Democrats "Poisoning" the Food of Police

Not sure I trust a video blog, but I do trust news from actual sources.

The only incident I've heard of police being poisoned is when a couple of cops went to a Shake Shack in NY, and ended up being poisoned by bleach in their drinks.

Turns out, there was no malicious intent, just that the employees didn't rinse the machine down properly.

And, like I've said, this is the only incident I've seen on the news.

NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) — The NYPD found no criminality after officers became sick at a Shake Shack in downtown Manhattan, Chief of Detectives Rodney Harrison tweeted early Tuesday.

Sources told CBS2 it appears the incident was accidental, possibly the result of cleaning solution that wasn’t properly removed from the shake machine.
Not sure I trust a video blog, but I do trust news from actual sources.

The only incident I've heard of police being poisoned is when a couple of cops went to a Shake Shack in NY, and ended up being poisoned by bleach in their drinks.

Turns out, there was no malicious intent, just that the employees didn't rinse the machine down properly.

And, like I've said, this is the only incident I've seen on the news.
Stop and use your head...only three people in this place (Shake Shack) were effected by these shakes
and it was about 8:40 in the evening. Who is running maintenance on the shake machines in the middle
of their business day?

Use your head.
Its become obvious, whats now necessary in the United States is affirmative action policing, as we must do to make blacks competitive in both school, and work, by granting them a magical 20 pt bonus score, we can now extend affirmative action directly to the criminal justice system. Obviously its racist to expect blacks to actually obey the law, any law, so what we can do is now extend every black on the continent a bonus of 10 free felonies before the actually count as a crime! That ought to do it, or should it be a free 20 felonies???
Not sure I trust a video blog, but I do trust news from actual sources.

The only incident I've heard of police being poisoned is when a couple of cops went to a Shake Shack in NY, and ended up being poisoned by bleach in their drinks.

Turns out, there was no malicious intent, just that the employees didn't rinse the machine down properly.

And, like I've said, this is the only incident I've seen on the news.
Stop and use your head...only three people in this place (Shake Shack) were effected by these shakes
and it was about 8:40 in the evening. Who is running maintenance on the shake machines in the middle
of their business day?

Use your head.

Lots of places are cleaning several times a day, especially if they serve food due to the COVID 19 outbreak. Use YOUR head. Maybe it would help if you actually read the link. I noticed that you edited out that part of the post with the link and the part of the article that states no criminal intent was discovered.
Lots of places are cleaning several times a day, especially if they serve food due to the COVID 19 outbreak. Use YOUR head.
Some milk shake place is running something that poisons people through their machinery
several times per day? How stupid are you?
Covid has nothing to do with this unless someone is touching or coughing on the internal machine workings regularly. Nice try, dimwit.

Maybe it would help if you actually read the link.
The CBS link? I've read it several times
because it makes no sense.

I noticed that you edited out that part of the post with the link and the part of the article that states no criminal intent was discovered.
Great. And yet you discovered what the cops said seneselessly anyway. I responded to your idiotic post.
Period. I posted nothing from the OP since that wasn't my job or intent.
Not sure I trust a video blog, but I do trust news from actual sources.

The only incident I've heard of police being poisoned is when a couple of cops went to a Shake Shack in NY, and ended up being poisoned by bleach in their drinks.

Turns out, there was no malicious intent, just that the employees didn't rinse the machine down properly.

And, like I've said, this is the only incident I've seen on the news.
Stop and use your head...only three people in this place (Shake Shack) were effected by these shakes
and it was about 8:40 in the evening. Who is running maintenance on the shake machines in the middle
of their business day?

Use your head.

Asking that one to use his head or any other soul taken radicalized propagandist is like telling cinder block wall to get out of your way.
Asking that one to use his head or any other soul taken radicalized propagandist is like telling cinder block wall to get out of your way.
My comment was purely rhetorical. I already knew from prior encounters this poster has a dysfunctional
brain, as his post demonstrates.

His comment that a busy NY fast food place is decontaminating it's milk shake machine several times per day
is pricelessly stupid.
Not sure I trust a video blog, but I do trust news from actual sources.

The only incident I've heard of police being poisoned is when a couple of cops went to a Shake Shack in NY, and ended up being poisoned by bleach in their drinks.

Turns out, there was no malicious intent, just that the employees didn't rinse the machine down properly.

And, like I've said, this is the only incident I've seen on the news.

NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) — The NYPD found no criminality after officers became sick at a Shake Shack in downtown Manhattan, Chief of Detectives Rodney Harrison tweeted early Tuesday.

Sources told CBS2 it appears the incident was accidental, possibly the result of cleaning solution that wasn’t properly removed from the shake machine.

I think the police should riot. Watch those panty waist muthas run away from that!
Asking that one to use his head or any other soul taken radicalized propagandist is like telling cinder block wall to get out of your way.
My comment was purely rhetorical. I already knew from prior encounters this poster has a dysfunctional
brain, as his post demonstrates.

His comment that a busy NY fast food place is decontaminating it's milk shake machine several times per day
is pricelessly stupid.

The cop needs a lawyer and a law suit.

Not sure I trust a video blog, but I do trust news from actual sources.

The only incident I've heard of police being poisoned is when a couple of cops went to a Shake Shack in NY, and ended up being poisoned by bleach in their drinks.

Turns out, there was no malicious intent, just that the employees didn't rinse the machine down properly.

And, like I've said, this is the only incident I've seen on the news.
Stop and use your head...only three people in this place (Shake Shack) were effected by these shakes
and it was about 8:40 in the evening. Who is running maintenance on the shake machines in the middle
of their business day?

Use your head.

Lots of places are cleaning several times a day, especially if they serve food due to the COVID 19 outbreak. Use YOUR head. Maybe it would help if you actually read the link. I noticed that you edited out that part of the post with the link and the part of the article that states no criminal intent was discovered.
Razor blades and glass for cleaning too?
[Pats self on back] I knew this was a wacko right wing lie before I clicked. I just dropped by to say Biden 2020!
Not sure I trust a video blog, but I do trust news from actual sources.

The only incident I've heard of police being poisoned is when a couple of cops went to a Shake Shack in NY, and ended up being poisoned by bleach in their drinks.

Turns out, there was no malicious intent, just that the employees didn't rinse the machine down properly.

And, like I've said, this is the only incident I've seen on the news.
Stop and use your head...only three people in this place (Shake Shack) were effected by these shakes
and it was about 8:40 in the evening. Who is running maintenance on the shake machines in the middle
of their business day?

Use your head.

Lots of places are cleaning several times a day, especially if they serve food due to the COVID 19 outbreak. Use YOUR head. Maybe it would help if you actually read the link. I noticed that you edited out that part of the post with the link and the part of the article that states no criminal intent was discovered.
Razor blades and glass for cleaning too?

There were no foreign substances in the shakes from Shake Shack like you are trying to say, no razorblades or glass, just bleach from cleaning that hadn't been rinsed properly.
There were no foreign substances in the shakes from Shake Shack like you are trying to say, no razorblades or glass, just bleach from cleaning that hadn't been rinsed properly.
Yes. Like I said I read the OP several times and understand the basics of this case. That's why I don't buy the
police story. It makes no sense.
The police were hospitalized (just the three cops and no one else) for illness...not internal bleeding from razor blades or whatever.

I don't buy for a second that mixing machines needed for business were taken off line for bleaching
during business hours. Not for one second!

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