Democrats Oblivious To Their Rampant Racism/Sexism

And his nominee will most certainly stand on her own merits. Biden is being honest by announcing it, which is a lot more than you can say for T-Rump who just went and stacked the court with whites

It is payback time people. Deal with it.
FALSE! Trump did no such thing. He picked who he thought was the best candidate for the job - unlike the racist/sexist Biden.
Democrats have no aversion to racism at all. They openly hire for jobs and other things, by race, picking one race over another. To them, it's perfectly OK to discriminate racially, as long as blacks are the beneficiaries, and whites are the victims. America's worst hypocrites.
I wonder if anyone felt it was wrong or discriminatory that during the more than 200 years since the inception of SCOTUS that not a single black woman was nominated as a Justice? Why weren't you crying about THAT?
Republicans are not racist unless you are not a white, male, christian

You know….”Regular People”
Showing off his racism, sexism, and religious bigotry against whites, males, & Christians, in affirmation of the title of the thread >

Oblivious To Their Rampant Racism/Sexism​

Showing off his racism, sexism, and religious bigotry against whites, males, & Christians, in affirmation of the title of the thread >

Oblivious To Their Rampant Racism/Sexism​

White males have always had such a difficult time in our society

Thank God you are here to protect them
Lets see…..

Dems elect the first Black President
Dems elect the first Black Vice President
Dems name the first Black SCOTUS Justice
In higher office (President, Governor, Senate, House) Dems have elected over 130 blacks to 8 Republican Blacks

Yup, Dems are the racists
Its not a numbers game, it is supposed to be about qualifications... The new democrats look at the crotch and the skin and nothing else matters to them. Look at how the freak show on the left calls any black person who belongs to the GOP or even is a centrist an "Uncle Tom".... The Democrats tell black people that they are not smart enough to be successful,or to be able to advance on their own, so they will rescue them by removing anything that is hard to do. According to the new left, the only way a black person could possibly ever do anything is if the wokest do it for them. That is racism and eliteism and should insult every black person in America.

America voted for a black man to be president twice. Obama won because of considerable oratory and debating skills, he was elected not because he was black, but because he was a natural politician with the aility to connect to people with out insulting them. It was not an appointment based on skin color. Colin Powel was the most respected man in Washington for almost 20 years. He was black, a Republican and the best general we have had since WW2. And he got there on his own skill and intellect.

There is racism in this country and there is racism in both parties. But the horse manure going on right now by the new left is pure blatant racism and sexism. And white people cannot even discuss it without being cancelled by the left. I've been a centrist Democrat since the 70's and this new democratic party makes me want to spit, because they are nothing but shit.

According to our media and the new democratic party, asking for an ID to vote is the same as the Jim Crow laws of the South. eefff the left.

According to our media and the left, not having a 3 month voting season is the same as the Jim Crow laws of the South.
eff the left.

Manchin and Sinema should stay in the Democtratic party but vote to stop everythung else the left tries to do untile after the next election. Then those of us with a brain, and real world emprical sense need to work to throw these effing socialists and deviants into the gutter where they belong.

The nation elected the first black president. Dems are maybe 30% of the population.
White males have always had such a difficult time in our society

Thank God you are here to protect them
Yeah because if you are white the world just hands you easy street? You are clueless bud, and a racist and a sexist. Drive through most of rural America and look at the condition of white rural America after democratic policies destroyed our economy and our heartland over the last 45 years...
I don't see Democrats being racist against blacks in CRT, ARP, or AA. Do you ?
I see leftists being absolutely racist and sexist in everything they say and do today. And don't you dare use a capital D describing yourself... The left stands for nothing real Democrats stand for. Start your own party and call it the Social Deviants party. And instead of using the initials of programs spell out what those programs are.
No better example of Democrats being clueless to their own racism & sexism, than Joe Biden's 100% out in the open, declaration/promise to nominate a black women for seat a on the US Supreme Court. He did it without a tinge of guilt or regret, while thousands of black male white male, white women, judges of other non-black races are being blatantly discriminated against, in full violation of the 1964 US Civil Rights Act.

Biden is beyond unqualified to be President of the United States. The dude simply does ANYTHING he wants to do, regardless of morality or legality. His actions regarding the Mexican border, have been showing that for a year now. His racism showed up clearly in his American Rescue Plan, which could better have been called Rescue Plan for Everyone Who's Not White.

His sex criminality including pedophilia have been on display for years. How he gets away with it, is amazing. His corruption regarding Ukraine and China have also been openly displayed. Then he managed to steal a US presidential election, constantly pretending it had an ounce of legitimacy.

Here he goes again. Openly discriminating against non-black and male judges, many of whom have dreamed all their lives about becoming a Supreme Court justice, only to have Biden slam the door shut, in their faces, based on their race and/or sex, with Biden smiling in the process.

I really wonder if Biden actually realizes the enormity of his transgression, his racism/sexism, or is he just too flat out stupid for that. It's not just Biden though. Millions of Democrats have been subscribing to this blatant racism and sexism for decades, in their support of Affirmative Action programs all across the country. MASS INSANITY.
So much here. If this is racism/sexism - Did President Reagan violate this act when he vowed to nominate a female to the court - according to what you say - was that not discriminating against men? I believe that the President is given the right to nominate anyone he wishes. It is not an appointment, but a nomination which then proceeds to hearings and so forth before final approval which is not in the President's hands.

When you say he does whatever he wants - that sounds to me more like our last president - according to books I've read Mr. Trump was always being told "No, sir you cannot do that." Or "No, sir, that is illegal." That's why he changed staff so often. He was trying to get yes men around him. We now have a President who is so moral compared to the last one - no affairs, adultery, scandals, shady business practices, etc. I believe that Mr. Trump projected all of his negative qualities onto those around him and accused them of doing the very things he did. He lied, so he accused the media and everyone he hated of lying. He cheated, so he accused everyone he hated of cheating, etc.

I see no evidence of the terrible things you accuse President Biden of. And as far as Affirmative Action - I believe that was an attempt to level the playing field which had clearly been uneven for a very long time. Just my thoughts. And no, I am not insane.
And his nominee will most certainly stand on her own merits. Biden is being honest by announcing it, which is a lot more than you can say for T-Rump who just went and stacked the court with whites

It is payback time people. Deal with it.
Announcing it was stupid and a calculated move to make the appointment a racial thing. All it does is detract from the nominee's credentials. It was a dumb thing for Quid Pro to do. And once again, the sycophants can't defend Quid Pro without referencing TRUMP!.
Announcing it was stupid and a calculated move to make the appointment a racial thing. All it does is detract from the nominee's credentials. It was a dumb thing for Quid Pro to do. And once again, the sycophants can't defend Quid Pro without referencing TRUMP!.
It was honest. Something that Republicans, and especially Trump does not understand. Deal with it
Hmmm. TRUMP!'s not a part of this, yet you felt compelled to mention him. Why is that, again? Can't Quid Pro stand on his own merits?
President Biden is indeed standing on his own merits. But it is appropriate to draw a contrast between him and T-Rump
Unless it is white people choosing white people over black people which has been going on for a very long time. Then you people have nothing to say . Where the fuck were you when Trump was stacking the court with white people to the exclusion of blacks? Are you so fucking stupid that you think that there was no racial motivation? How fucking hypocritical can you be?
You don't stop racism by being matter who your target is....
President Biden is indeed standing on his own merits. But it is appropriate to draw a contrast between him and T-Rump
Not when every single criticism of Quid Pro is immediately met with, "But TRUMP!, but TRUMP!, but TRUMP!" You wouldn't know he's standing on his own feet judging by the support from his sycophants.

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