doesn't matter who wins control of Congress ... corporation XYZ gets their $200 million tax break ... 10 to 1 pay back ... with two more political parties needing to be bought, then corporation XYZ has to spend twice as much for the same return ... or a 5 to 1 pay back ...

The other important thing is that with more political parties ... more likely than not, no single political party will have a majority, and thus will have to form coalitions to get their legislative agenda passed on to the President, meaning they'll have to compromise ... and compromise is essential for democracy to work ... while the two current political parties refuse to compromise on anything except tax breaks for corporations, nothing of what We the People want them to do will get done ... nothing ...

The only thing this Congress has done is dump another $10 trillion in debt onto our grandchildren ... and we haven't even seen the hospital bills yet ... there's a metro-sized hospital just up the road that's in bankruptcy already ... wait until you see your new insurance premiums at the end of this year (after the elections, ha ha ha) ...
I suggest taking a hard look at the Green Party and Communist Party candidates for Congress
For what purpose?

This is based on the principle that it is far far more difficult to form a conspiracy with four people than it is with just two ... by extension, having four political parties in Congress makes it more difficult to rip off the American tax-payer than it is with just two political parties ...

Right now ... corporation XYZ donates $10 million to both Republicans and Democrats ... it doesn't matter who wins control of Congress ... corporation XYZ gets their $200 million tax break ... 10 to 1 pay back ... with two more political parties needing to be bought, then corporation XYZ has to spend twice as much for the same return ... or a 5 to 1 pay back ...

The other important thing is that with more political parties ... more likely than not, no single political party will have a majority, and thus will have to form coalitions to get their legislative agenda passed on to the President, meaning they'll have to compromise ... and compromise is essential for democracy to work ... while the two current political parties refuse to compromise on anything except tax breaks for corporations, nothing of what We the People want them to do will get done ... nothing ...

The only thing this Congress has done is dump another $10 trillion in debt onto our grandchildren ... and we haven't even seen the hospital bills yet ... there's a metro-sized hospital just up the road that's in bankruptcy already ... wait until you see your new insurance premiums at the end of this year (after the elections, ha ha ha) ...

I laugh

Yeah ... I should quit smoking so much pot before I post ... a Congress that can't do anything can't impede my civil liberties ... as designed ... now if I can get Jefferson legislators to set a bounty on Oregon legislators we can some real laughter ...
They want their followers to believe it isn’t possible for President Trump to win, so that when he does, it will cause them to go even more berserk than they already are. The media wants a Marxist revolution. They’ll have the story that the election was rigged by Russia, Trump, blah blah blah..., and that he is, once again, an “illegitimate” President.

So....what will you say if Trump loses?
Democrats’ Growing Fear – They’re Being Lied to Again Just Like 2016!

7 Jul 2020 ~~ By Joe Hoft
The media is doing all it can again to promote false hopes using faux polls to encourage the Democrat party base that their candidate, former VP Joe Biden, is in the lead against President Trump in the 2020 Presidential campaign.
But Democrats and especially Republicans know that the same was said last election and this time President Trump has an incredible track record to run on while Democrats have aligned themselves with BLM, riots, lawlessness, vandalism and China.

In Pennsylvania, counties that President Trump lost in 2016 are turning red. Long time Democrats are reportedly changing parties because the current Democrat party of radical BLM rioters and high taxes is perceived as not being the Democrat party that their parents belonged to:
It’s likely that this is not an anomaly but rather a trend. Thanks to President Trump more Americans know that the media, the Democrat Party and Deep State government employees are aligned in a radical attempt to destroy a just and free America.

The Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat left needs to pump up poll numbers using their biased media operatives for two reasons. One - to at least closely match, or prepare the ground, for the fraud and disinformation that is in the works.
Second is to attempt to numb the average citizen into a false sense of security that the polls are lying again, so we don't turn out in droves. Always 'assume' the polls are correct. Get out to vote, take a friend or neighbor with you.
This November is not just another election, this is going to change things for decades and it could mean more winning with excellent job numbers, markets and trade deals with more American businesses coming back on shore from China, or, it will mean the end of freedom, liberty, justice and the constitution as it's known now. And there won't be any return to normalcy.
The November 2020 is all about freedom loving, law biding citizens that love America and the right to vote, but in this election it may be wise not to just know you have a right to vote but make it a mandate. We cannot leave things to others. Then we can see there will be a land slide for good and the opportunity to rid ourselves of the destruction and the obstruction of the PMS/DSA Democrat Leftist and corrupt criminal mob.
It's time to send them a clear and precise message in November in response to the Left's criminal antics.

gatewaypundit is FAKE NEWS
Who the fuck is Joe Hoft and why does anybody care?
Reaching up your collective asses and quoting people on Twitter?
How fucking desperate.
Feeling your toes stepped on?

There's a reason. If you had any self-awareness, you just might start to ask questions.
If I remember correctly ... the Democrat lies started just after RFK went down ... 1968 ... Republicans have been lying since at least 1944 ...

Strangely ... The Donald has been trying to fulfill his campaign promises from 2016 ... even to the point of "end-arounding" lazy Congress and asking SCOTUS to overturn the ACA ... stealing money from military parking facilities to build the border wall ... and calling Chinese leaders nasty names ...

I suggest taking a hard look at the Green Party and Communist Party candidates for Congress ... it's too easy for two political parties to conspire against the American Public ... just a thought ...

I suggest taking a hard look at the Green Party and Communist Party candidates for Congress

For what purpose?
To find people even more retarded than Democrats?
I suggest taking a hard look at the Green Party and Communist Party candidates for Congress
For what purpose?
To find people even more retarded than Democrats?

Well ... that would make Democrats look better ...
They want their followers to believe it isn’t possible for President Trump to win, so that when he does, it will cause them to go even more berserk than they already are. The media wants a Marxist revolution. They’ll have the story that the election was rigged by Russia, Trump, blah blah blah..., and that he is, once again, an “illegitimate” President.
Forewarned is forearmed.
Democrats are being lied to by democrats. On some level they know It.

The majority of people support burning and looting is a lie.

White women enjoy being robbed and slashed by black men, is a lie.

The majority of Americans approve of children being gunned down in the streets, is a lie

The majority of Americans support rabid mobs tearing down our statues and monuments, is a lie

The majority of Americans want Mt. Rushmore destroyed, is a lie.

The majority of Americans want the prisons emptied and the police abolished is a lie.

The majority of Americans think that elderly people deserve to be beaten by young black men, is a lie.

Oh did you think the lies were only about poll numbers?
Democrats’ Growing Fear – They’re Being Lied to Again Just Like 2016!

7 Jul 2020 ~~ By Joe Hoft
The media is doing all it can again to promote false hopes using faux polls to encourage the Democrat party base that their candidate, former VP Joe Biden, is in the lead against President Trump in the 2020 Presidential campaign.
But Democrats and especially Republicans know that the same was said last election and this time President Trump has an incredible track record to run on while Democrats have aligned themselves with BLM, riots, lawlessness, vandalism and China.

In Pennsylvania, counties that President Trump lost in 2016 are turning red. Long time Democrats are reportedly changing parties because the current Democrat party of radical BLM rioters and high taxes is perceived as not being the Democrat party that their parents belonged to:
It’s likely that this is not an anomaly but rather a trend. Thanks to President Trump more Americans know that the media, the Democrat Party and Deep State government employees are aligned in a radical attempt to destroy a just and free America.

The Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat left needs to pump up poll numbers using their biased media operatives for two reasons. One - to at least closely match, or prepare the ground, for the fraud and disinformation that is in the works.
Second is to attempt to numb the average citizen into a false sense of security that the polls are lying again, so we don't turn out in droves. Always 'assume' the polls are correct. Get out to vote, take a friend or neighbor with you.
This November is not just another election, this is going to change things for decades and it could mean more winning with excellent job numbers, markets and trade deals with more American businesses coming back on shore from China, or, it will mean the end of freedom, liberty, justice and the constitution as it's known now. And there won't be any return to normalcy.
The November 2020 is all about freedom loving, law biding citizens that love America and the right to vote, but in this election it may be wise not to just know you have a right to vote but make it a mandate. We cannot leave things to others. Then we can see there will be a land slide for good and the opportunity to rid ourselves of the destruction and the obstruction of the PMS/DSA Democrat Leftist and corrupt criminal mob.
It's time to send them a clear and precise message in November in response to the Left's criminal antics.

You need the services of a good psychiatrist. Even Rasmussen's poll shows a double digit lead for Biden. Trump's own conduct shows he is losing and knows it. He clearly is playing to his base and clearly is hoping his base shows up and everyone else does not. The fact is that Trump and his supporters are not good. Then we can start dismantling the right wing hate groups that exist.
They want their followers to believe it isn’t possible for President Trump to win, so that when he does, it will cause them to go even more berserk than they already are. The media wants a Marxist revolution. They’ll have the story that the election was rigged by Russia, Trump, blah blah blah..., and that he is, once again, an “illegitimate” President.

Trump and his right wing hate groups are the ones who are trying to destroy this country. Trump is finished and his increasingly desperate and unhinged tactics show it.
The only problem is that Joe Biden is also getting support from some members of the GOP. How much fear exists when some of the Presidents own party are not backing him....

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