'Democrats Project their own Character Flaws onto Republicans'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"Has anyone else noticed that Democrats routinely accuse Republicans of being guilty of what they have been doing themselves? The term projection was first introduced into psychology by Sigmund Freud. The word is used to describe that most peculiar form of hypocrisy where one person accuses another of thoughts or behavior of which they themselves are actually guilty. It seems to be the only word that adequately describes Democrat speech and behavior."

This Democrat / snowflake mentally unstable behavior has gotten over time, to the point now where doing so has become more of a 'reflex' behavior - like a tic - than a decision.

Democrats love to frequently accuse Republicans of being racists and white supremacists. But it was Democrat and former Ku Klux Klan Grand Kleagle Robert Byrd who personally filibustered the Civil Rights Act of 1964 for more than fourteen hours. While it is true that a slim majority of Democrats supported that landmark piece of legislation, the percentage was only about 60/40 or so. The fact is the bill only passed because of overwhelming Republican support (80/20). The Democratic Party was the original home of the KKK.

- Democrat President Woodrow Wilson made the racist film 'Birth Of A nation'

- Democrat President LBJ led the fight to get the effort to get the 1964 Civil Rights Act of 1964 but stated he intended to give black a 'little something' but that he would "have “N”-word voting for Democrats for the next 200 years"

Democrats constantly accuse Republicans of sexual Misconduct, especially every election or during any confirmation hearing. Republicans are sexist sexual harassers / sexual assaulters / rapists / pedophile / etc....

- Ted Kennedy left a woman to die in an overturned car in a water-filled ditch to protect his political future

- President Bill Clinton spent his whole political career sexually harassing, sexually assaulting , and raping women AND having sex with under-aged kids

- Democrats did not merely try to stop Republicans from running for office or from being certified, they attempted to despicably DESTROY the lives and future of Republicans with false accusations. Democrats marched out the 'usual suspects' to accuse Herman Cain of sexual misconduct and even file a large number of law suits. When the unethical assault became too much for his wife, Herman Cain pulled out of the presidential race. The next day every single one of the sexual misconduct law suits were dropped. The disgusting attempted 'assassination' against Justice Kavanaugh is probably the worst one yet by unethical, immoral Democrats who would stop at nothing to destroy these Republican.

- Democrats falsely accused Trump of grabbing some woman by the pu$$y by using a late-night talk show comment by then-civilian Trump. They completely defend their own Presidential candidate who REALLY DID grab an intern/aid by the pu$$y.

- Democrats were caught not only covering up decades of sexual misconduct but also crating a committee whose sole reason for existing was to buy the silence of their victims using tax payer money to do so. Every Democrat was allowed to retire with full tax payer-funded retirements, none were ever investigated.

- Democrat Barney Frank and his “aide” were exposed for running a male prostitution ring right out of the Frank’s personal residence - NOTHING was done to Frank.


Recently Democrats have begun screaming about voter suppression and screeching that every (illegal or fraudulent) vote must be counted… However, we should all remember that in the “hanging chad” vote count during the 2000 election it was none other than Al Gore who actively worked to suppress the vote of military personnel from Florida serving overseas, probably because he knew the military didn’t support his politics.

"Has anyone else noticed that Democrats routinely accuse Republicans of being guilty of what they have been doing themselves? The term projection was first introduced into psychology by Sigmund Freud. The word is used to describe that most peculiar form of hypocrisy where one person accuses another of thoughts or behavior of which they themselves are actually guilty. It seems to be the only word that adequately describes Democrat speech and behavior."

This Democrat / snowflake mentally unstable behavior has gotten over time, to the point now where doing so has become more of a 'reflex' behavior - like a tic - than a decision.

Democrats love to frequently accuse Republicans of being racists and white supremacists. But it was Democrat and former Ku Klux Klan Grand Kleagle Robert Byrd who personally filibustered the Civil Rights Act of 1964 for more than fourteen hours. While it is true that a slim majority of Democrats supported that landmark piece of legislation, the percentage was only about 60/40 or so. The fact is the bill only passed because of overwhelming Republican support (80/20). The Democratic Party was the original home of the KKK.

- Democrat President Woodrow Wilson made the racist film 'Birth Of A nation'

- Democrat President LBJ led the fight to get the effort to get the 1964 Civil Rights Act of 1964 but stated he intended to give black a 'little something' but that he would "have “N”-word voting for Democrats for the next 200 years"

Democrats constantly accuse Republicans of sexual Misconduct, especially every election or during any confirmation hearing. Republicans are sexist sexual harassers / sexual assaulters / rapists / pedophile / etc....

- Ted Kennedy left a woman to die in an overturned car in a water-filled ditch to protect his political future

- President Bill Clinton spent his whole political career sexually harassing, sexually assaulting , and raping women AND having sex with under-aged kids

- Democrats did not merely try to stop Republicans from running for office or from being certified, they attempted to despicably DESTROY the lives and future of Republicans with false accusations. Democrats marched out the 'usual suspects' to accuse Herman Cain of sexual misconduct and even file a large number of law suits. When the unethical assault became too much for his wife, Herman Cain pulled out of the presidential race. The next day every single one of the sexual misconduct law suits were dropped. The disgusting attempted 'assassination' against Justice Kavanaugh is probably the worst one yet by unethical, immoral Democrats who would stop at nothing to destroy these Republican.

- Democrats falsely accused Trump of grabbing some woman by the pu$$y by using a late-night talk show comment by then-civilian Trump. They completely defend their own Presidential candidate who REALLY DID grab an intern/aid by the pu$$y.

- Democrats were caught not only covering up decades of sexual misconduct but also crating a committee whose sole reason for existing was to buy the silence of their victims using tax payer money to do so. Every Democrat was allowed to retire with full tax payer-funded retirements, none were ever investigated.

- Democrat Barney Frank and his “aide” were exposed for running a male prostitution ring right out of the Frank’s personal residence - NOTHING was done to Frank.


Recently Democrats have begun screaming about voter suppression and screeching that every (illegal or fraudulent) vote must be counted… However, we should all remember that in the “hanging chad” vote count during the 2000 election it was none other than Al Gore who actively worked to suppress the vote of military personnel from Florida serving overseas, probably because he knew the military didn’t support his politics.


The Democrats have been doing this Projection for decades, it's either a part of their mental illness or a part of them being basic liars or perhaps a combination of both.

Democrats Omar and Tlaib were Censured for vile Anti-Semitic comments. Democrats even publicly came to their rescue to prevent additional Congressional Punishment, during which many Democrats exposed their own Anti-Semitism and the Democratic party's embrace of Anti-Semitism.

Democratic Party Candidate Biden has repeatedly spewed racist comments...
- 'If you aren;'t voting for me you ain't black'
- 'Blacks aren't diverse'
- 'I was able to stay in my basement because 'some black woman was restocking shelves''


After 3 years overwhelming evidence, testimony and confession has proven that President Trump never illegally colluded with Russia but that it was instead Barak Obama and his administration who illegally colluded with foreign ex-spies and Russians (The Russian Intel Service' to knowingly obtain Russian propaganda which they used to illegally spy on and used intentionally to attempt a (failed) political coup attempt.

'President Trump Was / Will Financially Enrich Himself / Trump is a Compromised President'

It turns out it is not Trump and his family who have betrayed the United States to enrich themselves. From confessed extortion of foreign leaders to selling Biden's family name and his position in the US govt as VP, to laundering money for Russians, to taking $1.5 BILLION from the Chinese, the Bidens, Joe Biden has done nothing in 47 years except to illegally and treasonously sell out to criminals, terrorists, and enemies of our nation. Democrats are protecting another criminal candidate from overwhelming criminal evidence, testimony, and 3 eye-witness Whistle Blowers.

Diane Feinstein was caught red-handed facilitating Chinese espionage for DECADES from her own office; yet, there was no investigation, the Chinese spy was allowed to return to China, and Feinstein was never held accountable.

There are many other examples; however, these are more than enough to prove Democrats are pathological 'Projection' perpetrators who continuously, falsely accuse others / Republicans of being who THERY are and of doing what they have and continue to do.


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