Democrats Kept Lincoln Off the Ballot in 10 States in 1860

This isn’t the first time Democrats have kept their own voters from voting the candidate of their choice. Democrats are still the same as they were then. They hate America but love racism and divisiveness.

Except for those pesky facts. The Republican party of Lincoln's era WAS today's Democratic party while the Democrats of Lincoln's era were southern Democrats. Slave holders. Secessionists. Traitors.
You love trying to rewrite history, don't ya, Penguin Boy? :)
This isn’t the first time Democrats have kept their own voters from voting the candidate of their choice. Democrats are still the same as they were then. They hate America but love racism and divisiveness.

Remember, Those Nasty, Rebellious Democrats That Were Southern, White, Christian, Conservatives Kept Lincoln Off the Ballot in 10 States in 1860.

btw, did you know Lincoln was a Republican? Did anyone know that before Trump came along? A lot of people didn’t know that. Until Trump came along, most people did not know Lincoln was a Republican.

Except for those pesky facts. The Republican party of Lincoln's era WAS today's Democratic party while the Democrats of Lincoln's era were southern Democrats. Slave holders. Secessionists. Traitors.
You love trying to rewrite history, don't ya, Penguin Boy? :)
Is there such a thing as a negative IQ? (Defined as deliberately concocting wrong answers.) If so, you've got it.
Except for those pesky facts. The Republican party of Lincoln's era WAS today's Democratic party while the Democrats of Lincoln's era were southern Democrats. Slave holders. Secessionists. Traitors.
You love trying to rewrite history, don't ya, Penguin Boy? :)
Why persist with this lie to hide behind. We all know only one party uses skin color to rank the worth of people.
And Republicans have been doing a bang up job of that for over four decades now.
Or are you still mystified by the reasons that the party can't make any serious inroads with people of color?


You lefties buy votes using taxpayer money.

Democrats Kept Lincoln Off the Ballot in 10 States in 1860​

Irrespective of the fact that in 1856 and 1860 the Republican party was only a regional one and the only national party, the Democrats, divided their vote between two candidates.
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Except for those pesky facts. The Republican party of Lincoln's era WAS today's Democratic party while the Democrats of Lincoln's era were southern Democrats. Slave holders. Secessionists. Traitors.
You love trying to rewrite history, don't ya, Penguin Boy? :)

Oh you really think you're so clever, don't you? Look, it's true that back in 1860 the south was dominated by white, Christian, secessionist slave holder Democrats. But what you fail to realize is that since they were Christians God showed them the light and made them renounce their slave holding ways. That's why they were slave holders in the first place and the modern day Republicans are the party of white, Christian, secessionist, southerners waving the confederate flag declaring that the south will rise again. Because they mean everything but the slavery.

No, I don't understand it either. I just read the cue cards that get mailed to me. Snail mail, of course. Don't want the government having access to my correspondence.
Except for those pesky facts. The Republican party of Lincoln's era WAS today's Democratic party while the Democrats of Lincoln's era were southern Democrats. Slave holders. Secessionists. Traitors.
You love trying to rewrite history, don't ya, Penguin Boy? :)
The Democrats cooked up a scheme called the Big Switch which posits that both parties switched ideologies. This was their slimy attempt to blame Republicans for the Democrats sordid history.
The Democrats cooked up a scheme called the Big Switch which posits that both parties switched ideologies. This was their slimy attempt to blame Republicans for the Democrats sordid history.

Right? If these stupid libs could, I bet they'd try to say it was a Dem who championed the Civil Rights Act.

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