Democrats howl after Bernie Sanders refuses to recognize Guaido as Venezuela’s leader

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
Secret City under Denver Airport
Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders has refused to recognize Juan Guaido as Venezuela’s ‘interim president,’ calling instead for new elections. His comments have enraged Democratic lawmakers who are pushing for regime change.

Sanders is widely seen as a top contender to take on Donald Trump in 2020, but his views on the current political crisis in Venezuela have put him at odds with the Democratic Party.

In an interview with Univision, the senator – an independent who identifies as a democratic socialist – was asked if he considers self-declared interim president Juan Guaido to be the legitimate leader of Venezuela.

“No. I think what has to happen right now – I think there are serious questions about the recent election. There are many people who feel it was a fraudulent election, and I think the United States has got to work with the international community to make sure that there is a free and fair election in Venezuela,” Sanders responded.
Democrats howl after Bernie Sanders refuses to recognize Guaido as Venezuela’s leader

This is true leadership, when a Senator is not afraid to go against his own party
to do what's right. I wish he would just go Green Party.

The problem in Venezuela isn't the legitimacy of any election, but the fact that the people are starving to death there in one of the richest countries on earth.

Venezuela's key is to abandon their failed Socialistic model and adopt Capitalism. I don't think Señor Maduro is able to do that. If President Trump thinks that Señor Guaido can be an effective leader, I'd say give the hombre a chance. If it doesn't work out, implement a Plan B.
Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders has refused to recognize Juan Guaido as Venezuela’s ‘interim president,]

Venezuela has only Maduro as President, all others are puppets of Tel Aviv and Deep State.

Why Maduro is wrong?
Because he does not want to give oil to Jewish banksters for free.
A new country again must bleed due to greed of Rothschild, Soros, NWO & Co

Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders has refused to recognize Juan Guaido as Venezuela’s ‘interim president,’ calling instead for new elections. His comments have enraged Democratic lawmakers who are pushing for regime change.

Sanders is widely seen as a top contender to take on Donald Trump in 2020, but his views on the current political crisis in Venezuela have put him at odds with the Democratic Party.

In an interview with Univision, the senator – an independent who identifies as a democratic socialist – was asked if he considers self-declared interim president Juan Guaido to be the legitimate leader of Venezuela.

“No. I think what has to happen right now – I think there are serious questions about the recent election. There are many people who feel it was a fraudulent election, and I think the United States has got to work with the international community to make sure that there is a free and fair election in Venezuela,” Sanders responded.
Democrats howl after Bernie Sanders refuses to recognize Guaido as Venezuela’s leader

This is true leadership, when a Senator is not afraid to go against his own party
to do what's right. I wish he would just go Green Party.

So, your proposed solution to end the suffering and tragic loss of human life CAUSED by the evils of to put a hard core SOCIALIST in charge.....

got it....

The Definition of insanity....
Repeating the same mistake over and over....and expecting a different outcome.
And btw, both you AND BS are seen as fruitcake mental cases.

The problem in Venezuela isn't the legitimacy of any election, but the fact that the people are starving to death there in one of the richest countries on earth.

Venezuela's key is to abandon their failed Socialistic model and adopt Capitalism. I don't think Señor Maduro is able to do that. If President Trump thinks that Señor Guaido can be an effective leader, I'd say give the hombre a chance. If it doesn't work out, implement a Plan B.
American hubris on full display. ^

Americans think it is their god given right to dictate. The irony of that is immeasurable.

Also, watch this video. Does this look like socialism to you? Or anything like what you have been told by your propaganda ministry?


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