Democrats have a hard time learning from their mistakes


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2014
The filthy Democrats fucked up by letting their TDS affliction attack Kavanaugh. It is "the Deplorables" all over again. The Democrats are not smart enough to learn from their mistakes.

The main reason Trump was elected was that Americans didn't want the filthy Democrats appointing Supreme Court Justices. Who in their right mind would want Democrats that would nominate dingbat assholes like the two that were appointed under Obama? Every one of their rulings have been a disagrace.

The Democrats acting like TDS assholes reminded Americans of the reason they voted for Trump.

How Dianne Feinstein Woke The Republican Sleeping Giant - Big League Politics

How Dianne Feinstein Woke The Republican Sleeping Giant

Leftist California Senator Dianne Feinstein has done something even President Donald Trump could not do:

Awaken the sleeping giant of the Republican electorate to defeat the Democrats in the 2018 midterms.

It is widely, and incorrectly, thought that Japanese Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto said after the Pearl Harbor attack, “I fear we have awakened a sleeping giant and filled him with a terrible resolve.” He did not say that, but certainly believed it, having warned the Japanese leadership against involving the U.S. in World War II. That description fully characterizes what DiFi has achieved with her fabulous, fantastic flameout in attempting to derail Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court.

Suddenly, not only will the Democrats stand no realistic chance of winning the Senate, but it increasingly looks as though they will lose another five to seven seats, and if DiFi’s trick has incensed enough Republicans to turn out, they could face a 60-seat majority next January.

Already this was shifting some. A recent NBC poll found GOP enthusiasm has nearly matched that of Democrats. Most “generic” ballot polls have steadily moved from double digits in the Democrats’ favor to only two or three points. But Gallup yesterday had the Republicans actually leading by one in party favorability, and an unnamed pollster has shared data with me that shows Republican enthusiasm spiking to shocking levels.

Most of all, DiFi’s shocking stumble occurred at a time when “tossup” House seats were already starting to slightly trend Republican. In the past month, a good dozen of the expected 30 “sure thing” House flips have solidified in the GOP’s favor, to the point that now districts such as FL27—once considered a loss—have drifted back to even at best.

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