Democrats in NY now charging a tax to look at the sky


Diamond Member
Dec 25, 2015
There is nothing more evil then a democrat politician. I wonder if these idiots are taxed?

You can't make up this kind of crime.


New York — In the Land of the Free, if you do not pay the State in the form of a permit before you attempt to sell a product or service to a willing customer, you can and will be extorted, kidnapped and caged, with extreme prejudice. While many folks stand behind permits for selling, one permit in New York that has nothing to do with commerce, has garnered the scrutiny of the Free thought Project. If citizens of the state wish to look up at the sky and view the stars at one of New York’s public parks, they will first have to obtain a “Stargazing permit.” Seriously.

Light pollution across the state of New York makes it hard for folks in highly populated areas to view the night sky. So, people who wish to gaze upon the stars at night have to drive many miles away to remote areas. Many of these remote areas are located in taxpayer-funded state parks.

New York State Forces Citizens To Pay For "Stargazing Permit" To View Night Sky In Public Parks
If money is needed for something important enough, why can't those who need it just say so? Why must they be this brain challenged? Those who agree with the money's level of importance will then be those who provide it. I remember years ago NASCAR driver Tony Stewert getting slapped with a fine years ago over something in his past. Those who didn't think that he deserved such a punishment may have taken up a collection for him, right me if I am wrong.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. If there is anything that I have learned in life, it is that everyone has a fan base once the word about the person in question is out.

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