Democrats Join Calls for Napolitano to Step Down Following Failed Attack

all of a sudden they want people fired? for what???

Nobody has yet identified what Napolitano did that was different than the policies of Ridge and Chertoff. What did she specifically do that warrants dismissal?
all of a sudden they want people fired? for what???

Nobody has yet identified what Napolitano did that was different than the policies of Ridge and Chertoff. What did she specifically do that warrants dismissal?

She said that "the system worked" when it clearly failed. That plus the fact that she is unqualified for that position, and she has done nothing to improve national security. Her statement saying that veterans are a serious threat to national security says just about everything someone needs to know about her. She is better suited to run the ACLU or ACORN than Homeland Security.
Still looking for an answer to my basic questions. What has Napolitano done to warrant her firing?
Was what she did any worse than those in charge on 9-11, Anthrax attacks, Shoe bomber, Katrina?

Can you show what she did that was different than Ridge or Chertoff?

she does not have a security background RW....why is she calling the shots here?....thats what i have been asking.....Ridge was useless and so was the Skull....and besides i remember after Katrina the left was calling for Browns head AND saying HE was NOT qualified for the why is Napolitano Qualified?......basically all 3 DHS heads have been people...NOT QUALIFIED FOR THE JOB.....
all of a sudden they want people fired? for what???

Nobody has yet identified what Napolitano did that was different than the policies of Ridge and Chertoff. What did she specifically do that warrants dismissal?

all 3 are shoemakers heading a MAJOR security organization....get some people in there who have actually been in the business of....SECURITY....
she does not have a security background RW....why is she calling the shots here?....thats what i have been asking.....Ridge was useless and so was the Skull....and besides i remember after Katrina the left was calling for Browns head AND saying HE was NOT qualified for the why is Napolitano Qualified? ......basically all 3 DHS heads have been people...NOT QUALIFIED FOR THE JOB.....

Now that, I'll admit, is a good point.
all of a sudden they want people fired? for what???

Nobody has yet identified what Napolitano did that was different than the policies of Ridge and Chertoff. What did she specifically do that warrants dismissal?

She said that "the system worked" when it clearly failed. That plus the fact that she is unqualified for that position, and she has done nothing to improve national security. Her statement saying that veterans are a serious threat to national security says just about everything someone needs to know about her. She is better suited to run the ACLU or ACORN than Homeland Security.

Please print the entire quote where she said that veterans are a serious threat to national security
Nope rightwinger i am not. I am saying that, like it or not, the previous president decalred a war on islamic terrorists. Nowhere in her report does she make statements against that kind of terror as she does against our military veterens.
She did the same kind of thing here in az whgen she was in power, went after sherriff joe instead of the mexican drug dudes that have made phoenix the kidnapping capitol of North America. She went after sherriff joe to stop him from going after the mexican illegals, (ILLEGALS, ILLEGAL CRIMINALS)
She even went as far as to say "crossing the border illegally is not a crime per se".
resign janet, we will all be better off if janet would just go home.
what was PC that got in the way?

these people never got to our TSA, so I'm not sure how anything could have been different from the TSA end.

I know for a fact, that if someone bought a one-way ticket for cash and had no luggage to check he, he/she would have been taken aside if they were on one of our flights.

This whole debate seems so disingenuous to me. not you, just the whole argument.

I also don't understand the whole "Demand her resignation" thing... the guy who was in charge when the PDB about OBL was ignored got a medal after 9/11

brownie did a hell of a job...

no one was fired b/c the shoebomber got on the plane...

all of a sudden they want people fired?

for what???

the people in the netherlands letting this guy get on the plane? or bush's state dept giving him a visa?
This is the best post of this thread.
Can someone, anyone dispute this? Anyone?
Oh and god bless.

what was PC that got in the way?
Janet is in-charge of Homeland Security, a bomb & bomber got on a plane, and her response was "the system worked". That shows a total lack of understanding and responsibility. She should have said the system failed, this is why it failed, and this is how we intend to fix it. Point of fact, she is horribly unqualified for that position

these people never got to our TSA, so I'm not sure how anything could have been different from the TSA end.
Who is responsible for airline safety? Name that person.

I know for a fact, that if someone bought a one-way ticket for cash and had no luggage to check he, he/she would have been taken aside if they were on one of our flights.
If that person's father called to warn that that person was associating with terrorists and that he should be stopped, then if that person's visa was pulled by the Brits, then if that person was subjected to questioning, and was obviously lying (why are you going to the US, who will you see, where will you stay, how long will you be in the US, then if that person paid cash, if that person had no luggage, etc. the dots need to be connected

This whole debate seems so disingenuous to me. not you, just the whole argument.
Who is in-charge of airline security? What has she done to make us safer? How can you accept "the system worked" when that was so stupid? Tell me you accept stupidity from your department heads?

I also don't understand the whole "Demand her resignation" thing... the guy who was in charge when the PDB about OBL was ignored got a medal after 9/11
stop deflecting with nonsense.

brownie did a hell of a job...
tell me what mistakes Brownie made. I want your specific list why he deserved to be fired.
Here is what he got blamed for: the dems failed to evacuate N.O. after repeated warnings, the dems allowed building in flood zones, called a "zoning failure", there were zillions of school buses that could have been used to evacuate. MS, FL, and AL all got hit worse than LA, yet LA was the basket case. There was never any capability for FEMA to handle such a massive disaster, yet Brown took the heat for limited resources. The dems screamed for Brownie's head, echoed by the MSM, since they couldn't say they fucked everything up.

no one was fired b/c the shoebomber got on the plane...
I don't recall Chertoff saying "the system worked"

all of a sudden they want people fired? for what???

and there is the most IGNORANT post of the thread. Thanks for proving you're a hack.

not that we needed any further proof.,
Stupid is as stupid posts....can't refute the points can you jill baby? Lets see you by one...
kyzr, you are being disingenuous. The whole political system from city to fed failed at Katrina. Don't try to pretend that our side was without error. The aftermath of Katrina was the beginning of Bush's wheels beginning to lose traction politically with the American people. In 2006 and 2008, they voted that concern. We have done absolutely nothing as a party to cause the electorate to vote for us. You better understand it will take BHO morphing into an obviously visual satanic Contumacious before the people will vote for us if we don't change first.
kyzr, you are being disingenuous. The whole political system from city to fed failed at Katrina. Don't try to pretend that our side was without error. The aftermath of Katrina was the beginning of Bush's wheels beginning to lose traction politically with the American people. In 2006 and 2008, they voted that concern. We have done absolutely nothing as a party to cause the electorate to vote for us. You better understand it will take BHO morphing into an obviously visual satanic Contumacious before the people will vote for us if we don't change first.

true California we are told if there is a major Quake dont expect the feds to show up for 3-5 days....the state 1-3 days....your local responders may not get there for until then your basically on your its neighbor helping neighbor....that being said the LOCAL officials in Louisiana,were more concerned with getting themselves out....and Nagin was useless....the Gov. did not look to impressive either.....and of course Bush did not handle it to well either....
Exactly so. I gather the month following Katrina during Rita, the feds acted much more quickly and efficiently. Nagin is such a loser, but easily won re-election. Makes one wonder.
It's too big to print here.
Here is a link;
Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment :’s Celebrity Justice

janet said these kind of things when she was the AZ AG and the gov too.
It is her SOP.
janet is a dunce, unqualified and ugly to boot.
dammit janet resign, resign now!

Are you saying rightwing extremists are not a threat?

Let's take a quick little review. Two terrorist attacks in the last couple of months. Neither one was a rightwing extremist. I will concede one was close though. Since Janet considers right wing extremist to be retired military conservatives. Her focus is all wrong. Mexican drug cartels and terrorists not a big problem. Those pesky retired sargents, make a list and check it twice.
It's too big to print here.
Here is a link;
Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment :’s Celebrity Justice

janet said these kind of things when she was the AZ AG and the gov too.
It is her SOP.
janet is a dunce, unqualified and ugly to boot.
dammit janet resign, resign now!

Are you saying rightwing extremists are not a threat?

Let's take a quick little review. Two terrorist attacks in the last couple of months. Neither one was a rightwing extremist. I will concede one was close though. Since Janet considers right wing extremist to be retired military conservatives. Her focus is all wrong. Mexican drug cartels and terrorists not a big problem. Those pesky retired sargents, make a list and check it twice.

James von Brun attacked the Holocaust Memorail in June killing a guard

Scott Roeder assasinated Dr Tiller in May

Both were domestic terrorists. So was Maj Hasan

Can you show where she considers retired military to be a threat?
Last edited:
Are you saying rightwing extremists are not a threat?

Let's take a quick little review. Two terrorist attacks in the last couple of months. Neither one was a rightwing extremist. I will concede one was close though. Since Janet considers right wing extremist to be retired military conservatives. Her focus is all wrong. Mexican drug cartels and terrorists not a big problem. Those pesky retired sargents, make a list and check it twice.

James von Brun attacked the Holocaust Memorail in June killing a guard

Scott Roeder assasinated Dr Tiller in May

Both were domestic terrorists. So was Maj Hasan

Can you show where she considers retired military to be a threat?

Napolitano Apologizes to Veterans | 44 |

Napolitano Apologizes to Veterans
By Spencer S. Hsu
Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano apologized today to U.S. military veterans who took offense at being mentioned in a domestic intelligence report that concluded that a declining economy and the nation's political climate could fuel a resurgence of right-wing extremism, saying any slight was unintended.

In the report, dated April 7 but begun last year, the Department of Homeland Security's intelligence section stated, "The return of military veterans facing significant challenges reintegrating into their communities could lead to the potential emergence of terrorist groups or lone wolf extremists capable of carrying out violent attacks."

A footnote that defined rightwing extremist groups as primarily hate-oriented or anti-government also stated, "It may include groups and individuals that are dedicated to a single issue, such as opposition to abortion or immigration."

Acknowledging criticism by veterans' groups, Napolitano said yesterday on CNN, "I apologize for that offense. It was certainly not intended."

She told Fox News, "If there's one part of that report I would rewrite, in the word-smithing, Washington-ese that goes on after the fact, it would be that footnote."

Rep. Pete Hoekstra (R-Mich.) the top Republican on the House intelligence committee, asked the director of national intelligence's ombudsman to investigate the report for "evidence of unsubstantiated conclusions and political bias."

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