Democrats Kept Lincoln Off the Ballot in 10 States in 1860

Who are these white nationalists you fear? Did they burn down all those black owned businesses in cities across America the last few years?
Nah, just beat black folks to an inch of their life at Charlottesville, gunned down worshipers at a church in Charleston, beat a black kid to death for no reason in Florida...drug a black guy to death in Jasper Texas, beat a black man to death in Georgia

All things you applauded of course.
Except for those pesky facts. The Republican party of Lincoln's era WAS today's Democratic party while the Democrats of Lincoln's era were southern Democrats. Slave holders. Secessionists. Traitors.
You love trying to rewrite history, don't ya, Penguin Boy? :)

:abgg2q.jpg: :bsflag:

Sure, confederates are the union too, chicks have dicks, everyday is opposite day for a leftist. You re-write history and accuse others of the same in the same breath.

The Democrats are the Democrats and you choose to be a member. Don't project the fact Democrats developed the Confederate States to fight for slavery. Own it.
:abgg2q.jpg: :bsflag:

Sure, confederates are the union too, chicks have dicks, everyday is opposite day for a leftist. You re-write history and accuse others of the same in the same breath.

The Democrats are the Democrats and you choose to be a member. Don't project the fact Democrats developed the Confederate States to fight for slavery. Own it.
Full of shit. Another one that tries to re-write history. The Southern Confederate Democrats of Lincoln's era....ARE the Republican party of today..or did you miss the whole party swap thing?...yeah, facts are inconvenient to Alt-Right Nation. :)

Hey, if you like chicks with dicks, I'm not judging.
It was LBJ. That Republican prez.
dimocrap scum are dishonest, stupid and deceitful. Filth.

The first successful CRA was in 1957. Proposed by, and passed by, Republicans. dimocrap FILTH worked hard at diluting and watering it down. And the were successful.

In 1964, after LBJ made his deal with MLK to 'keep those N-words voting dimocrap for the next 200 years' a new CRA with stronger provisions was worked out.

dimocrap FILTH, in fact filibustered and voted against it. Al Gore's daddy worked hard against it and voted against it. As did Robert KKK Byrd and many other dimocrap SCUM. In the Senate, 82% of Republicans voted for it while only 69% of dimocraps did. In the House, 61% of dims compared to 80% of Republicans voted for it.

The "NO" vote against the CRA consisted of 74% dimocrap scum.

A higher percentage of Republicans voted for the '64 CRA than did dimocrap FILTH. FACT. Everett Dirksen, a Republican from Illinois, is largely credited with getting it passed.

dimocraps are FILTH, people. They are, and they should be, ashamed of their past. Next thing you know is, they'll be trying to say that Jews started the Third Reich. Or that Rashida Tlaib is a closet Republican.

dimocraps are the scum of the Earth. Not just their politicians, but ESPECIALLY, their backers and most of their voters.

In here, I have run across maybe two out of one hundred that aren't total scum.

You don't debate with a snake. Just an FYI
Full of shit. Another one that tries to re-write history. The Southern Confederate Democrats of Lincoln's era....ARE the Republican party of today..or did you miss the whole party swap thing?...yeah, facts are inconvenient to Alt-Right Nation. :)

Hey, if you like chicks with dicks, I'm not judging.
When did that happen dickbreath? When did Self-Respecting Republicans become scum of the Earth dimocrap FILTH?

When? Was it in the early 1900's when Woodhead Wilson re-segregated the Army and fired thousands and thousands of Black Federal Employees?

How about during WW2 when FDR refused to integrate the US Army? No?

How about when dimocrap FILTH filibustered the 1964 Civil Rights Act?

Tell us. When did Self-Respecting Republicans become dimocrap scum?

Who is the party that is leading the wat to Anti-Semitism at the current moment? Did The Squad suddenly become Republican?

You are a lying piece of shit. But, you are a dimocrap, so that's to be expected
dimocrap scum are dishonest, stupid and deceitful. Filth.

The first successful CRA was in 1957. Proposed by, and passed by, Republicans. dimocrap FILTH worked hard at diluting and watering it down. And the were successful.

In 1964, after LBJ made his deal with MLK to 'keep those N-words voting dimocrap for the next 200 years' a new CRA with stronger provisions was worked out.

dimocrap FILTH, in fact filibustered and voted against it. Al Gore's daddy worked hard against it and voted against it. As did Robert KKK Byrd and many other dimocrap SCUM. In the Senate, 82% of Republicans voted for it while only 69% of dimocraps did. In the House, 61% of dims compared to 80% of Republicans voted for it.

The "NO" vote against the CRA consisted of 74% dimocrap scum.

A higher percentage of Republicans voted for the '64 CRA than did dimocrap FILTH. FACT. Everett Dirksen, a Republican from Illinois, is largely credited with getting it passed.

dimocraps are FILTH, people. They are, and they should be, ashamed of their past. Next thing you know is, they'll be trying to say that Jews started the Third Reich. Or that Rashida Tlaib is a closet Republican.

dimocraps are the scum of the Earth. Not just their politicians, but ESPECIALLY, their backers and most of their voters.

In here, I have run across maybe two out of one hundred that aren't total scum.

You don't debate with a snake. Just an FYI

The divide wasn't Democrat/Republican, it was North/South. Just like 100 years earlier.


And when broken down by north versus south, Democrats voted for in greater percentages:

Dem/North (95%)
GOP/North (85%)

Dem/South (9%)
GOP/South (0%)

So it's not that the vote was divided over party lines, it wasn't...

Dem: 64%
GOP: 80%

It's that the vote was divided by region:


North: 353 (90%)
South: 9 (7%)


North: 38 (10%)
South: 115 (93%)

The only reason more Republicans didn't vote against it was because there were so few Republicans in the south at that time.​
Full of shit. Another one that tries to re-write history. The Southern Confederate Democrats of Lincoln's era....ARE the Republican party of today..or did you miss the whole party swap thing?...yeah, facts are inconvenient to Alt-Right Nation. :)

Hey, if you like chicks with dicks, I'm not judging.

"But but but the republicans are the real democrats".

Says you and other parrots like you. It's an outrageous lie. You just can't handle the fact you're a Democrat knowing slavery is the Democrat's roots.

Don't project.
The divide wasn't Democrat/Republican, it was North/South. Just like 100 years earlier.

And when broken down by north versus south, Democrats voted for in greater percentages:​
Dem/North (95%)
GOP/North (85%)
Dem/South (9%)
GOP/South (0%)
So it's not that the vote was divided over party lines, it wasn't...​
Dem: 64%
GOP: 80%
It's that the vote was divided by region:​
North: 353 (90%)​
South: 9 (7%)​
North: 38 (10%)​
South: 115 (93%)​
The only reason more Republicans didn't vote against it was because there were so few Republicans in the south at that time.​

What's yer point?

It was still dimocrap scum. No matter what, it was still dimocrap scum.

You can't control your party? That's your problem.
What's yer point?

It was still dimocrap scum. No matter what, it was still dimocrap scum.

You can't control your party? That's your problem.

Not sure how you don't understand my point? It was the south voting against it and the north voting for it. In the south, 93% voted against it. In the north, 90% voted for it. The only reason a greater percentage of Republicans voted for it than Democrats is because of the 124 seats in the south, 112 of them (90%) were Democrats.
You are unaware of the full page ad that Trump took out advocating the death penalty for a group of four black kids who were eventually fully exonerated???

Trump had them being guilty before they even had a trial. trump believes in guilt before a trial.
dimocrap scum are dishonest, stupid and deceitful. Filth.

The first successful CRA was in 1957. Proposed by, and passed by, Republicans. dimocrap FILTH worked hard at diluting and watering it down. And the were successful.

In 1964, after LBJ made his deal with MLK to 'keep those N-words voting dimocrap for the next 200 years' a new CRA with stronger provisions was worked out.

dimocrap FILTH, in fact filibustered and voted against it. Al Gore's daddy worked hard against it and voted against it. As did Robert KKK Byrd and many other dimocrap SCUM. In the Senate, 82% of Republicans voted for it while only 69% of dimocraps did. In the House, 61% of dims compared to 80% of Republicans voted for it.

The "NO" vote against the CRA consisted of 74% dimocrap scum.

A higher percentage of Republicans voted for the '64 CRA than did dimocrap FILTH. FACT. Everett Dirksen, a Republican from Illinois, is largely credited with getting it passed.

dimocraps are FILTH, people. They are, and they should be, ashamed of their past. Next thing you know is, they'll be trying to say that Jews started the Third Reich. Or that Rashida Tlaib is a closet Republican.

dimocraps are the scum of the Earth. Not just their politicians, but ESPECIALLY, their backers and most of their voters.

In here, I have run across maybe two out of one hundred that aren't total scum.

You don't debate with a snake. Just an FYI
Remember, Those Nasty, Rebellious Democrats That Were Southern, White, Christian, Conservatives Kept Lincoln Off the Ballot in 10 States in 1860.

btw, did you know Lincoln was a Republican? Did anyone know that before Trump came along? A lot of people didn’t know that. Until Trump came along, most people did not know Lincoln was a Republican.

"I'm not a big fan of Ayn Rand, but listening to people who like her ideas? It's like listening to somebody talking about being abducted by UFOs, and having probes stuck in their orifices. Tell me you can keep a straight face and then respect anything else they have to say."
LOL. Trumpybear is more akin to the Southern Plantation owners. They spent years lying to themselves and anyone who would listen about their abolitionists opponents. It culminated in such vesical hatred and fear of Lincoln that they seceded before he was even inaugurated. May they rot in hell........
Except for those pesky facts. The Republican party of Lincoln's era WAS today's Democratic party while the Democrats of Lincoln's era were southern Democrats. Slave holders. Secessionists. Traitors.
You love trying to rewrite history, don't ya, Penguin Boy? :)
Nonsense! Democrats will lie, cheat and steal anything anywhere. The Republican Party of today is the same as in the time of Lincoln. Nice try. See, the Democrats today still believe in slavery. They have enslaved most blacks in the country in big ghettoes in big Democrat run cities. 99% will never escape the communist Democrat parties socialism in their Democrat Party run cities.

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