Democrats propose tax incentives for electric vehicles, but ...

... only if they are made by unionized auto manufacturers. Of course, Elon Musk is angry:

But it's what he deserves for exploiting his workers for profit! (and making the only meaningful progress toward widespread adoption of electric cars).

I think Elon has every right to be PO'd. If Tesla isn't included then nobody should vote for this bill. I also think it's wrong that Tesla has already been cut out on the consumer tax incentives for buying their EVs because they reached a "quota" mark on sales.

I'm strongly considering a Tesla Model Y purchase next year. Test drove one over in Boise last month. DAMN it was a fine little pocket rocket. This crap had better be fixed by then!

Those deductions aren't dependent on who wrote the mortgage or who made the child.

Sure they are. If you finance a home yourself (ie save up money and pay cash) or a relative loans you the money, you don't get the bene. You only get the mortgage deductions if you give the banksters their pound of flesh.

And child tax credits are only for low income parents.
Sure they are. If you finance a home yourself (ie save up money and pay cash) or a relative loans you the money, you don't get the bene. You only get the mortgage deductions if you give the banksters their pound of flesh.

And child tax credits are only for low income parents.

That's not really true, I borrowed money from a relative and the mortgage was recorded at the county, just like any other and was eligible for the deduction. That's the way to do it properly, BTW I never took that deduction.

I'm agnostic on unions but this hardly seems a fair way to do things.
Musk also commits the crime of paying Tesla workers better than UAW workers and providing better benefits.
Telsa pays the assembly line workers, worst!
Further, in an area where the average house is $800,000 Tesla should have a minimum wage that is $100 hr
That's not really true, I borrowed money from a relative and the mortgage was recorded at the county, just like any other and was eligible for the deduction. That's the way to do it properly, BTW I never took that deduction.

But people who save and buy get screwed.
I am amused to see people whining about a tax deduction for cars, but I bet they don't whine about their mortgage interest deduction. :lol:

Or their child tax credits.

The government interferes in the free market through tax expenditures to the tune of $1.4 trillion a year!

I'm opposed to all of those things. The child tax credits, in particular, have irked me for years.
I'm opposed to all of those things. The child tax credits, in particular, have irked me for years.
There are a few of us. Unfortunately, most people don't see past the end of their nose. As long as they think they might benefit, they don't care that these laws are funneling money to friends of Congress. Somebody else will pick up the bill.
But people who save and buy get screwed.

Do they? They are basically saving 100% of the interest they would have paid a bank and you lose on a deduction because it's not a dollar for dollar write off.

That's not really true, I borrowed money from a relative and the mortgage was recorded at the county, just like any other and was eligible for the deduction. That's the way to do it properly, BTW I never took that deduction.

The deduction only applies to interest paid on a mortgage.
Do they? They are basically saving 100% of the interest they would have paid a bank and you lose on a deduction because it's not a dollar for dollar write off.

The mortgage interest deduction screws every taxpayer, not just homeowners.

All those tax deductions, credits, and exemptions are paid for with higher tax rates and federal borrowing.

Also, the MID drives up the cost of houses:

How Would Reforming the Mortgage Interest Deduction Affect the Housing Market?

One widely cited 1996 study by Dennis Capozza, Richard Green, and PatricHendershott estimated that eliminating the mortgage interest and property tax deductions would reduce housing prices in the short term by an average of 13 percent nationwide, with regional changes ranging from 8 to 27 percent.

Why Now's the Time to Kill the Mortgage Interest Deduction

Proponents of the deduction argue that it's a key component to keeping home prices up.

Do you hear that? An open admission the deduction drives up the cost of housing!

As much as homebuilders argue that eliminating the deduction would hurt them, economists agree that the biggest impact would be on the highest-priced homes, with more reasonably priced real estate seeing little or no impact from getting rid of the deduction.

Homebuilders whining about losing their government tit.
Not true. They apply to every parent with children under the age of 18.
I was referring to traditional "child tax credits" - like EITC, not the pandemic free for all.

The point is - these "benefits" aren't free money. It's a transfer, from people who don't get the benefit (and have to pay more in taxes as a result) to those who do.
I was referring to traditional "child tax credits" - like EITC, not the pandemic free for all.

The point is - these "benefits" aren't free money. It's a transfer, from people who don't get the benefit (and have to pay more in taxes as a result) to those who do.

It's called welfare through the tax code.

It's called welfare through the tax code.
Exactly. But it's more about control than welfare. It's essentially coercive. They're saying "jump through this hoop, or pay more in taxes". The point is to get you to jump through the hoop. The incentive in question is a perfect case in point - "Buy an electric car from our friends, or it will cost you more".
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I am amused to see people whining about a tax deduction for cars, but I bet they don't whine about their mortgage interest deduction. :lol:

Or their child tax credits.

The government interferes in the free market through tax expenditures to the tune of $1.4 trillion a year!
Are you coming at this from a libertarian perspective?

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