Democrats Hoist with Their Own Petard


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Democrats Hoist with Their Own Petard
ā€œHoist with his own petardā€ is a phrase taken from Shakespeare and means someone destroyed himself with a weapon (a petard, that is, small bomb) intended for another. President Trump has hoisted the #NeverTrumpers on theirs and is about to do the same thing to the now irremediably lunatic Democrats.... Christopher Bedard has done a brilliant job describing the downfall of the #NeverTrump scribblers. Itā€™s worth reading it all, but here are some highlights:
The Never Trumpers say they donā€™t recognize a Republican Party where the core tenets are neither free trade nor foreign democracy promotion. But maybe they just didnā€™t know their voters by sight, because the only party that has truly departed recognition is Never Trump [snip]... Each week brings this movement a new and bizarre position: Opposing tax cuts, supporting Obamacare; wishing North Korean talks ill, wishing Democratic investigators well; dreaming of European political meddling, pining for American political comeuppance.... Dumber still has been the Democratsā€™ ridiculous refusal to fund the $5 billion the President has asked to build the wall. Polls show overwhelming support for a hardened border and a halt to streams of illegals storming into the country from Mexico. Despite the best efforts of the media to show that it has created great hardships, the shutdown of about 25% of the federal government has not done so. The vast majority of the furloughed workers are Democratic voters. In effect, the Democrats handed them over to the president as hostages.... A look at Senator Schumerā€™s face in the public ā€œnegotiationā€ in the White House showed me that he realized the stunt was a loser. If I had any doubts, the picture of his face as he left the White House this past Friday confirmed it. He looked like a man being led to the gallows.... Nancy Pelosi seems to have missed that while flunking high school civics, because she claimed this week that the Constitution makes her the Presidentā€™s equal. The consequences of failing to understand the basic federalist structure in which she heads only one-half of one of the three branches are more significant than just getting an ā€œFā€ on the final exam.

DJT needs to stand strong on the wall. It is the right thing to do protecting our National Security and economy. Anyone with an ounce of common sense can see it. Progressive Marxist Socialist Dems have dug themselves a huge hole here and looks like they intend to keep digging. And how ironic they are primarily hurting their own people in the government shutdown.
Some Dems now say they will support a fence but not a wall. they're playing semantics, the difference between a wall and a fence is a distinction without a difference.
The Dems/Media oppose the wall because they see the wall correctly as a win for Trump which will insure his re-election in 2020. So the Dems/Media have put their politics to win above the security and safety of Americans.
When have the Progressive Marxist Socialist Dems and their co-conspirators the biased Media not put their politics to win above the security and safety of Americans?

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