Democrats paying protesters with grant money and hackers with bit coins


Mar 9, 2017
I laughed so hard when I read this, bloomberg reports that Russian hackers hacked the liberals again and found emails that said liberals we're trying to pay protesters with government grant money.

So the hackers are charging the Democrats thousands of dollars to get the emails back, and they paid! But now bloomberg reported it so it doesn't matter anyway because now we know. Bwuhahaha!!! Those grimy dirty dems!

The report highlighted a conversation between an employee with a left-leaning nonprofit organization and an unnamed donor about using government-funded grants to protest the Trump administration.

The left-wing Center for American Progress was one of the organizations approached by the group, who the FBI says is the same group that organized the hacks of the Democratic National Committee in 2016, Bloomberg reports.

Russian Hackers Said to Seek Hush Money From Liberal Groups
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So...the democrats are Russian...since they told us Russians hacked their servers....and they are using our tax payer money to attack us and pay the Russians.....

Evil is all so very confusing...:lol:
Democrats are lying sacks of shit. Don't ever believe what they say.

The elite in the DNC are a Satanic cult and into pedophilia, pizza-gate was just the tip of the iceberg. They take bribes and are willing to sell out their country. They take money from Russia, China, the Arabs, you name it. Corrupt as fuck and they don't care, they've gotten away with it for decades.
So...the democrats are Russian...since they told us Russians hacked their servers....and they are using our tax payer money to attack us and pay the Russians.....

Evil is all so very confusing...:lol:

I guess so, but the strangest thing is that they are paying right wingers off with xeroxed copies of gay porn.
Democrats are lying sacks of shit. Don't ever believe what they say.

The elite in the DNC are a Satanic cult and into pedophilia, pizza-gate was just the tip of the iceberg. They take bribes and are willing to sell out their country. They take money from Russia, China, the Arabs, you name it. Corrupt as fuck and they don't care, they've gotten away with it for decades.
I believe you, they definitely seem like they are. They hate everything right, they ignore human life from the conception of the Democratic party, and when talking sense to them they always resort to name calling insults. All things satanist do!
Serious Libs, Your IT Department Sucks, and so do you.
Phucking paying for hackers to hack your enemies, like you paid thugs to beat up and bloody Trump supporters!
You can't even secure your own shit.
And then to cover your incompetence you made up a lie that the Russians hacked The DNC server, and yet refused to let anyone look at it?
And then you wire tap Trump Tower?

Phuck Off Johnny Reb. Go suck Jefferson Davis' Dick aka your Confederate President Obama Bin Lying.
In one thread righties say their was no Russian hacking . In this thread there IS Russian hacking !

You righties need to get your bullshit lies straight .
In one thread righties say their was no Russian hacking . In this thread there IS Russian hacking !

You righties need to get your bullshit lies straight .
This is a different hack that took place after the "so called" DNC server hack lefties should read before speaking, that's why it seems useless to speak or write truth to Democrats, they don't fully listen to or read reality. It's begins to become like talking to a child who think they know everything but don't believe anything right.
Democrats are lying sacks of shit. Don't ever believe what they say.

The elite in the DNC are a Satanic cult and into pedophilia, pizza-gate was just the tip of the iceberg. They take bribes and are willing to sell out their country. They take money from Russia, China, the Arabs, you name it. Corrupt as fuck and they don't care, they've gotten away with it for decades.
I believe you, they definitely seem like they are. They hate everything right, they ignore human life from the conception of the Democratic party, and when talking sense to them they always resort to name calling insults. All things satanist do!

Careful. If the right one puts a spell on you, your tinfoil hat will never fit right again.
Serious Libs, Your IT Department Sucks, and so do you.
Phucking paying for hackers to hack your enemies, like you paid thugs to beat up and bloody Trump supporters!
You can't even secure your own shit.
And then to cover your incompetence you made up a lie that the Russians hacked The DNC server, and yet refused to let anyone look at it?
And then you wire tap Trump Tower?

Phuck Off Johnny Reb. Go suck Jefferson Davis' Dick aka your Confederate President Obama Bin Lying.
The IT does suck I don't know why they keep using the company they use.
It should be illegal to pay protesters with grant money....Should have a fine of 20 years in prison.
It should be illegal to pay protesters with grant money....Should have a fine of 20 years in prison.

It is illegal but the dems are criminals to the core, yet get offended at every drip of truth. I don't know who put a spell on them but, we can only hope their delusionals are treated soon.

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