Democrats Plan to Legalize Marijuana in 2021

Last week, the House Judiciary Committee began debate on H.R. 3617, the MORE Act of 2021 which, among other things, aims to remove marijuana from the federal schedule of controlled substances....

The Bill is here. It has 76 co-sponsors....

Video of the proceedings is here. Starts at about 25:30...

On September 29th, the House Judiciary Committee began debate on H.R. 3617, the MORE Act of 2021 which, among other things, aims to remove marijuana from the federal schedule of controlled substances....

The Bill is here. It has 76 co-sponsors....

Video of the proceedings is here. Starts at about 25:30...

Nadler, huh? Think that Oompa Loompa gets high?
On September 29th, the House Judiciary Committee began debate on H.R. 3617, the MORE Act of 2021 which, among other things, aims to remove marijuana from the federal schedule of controlled substances....

The Bill is here. It has 76 co-sponsors....

Video of the proceedings is here. Starts at about 25:30...

$10 says that is right where it stays.


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Last week, the House Judiciary Committee began debate on H.R. 3617, the MORE Act of 2021 which, among other things, aims to remove marijuana from the federal schedule of controlled substances....

The Bill is here. It has 76 co-sponsors....

Video of the proceedings is here. Starts at about 25:30...

Dems, you will be pleased to know that at 1:02:00, Honorable Representative Matt Gaetz (R, Fl-1) speaks in favor of the bill. :)
have you never changed your mind on anything?
Um, that assumes Biden has a working mind, which is highly debatable.

Biden is on-record since becoming president that he is against legalization of cannabis. He is for decriminalization.

I stand by my post which refers to him as a puppet. You know it's true.
Whether or not one wants to legalize drugs and end the war, there is no doubt at all that every single federal drug law is entirely illegal.
That is also true of all federal weapons, medical, or gambling law.
States can do what they want, but the federal government can only make laws on what it was specifically authorized to legislate, in the Constitution.
Prohibition was stupid but legal because it was authorized by an amendment.
There is no such legal basis for the federal war on drugs, the federal crime bill, 3 strikes, asset forfeiture, mandated sentences, etc.
In fact, the federal government is so screwed up and illegal, an argument could be made that we should just start over again, like we did when the Articles of the Confederation were abandoned.
Marijuana will be legalized no doubt about it. That will shift enforcement to fentanyl.

Actually, there will be more enforcement of marijuana law than there ever was before. The legalization plan for grass involves licensing of retailers, growers and distributors, heavy new taxations, and crazy regulations.

The states will be more interested in clamping down on smuggling operations, counterfeiting tax stamps as well as the future epidemic of bundles of pot falling off of trucks than they are now.
Um, that assumes Biden has a working mind, which is highly debatable.

Biden is on-record since becoming president that he is against legalization of cannabis. He is for decriminalization.

I stand by my post which refers to him as a puppet. You know it's true.

Well if those strings pulling him get him to sign this bill, good for them
"Democratic Senate leadership has a plan to legalize marijuana at the federal level at some point this year.

In a joint statement released Monday, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, Senate Finance Committee Chairman Ron Wyden and Senator Cory Booker detailed how the Democratic-controlled upper chamber will prioritize federal marijuana legalization in the new Congress. They plan to introduce legislation in the coming weeks designed to establish a taxed and regulated cannabis market."

More at the link...

Last congress, a bill to legalize marijuana actually passed the House. It never came to the floor of the Senate...

So far this year, Republican Gregory Steube of Florida has introduced a bill to reclassify marijuana from Schedule I to Schedule III. It has zero cosponsors, so it probably won't go anywhere...

The question is, if/when this happens, will Biden sign it? I suspect he will, despite his previous opposition to legalization, because he is a puppet.
Marijuana’s popularity boom in red states isn’t breaking through with conservatives on Capitol Hill, pinching an already narrow path to federal legalization.

A growing number of Republican senators represent states that have legalized recreational or medical cannabis — six approved or expanded marijuana in some form just since November. But without their support in Congress to make up for likely Democratic defectors, weed falls critically short of the 60 votes needed to advance legislation.
POLITICO spoke with a dozen GOP senators who represent medical or recreational cannabis markets in recent days. None committed to vote to remove cannabis from the Controlled Substances Act, but Sens. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska and Kevin Cramer of North Dakota said they were open to discussing ways to remove federal cannabis penalties. Others, however, said they were not on board with any type of federal cannabis legislation.

How can any politician possibly be against legalizing a plant? Makes zero sense and they have no decent reason to be against it. They are fascists and totalitarians

How about the environment? The millions of tons of plastic used in the baggies needed to carry the grass around? Or how about the millions of tons of CO2 produced when said grass is burning?
I a Christian conservative and I think Marijuana should've been legal years ago.

It was only made illegal for money. I forgot his name but the man who owned the largest lumber/paper mills in America saw hemp as a financial threat so he worked to get it banned. Ultimately that's why it was illegal.

I'm sure the Bible-belching conservatives will recoil in horror, but the truth is, marijuana is a far better, and safer, alternative to alcohol.

Minorities have always been most impacted by marijuana laws, ruining far too many lives for nothing. This is the first step, the next would be expungement.

That's because minorities, meaning mostly blacks, don't give enough of a shit to be responsible with it. They drive around and smoke it, get high at work, and so on. If they treated weed like you're supposed to treat alcohol they would be fine.

Also most blacks are into criminal shit like dealing harder drugs, robbery, violence and so on. Nailing them on weed charges is like shooting fish in a barrell and it's an excuse to pull them in for questioning or get them off the streets.

The idea of "oh the poor minorities" is a crock of shit.
How can any politician possibly be against legalizing a plant? Makes zero sense and they have no decent reason to be against it. They are fascists and totalitarians
Lots of folks feel they have money to lose by legalization..starting with the Alcohol lobby.


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