Democrats melt down over Durham's debunking of their Trump/Russia conspiracy theories

Corrupt NYC Democrat congressman Gerald Nadler made a huge ass of himself again.
Nadler said in his opening remarks that the Durham probe was itself “a deeply flawed vessel” and “failed to uncover any wrongdoing.”
The lying far left crackpot is fighting against reality and losing.
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If Durham had found something on Trump, he'd be lauded as a HERO! But since he decided to be honest, instead, he's an automatic villain. Dems are complete hypocrites. Period.
Cohen is a hack and far left knuttjob.
People should be ashamed of voting for him.
Answer the question! You know it is against the USMB rules to post links without personal comments as to why your links are relevant. So, where are your comments?


delightful; wonderful; completely enjoyable, a glorious time, a glorious victory, entitled to great renown.

Seems pretty descriptive of Mr., Durham's testimony to me so what are you going on about.....That the OP is not a fuckin' blowhard like you? :dunno:
This is glorious!

John Durham was embarrassed by Steve Schiff.

"So let's break this down," Schiff said before asking Durham if he remembered relevant portions of special counsel Robert Mueller's report.

"Mr. Durham, you're aware of Donald Trump's public statements along the lines of, hey, Russia, if you're listening, hack Hillary's emails, you'll be richly rewarded by the press," the lawmaker reminded the witness.

"I'm aware of that," Durham admitted.

"You're aware that Mueller found that hours after he made that plea for Russian help, the Russians, in fact, tried to hack one of the email servers affiliated with the Clinton campaign or family?" Schiff pressed.

"If that happened, I'm not aware of that," the former special counsel replied.

"You're not aware of that in the Mueller report?" Schiff gasped. "When you say you're not aware of evidence of collusion in the Mueller report, it's because apparently haven't read the Mueller report very well."

"I'm not aware of that fact," Durham repeated.

John Durham played stupid and fooled no one.
Corrupt NYC Democrat congressman Gerald Nadler made a huge ass of himself again.
Nadler said in his opening remarks that the Durham probe was itself “a deeply flawed vessel” and “failed to uncover any wrongdoing.”
The lying far left crackpot is fighting against reality and losing.

How would Durham know. He claims to know nothing about it.

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