Democrats Join Forces With 9/11 Mastermind to take Down An American


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
It's not the Russians (or Iran, or Mexican Drug Cartels, or....), but hey, the Democrats will side with any of our nation's proven enemies against the American people...

'Democrats' New ALLY?'

9/11 alleged mastermind comes out against Haspel's nomination as next CIA chief

"The alleged mastermind of the 9/11 attacks, like the Senate intelligence panel's Democrats, has come out against President Donald Trump's nomination of Gina Haspel to lead the CIA.

Both Khalid Sheikh Mohammed
and the Democrats question whether Haspel, a longtime CIA agent, is fit to run the agency given her involvement in the torture of prisoners following the attacks in 2001."

So the Democrats and their Liberal lap dog media REALLY just trotted out the '9/11 Mastermind' responsible for the gruesome, horrific murders of 3,000 Americans to 'take down' an American by whining and bit@hing about how horrible he was treated by being subjected to non-lethal water-boarding AFTER he had slaughtered those 3,000 Americans?!


I know the Democrats must be bummed that the 'Butcher of Baghdad' isn't still alive for them to parade out and join them in condemning Trump for HIS war in Iraq...


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