Democrats more motivated for mid-terms

It is going to be sweet to see the Dems melt down the night of the mid terms. These polls are about as believable as Avenetti's latest round of smearing. The Dems blew it with this circus. The Red State dems can't even take cover now and must vote against Kavanaugh. This is going to be ugly for the Dems. I have to take work off the next day so I can stay up and enjoy.

The polls are quite believable for anyone who is in touch with reality. Clearly you are not. Especially when Trump supporters like Fox News and IBD take polls and they show the same thing. Republicans are in deep trouble. It is going to be ugly for Republicans. Most voters agree with Democrats on Kavanaugh.

You are in for a tough night in November. That said, we all have been there at some point or another.
What's doing the GOP the most good is the democrat position that the accused must prove themselves innocent. That pretty much ends one of the pillars of the Republic.
What's doing the GOP the most good is the democrat position that the accused must prove themselves innocent. That pretty much ends one of the pillars of the Republic.

The Democrat machine is super powerful. They can demolish just about anyone. We are seeing what they are capable of right now. I give Trump a lot of credit for standing up to these people. Jeb, Romney & GW would be begging for mercy by now. The Dems are getting a run for their money.
Anyone who votes for a Demorat ,is anti American pond scum.
What's doing the GOP the most good is the democrat position that the accused must prove themselves innocent. That pretty much ends one of the pillars of the Republic.

The Democrat machine is super powerful. They can demolish just about anyone. We are seeing what they are capable of right now. I give Trump a lot of credit for standing up to these people. Jeb, Romney & GW would be begging for mercy by now. The Dems are getting a run for their money.

The deep state/media machine would have taken Romney, Jeb out in the general election. And if not they would have caved long ago on this. Dont think they didnt try. "we got em now!" over and over during the election but Trump just kept on going. For the first time in a long time the President the people wanted was elected rather than the media's choice.
Thats where their seething rage and hatred comes from. These elites dont give up power easy. They think ruling power belongs to them by birth, by going to the right schools, by being in the right clubs and working the right jobs and, mostly, by parroting the correct Marxist ideology.
Trump not only upended their nice little gig but he is also considered a traitor to his class.

But yes the machine is powerful. Wealthy and influential. These same beaten people are still wealthy and still in positions of influence. They seek unelected, tenured and civil service jobs for this reason.

And they hate you with a passion you would gasp at because you yourself dont feel hate like that. That my friend is what has to change.
Democrats more motivated for mid-terms


Really? Because, frankly, what I saw yesterday was a woman who was very sincere in her statement, even Kavanaugh had to admit someone tried to rape her, but it was totally not him.

Even our local Right Wing Radio nut job, Joe Walsh (so happy I helped vote that nut out of Congress) admitted she was credible.

So now you guys are kind of stuck. Nominate a probable rapist, and get lots of women upset with you, or vote him down and get the conservatards mad at you.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know. "Polls don't mean anything." "Trump is going to win." Blah, blah, blah.

Just like polls didn't mean anything for Roy Moore or Marie le Pen.

Anyways ...

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just to be clear, if the dems take either or both houses, it's what is historically expected and will only be news to those with no memory.

it will only be meaningful if they don't
just to be clear, if the dems take either or both houses, it's what is historically expected and will only be news to those with no memory.

it will only be meaningful if they don't

Wow, talk about lowering the bar.

Given how bad the Senate map is for dems (26 seats vs. 9 GOP seats) and the Gerrymandering in the house to maximize white votes, the fact that they may well take over both is nothing short of a miracle.

I think they will take the house.. Probably not the senate, unless there is a complete collapse of Republican morale.

Here's the real problem. With the economy in good shape and no wars, a GOP president should be able to easily retain both houses with the current maps. The fact he may lose both says a lot about how bad you all fucked up with Trump.

And when the recession comes in 2019 or 2020, you guys are going to be toast.
just to be clear, if the dems take either or both houses, it's what is historically expected and will only be news to those with no memory.

it will only be meaningful if they don't

Wow, talk about lowering the bar.

Given how bad the Senate map is for dems (26 seats vs. 9 GOP seats) and the Gerrymandering in the house to maximize white votes, the fact that they may well take over both is nothing short of a miracle.

I think they will take the house.. Probably not the senate, unless there is a complete collapse of Republican morale.

Here's the real problem. With the economy in good shape and no wars, a GOP president should be able to easily retain both houses with the current maps. The fact he may lose both says a lot about how bad you all fucked up with Trump.

And when the recession comes in 2019 or 2020, you guys are going to be toast.
how is repeating history 'lowering the bar'?

and you twats only cry about gerrymandering when it's not you doing it. oh wait, you're the one guy that doesn't like it when dems do it...
how is repeating history 'lowering the bar'?

and you twats only cry about gerrymandering when it's not you doing it. oh wait, you're the one guy that doesn't like it when dems do it...

I don't like it when anyone does it.

But here's the thing. Trump has so alienated people outside his base that even a gerrymandered district like IL-6 is in play, even though it was specifically drawn to protect Peter Roskam. (They dumped all the Democrats from IL-6 into IL-8 because even Republicans wanted Joe Walsh to go away.)
how is repeating history 'lowering the bar'?

and you twats only cry about gerrymandering when it's not you doing it. oh wait, you're the one guy that doesn't like it when dems do it...

I don't like it when anyone does it.

But here's the thing. Trump has so alienated people outside his base that even a gerrymandered district like IL-6 is in play, even though it was specifically drawn to protect Peter Roskam. (They dumped all the Democrats from IL-6 into IL-8 because even Republicans wanted Joe Walsh to go away.)

IL-6 is in play, even though it was specifically drawn to protect Peter Roskam. (They dumped all the Democrats from IL-6 into IL-8 because even Republicans wanted Joe Walsh to go away.)

Ummmmm…..Pat Quinn was governor when these districts were drawn.
When did Quinn become a Republican?
Really? Because, frankly, what I saw yesterday was a woman who was very sincere in her statement, even Kavanaugh had to admit someone tried to rape her, but it was totally not him.
I have no doubt she was sincere in her belief that someone attempted to rape her, but it was obvious that what she said - her testimony - was NOT credible.

Delayed the hearing because she has a fear of flying....but has had no problem flying to French Polynesia and all over in her documented travels.

She went to couples therapy in 201 because she wanted two doors on her house - as a result of that therapy they...except records show the whole 'door' incident happened in 2008.

A couple of guys try to rape her at a party, but several weeks later she sees one of them in a store and 'feels comfortable enough to go up to him and say 'HI'''?!
- Yeah, ask any woman who escaped being raped by a guy if she would feel comfortable enough a few weeks later up to him and say 'Hi'....

Her story kept changing.
She had no idea where the house was.
She had no idea when the party was - not even the YEAR.
She had no evidence.
The witnesses SHE named all say IT NEVER HAPPENED.



Motivated Republicans / Conservatives? YOU DAMN, RIGHT!

Graham completely FLAMED the Democrats, completely EXPOSED the Democrats for the Pieces of SHITE they are and for the BULLSHIT they pulled, attempting to destroy an American citizen for party gain - all for 'POWER'!

The fact that Feinstein had this letter and this information, had already begun talking to Ford, WEEKS earlier - when Kavanaugh visited Feinstein during his meetings with all the politicians as part of the USSC nomination 'interview' - was SEVERELY damaging to her and the Democrats, exposing their deceit and plotting.


There is no getting around that.

There is no way to explain it away.

There is no way to justify it.

Feinstein and the Democrats were BUSTED orchestrating this entire 'Politics of Personal Destruction' plan designed to ambush and go 'scorched earth' to destroy Kavanaugh - destroy his word, destroy his reputation, destroy his life's work, destroy any hope he ever had of being a lawyer again anyone would trust, destroy any chance of getting back in a classroom to teach again, destroy his family, destroy his marriage - NOT JUST DENY HIM A USSC SEAT!

The Democrats - politicians who are supposed to be elected to HELP US citizens, to PROTECT US citizens' rights, families, lives - plotting and carrying out a DESPICABLE plan to completely DESTROY an American Citizen for the sole purpose of their own' Party's gain / power!

You want to talk about a 'THREAT TO OUR DEMOCRACY'?!


The party and politicians who want to retake power in this country to RULE over American citizens demonstrated yesterday they are so DISGUSTING, so EVIL, that they would destroy an American citizen in every way possible (Kavanaugh or anyone else - the fact that it was Kavanaugh did not matter) to acquire / keep power.

And Graham, God bless him, called the Democrats out for it and drove the point home!
“What you want to do is destroy this guy’s life, hold this seat open, and hope you win in 2020. You’ve said that. Not me. You’ve got nothing to apologize for. When you see Sotomayor and Kagan, tell them that Lindsey said ‘hello’ because I voted for them. I would never do to them what you’ve done to this guy.

This is the most unethical sham since I’ve been in politics.

Boy, you all want power. God, I hope you never get it. I hope the American people can see through this sham — that you knew about it and you held it. You had no intention of protecting Dr. Ford. None. She’s as much of a victim as you (Kavanaugh) are.”

Not one thing Graham said was false.

It was an HONEST, fiery, scathing rebuke of Feinstein and her fellow Democrats for their despicable revealed actions underscored by an anger echoed / felt by millions of Americans who feel the same way and who are sick and tired of such a despicable, evil, immoral, unethical, power-hungry, criminal, elitist scum bags.

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