Democrats if you do these things in 2016 you'll win it all back


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
1. Support infrastructure, science and r&d BIG TIME! Do like Kennedy did and promise Mars in 10 years and far more funding for diseases that kill millions of Americans like Cancer and heart disease. Curing serious diseases in the long term could end up lowering the long term cost of health care.

2. Run a campaign on the greatness of America and how we as a nation can lead but we need the right leadership. Do not state that we're evil as you're not running for president of Iran but president of the United states. Show a little bit of pride!

3. Promise educational reforms and that you'll be looking at a top 5 system. Work to replace common core with one of them. Make sure science and math is a core element of it! ;)

4. Drop the identity politics. No more baseless screaming of racism and sexism. Maybe you should try to bring people together and make people work to that greatness? Ferguson probably lost you 2 or 3 senate seats in 2014.

5. Double down on the minimum wage and legalizing pot. Both of these issues got 55-70% on the ballots last election! ;)

6. Be pro-law enforcement.Looking or appearing as pro-crime doesn't help anyone.

Do this and you'll win back everything within the next election! You'll never lose again as long as the republicans play on the slash, cut and burn idiocy. This is what real leadership looks like and what America needs to stay ahead of China in the 21st century.
Nice list.

Reality will be simply:
1. More free stuff.
2. Open borders.

But those, too, have a winning track record for Democrats.

Can it work again?
Dems will go with Repubs are icky women hating, racist homophobes who want to commit genocide in the ME
1. Support infrastructure, science and r&d BIG TIME! Do like Kennedy did and promise Mars in 10 years and far more funding for diseases that kill millions of Americans like Cancer and heart disease. Curing serious diseases in the long term could end up lowering the long term cost of health care.

2. Run a campaign on the greatness of America and how we as a nation can lead but we need the right leadership. Do not state that we're evil as you're not running for president of Iran but president of the United states. Show a little bit of pride!

3. Promise educational reforms and that you'll be looking at a top 5 system. Work to replace common core with one of them. Make sure science and math is a core element of it! ;)

4. Drop the identity politics. No more baseless screaming of racism and sexism. Maybe you should try to bring people together and make people work to that greatness? Ferguson probably lost you 2 or 3 senate seats in 2014.

5. Double down on the minimum wage and legalizing pot. Both of these issues got 55-70% on the ballots last election! ;)

6. Be pro-law enforcement.Looking or appearing as pro-crime doesn't help anyone.

Do this and you'll win back everything within the next election! You'll never lose again as long as the republicans play on the slash, cut and burn idiocy. This is what real leadership looks like and what America needs to stay ahead of China in the 21st century.

1. They'd have to cut welfare spending to pay for it. Never gonna happen.
2. Raciss!
3. Raciss!
4. Are you kidding me? RACISS!
5. Posturing for the economically illiterate. Pot, whatever.
6. Raciss!
All the Dems have to do is go back to reaching out to women and minorities; and Matthew's point on supporting STEM is 100% correct.

I don't think the Democrats (and some Pubs) will stop supporting CORE.

And a word to racialists, right and left: you are still going to get it in the mouth.
Jake how exactly is it good for this nation to be anti-male and anti-white?? Sounds counter productive? Shouldn't we promote a more unity and agreeable approach?

Also I think being 22nd in the world for math & science is a good enough reason to rethink common core. Why don't you?
Note to democrats, don't vote your conscience or your core moral values. Promise a pot crop on Mars and you are a shoe in with the low information left if they can remember to register.

Democrats keep the presidency

Take back the Senate

Republicans keep the House

Long term.....Supreme Court goes 6-3 Liberal
Note to democrats, don't vote your conscience or your core moral values. Promise a pot crop on Mars and you are a shoe in with the low information left if they can remember to register.

Well, that is 100 to 200 thousand jobs to get it done and a few million less prisoners in our jails. Not to even speak of the tech and ability of living off world it will provide our species. What do you offer besides cut, slash and fuck?
Speak out against what is being done to the middle and lower classes, speak up for protecting SS and Medicare, which are hated by the conservatives who don't believe the lower classes are worth anything. Stand up for the working man over the 1 percent. That's ALOT of votes right there.
1. Have solutions to rising Income Inequality

2. Support raising minimum wage (ties into point 1)

3. Support comprehensive immigration reform

4. Support researching and reducing climate change

5. Support Tax Reform

6. Develop a sound foreign policy (probably the hardest thing to do on this list given the global environment)

7. (optional I guess...) Support Campaign Finance Reform
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sit back and watch the Republicans destroy themselves just like they always do. The Dems don't need any help.
1. Support infrastructure, science and r&d BIG TIME! Do like Kennedy did and promise Mars in 10 years and far more funding for diseases that kill millions of Americans like Cancer and heart disease. Curing serious diseases in the long term could end up lowering the long term cost of health care.

2. Run a campaign on the greatness of America and how we as a nation can lead but we need the right leadership. Do not state that we're evil as you're not running for president of Iran but president of the United states. Show a little bit of pride!

3. Promise educational reforms and that you'll be looking at a top 5 system. Work to replace common core with one of them. Make sure science and math is a core element of it! ;)

4. Drop the identity politics. No more baseless screaming of racism and sexism. Maybe you should try to bring people together and make people work to that greatness? Ferguson probably lost you 2 or 3 senate seats in 2014.

5. Double down on the minimum wage and legalizing pot. Both of these issues got 55-70% on the ballots last election! ;)

6. Be pro-law enforcement.Looking or appearing as pro-crime doesn't help anyone.

Do this and you'll win back everything within the next election! You'll never lose again as long as the republicans play on the slash, cut and burn idiocy. This is what real leadership looks like and what America needs to stay ahead of China in the 21st century.
#4 you're a racist scumbag. Spare us the identity politics bs
1. Support infrastructure, science and r&d BIG TIME! Do like Kennedy did and promise Mars in 10 years and far more funding for diseases that kill millions of Americans like Cancer and heart disease. Curing serious diseases in the long term could end up lowering the long term cost of health care.

2. Run a campaign on the greatness of America and how we as a nation can lead but we need the right leadership. Do not state that we're evil as you're not running for president of Iran but president of the United states. Show a little bit of pride!

3. Promise educational reforms and that you'll be looking at a top 5 system. Work to replace common core with one of them. Make sure science and math is a core element of it! ;)

4. Drop the identity politics. No more baseless screaming of racism and sexism. Maybe you should try to bring people together and make people work to that greatness? Ferguson probably lost you 2 or 3 senate seats in 2014.

5. Double down on the minimum wage and legalizing pot. Both of these issues got 55-70% on the ballots last election! ;)

6. Be pro-law enforcement.Looking or appearing as pro-crime doesn't help anyone.

Do this and you'll win back everything within the next election! You'll never lose again as long as the republicans play on the slash, cut and burn idiocy. This is what real leadership looks like and what America needs to stay ahead of China in the 21st century.
#4 you're a racist scumbag. Spare us the identity politics bs

So are you...Anti-white and pro-crime creep! Enjoy losing to a bunch of morons on the right.

I just don't understand how being a asshole to entire populations wins you votes.
All the Dems have to do is go back to reaching out to women and minorities; and Matthew's point on supporting STEM is 100% correct.

I don't think the Democrats (and some Pubs) will stop supporting CORE.

And a word to racialists, right and left: you are still going to get it in the mouth.

Yes but the future isn't and never has been fetal stem cells, adult stem cells have shown the promise.
And a word to racialists, right and left: you are still going to get it in the mouth.

And, you, Jammie-boi Jake, take it where?????

Jake got_edited-1.jpg
1. Support infrastructure, science and r&d BIG TIME! Do like Kennedy did and promise Mars in 10 years and far more funding for diseases that kill millions of Americans like Cancer and heart disease. Curing serious diseases in the long term could end up lowering the long term cost of health care.

2. Run a campaign on the greatness of America and how we as a nation can lead but we need the right leadership. Do not state that we're evil as you're not running for president of Iran but president of the United states. Show a little bit of pride!

3. Promise educational reforms and that you'll be looking at a top 5 system. Work to replace common core with one of them. Make sure science and math is a core element of it! ;)

4. Drop the identity politics. No more baseless screaming of racism and sexism. Maybe you should try to bring people together and make people work to that greatness? Ferguson probably lost you 2 or 3 senate seats in 2014.

5. Double down on the minimum wage and legalizing pot. Both of these issues got 55-70% on the ballots last election! ;)

6. Be pro-law enforcement.Looking or appearing as pro-crime doesn't help anyone.

Do this and you'll win back everything within the next election! You'll never lose again as long as the republicans play on the slash, cut and burn idiocy. This is what real leadership looks like and what America needs to stay ahead of China in the 21st century.
#4 you're a racist scumbag. Spare us the identity politics bs

So are you...Anti-white and pro-crime creep! Enjoy losing to a bunch of morons on the right.
A) Hey, dipshit, I AM white

B) Pro crime? You're a fucking moron

I just don't understand how being a asshole to entire populations wins you votes.

C) You're talking about the wrong party
All the Dems have to do is go back to reaching out to women and minorities; and Matthew's point on supporting STEM is 100% correct.

I don't think the Democrats (and some Pubs) will stop supporting CORE.

And a word to racialists, right and left: you are still going to get it in the mouth.

Yes but the future isn't and never has been fetal stem cells, adult stem cells have shown the promise.
He is talking about Science, Technology, Electronics/English, Math. I hope he is.

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