Democrats In The Middle Of A Planned Coup....While Accusing Their Victims Of A Coup......This Is Their Usual M.O.

Democrats aren't just trying to get rid of the President.....but they're trying to get rid of all Republicans.
This isn't a rational move....but a seditious act by a communist organization.
This is organized crime.....and the American People are the victims.
This is exactly how we've told you folks for years that Democrats would act like once they felt they didn't have to answer to the voters anymore.
They've stolen an election and now they're coming for all of us......and their supporters think they won't fall under the knife.
Sorry, but you are in their cross-hairs as well.
I'm just waiting to see how much of this it takes for Democrat supporters to realize they're in deep shit.

"And let us not forget what they did in D.C., where they tried to burn historic St. John’s church, tore down equally historic statues, smothered public property with obscene graffiti, and attacked the White House. This wasn’t the Democrats’ first assault on D.C. For just one example, Ed Driscoll reminds us that, back in 2018, Ocasio-Cortez and Nancy Pelosi applauded Democrats who stormed Pelosi’s office. According to Pelosi, it was a good thing to see activists “organize and participate in our Democracy.” Indeed, they have had a habit of urging violence against Trump and his supporters.
However, when Trump tells his supporters to make a peaceable visit to Congress to cheer on those Representatives and Senators brave enough to object to a manifestly fraudulent election, and a small percentage break away and do what Democrats have always done, it’s suddenly “sedition,” “treason,” and “terrorism.” Then, with their narrative firmly in place, Democrats are ready to do something else that leftists have always done: Purges."
Ok, pay attention kids! The above is a textbook example of projection.
No it isn't.
But you just tried the tactic.

Democrats aren't just trying to get rid of the President.....but they're trying to get rid of all Republicans.
This isn't a rational move....but a seditious act by a communist organization.
This is organized crime.....and the American People are the victims.
This is exactly how we've told you folks for years that Democrats would act like once they felt they didn't have to answer to the voters anymore.
They've stolen an election and now they're coming for all of us......and their supporters think they won't fall under the knife.
Sorry, but you are in their cross-hairs as well.
I'm just waiting to see how much of this it takes for Democrat supporters to realize they're in deep shit.

"And let us not forget what they did in D.C., where they tried to burn historic St. John’s church, tore down equally historic statues, smothered public property with obscene graffiti, and attacked the White House. This wasn’t the Democrats’ first assault on D.C. For just one example, Ed Driscoll reminds us that, back in 2018, Ocasio-Cortez and Nancy Pelosi applauded Democrats who stormed Pelosi’s office. According to Pelosi, it was a good thing to see activists “organize and participate in our Democracy.” Indeed, they have had a habit of urging violence against Trump and his supporters.
However, when Trump tells his supporters to make a peaceable visit to Congress to cheer on those Representatives and Senators brave enough to object to a manifestly fraudulent election, and a small percentage break away and do what Democrats have always done, it’s suddenly “sedition,” “treason,” and “terrorism.” Then, with their narrative firmly in place, Democrats are ready to do something else that leftists have always done: Purges."
Democrats aren't just trying to get rid of the President.....but they're trying to get rid of all Republicans.
This isn't a rational move....but a seditious act by a communist organization.
This is organized crime.....and the American People are the victims.
This is exactly how we've told you folks for years that Democrats would act like once they felt they didn't have to answer to the voters anymore.
They've stolen an election and now they're coming for all of us......and their supporters think they won't fall under the knife.
Sorry, but you are in their cross-hairs as well.
I'm just waiting to see how much of this it takes for Democrat supporters to realize they're in deep shit.

"And let us not forget what they did in D.C., where they tried to burn historic St. John’s church, tore down equally historic statues, smothered public property with obscene graffiti, and attacked the White House. This wasn’t the Democrats’ first assault on D.C. For just one example, Ed Driscoll reminds us that, back in 2018, Ocasio-Cortez and Nancy Pelosi applauded Democrats who stormed Pelosi’s office. According to Pelosi, it was a good thing to see activists “organize and participate in our Democracy.” Indeed, they have had a habit of urging violence against Trump and his supporters.
However, when Trump tells his supporters to make a peaceable visit to Congress to cheer on those Representatives and Senators brave enough to object to a manifestly fraudulent election, and a small percentage break away and do what Democrats have always done, it’s suddenly “sedition,” “treason,” and “terrorism.” Then, with their narrative firmly in place, Democrats are ready to do something else that leftists have always done: Purges."

Considering that a majority of Republican House members voted to stage a coup, the Republican party dexserves all the blame.
The organized crime was committed by Trump supporters as they illegally stormed the capitol smashing their way in. No one stole a election. It is Republicans who attempted to steal a election. The only criminals are Republicans who refuse to hold Trump accountable. Republicans refused to say that Biden won the elecftion when he clearly did. Instead Republicans chose to continue this fraud.

Of cours4e it is alright that Trump tear gassed peaceful protestors just for a photo-op.. That is okay to you people. The protest in Pelosi's office was non-violent. They offered no resistance when they were removed. No one was hurt. Quite different that what happened last Wednesday where 13 officers were injured and 1 killed.

Trump did not tell them to go peaceful,ly to protest. He urged them to fight. He did not defuse the situation he lit the match. After Trump said that Pence had the power to overturn the election and after that Pence admitted he did not. The protestors chanted to hang Mike Pence. Trump also failed to denounce the protestors. He clearly was partially responsible for what happened.
All a person needs to do is ask which party most wants to restrict what people can do. Democrats are trying to destroy the ability of people to run a small business, they are trying to limit what people are allowed to say and they are trying to regulate our lives down to the iota.

They ARE turning into big brother.

As usual you have no clue what you are talking about. Republicans don't give a damn over people dying from the coronavirus. They try to kidnap the Michigan governor.

Republicans are becoming criminals.
Democrats aren't just trying to get rid of the President.....but they're trying to get rid of all Republicans.
This isn't a rational move....but a seditious act by a communist organization.
This is organized crime.....and the American People are the victims.
This is exactly how we've told you folks for years that Democrats would act like once they felt they didn't have to answer to the voters anymore.
They've stolen an election and now they're coming for all of us......and their supporters think they won't fall under the knife.
Sorry, but you are in their cross-hairs as well.
I'm just waiting to see how much of this it takes for Democrat supporters to realize they're in deep shit.

"And let us not forget what they did in D.C., where they tried to burn historic St. John’s church, tore down equally historic statues, smothered public property with obscene graffiti, and attacked the White House. This wasn’t the Democrats’ first assault on D.C. For just one example, Ed Driscoll reminds us that, back in 2018, Ocasio-Cortez and Nancy Pelosi applauded Democrats who stormed Pelosi’s office. According to Pelosi, it was a good thing to see activists “organize and participate in our Democracy.” Indeed, they have had a habit of urging violence against Trump and his supporters.
However, when Trump tells his supporters to make a peaceable visit to Congress to cheer on those Representatives and Senators brave enough to object to a manifestly fraudulent election, and a small percentage break away and do what Democrats have always done, it’s suddenly “sedition,” “treason,” and “terrorism.” Then, with their narrative firmly in place, Democrats are ready to do something else that leftists have always done: Purges."
Yes...yes...yes....of course. And all this is exactly why Trump MUST invoke the Insurrection act, and declare martial law, to redo the election in the 7 rogue states. It is crazy for him to not do that.

You just try it. You Nazis will lose. You already tried a insurrection and it failed. The military will not obey a illegal order.
Democrats have launched a Purge. Let's see how far they take it.
Clearly it has already effected people trying to go home after visiting Washington.
Innocent Americans have been thrown off of flights leaving D.C.

Ain't life a biotch!? How else would you want terrorist to be treated?

So you believe that people who were sitting at home watching it are terrorists too?

What else could they be categorized as?

A terrorist is someone who intentionally incites terror in their victims.
Who is afraid of free speech and peaceful protesting a stolen election?

Since when are 13 police officers injured and 1 killed in a peaceful protest? Since when is smashing your way in peaceful? There was no stolen election. The courts and the states have said this is not true. It is Trump and his supporters who are trying to steal a election.
This is the complete video of the murder of that woman Wednesday.

Why was this woman shot seconds after the police all decided to let the rioters break through the door?
This all just looks like a bad B movie where everyone is following a script and don't know how to act. I noticed that one of the so-called Trump supporters was wearing a backpack similar to what ANITFA members always wear....he also took off his MAGA hat for some reason. Did he hate what it represented?

You mean the shooting of a terrorist attempting to smash her way in. The police did not allow them in. There is no evidence of this and witnesses have confirmed this.
Democrats aren't just trying to get rid of the President.....but they're trying to get rid of all Republicans.
This isn't a rational move....but a seditious act by a communist organization.
This is organized crime.....and the American People are the victims.
This is exactly how we've told you folks for years that Democrats would act like once they felt they didn't have to answer to the voters anymore.
They've stolen an election and now they're coming for all of us......and their supporters think they won't fall under the knife.
Sorry, but you are in their cross-hairs as well.
I'm just waiting to see how much of this it takes for Democrat supporters to realize they're in deep shit.

"And let us not forget what they did in D.C., where they tried to burn historic St. John’s church, tore down equally historic statues, smothered public property with obscene graffiti, and attacked the White House. This wasn’t the Democrats’ first assault on D.C. For just one example, Ed Driscoll reminds us that, back in 2018, Ocasio-Cortez and Nancy Pelosi applauded Democrats who stormed Pelosi’s office. According to Pelosi, it was a good thing to see activists “organize and participate in our Democracy.” Indeed, they have had a habit of urging violence against Trump and his supporters.
However, when Trump tells his supporters to make a peaceable visit to Congress to cheer on those Representatives and Senators brave enough to object to a manifestly fraudulent election, and a small percentage break away and do what Democrats have always done, it’s suddenly “sedition,” “treason,” and “terrorism.” Then, with their narrative firmly in place, Democrats are ready to do something else that leftists have always done: Purges."
Democrat riots??...(chuckle)

That's right....because they were Democrat Supporters....the rioting, looting, and burning was all a peaceful exercise of their 1st Amendment rights.
However.....when they staged this riot in the's sedition, insurrection, and terrorism.....because the wrong people (says the media) were apparently involved. Only blacks, homosexuals, and leftists can legally riot, I mean protest. White people are all criminals when they speak up.

There were no blacks, homosexuals or leftists trying to smash their way into the capitol. It is sedition, insurrection and terrorism because they were trying to stop the counting of the electoral votes. The fact that several terrorists had plastic ties of the type the police use suggest a potential kidnapping attempt. They also wanted to hang Pence.
Democrats aren't just trying to get rid of the President.....but they're trying to get rid of all Republicans.
This isn't a rational move....but a seditious act by a communist organization.
This is organized crime.....and the American People are the victims.
This is exactly how we've told you folks for years that Democrats would act like once they felt they didn't have to answer to the voters anymore.
They've stolen an election and now they're coming for all of us......and their supporters think they won't fall under the knife.
Sorry, but you are in their cross-hairs as well.
I'm just waiting to see how much of this it takes for Democrat supporters to realize they're in deep shit.

"And let us not forget what they did in D.C., where they tried to burn historic St. John’s church, tore down equally historic statues, smothered public property with obscene graffiti, and attacked the White House. This wasn’t the Democrats’ first assault on D.C. For just one example, Ed Driscoll reminds us that, back in 2018, Ocasio-Cortez and Nancy Pelosi applauded Democrats who stormed Pelosi’s office. According to Pelosi, it was a good thing to see activists “organize and participate in our Democracy.” Indeed, they have had a habit of urging violence against Trump and his supporters.
However, when Trump tells his supporters to make a peaceable visit to Congress to cheer on those Representatives and Senators brave enough to object to a manifestly fraudulent election, and a small percentage break away and do what Democrats have always done, it’s suddenly “sedition,” “treason,” and “terrorism.” Then, with their narrative firmly in place, Democrats are ready to do something else that leftists have always done: Purges."
Look at the Electoral College map by county. Come into the red areas and talk your communist shit. We got something for your ass.

Really. Apparently free speech doesn't apply to your enemies.
They're so over the top at this point, that you can't tell if and when they're being facetious.

What about the billions in damage and the 30 dead?

Didnt hear you denouncing BLM and antifa.
And your politicians sure as hell weren't,in fact they supported them.
Which of course makes you complicate.
I just did, Einstein.

You are an anti-American domestic terrorist. I have nothing to say to you.
You ain't gonna last long when the lead flies.

Advocating violence.
Democrats aren't just trying to get rid of the President.....but they're trying to get rid of all Republicans.
This isn't a rational move....but a seditious act by a communist organization.
This is organized crime.....and the American People are the victims.
This is exactly how we've told you folks for years that Democrats would act like once they felt they didn't have to answer to the voters anymore.
They've stolen an election and now they're coming for all of us......and their supporters think they won't fall under the knife.
Sorry, but you are in their cross-hairs as well.
I'm just waiting to see how much of this it takes for Democrat supporters to realize they're in deep shit.

"And let us not forget what they did in D.C., where they tried to burn historic St. John’s church, tore down equally historic statues, smothered public property with obscene graffiti, and attacked the White House. This wasn’t the Democrats’ first assault on D.C. For just one example, Ed Driscoll reminds us that, back in 2018, Ocasio-Cortez and Nancy Pelosi applauded Democrats who stormed Pelosi’s office. According to Pelosi, it was a good thing to see activists “organize and participate in our Democracy.” Indeed, they have had a habit of urging violence against Trump and his supporters.
However, when Trump tells his supporters to make a peaceable visit to Congress to cheer on those Representatives and Senators brave enough to object to a manifestly fraudulent election, and a small percentage break away and do what Democrats have always done, it’s suddenly “sedition,” “treason,” and “terrorism.” Then, with their narrative firmly in place, Democrats are ready to do something else that leftists have always done: Purges."
You are completely correct. They will manipulate until they are forcibly stopped.


And perhaps they will be. The Military is the only answer.
Most democrats and traitors are no longer American, they have proven themselves to be communist.

The sooner true Americans realize this the better!

View attachment 441250

True Americans know that already.

The progressive sheep, on the other hand, will never know and don't want to know.
Democrats aren't just trying to get rid of the President.....but they're trying to get rid of all Republicans.
This isn't a rational move....but a seditious act by a communist organization.
This is organized crime.....and the American People are the victims.
This is exactly how we've told you folks for years that Democrats would act like once they felt they didn't have to answer to the voters anymore.
They've stolen an election and now they're coming for all of us......and their supporters think they won't fall under the knife.
Sorry, but you are in their cross-hairs as well.
I'm just waiting to see how much of this it takes for Democrat supporters to realize they're in deep shit.

"And let us not forget what they did in D.C., where they tried to burn historic St. John’s church, tore down equally historic statues, smothered public property with obscene graffiti, and attacked the White House. This wasn’t the Democrats’ first assault on D.C. For just one example, Ed Driscoll reminds us that, back in 2018, Ocasio-Cortez and Nancy Pelosi applauded Democrats who stormed Pelosi’s office. According to Pelosi, it was a good thing to see activists “organize and participate in our Democracy.” Indeed, they have had a habit of urging violence against Trump and his supporters.
However, when Trump tells his supporters to make a peaceable visit to Congress to cheer on those Representatives and Senators brave enough to object to a manifestly fraudulent election, and a small percentage break away and do what Democrats have always done, it’s suddenly “sedition,” “treason,” and “terrorism.” Then, with their narrative firmly in place, Democrats are ready to do something else that leftists have always done: Purges."
Yes...yes...yes....of course. And all this is exactly why Trump MUST invoke the Insurrection act, and declare martial law, to redo the election in the 7 rogue states. It is crazy for him to not do that.

There is a rumour that the President has already invoked the Insurrection Act.

One can only pray.
Most democrats and traitors are no longer American, they have proven themselves to be communist.

The sooner true Americans realize this the better!

View attachment 441250
You know Cap'n Cheeto's BESTEST GOOD BUDDY Vlad is a communist, right?

You knew that, didn't you?
The guy Trump's selling you out to is a commie.

Democrats have launched a Purge. Let's see how far they take it.
Clearly it has already effected people trying to go home after visiting Washington.
Innocent Americans have been thrown off of flights leaving D.C.

Ain't life a biotch!? How else would you want terrorist to be treated?

So you believe that people who were sitting at home watching it are terrorists too?

What else could they be categorized as?

A terrorist is someone who intentionally incites terror in their victims.
Who is afraid of free speech and peaceful protesting a stolen election?

Since when are 13 police officers injured and 1 killed in a peaceful protest? Since when is smashing your way in peaceful? There was no stolen election. The courts and the states have said this is not true. It is Trump and his supporters who are trying to steal a election.

We will; never believe that. All you have to do is replace the mantra of Deplorables with any other group and find the flaws. And it is easy to do because all groups have them.
Democrats aren't just trying to get rid of the President.....but they're trying to get rid of all Republicans.
This isn't a rational move....but a seditious act by a communist organization.
This is organized crime.....and the American People are the victims.
This is exactly how we've told you folks for years that Democrats would act like once they felt they didn't have to answer to the voters anymore.
They've stolen an election and now they're coming for all of us......and their supporters think they won't fall under the knife.
Sorry, but you are in their cross-hairs as well.
I'm just waiting to see how much of this it takes for Democrat supporters to realize they're in deep shit.

"And let us not forget what they did in D.C., where they tried to burn historic St. John’s church, tore down equally historic statues, smothered public property with obscene graffiti, and attacked the White House. This wasn’t the Democrats’ first assault on D.C. For just one example, Ed Driscoll reminds us that, back in 2018, Ocasio-Cortez and Nancy Pelosi applauded Democrats who stormed Pelosi’s office. According to Pelosi, it was a good thing to see activists “organize and participate in our Democracy.” Indeed, they have had a habit of urging violence against Trump and his supporters.
However, when Trump tells his supporters to make a peaceable visit to Congress to cheer on those Representatives and Senators brave enough to object to a manifestly fraudulent election, and a small percentage break away and do what Democrats have always done, it’s suddenly “sedition,” “treason,” and “terrorism.” Then, with their narrative firmly in place, Democrats are ready to do something else that leftists have always done: Purges."
Democrats aren't just trying to get rid of the President.....but they're trying to get rid of all Republicans.
This isn't a rational move....but a seditious act by a communist organization.
This is organized crime.....and the American People are the victims.
This is exactly how we've told you folks for years that Democrats would act like once they felt they didn't have to answer to the voters anymore.
They've stolen an election and now they're coming for all of us......and their supporters think they won't fall under the knife.
Sorry, but you are in their cross-hairs as well.
I'm just waiting to see how much of this it takes for Democrat supporters to realize they're in deep shit.

"And let us not forget what they did in D.C., where they tried to burn historic St. John’s church, tore down equally historic statues, smothered public property with obscene graffiti, and attacked the White House. This wasn’t the Democrats’ first assault on D.C. For just one example, Ed Driscoll reminds us that, back in 2018, Ocasio-Cortez and Nancy Pelosi applauded Democrats who stormed Pelosi’s office. According to Pelosi, it was a good thing to see activists “organize and participate in our Democracy.” Indeed, they have had a habit of urging violence against Trump and his supporters.
However, when Trump tells his supporters to make a peaceable visit to Congress to cheer on those Representatives and Senators brave enough to object to a manifestly fraudulent election, and a small percentage break away and do what Democrats have always done, it’s suddenly “sedition,” “treason,” and “terrorism.” Then, with their narrative firmly in place, Democrats are ready to do something else that leftists have always done: Purges."

Considering that a majority of Republican House members voted to stage a coup, the Republican party dexserves all the blame.
The organized crime was committed by Trump supporters as they illegally stormed the capitol smashing their way in. No one stole a election. It is Republicans who attempted to steal a election. The only criminals are Republicans who refuse to hold Trump accountable. Republicans refused to say that Biden won the elecftion when he clearly did. Instead Republicans chose to continue this fraud.

Of cours4e it is alright that Trump tear gassed peaceful protestors just for a photo-op.. That is okay to you people. The protest in Pelosi's office was non-violent. They offered no resistance when they were removed. No one was hurt. Quite different that what happened last Wednesday where 13 officers were injured and 1 killed.

Trump did not tell them to go peaceful,ly to protest. He urged them to fight. He did not defuse the situation he lit the match. After Trump said that Pence had the power to overturn the election and after that Pence admitted he did not. The protestors chanted to hang Mike Pence. Trump also failed to denounce the protestors. He clearly was partially responsible for what happened.

He urged them to fight. really are stupid.

Please quote exactly the words Trump used to incite the riot.....

We will wait............and wait..........and wait.....

The exact words....should be please....quote the exact words that incited the riot....
All a person needs to do is ask which party most wants to restrict what people can do. Democrats are trying to destroy the ability of people to run a small business, they are trying to limit what people are allowed to say and they are trying to regulate our lives down to the iota.

They ARE turning into big brother.

As usual you have no clue what you are talking about. Republicans don't give a damn over people dying from the coronavirus. They try to kidnap the Michigan governor.

Republicans are becoming criminals.
You remind me of myself when I was young.

....of course, I was 5 at the time.
Why was this woman shot seconds after the police all decided to let the rioters break through the door?

Because the rent-a-cops tasked with protecting the Capitol building weren't sufficient to control a riot. This was intentional, on the part of Trump.
Hey retard....Congress is responsible for their own motherfucking security.....not the president.
Sure, man. Trump had nothing to do with any of this. He pisses gold. How does it taste?
I can tell you're black.
Blacks tend to use their race in their handles.......because their minds are consumed with race.
Consequentially they are just as racist as your average Klu Klux Klansman in 1945.
They're so over the top at this point, that you can't tell if and when they're being facetious.

What about the billions in damage and the 30 dead?

Didnt hear you denouncing BLM and antifa.
And your politicians sure as hell weren't,in fact they supported them.
Which of course makes you complicate.
I just did, Einstein.

You are an anti-American domestic terrorist. I have nothing to say to you.
You ain't gonna last long when the lead flies.

Advocating violence.

Again.....please quote the exact words from his speech and then twitter that incited the violence...

Should be easy, so please just quote them.....

We will wait..........and wait.......and wait...

I saw the tweets you guys are saying incited won't post them because you know you are full of shit.....but them here so we can all see the exact words that incited know the fighting words...

Should be real easy....even for a simpleton like you...

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