Democrats need a distraction so SURPRISE! They manufacture a 'crisis'.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
Democrats are officially for the anarchists destroying our cities and the lives of good Americans. They own Black Lives Matter and they are panicking because it's starting to hurt them in the polls. "OMG! Look at those polls! We need a crisis! I know! Somebody thought he heard Trump say something mean about the military! Yeah that's it! OK run with it, call CNN........"
This latest "anonymous sourcing" bombshell, was specifically dredged up to obstruct view of excellent job report released today, and to help shore up fake news poll demonstrating poor military support of Trump fabricated and released earlier in week.... Here's truth, Trump is rising in polls whilst Biden is plummeting. This desperate lie is indisputable evidence of this, the polling you see on Fox News is generally all a lie, just as all of the other media polling sources are, truth is always ascertained by actions of the rats.
This latest "anonymous sourcing" bombshell, was specifically dredged up to obstruct view of excellent job report released today, and to help shore up fake news poll demonstrating poor military support of Trump fabricated and released earlier in week.... Here's truth, Trump is rising in polls whilst Biden is plummeting. This desperate lie is indisputable evidence of this, the polling you see on Fox News is generally all a lie, just as all of the other media polling sources are, truth is always ascertained by actions of the rats.
Exactly. Democrats are as predictable as the tides. The poll numbers started dropping last week, Don Lemon sounded the alarm and VOILA! a fresh new crisis to distract from their abysmal failures in leadership.
This latest "anonymous sourcing" bombshell, was specifically dredged up to obstruct view of excellent job report released today, and to help shore up fake news poll demonstrating poor military support of Trump fabricated and released earlier in week....

You think 8.4% unemployment is a "good" job report?

I imagine a lot of people in the military see Trump for what he is.

Of course, it's credible that Trump said that kind of stuff about the men and women of the military, because HE SAYS THAT KIND OF STUFF ALL THE TIME>

It's not really his fault, he lacks empathy, or the ability to understand people doing something beyond their own self-interest.
The story is a couple of years old and based on (yawn) the claims of two unidentified "informants" but the left wing "Atlantic" printed it in spite of credible identified witnesses who claim he never said it. Biden should know (or he forgot) but he is desperate for hateful rhetoric.
The dems are burning the midnight oil coming up with BS to report....Pelosi gets caught in a hair shop without a mask and two days later some so called journalist with a crap rag magazine just makes up a story about names no nothing....these people are their own worse enemy....
This latest "anonymous sourcing" bombshell, was specifically dredged up to obstruct view of excellent job report released today, and to help shore up fake news poll demonstrating poor military support of Trump fabricated and released earlier in week....

You think 8.4% unemployment is a "good" job report?

I imagine a lot of people in the military see Trump for what he is.

Of course, it's credible that Trump said that kind of stuff about the men and women of the military, because HE SAYS THAT KIND OF STUFF ALL THE TIME>

It's not really his fault, he lacks empathy, or the ability to understand people doing something beyond their own self-interest.
In other words "Who cares if it's true because it sounds like something Trump might say". Got it.
This latest "anonymous sourcing" bombshell, was specifically dredged up to obstruct view of excellent job report released today, and to help shore up fake news poll demonstrating poor military support of Trump fabricated and released earlier in week....

You think 8.4% unemployment is a "good" job report?

I imagine a lot of people in the military see Trump for what he is.

Of course, it's credible that Trump said that kind of stuff about the men and women of the military, because HE SAYS THAT KIND OF STUFF ALL THE TIME>

It's not really his fault, he lacks empathy, or the ability to understand people doing something beyond their own self-interest.
:omg: Behold, the cretin possesses the IQ of a plant, its literally impossibly fucking stupid, imossibly so! It implies "Moi" is either stupid, or easily swayed by data, yet imbecile clearly does not have stake in America as it clearly doesn't comprehend difference between 20% unemployment vs 8.4% unemployment, and going down, fast! The above is a walking talking intellectual abortion, a zombie, one of the walking brain dead legions fascist democrat party controls in all things....:puke3:
I think the "questions" that Biden took today provided all the MSM's objectives. If Trump keeps calling it out and gets specific, he can weaken further their influence. Some of the questions were basically statements. President Xi, Iran or N Korea won't be so kind

Call balls and strikes. Not only was it obvious, it actually was insulting to their own viewers. They are either really that stupid, or, they just think they are. Neither reality is flattering.
In other words "Who cares if it's true because it sounds like something Trump might say". Got it.

I have no doubt it's true, based on his past statements about people in the service and general inability to empathize with people.

Behold, the cretin possesses the IQ of a plant, its literally impossibly fucking stupid, imossibly so! It implies "Moi" is either stupid, or easily swayed by data, yet imbecile clearly does not have stake in America as it clearly doesn't comprehend difference between 20% unemployment vs 8.4% unemployment, and going down, fast! The above is a walking talking intellectual abortion, a zombie, one of the walking brain dead legions fascist democrat party controls in all things....

Uh, buddy, people losing their jobs for six months, and having to settle for a job that pays less... this isn't really anything to be happy about.

40 million jobs have been lost, 100,000 businesses have shuttered for good, and GDP has dropped by 9%.

And in bizarro Trump world, this is a good job.

"You have made a desert and called it peace!" - Tacitus
In other words "Who cares if it's true because it sounds like something Trump might say". Got it.

I have no doubt it's true, based on his past statements about people in the service and general inability to empathize with people.

Behold, the cretin possesses the IQ of a plant, its literally impossibly fucking stupid, imossibly so! It implies "Moi" is either stupid, or easily swayed by data, yet imbecile clearly does not have stake in America as it clearly doesn't comprehend difference between 20% unemployment vs 8.4% unemployment, and going down, fast! The above is a walking talking intellectual abortion, a zombie, one of the walking brain dead legions fascist democrat party controls in all things....

Uh, buddy, people losing their jobs for six months, and having to settle for a job that pays less... this isn't really anything to be happy about.

40 million jobs have been lost, 100,000 businesses have shuttered for good, and GDP has dropped by 9%.

And in bizarro Trump world, this is a good job.

"You have made a desert and called it peace!" - Tacitus
And you really believe governors bear no responsibility for their parts of the economy?

I forget -- when did Trump order businesses closed?
In other words "Who cares if it's true because it sounds like something Trump might say". Got it.

I have no doubt it's true, based on his past statements about people in the service and general inability to empathize with people.

Behold, the cretin possesses the IQ of a plant, its literally impossibly fucking stupid, imossibly so! It implies "Moi" is either stupid, or easily swayed by data, yet imbecile clearly does not have stake in America as it clearly doesn't comprehend difference between 20% unemployment vs 8.4% unemployment, and going down, fast! The above is a walking talking intellectual abortion, a zombie, one of the walking brain dead legions fascist democrat party controls in all things....

Uh, buddy, people losing their jobs for six months, and having to settle for a job that pays less... this isn't really anything to be happy about.

40 million jobs have been lost, 100,000 businesses have shuttered for good, and GDP has dropped by 9%.

And in bizarro Trump world, this is a good job.

"You have made a desert and called it peace!" - Tacitus
"Uhh buddy," you've revealed self to be a fucking sub-moron, impossibly stupid, totally tuned out from the real, and totally CNN'd... BTW retard, I know Trump didn't say that, and I know this precisely because of how hard FNC Trump haters Jennifer Griffin, and Neil Cavuto are hitting the story, but refusing to ante up sources! Griffin states her sources are unimpeachable, so we're just supposed to taker her at her word, geez where have we heard all of that BS before, James Comey, man of the highest integrity, Robert Mueller, unimpeachable integrity, Jeff Sessions, man of the greatest honor and character, Mad Dog Mattis, greatest of men, unimpeachable character, General Kelley, the most honorable of men, true patriot, there are hundreds more such traitors, all masquerading as men of honor and not fucking one of them has a jot of honor or integrity, not fucking one!

What this distraction was trotted out to obliterate from news cycle, was the obvious, Trump is soaring in polling whilst the psychopath Joe Biden plummets, peace was declared between Kosovo & Serbia, and faux Military times poll was released which claimed the troops(Moi)were actually in favor of Biden, a naked lie! I can easily extrapolate truth from this faux news story, Trump was bad mouthing Johnny Mccain in front of assholes who never so much as charged an ant hill, let alone served in the war on Terror, and they embellished it into "orange man bad" trash talking troops which is so preposterous and over the top that anyone with a three digit IQ laughs at the notion out of hand...

Next lie????
And you really believe governors bear no responsibility for their parts of the economy?

I forget -- when did Trump order businesses closed?

When he failed to take action early on to contain the virus... that's when he caused the businesses to close.
"Uhh buddy," you've revealed self to be a fucking sub-moron, impossibly stupid, totally tuned out from the real, and totally CNN'd... BTW retard, I know Trump didn't say that, and I know this precisely because of how hard FNC Trump haters Jennifer Griffin, and Neil Cavuto are hitting the story, but refusing to ante up sources! Griffin states her sources are unimpeachable, so we're just supposed to taker her at her word, geez where have we heard all of that BS before, James Comey, man of the highest integrity, Robert Mueller, unimpeachable integrity, Jeff Sessions, man of the greatest honor and character, Mad Dog Mattis, greatest of men, unimpeachable character, General Kelley, the most honorable of men, true patriot, there are hundreds more such traitors, all masquerading as men of honor and not fucking one of them has a jot of honor or integrity, not fucking one!

Yes, all those people are lying...and Trump is telling the truth, even though he's been caught a bunch of times before engaging in this sort of behavior. ... which had nothing to do with my point about what a mess Trump has made of the economy...

What this distraction was trotted out to obliterate from news cycle, was the obvious, Trump is soaring in polling whilst the psychopath Joe Biden plummets, peace was declared between Kosovo & Serbia,

Trump's polling is still shit outside of the fantasyland of Ratmuffin... most incumbants get a huge bounce post convention, but not this time. Nobody gives a crap about Kosovo and Serbia, no one gave a crap when Clinton launched an illegal war there 21 years ago.

I can easily extrapolate truth from this faux news story, Trump was bad mouthing Johnny Mccain in front of assholes who never so much as charged an ant hill, let alone served in the war on Terror, and they embellished it into "orange man bad" trash talking troops which is so preposterous and over the top that anyone with a three digit IQ laughs at the notion out of hand...

Actually, the story is pretty well documented and even Fox News has confirmed these things happened... and come on, do you think that after years of watching Trump call people losers (says more about his lack of self-esteem) and suckers, are you really surprised he said this about dead soldiers and amputees?
This latest "anonymous sourcing" bombshell, was specifically dredged up to obstruct view of excellent job report released today, and to help shore up fake news poll demonstrating poor military support of Trump fabricated and released earlier in week....

You think 8.4% unemployment is a "good" job report?

I imagine a lot of people in the military see Trump for what he is.

Of course, it's credible that Trump said that kind of stuff about the men and women of the military, because HE SAYS THAT KIND OF STUFF ALL THE TIME>

It's not really his fault, he lacks empathy, or the ability to understand people doing something beyond their own self-interest.
Under Obama, much of the military was using worn out equipment.
And you really believe governors bear no responsibility for their parts of the economy?

I forget -- when did Trump order businesses closed?

When he failed to take action early on to contain the virus... that's when he caused the businesses to close.
Oh, so we're just making shit up now? That doesn't make any sense at all. Whatsoever.

And if he had ordered the economy shut down, you'd have been screeching that he's a dictator.

Leftists are liars. Every damn last one of you.
Oh, so we're just making shit up now? That doesn't make any sense at all. Whatsoever.

And if he had ordered the economy shut down, you'd have been screeching that he's a dictator.

Leftists are liars. Every damn last one of you.

He didn't have to shut down the economy. All he had to do was what every other industrialized nation did, institute containment early on.

He didn't want to because it would spook the markets. He put the interests of investors over American lives.

Which is why we have the most Covid Deaths.

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