Democrats Protected AIG Bonuses

Unblievable! It appears all of the supposed outrage over the AIG bonuses is a complete fabrication - at least when viewed through the prism of the very bailout history constructed by the current Democrat leadership.

None other than Chris Dodd, who is now threatening to tax back the bonuses to the US government, protected these very bonuses with his own amendment contained within the stimulus bill.

Protect the bonuses followed by outrage over the bonuses you protected.

Oh, and guess who received over a hundred thousand in campaign contributions from AIG?

Ah, yes...

Amid AIG Furor, Dodd Tries to Undo Bonus Protections He Put In -


The premise of your thread is based on more partisan bullshit.

Those bonuses were in place during the first two AIB bailouts done by Bush II.

Now, I don't really fault the Bush II admin for missing them.

In the scheme of the AIG crises they were facing during both those bailouts, that sort of detail was probably easily overlooked.

But the Ombama admin caught them, so bitching that the Dems are somehow responsible for this is of course nothing but partisan nonsense.

Feel free to apologise for blaming the people who got it RIGHT if you have the class to do admit your mistake.

Bush screwed up when he ok'd throwing bailout money at the problem without a clear plan. Cart before the horse, so to speak. But wasn't Timmy in charge of the structuring of the bailout to AIG? Isn't that his area of expertise? You mean with all the experience he has in this area, he overlooked the fact that these contracted bonuses would come due? I don't think so, Tim.
Unblievable! It appears all of the supposed outrage over the AIG bonuses is a complete fabrication - at least when viewed through the prism of the very bailout history constructed by the current Democrat leadership.

None other than Chris Dodd, who is now threatening to tax back the bonuses to the US government, protected these very bonuses with his own amendment contained within the stimulus bill.

Protect the bonuses followed by outrage over the bonuses you protected.

Oh, and guess who received over a hundred thousand in campaign contributions from AIG?

Ah, yes...

Amid AIG Furor, Dodd Tries to Undo Bonus Protections He Put In -


The premise of your thread is based on more partisan bullshit.

Those bonuses were in place during the first two AIB bailouts done by Bush II.

Now, I don't really fault the Bush II admin for missing them.

In the scheme of the AIG crises they were facing during both those bailouts, that sort of detail was probably easily overlooked.

But the Ombama admin caught them, so bitching that the Dems are somehow responsible for this is of course nothing but partisan nonsense.

Feel free to apologise for blaming the people who got it RIGHT if you have the class to admit your mistake.

the first bail out was done by the federal reserve under the direction of geithner. the obama administration, specifically, geithner, was aware of them prior to the most recent hand out to AIG.

"Behind the scenes, Mr. Geithner was the point person for weeks of sleep-deprived Bailout Weekends. It was Mr. Geithner, not Mr. Paulson, for example, who put together the original rescue plan for the American International Group."

feel free, etc, etc
Unblievable! It appears all of the supposed outrage over the AIG bonuses is a complete fabrication - at least when viewed through the prism of the very bailout history constructed by the current Democrat leadership.

None other than Chris Dodd, who is now threatening to tax back the bonuses to the US government, protected these very bonuses with his own amendment contained within the stimulus bill.

Protect the bonuses followed by outrage over the bonuses you protected.

Oh, and guess who received over a hundred thousand in campaign contributions from AIG?

Ah, yes...

Amid AIG Furor, Dodd Tries to Undo Bonus Protections He Put In -


The premise of your thread is based on more partisan bullshit.

Those bonuses were in place during the first two AIB bailouts done by Bush II.

Now, I don't really fault the Bush II admin for missing them.

In the scheme of the AIG crises they were facing during both those bailouts, that sort of detail was probably easily overlooked.

But the Ombama admin caught them, so bitching that the Dems are somehow responsible for this is of course nothing but partisan nonsense.

Feel free to apologise for blaming the people who got it RIGHT if you have the class to do admit your mistake.

Bush screwed up when he ok'd throwing bailout money at the problem without a clear plan. Cart before the horse, so to speak. But wasn't Timmy in charge of the structuring of the bailout to AIG? Isn't that his area of expertise? You mean with all the experience he has in this area, he overlooked the fact that these contracted bonuses would come due? I don't think so, Tim.

He didn't OVERLOOK them.

That's exactly what this flap is all about.

Bush II's administration apparently didn't notice them, but as I already acknowledged, given the huge problems they were seeking to avoid, one can easily see how this minor issue (in terms of scale, I mean) would have been put on the back burner.

We;ll NOW it's on the FRONT burner.

Thanks to what administration?

OBAMA's admoinistration.

It astounds me, that the partisans here are so willing to prove to us that their are either liars or idiots by making such assinine accusations as they do.

Zoom, you're not stupid.

Don't you cringe in embarrassment for your fellow conservative chums when they miss (or pretend to miss, one never knows) something so fucking obvious as this?
Without "He Who's Name We May Not Mention" out of office, Fox can't use their normal prattle time to praise him. So now the Murdock alterego has turned it's Foxed Fury on Obama.

Even when they make a mistake, they don't recant it. They just move on. Typical behavior for and idealogue who is out to destroy his enemy truth or not.
Without "He Who's Name We May Not Mention" out of office, Fox can't use their normal prattle time to praise him. So now the Murdock alterego has turned it's Foxed Fury on Obama.

Even when they make a mistake, they don't recant it. They just move on. Typical behavior for and idealogue who is out to destroy his enemy truth or not.

Its worse than that.

They fuck up and then play the BIG LIE card to blame their fuckup on somebody else.

And the tools on this board, are either so stupid they miss it, or so partisan that they'll spread the lie hoping that by repeating it, they can make it the truth.

It's astounding, really.

The premise of your thread is based on more partisan bullshit.

Those bonuses were in place during the first two AIB bailouts done by Bush II.

Now, I don't really fault the Bush II admin for missing them.

In the scheme of the AIG crises they were facing during both those bailouts, that sort of detail was probably easily overlooked.

But the Ombama admin caught them, so bitching that the Dems are somehow responsible for this is of course nothing but partisan nonsense.

Feel free to apologise for blaming the people who got it RIGHT if you have the class to do admit your mistake.

Bush screwed up when he ok'd throwing bailout money at the problem without a clear plan. Cart before the horse, so to speak. But wasn't Timmy in charge of the structuring of the bailout to AIG? Isn't that his area of expertise? You mean with all the experience he has in this area, he overlooked the fact that these contracted bonuses would come due? I don't think so, Tim.

He didn't OVERLOOK them.

That's exactly what this flap is all about.

Bush II's administration apparently didn't notice them, but as I already acknowledged, given the huge problems they were seeking to avoid, one can easily see how this minor issue (in terms of scale, I mean) would have been put on the back burner.

We;ll NOW it's on the FRONT burner.

Thanks to what administration?

OBAMA's admoinistration.

It astounds me, that the partisans here are so willing to prove to us that their are either liars or idiots by making such assinine accusations as they do.

Zoom, you're not stupid.

Don't you cringe in embarrassment for your fellow conservative chums when they miss (or pretend to miss, one never knows) something so fucking obvious as this?

Geithner was one of those in charge of structuring the AIG bailout. Of course he didn't overlook the bonuses (which is what I posted) - he just kept mum about them. He didn't act alone; several are to blame. But I find it hypocritical that all the players are crying 'shock!' when some of them clearly knew - and knew from the get go. This administration has no choice but to bring it to the front burner cause those bonuses came due.

I'm outraged that Bush and Obama keep putting the cart before the horse. Both administrations rushed into this whole bailout/stimulus scenario without much thought. They throw money at problems without having a plan, without having something in place. What ever happened to plan your work and work your plan? Hell, Timmy is practically all alone in his job. Don't you think getting the guy hired for his expertise in financial crisis management should have a staff in place at this point?
Dodd's participation in this, as well as other Democrats, is worthy of full Senate Investigations.

Oh wait, those Senate committees are run by Democrats.

Not too likely then, huh?

Holy Hell does this thing have me pissed off.

I'm with you on that, it's just completely frustrating watching them get away with this. The government is just as complicit as the coroporations, they're all in it together, and the American public continues to play the stupid rube, with the media's help. I wish more people would pay attention to what's really going on.

The premise of your thread is based on more partisan bullshit.

Those bonuses were in place during the first two AIB bailouts done by Bush II.

Now, I don't really fault the Bush II admin for missing them.

In the scheme of the AIG crises they were facing during both those bailouts, that sort of detail was probably easily overlooked.

But the Ombama admin caught them, so bitching that the Dems are somehow responsible for this is of course nothing but partisan nonsense.

Feel free to apologise for blaming the people who got it RIGHT if you have the class to do admit your mistake.

Bush screwed up when he ok'd throwing bailout money at the problem without a clear plan. Cart before the horse, so to speak. But wasn't Timmy in charge of the structuring of the bailout to AIG? Isn't that his area of expertise? You mean with all the experience he has in this area, he overlooked the fact that these contracted bonuses would come due? I don't think so, Tim.

He didn't OVERLOOK them.

That's exactly what this flap is all about.

Bush II's administration apparently didn't notice them, but as I already acknowledged, given the huge problems they were seeking to avoid, one can easily see how this minor issue (in terms of scale, I mean) would have been put on the back burner.

We;ll NOW it's on the FRONT burner.

Thanks to what administration?

OBAMA's admoinistration.

It astounds me, that the partisans here are so willing to prove to us that their are either liars or idiots by making such assinine accusations as they do.

Zoom, you're not stupid.

Don't you cringe in embarrassment for your fellow conservative chums when they miss (or pretend to miss, one never knows) something so fucking obvious as this?

You're being a political hack. You need to open your eyes and quit defending this administration. Can you seriously say with a straight face what you're implying here? :cuckoo:
Without "He Who's Name We May Not Mention" out of office, Fox can't use their normal prattle time to praise him. So now the Murdock alterego has turned it's Foxed Fury on Obama.

Even when they make a mistake, they don't recant it. They just move on. Typical behavior for and idealogue who is out to destroy his enemy truth or not.

Is this story about Dodd false? I heard it no where else last night. I even watched Fox News while I was at the gym on my MP3 and they didn't say anything either.

God I hope it is false so we can mock the right wingers who put out disinformation.

And Fox News was making me sick. They are trying sooo hard to push their talent. Bill O'Reilly had Glen Beck on and they are bragging that guy up big time. I think Glen Beck is literally insane.
This is the latest from Salon...

Very interesting article from Salon columnist Glenn Greenwald.

According to Greenwald, it was not Dodd who allowed protections for the AIG bonuses, but in fact key players in the OBAMA ADMINISTRATION - namely Tim Geithner and Larry Summers! Summers is the key player within the President's economic inner circle - it is highly unlikely Summers woud do something of this magniture without the President's consent - or if he did, such an act would be further proof of a White House lacking actual leadership.

HOLY SMOKES - this thing just keeps blowing up into ever expanding proportions!

If this version is in fact true, it appears that the White House is hanging out Democrat Dodd to dry as a scapegoat in this PR nightmare. The implications of having the President of the United States go before the people and wag his finger at the AIG bonuses when in fact his own administration helped coordinate the protection of those bonuses is ASTOUNDING. Add to that the attempted political cannabilization by the White House against one of its own and we have the trappings of a power struggle within the Democrat Party the likes of which DC has not seen in decades.

Simply remarkable.

The dishonest "Blame Dodd" scheme from Treasury officials - Glenn Greenwald -
Bush screwed up when he ok'd throwing bailout money at the problem without a clear plan. Cart before the horse, so to speak. But wasn't Timmy in charge of the structuring of the bailout to AIG? Isn't that his area of expertise? You mean with all the experience he has in this area, he overlooked the fact that these contracted bonuses would come due? I don't think so, Tim.

He didn't OVERLOOK them.

That's exactly what this flap is all about.

Bush II's administration apparently didn't notice them, but as I already acknowledged, given the huge problems they were seeking to avoid, one can easily see how this minor issue (in terms of scale, I mean) would have been put on the back burner.

We;ll NOW it's on the FRONT burner.

Thanks to what administration?

OBAMA's admoinistration.

It astounds me, that the partisans here are so willing to prove to us that their are either liars or idiots by making such assinine accusations as they do.

Zoom, you're not stupid.

Don't you cringe in embarrassment for your fellow conservative chums when they miss (or pretend to miss, one never knows) something so fucking obvious as this?

You're being a political hack. You need to open your eyes and quit defending this administration. Can you seriously say with a straight face what you're implying here? :cuckoo:

Back in 2008, the Huffington Post exposed that Bush/Paulson wanted to put this into the bailout:

Decisions by the Secretary pursuant to the authority of this Act are non-reviewable and committed to agency discretion, and may not be reviewed by any court of law or any administrative agency.

The deal proposed by Paulson is nothing short of outrageous. It includes no oversight of his own closed-door operations. It merely gives congressional blessing and funding to what he has already been doing, ad hoc. He plans to retain Wall Street firms as advisors to decide just how to cut deals to value and mop up Wall Street's dubious paper. There are to be no limits on executive compensation for the firms that get relief, and no equity share for the government in exchange for this massive infusion of capital.

What do you have to say to this?

Dirty Secret Of The Bailout: Thirty-Two Words That None Dare Utter

We busted Bush/Paulson on this very issue last year. Now you are outraged at Chris Dodd? What a hypocrite. Show me your outrage last year. I'm sure you were posting here last year when this news broke. What did you say when news of this Section 8 story broke?

Or did you blow it off because it came from the Huffington Post? Don't expect Fox to tell you this stuff.

But of course they broke this story on Dodd, which I'm beginning to doubt is even true.
This is the latest from Salon...

Very interesting article from Salon columnist Glenn Greenwald.

According to Greenwald, it was not Dodd who allowed protections for the AIG bonuses, but in fact key players in the OBAMA ADMINISTRATION - namely Tim Geithner and Larry Summers! Summers is the key player within the President's economic inner circle - it is highly unlikely Summers woud do something of this magniture without the President's consent - or if he did, such an act would be further proof of a White House lacking actual leadership.

HOLY SMOKES - this thing just keeps blowing up into ever expanding proportions!

If this version is in fact true, it appears that the White House is hanging out Democrat Dodd to dry as a scapegoat in this PR nightmare. The implications of having the President of the United States go before the people and wag his finger at the AIG bonuses when in fact his own administration helped coordinate the protection of those bonuses is ASTOUNDING. Add to that the attempted political cannabilization by the White House against one of its own and we have the trappings of a power struggle within the Democrat Party the likes of which DC has not seen in decades.

Simply remarkable.

The dishonest "Blame Dodd" scheme from Treasury officials - Glenn Greenwald -

Without "He Who's Name We May Not Mention" out of office, Fox can't use their normal prattle time to praise him. So now the Murdock alterego has turned it's Foxed Fury on Obama.

Even when they make a mistake, they don't recant it. They just move on. Typical behavior for and idealogue who is out to destroy his enemy truth or not.

Is this story about Dodd false? I heard it no where else last night. I even watched Fox News while I was at the gym on my MP3 and they didn't say anything either.

God I hope it is false so we can mock the right wingers who put out disinformation.

And Fox News was making me sick. They are trying sooo hard to push their talent. Bill O'Reilly had Glen Beck on and they are bragging that guy up big time. I think Glen Beck is literally insane.
The latest is, Dodd and the administration are claiming Dodd's amendment was one with teeth, that would prevent crap like this, and so on -- but that some unknown person "watered it down" in committee without anyone noticing.
This is the latest from Salon...

Very interesting article from Salon columnist Glenn Greenwald.

According to Greenwald, it was not Dodd who allowed protections for the AIG bonuses, but in fact key players in the OBAMA ADMINISTRATION - namely Tim Geithner and Larry Summers! Summers is the key player within the President's economic inner circle - it is highly unlikely Summers woud do something of this magniture without the President's consent - or if he did, such an act would be further proof of a White House lacking actual leadership.

HOLY SMOKES - this thing just keeps blowing up into ever expanding proportions!

If this version is in fact true, it appears that the White House is hanging out Democrat Dodd to dry as a scapegoat in this PR nightmare. The implications of having the President of the United States go before the people and wag his finger at the AIG bonuses when in fact his own administration helped coordinate the protection of those bonuses is ASTOUNDING. Add to that the attempted political cannabilization by the White House against one of its own and we have the trappings of a power struggle within the Democrat Party the likes of which DC has not seen in decades.

Simply remarkable.

The dishonest "Blame Dodd" scheme from Treasury officials - Glenn Greenwald -

I'll ask you the same thing I asked Newby. What do you have to say about this story that broke last year about Bush/Paulson wanting zero oversite of these details?

The deal proposed by Paulson is nothing short of outrageous. It includes no oversight of his own closed-door operations. It merely gives congressional blessing and funding to what he has already been doing, ad hoc. He plans to retain Wall Street firms as advisors to decide just how to cut deals to value and mop up Wall Street's dubious paper. There are to be no limits on executive compensation for the firms that get relief, and no equity share for the government in exchange for this massive infusion of capital.

Dirty Secret Of The Bailout: Thirty-Two Words That None Dare Utter

We told you this was happening last year. Now you are telling us as if Obama came up with the idea?
Without "He Who's Name We May Not Mention" out of office, Fox can't use their normal prattle time to praise him. So now the Murdock alterego has turned it's Foxed Fury on Obama.

Even when they make a mistake, they don't recant it. They just move on. Typical behavior for and idealogue who is out to destroy his enemy truth or not.

Is this story about Dodd false? I heard it no where else last night. I even watched Fox News while I was at the gym on my MP3 and they didn't say anything either.

God I hope it is false so we can mock the right wingers who put out disinformation.

And Fox News was making me sick. They are trying sooo hard to push their talent. Bill O'Reilly had Glen Beck on and they are bragging that guy up big time. I think Glen Beck is literally insane.
The latest is, Dodd and the administration are claiming Dodd's amendment was one with teeth, that would prevent crap like this, and so on -- but that some unknown person "watered it down" in committee without anyone noticing.

I wouldn't doubt it if Dodd turned out to be shady. But damn it, he impressed me last year when he fought against retro immunity for the telecoms.

The right has attacked him a couple times in the last few months. Freddy/Fanny and now this.

I haven't decided yet if he is a two faced politician or if he is really good and thats why the right are attacking him all the time.

They do that you know. Attack a really good person to make him seem radical. They did it to Clinton, Michael Moore, Al Franken, Dennis Kucenich.

Hell, the right even did it to Ron Paul when Dr. Paul spoke out against the Federal Reserve.

Can't deny they do that.

Look at how they threw Powell under the bus and Scott McClellen, or any general who spoke out against the Iraq war.

Look what they did to Joe Wilson & Valerie Plames.

If you threaten the GOP, they go after you until your name is mud.

So Chris Dodd is probably a great man.
This is the latest from Salon...

Very interesting article from Salon columnist Glenn Greenwald.

According to Greenwald, it was not Dodd who allowed protections for the AIG bonuses, but in fact key players in the OBAMA ADMINISTRATION - namely Tim Geithner and Larry Summers! Summers is the key player within the President's economic inner circle - it is highly unlikely Summers woud do something of this magniture without the President's consent - or if he did, such an act would be further proof of a White House lacking actual leadership.

HOLY SMOKES - this thing just keeps blowing up into ever expanding proportions!

If this version is in fact true, it appears that the White House is hanging out Democrat Dodd to dry as a scapegoat in this PR nightmare. The implications of having the President of the United States go before the people and wag his finger at the AIG bonuses when in fact his own administration helped coordinate the protection of those bonuses is ASTOUNDING. Add to that the attempted political cannabilization by the White House against one of its own and we have the trappings of a power struggle within the Democrat Party the likes of which DC has not seen in decades.

Simply remarkable.

The dishonest "Blame Dodd" scheme from Treasury officials - Glenn Greenwald -

I'll ask you the same thing I asked Newby. What do you have to say about this story that broke last year about Bush/Paulson wanting zero oversite of these details?

The deal proposed by Paulson is nothing short of outrageous. It includes no oversight of his own closed-door operations. It merely gives congressional blessing and funding to what he has already been doing, ad hoc. He plans to retain Wall Street firms as advisors to decide just how to cut deals to value and mop up Wall Street's dubious paper. There are to be no limits on executive compensation for the firms that get relief, and no equity share for the government in exchange for this massive infusion of capital.

Dirty Secret Of The Bailout: Thirty-Two Words That None Dare Utter

We told you this was happening last year. Now you are telling us as if Obama came up with the idea?

I would commend the outrage you feel - it is justified.

What is now central to the justified outrage is how Geithner failed to fully explain these bonuses to the current administration - or did in fact explain them and this administration shrugged about it...or both Geithner and Summers actually pushed to have the bonus protection inserted into last month's stimulus bill at the direction of the president, or....

You see, while one can be upset over Paulson and Co. for their role in this mess last fall, the greater blame now lies directly at the feet of the Obama administration and the Democrat Congress.

Read that Salon article - who is setting up who? Was Dodd truly behind the scheme to protect his campaign contributor AIG, or was his hand forced by the Obama administration, who is now attempting to hang it around the neck of Dodd?? Is Obama playing a role in this, or is he simply a mouthpiece and the White House is being run by various advisors and czars...THESE are the questions you must now ask and seek to find answers for.
The legislation we are talking about is the stimulus bill that was just passed by this congress and this administration, it has nothing to do with Bush.
The legislation we are talking about is the stimulus bill that was just passed by this congress and this administration, it has nothing to do with Bush.

Exactly!! And the implications of whatever process that secured the bonus protection for AIG, and who is really running the show in the Obama administration are the central points of this issue.
Is this story about Dodd false? I heard it no where else last night. I even watched Fox News while I was at the gym on my MP3 and they didn't say anything either.

God I hope it is false so we can mock the right wingers who put out disinformation.

And Fox News was making me sick. They are trying sooo hard to push their talent. Bill O'Reilly had Glen Beck on and they are bragging that guy up big time. I think Glen Beck is literally insane.
The latest is, Dodd and the administration are claiming Dodd's amendment was one with teeth, that would prevent crap like this, and so on -- but that some unknown person "watered it down" in committee without anyone noticing.

I wouldn't doubt it if Dodd turned out to be shady. But damn it, he impressed me last year when he fought against retro immunity for the telecoms.

The right has attacked him a couple times in the last few months. Freddy/Fanny and now this.

I haven't decided yet if he is a two faced politician or if he is really good and thats why the right are attacking him all the time.

They do that you know. Attack a really good person to make him seem radical. They did it to Clinton, Michael Moore, Al Franken, Dennis Kucenich.

Hell, the right even did it to Ron Paul when Dr. Paul spoke out against the Federal Reserve.

Can't deny they do that.

Look at how they threw Powell under the bus and Scott McClellen, or any general who spoke out against the Iraq war.

Look what they did to Joe Wilson & Valerie Plames.

If you threaten the GOP, they go after you until your name is mud.

So Chris Dodd is probably a great man.
I've drawn no conclusions. But the whole deal looks really fishy. We're to believe some unnamed someone modified Dodd's amendment, and no one not even Dodd, caught it. This is the first time I have ever heard of such a thing. Where IS this anonymous amender? Why hasn't he/she come forward?

To me, much of this outrage from politicians is false-hearted. It's a lousy dime for every $100 AIG got in the bailout. It would be 40-50 cents per $100, defending hundreds of lawsuits related to this. I just can't bring myself to get too excited about this whole affair. And I'm definitely not pointing fingers, it is what it is.

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