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Democrats Much More Harmful To America Than Russia

I responded to you on the first page with some of the things you pointed out. I support same sex marriage, oppose the death penalty and think the military budget is too costly. It doesn't mean I hate America.
It means you are negligent in your positions, thereby allowing harm to come to America. And the TOPIC of the thread is about HARMING America, not hating it. Please stay on topic.
i don't know about all this. those Russians are pretty sneaky. lets keep an eye on em. one day we may need to liberate them
The important point is that however "sneaky" the Russians may be, they have brought far less harm upon America than Democrats have.

i don't know about all this. those Russians are pretty sneaky. lets keep an eye on em. one day we may need to liberate them
The important point is that however "sneaky" the Russians may be, they have brought far less harm upon America than Democrats have.

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my friend is a democrat and he wouldn't hurt a fly. unless it was an isis fly in which case hed take it out. hes a tank driver
Investigate the Obama – ISIS Connection

We all know that there is not a shred of evidence to link Russia with the Trump campaign in 2016. Yet, right now, time, energy, and taxpayers’ money is being wasted on a silly investigation about that, just to give Democrats some way to de-legitimize the Trump election and presidency.

This ridiculous sideshow needs to be ended immediately, and time and investigative resources need to be focused on a legitimate scandal of major proportions.

Right now, everyone is concerned with a nuclear bombing threat from North Korea. But that threat is one which is a few years away. A greater threat threat, and also of nuclear bombs, is that from ISIS.

ISI has openly declared their intention to attack the US, they still have enormous wealth (despite losing some territory), and have the capability to buy anything, including nuclear scientists, technicians and bombs.

With “our” ports still unsecure, ISIS could ship nuclear bombs to America (or even make them here), and fulfill the infamous al Qaeda goal of the “American Hiroshima”, as they called it.

Not only are we distracted with North Korea, but we are also distracted by a senseless investigation of Russia and Trump, when we should be investigating the obvious Obama connection with ISIS.

The Congress, the CIA, and the FBI, all should be delving though all evidences that can be ascertained about Obama undoubtedly giving al Bagdadi the green light to bring his armed convoys into Iraq, and then wreaking havoc.

We all know Obama’s dismal record of as a supporter of jihad + how he pulled the troops out of Iraq, opening the door for ISIS to move in. In addition to all these “proof in the pudding” evidences, there must be some hard copy evidences of Obama’s cahoots with al Baghdadi. We need to uncover it, and arrest Obama for treason.
Democrats are united in one purpose, destroy Trump, his family, his businesses, his business associations. The threat is that the same will be done to anyone that doesn't fall in line with the party bosses.
for America and for our freedom
That's good. I served 5 years in the US Army back in the 60s (and was a Democrat the whole time) I got smart FINALLY in 2009, after the Fort Hood attack, and seeing Obama's relationship to it. How he allowed Hasan to remain in Fort Hood, against the advice of everyone there (who recommended he be dishonorably discharged for all his seditious, jihadist rantings).
for America and for our freedom
That's good. I served 5 years in the US Army back in the 60s (and was a Democrat the whole time) I got smart FINALLY in 2009, after the Fort Hood attack, and seeing Obama's relationship to it. How he allowed Hasan to remain in Fort Hood, against the advice of everyone there (who recommended he be dishonorably discharged for all his seditious, jihadist rantings).
man that Obama guy sure was annoying. what I couldn't stand most was how accurate his March Madness brackets were...

very suspicious
I responded to you on the first page with some of the things you pointed out. I support same sex marriage, oppose the death penalty and think the military budget is too costly. It doesn't mean I hate America.
It means you are negligent in your positions, thereby allowing harm to come to America. And the TOPIC of the thread is about HARMING America, not hating it. Please stay on topic.

I believe my positions help, not harm America and help us become a more advanced nation.
1. Police need to be held accountable for their actions. While I do not condone riots, I will say that I think officers have often abused their power and did not use lethal force in a justifiable manner.

2. It's hard to weaken a military when you spend more than the next several countries on defense. Combined. It's okay to cut some spending, put it into other programs and still have a strong military. This may come as a surprise, but just because you cut a single penny from the defense budget does not mean the sky is falling.

3. Same sex marriage is a human, civil right. It is settled law. Being gay is not a choice, as we have become more evolved and learned gay people are people just like the rest of us. If same sex marriage bothers you, perhaps you should look in the mirror.

4. How much outsourcing has Trump done? Even his executive order does not apply to him or his family.

5. The death penalty has failed us because it has not been a deterrent, not been cost efficient and has often executed people for crimes they did not commit.

6. As America, we should embrace ourselves allowing different cultures. There are rules and laws immigrants are expected to follow, but what they do with the freedoms we afford to them here is completely at their discretion.

7. Funny. I remember when we pulled out of Iraq that critics credited Bush for this because he was the one who signed the agreement of the leave date, but now that a terrorist organization has sprung up, it's Obama's fault even though they praised Bush at the time for creating the timeline.
1. No, officers have NOT "often" abused their power. Almost all the police shootings demonized in the media as racially motivated and wrong, turned out to be justified, not to mention the millions of unreported police interactions that occur every day, without inappropriate force or bias.

2. No it's not hard to weaken the military, when you cut it's budget, and fire all the good generals and replace them with yes men, as Obama did.

3. Being gay IS a choice made by sex perverts (NOT like the rest of us), whose abnormal behavior we should not be encouraging. Go look in YOUR OWN mirror.

4. Trump has done zero outsourcing that I know of. So no, his executive order does not apply to him.

5. Of course the death penalty HAS been a deterrent . This absolutely proven by 2 things. That many who don't receive it, go on to kill again. NONE of those who do receive it, ever kill again. They are deterred by being dead. CNN doesn't mention this do they ? :rolleyes:

6. Allowing different cultures erodes our American culture. We should have one language (English) in all our govt forms, billboards, phone recordings, etc
NATION - a community of people with a territory, economic system and a DISTINCTIVE LANGUAGE AND CULTURE (Webster's New World College Dictionary, 4th edition)

7. Bush isn't the topic. Obama is who pulled the troops out. He's the one who supported Major Nidal Hasan, even after Hasan killed 13 US soldiers, and Obama called it "workplace violence" instead of Muslim terrroism, and Obama made agreement with al Baghdadi to allow the ISIS convoys to roll unmolested. And they did just that.

1. Officers have abused their power, both in fatal and non-fatal methods. Video has shown this. If this wasn't the case, officers would not be fired, nor would they be arrested. If we do not police the police, we fail.

2. We can afford to cut an already bloated military budget. Even those who do/have served concede the government spends money on defense for things not necessary.

3. Science contradicts your claim about homosexuality being a choice. If you say the Sun revolves around the Earth, people look at you funny. If you say the Earth is flat, people look at you funny. If you say homosexuality is a choice, a portion of the country agrees with you. You are entitled to your own opinion, not to your own facts.

4. Trump and Ivanka have had their clothes mad by foreigners and employ foreign workers.

5. The death penalty is not a deterrent because it does not stop society from killing. Life without parole should perfectly suffice.

6. Having multiculturalism means we accept Freedom of Religion. We have no established national language and people are free to celebrate whichever holidays or traditions they want as long as they do not encroach on others.

7. If you kill while you're on the job, that is workplace violence. Bush invaded Iraq and toppled Saddam, and which helped plant the seeds. The people who criticize Obama for pulling out were the same ones who credited Bush for withdrawing.
1. Officers have abused their power, both in fatal and non-fatal methods. Video has shown this. If this wasn't the case, officers would not be fired, nor would they be arrested. If we do not police the police, we fail.
True, but nowhere near as often as you said in an earlier post. The police make mistakes and have some bad apples like every other segment of our society and we do need to hold them to a high standard of conduct given the position they have. Tough job though, don't you think?

2. We can afford to cut an already bloated military budget. Even those who do/have served concede the government spends money on defense for things not necessary.
Sure, we waste too much money on defense, but we also waste a lot of money in our entitlement programs.

3. Science contradicts your claim about homosexuality being a choice. If you say the Sun revolves around the Earth, people look at you funny. If you say the Earth is flat, people look at you funny. If you say homosexuality is a choice, a portion of the country agrees with you. You are entitled to your own opinion, not to your own facts.
I think the jury is still out on this, but I don't think it should matter. No one should be discriminated against for their sexual preference whether they chose it or not, IMHO.

4. Trump and Ivanka have had their clothes mad by foreigners and employ foreign workers.
So what, I'm wearing clothes right now that were made somewhere else.

5. The death penalty is not a deterrent because it does not stop society from killing. Life without parole should perfectly suffice.
Don't know about the truth of this, my personal belief is that the DP could be a deterrent in some cases but not all. I am however good with banning it in favor of Life with no parole.

6. Having multiculturalism means we accept Freedom of Religion. We have no established national language and people are free to celebrate whichever holidays or traditions they want as long as they do not encroach on others.
Our laws cannot be ignored in favor of Sharia Law or any other system.

7. If you kill while you're on the job, that is workplace violence. Bush invaded Iraq and toppled Saddam, and which helped plant the seeds. The people who criticize Obama for pulling out were the same ones who credited Bush for withdrawing.
Bullshit. Doesn't matter where it is, if a person starts killing people in the name of Allah to foment terrorism then that ain't just workplace violence.
I am not advocating Sharia Law. Quite the opposite. I am advocating for people being free to practice what religion and celebrate what traditions they want. Christians can't encroach on non-Christians. Muslims can't encroach on non-Muslims.
I am not advocating Sharia Law. Quite the opposite. I am advocating for people being free to practice what religion and celebrate what traditions they want. Christians can't encroach on non-Christians. Muslims can't encroach on non-Muslims.

Are you okay with honor killings? How about mutilation of female sex organs?
So now we hear talk from unhinged Democrats of hiring a special prosecutor to take James Comey’s place, in investigating alleged Russian collusion with the Trump campaign. Oh brother!

And why would we do that when this fairy tale has not produced one shred of evidence, since it began quite some time ago. Just because Democrats say so ? And why is this phony charade even an issue. Do Democrats and their media running dogs not know how ridiculous it looks ? What if Denmark colluded with either campaign ? Or Germany ? Or Turkey ? Or Saudi Arabia ?

Actually Saudi Arabia DID collude with Hillary’s campaign. They pumped $50 Million into it. And they could be seen as at least as much of a US opponent as Russia, if not more so (if Russia can be seen as an opponent at all). Frankly, I don’t see where Russia has done much of anything in recent years, against the US, to rate all this hostility. What have they done against the American people that is so bad ?

In contrast, I see a whole lot of things that the Democrats have done against the American people. And we don’t need an investigation to show that.

Regarding harm to Americans, Democrats have >>>

1. Given sanctuary to illegal aliens, taking jobs from Americans.

2. Supported amnesty for illegal aliens, who also remove tens of Billions$$ from the US economy.

3. Lessen US tax revenues and services to Americans, by giving illegal aliens welfare.

4. Given support to Muslim Brotherhood front groups and individuals, including hiring them to White House jobs.

5. Have gotten Americans killed by supporting jihad (ex. Fort Hood attack)

6. Have gotten Americans killed by supporting gun-free zones (ex. Fort Hood, Chattanooga, San Bernardino).

7. Have opposed 1st amendment free speech & supremacy clause, to support Muslim sedition.

8. Have weakened US military.

9. Have incited race riots (ex. Ferguson, Baltimore)

10. Have supported racial discrimination. (ex. Affirmative Action)

11. Have exposed top secret US classified information, to the entire world.

12. Have supported sex perversion in gay pride day parades, SSM, and other things.

13. Supported outsourcing, costing America millions of manufacturing jobs.

14. Increased crime by opposing death penalty, and being lenient to criminals.

15. Erode US culture with multilingual, multicultural programs.

16. Represent a nuclear threat by support of the ISIS Trojan horse.

17. Supported formation and mobilization of ISIS (ex. Convoys & 2011 US troop pullout).

Instead of investigating Russian collusion with anybody, we should be arresting Democrats for treason.

Also, See >>>

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Is your life so shallow it's reduced to long posts which nobody reads?
Too much time on your socialist benefits?
I thought Don was going to wipe out ISIS in his first week?

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