Democrats "Investigation" agenda

Gee... now you're all fiscally responsible on us... guess it's only ok for right wing psychos to be meanspirited, wastful, fuckups.

How much did you morons spend on a blue dress?

oh ya--let's play the two wrongs make a right game !:cuckoo:
How much did you morons spend on a blue dress?

Amazing how you liberals still can't see how dangerous it is for a sitting President to be so willing to cover up one of his dirty little secrets that he'd be willing to lie under oath about it.
I guess libs prefer a President that can be blackmailed and thus possibly coerced in his decision making over one who would make decisions based on the good of his country.
Just a question that is rather off-topic to this whole debacle. But what kind of sick freak keeps a semen stained dress and not clean it? Really!

One whose older, trusted "confidente" tells her to keep it because she is settting her up.... unfortunately.
Two questions for two leading Republicans.

Mr. Cheney: What happened to the three billion dollars you awarded to your former firm?

Mr. Rumsfield: Why is the land of the free holding fourteen thousand people in secret prisons without charge?

Oh...and can we get our answers under oath.


Gee... now you're all fiscally responsible on us... guess it's only ok for right wing psychos to be meanspirited, wastful, fuckups.

How much did you morons spend on a blue dress?

Excuse me lawyer-type-person, but your focus on "the blue dress" goes to show your own prejudice. Or did you forget the little issue of PERJURY?

And if any of the Republican's commit perjury, I want them brought up on charges just the same. See how being a fair-minded, balanced person thinks? (that's a rhetorical barb, in case you were wondering....)
Can't say that the voters weren't given sufficient warning prior to election day as to what would happen if the Dems regained control of Congress. Now we are beginning to see how fact-based the warnings were. Guess the majority of those who voted preferred the Washington norm of confrontational politics and payback. Too bad the rest of us will have to suffer through it.
Can't say that the voters weren't given sufficient warning prior to election day as to what would happen if the Dems regained control of Congress. Now we are beginning to see how fact-based the warnings were. Guess the majority of those who voted preferred the Washington norm of confrontational politics and payback. Too bad the rest of us will have to suffer through it.

If Dems want to check out wrongdoing, well why not check this out........

Byron York: WashPost, N.Y. Times Avoided Alcee Hastings Story Like the Plague
Posted by Tim Graham on November 29, 2006 - 06:22.
Late on Tuesday night, National Review reporter Byron York provided some early grist to challenge strange claims by media critics like William Powers that "journalists are more aggressive under Democratic rule." Somehow, the nation's leading newspapers weren't hustling alongside York as he chased the story of whether Nancy Pelosi would give the reins of the House Intelligence Committee to Rep. Alcee Hastings, who was impeached as a federal judge:

Tomorrow the Washington Post, on its front page, reports the news that Alcee Hastings will not be chairman of the House Intelligence Committee. For a story about Nancy Pelosi's decision, the Post piece gets into a number of details about the Hastings case itself. Why? One reason might be that, during the last few months when concerns about Hastings' impeachment and conviction were being raised, the Post never reported the basic facts of the case. A Nexis search for Hastings' name and that of William Borders, Hastings' co-conspirator in soliciting bribes, reveals exactly one recent story — a November 1 column by the Post's Ruth Marcus, who had covered the Hastings story years ago. As Congress buzzed, and Pelosi deliberated, the Post never bothered to tell its readers what the controversy was about.

By the way, if you do the same search for the New York Times, you'll find the same thing — just without the Ruth Marcus column. Which means that perhaps the most interesting so-far-unnoticed aspect of the story is that so much political pressure built up on Capitol Hill while the nation's two leading newspapers were looking the other way.

Perhaps too much focus on Hastings would confuse people who heard Nancy Pelosi pledging to "drain the swamp" of the Republican culture of corruption on Capitol Hill. Byron York's recent Hastings articles can be found at his NRO archive.

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