If the Justice Dept and our institutions weren’t corrupted and hijacked by the Democrats

Doesn’t seem weak…caught hunter

Um, the guy wouldn't have never gotten caught if he wasn't the President's son and had written a book detailing his recovery.

And the jury might still acquit him. That would be a laugh.
Um, the guy wouldn't have never gotten caught if he wasn't the President's son and had written a book detailing his recovery.

And the jury might still acquit him. That would be a laugh.
Yeah nobody ever said hunter or any xiden was smart. Likely shouldn’t of confessed like he did…but the background checkers were quick to spot it

They might, it’s not an easy case
Yes, the information that Russia had been pulling shit like this for years.
That’s what they claimed, but in reality it was a coordinated conspiracy and fabricated builshit to lie to the American people.
Yeah nobody ever said hunter or any xiden was smart. Likely shouldn’t of confessed like he did…but the background checkers were quick to spot it

They might, it’s not an easy case
Actually, it's a pretty simple case. Either you believe he was high as a kite when he bought the gun or you don't.

Morally, it's a different question... do you convict someone over a simple mistake that resulted in no harm to anyone just because you don't like his father?
51 high ranking corrupt officials, dipstick. Just like the claim that Trump was a “Russian asset”.
Gee, it's depressing to think that Putin got all the stuff he got out of Trump for free!
One minute leftists say it's a crime, the next they say it's perfectly fine.
Here is what the Jan 6th indictment says about that.

The Defendant had a right, like every American, to speak publicly about the election and even to claim, falsely, that there had been outcome-determinative fraud during the election and that he had won. He was also entitled to formally challenge the results of the election through lawful and appropriate means, such as by seeking recounts or audits of the popular vote in states or filing lawsuits challenging ballots and procedures. Indeed, in many cases, the Defendant did pursue these methods of contesting the election results. His efforts to change the outcome in any state through recounts, audits, or legal challenges were uniformly unsuccessful.

Shortly after election day, the Defendant also pursued unlawful means of discounting legitimate votes and subverting the election results. In so doing, the Defendant perpetrated three criminal conspiracies:

Do you disagree with the bolded part of that?
Gee, it's depressing to think that Putin got all the stuff he got out of Trump for free!
Putin feared and respected Trump, unlike your walking corpse Biden who is manipulated and laughed at by our friends, enemies and adversaries.
It’s constitutionally protected speech.

That interfered with an election by hiding negative information from voters.
How did their letter sequester the information from voters. Wasn't it being broadcast by a wide range of stations in the Rabid Right Echo Chamber?
They had no formal rank and were not corrupt like Benedict Donald.
So what you’re saying is they were corrupt while serving and continued even after, such that their handlers in the Democrat party could stay in power. I didn’t know that you would have to be “serving” to commit treason and election interference.
So what you’re saying is they were corrupt while serving and continued even after, such that their handlers in the Democrat party could stay in power. I didn’t know that you would have to be “serving” to commit treason and election interference.
Nah that's what you're saying. I'm saying they had every right to publish that letter, just like Benedict Donald has every right to claim the US is in decline, corrupt as hell, and that he actually won the 2020 election.
Nah that's what you're saying. I'm saying they had every right to publish that letter, just like Benedict Donald has every right to claim the US is in decline, corrupt as hell, and that he actually won the 2020 election.
Nah, by making that false statement, the 51 officials proved that they had been corrupted a long time ago, including while serving. Democrats have broken and destroyed all of our institutions and turned this country into a banana republic.
Putin feared and respected Trump, unlike your walking corpse Biden who is manipulated and laughed at by our friends, enemies and adversaries.
Why would Putin fear Trump. Trump gave him everything he wanted.

He stopped supporting Urkaine
he surrendered Syria to the Russians and their Iranian allies
He pulled out of Afghanistan (leaving Biden in an untenable position)
He even tried to get Russia back into the G-7, except the other six said, "No!"
Doesn’t matter, he was charged with five counts of making false statements, and just like the 51 intelligence officials, he was “working for the govt.”. You Leftards always wants to have it both ways.

Wtf? Roger Stone never worked for the government.

And those EX intelligence officers WERE NOT working for the government at the time when they signed on to the letter.

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