Democrats Protected AIG Bonuses

Here is the text of a letter Geithner sent to Pelosi yesterday attempting to explain the AIG fiasco...

Full text of Geithner letter to Pelosi - The Irish Times - Wed, Mar 18, 2009

Ok, I just read the details from a liberal source, NPR, and it seems that Obama and the Congress knew about the bonus' for awhile now and only became upset when we found out about it.

Yes, this bothers me. Yes, this does show how in some ways, the Dems are just as corrupt as the GOP.

But that doesn't for a second mean the GOP should be put back in charge.

Because if Bush or McCain were in charge, there would be no transparency and no oversite.

You can not deny that.

So if anything, you might be able to say that the Dems are just as bad as the GOP, but you can never say they are worse.

Remember Bush wanted this written into the $750 billion bailout?

Decisions by the Secretary pursuant to the authority of this Act are non-reviewable and committed to agency discretion, and may not be reviewed by any court of law or any administrative agency.

That first line you started with is fascinating, as it admits NPR is a liberal institution.

I am curious on your opinion regarding tax dollars to support said liberal institution...
Obama is accepting blame for the AIG bonus mess and also defending Geithner.

Will this quell the media attention into the story or simply expand it?

Stay tuned!

Obama, Takes Responsibility For AIG Mess, Defends Geithner -

You want us to even look at something from Fox Business?

I don't want to waste a day researching why they are lying when it doesn't take them more than a minute to make up their lies.

Would you accept anything from a liberal source that made stuff up?

Hell, you don't even accept facts from liberal sources.
And a story from NPR, indicating the "outrage" by DC politicians against the AIG bonuses is manufactured, as both Congresssional leaders and the Obama administration knew of these bonuses and said nothing prior to the information becoming public.

Now if you take this NPR article in conjunction with President Obama's statements from today, it would imply that perhaps the President is being...less than truthful regarding this mess? Or at the very least, was very much "out of the loop", indicating a White House being run by various personalities with little or no specific direction from the newly elected leader of the free world?

The implications are decidedly troubling...

Obama Aides, Lawmakers Knew Of AIG Bonus Plan : NPR
New York Post/Malkin adds to the mix of the AIG deep n muddy waters...


And, in my opinion, that's the biggest point that this whole fiasco makes. They were more than willing to villify and tear apart AIG in the media and let all the stupid Americans believe that they were trying to protect the tax payer from the big evil corporation when exactly the opposite was the case. Like someone mentioned above, the corporations own the government, and the government is complicit with the corps, they are all in it together. The government is not here to look out for the american citizen, whether it's democrat or replublican. You people who worship the Obama administration and the leftist idealogy they represent need to wake up, they don't give a damn about you.
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Here is the text of a letter Geithner sent to Pelosi yesterday attempting to explain the AIG fiasco...

Full text of Geithner letter to Pelosi - The Irish Times - Wed, Mar 18, 2009

Ok, I just read the details from a liberal source, NPR, and it seems that Obama and the Congress knew about the bonus' for awhile now and only became upset when we found out about it.

Yes, this bothers me. Yes, this does show how in some ways, the Dems are just as corrupt as the GOP.

But that doesn't for a second mean the GOP should be put back in charge.

Because if Bush or McCain were in charge, there would be no transparency and no oversite.

You can not deny that.

So if anything, you might be able to say that the Dems are just as bad as the GOP, but you can never say they are worse.

Remember Bush wanted this written into the $750 billion bailout?

Decisions by the Secretary pursuant to the authority of this Act are non-reviewable and committed to agency discretion, and may not be reviewed by any court of law or any administrative agency.

That first line you started with is fascinating, as it admits NPR is a liberal institution.

I am curious on your opinion regarding tax dollars to support said liberal institution...

I only called it a liberal source because I knew you would.

Do you see the difference between NPR & Fox?

You can't find any lies on NPR.

When I say liberal, I mean not bias towards republicans.

Because you guys call every media that doesn't lie for the GOP a liberal source.

NPR is a great station. I used to hear about all the shady shit Bush was doing on NPR before I discovered Air America Radio.

I only assumed you guys were telling the truth when you said NPR was liberal, and then I found an actual liberal radio station and I found out that NPR is a centrist media. They'll dish on both Republicans and Democrats.

They also have on Republicans who give their slant on things. They don't ONLY invite on Democrats. In fact, Craig Derouche is a state Republican in Michigan. He's also my friend. Anyways, NPR always had him on. Whever there would be a report on what Granholm was doing, they always let Craig come on and bash her.

I don't see Fox inviting on Democrats who can explain why Rush/O'Reilly & Hannity are full of shit.
New York Post/Malkin adds to the mix of the AIG deep n muddy waters...


And, in my opinion, that's the biggest point that this whole fiasco makes. They were more than willing to villify and tear apart AIG in the media and let all the stupid Americans believe that they were trying to protect the tax payer from the big evil corporation when the exactly the opposite was the case. Like someone mentioned above, the corporations own the government, and the government is complicit with the corps, they are all in it together. The government is not here to look out for the american citizen, whether it's democrat or replublican. You people who worship the Obama administration and the leftist idealogy they represent need to wake up, they don't give a damn about you.

Do you admit the GOP doesn't give a damn about you?
New York Post/Malkin adds to the mix of the AIG deep n muddy waters...


And, in my opinion, that's the biggest point that this whole fiasco makes. They were more than willing to villify and tear apart AIG in the media and let all the stupid Americans believe that they were trying to protect the tax payer from the big evil corporation when the exactly the opposite was the case. Like someone mentioned above, the corporations own the government, and the government is complicit with the corps, they are all in it together. The government is not here to look out for the american citizen, whether it's democrat or replublican. You people who worship the Obama administration and the leftist idealogy they represent need to wake up, they don't give a damn about you.

Do you admit the GOP doesn't give a damn about you?

Absolutely, but they are far less of a threat, just look at what has happened in the first 50 days of complete democratic control. Obama has spent more in 50 days than Bush spent in 8 years. All any of them care about is power and money. That's why the smaller the government and more self reliant you are, the better. The left's idealogy is the complete opposite of that.
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New York Post/Malkin adds to the mix of the AIG deep n muddy waters...


And, in my opinion, that's the biggest point that this whole fiasco makes. They were more than willing to villify and tear apart AIG in the media and let all the stupid Americans believe that they were trying to protect the tax payer from the big evil corporation when the exactly the opposite was the case. Like someone mentioned above, the corporations own the government, and the government is complicit with the corps, they are all in it together. The government is not here to look out for the american citizen, whether it's democrat or replublican. You people who worship the Obama administration and the leftist idealogy they represent need to wake up, they don't give a damn about you.

Do you admit the GOP doesn't give a damn about you?

When the hell are you gonna wake up Ziggy?? GOVERNMENT doesn't care about us. :rolleyes:
And a story from NPR, indicating the "outrage" by DC politicians against the AIG bonuses is manufactured, as both Congresssional leaders and the Obama administration knew of these bonuses and said nothing prior to the information becoming public.

Now if you take this NPR article in conjunction with President Obama's statements from today, it would imply that perhaps the President is being...less than truthful regarding this mess? Or at the very least, was very much "out of the loop", indicating a White House being run by various personalities with little or no specific direction from the newly elected leader of the free world?

The implications are decidedly troubling...

Obama Aides, Lawmakers Knew Of AIG Bonus Plan : NPR

And, in my opinion, that's the biggest point that this whole fiasco makes. They were more than willing to villify and tear apart AIG in the media and let all the stupid Americans believe that they were trying to protect the tax payer from the big evil corporation when the exactly the opposite was the case. Like someone mentioned above, the corporations own the government, and the government is complicit with the corps, they are all in it together. The government is not here to look out for the american citizen, whether it's democrat or replublican. You people who worship the Obama administration and the leftist idealogy they represent need to wake up, they don't give a damn about you.

Do you admit the GOP doesn't give a damn about you?

When the hell are you gonna wake up Ziggy?? GOVERNMENT doesn't care about us. :rolleyes:

Why don't you admit that it isn't just government? Who is government helping here? The rich? The oil companies, bankers, federal reserve, wallstreet, corporations going overseas, etc?

I'll admit Democrats are corruptable.

But what you guys seem to be suggesting is that Republicans are a better choice? is that what you are implying? Because what's going on right now was happening when Bush/Tom Delay were running things, only the media wasn't covering it like they are this. Maybe NPR or Air America would dish, but the mainstream media was pretty much quiet.

For example, I showed you from the Huffington Post that Bush/Paulson tried to slip this by last year. Why didn't Fox or you cry about this then? Hacks!

Just like they "liberal" media hounded Clinton, they are now all over Obama. So why weren't they this good the last 8 years? Maybe the media isn't as liberal as you think?
Do you admit the GOP doesn't give a damn about you?

When the hell are you gonna wake up Ziggy?? GOVERNMENT doesn't care about us. :rolleyes:

Why don't you admit that it isn't just government? Who is government helping here? The rich? The oil companies, bankers, federal reserve, wallstreet, corporations going overseas, etc?

I'll admit Democrats are corruptable.

But what you guys seem to be suggesting is that Republicans are a better choice? is that what you are implying? Because what's going on right now was happening when Bush/Tom Delay were running things, only the media wasn't covering it like they are this. Maybe NPR or Air America would dish, but the mainstream media was pretty much quiet.

For example, I showed you from the Huffington Post that Bush/Paulson tried to slip this by last year. Why didn't Fox or you cry about this then? Hacks!

Just like they "liberal" media hounded Clinton, they are now all over Obama. So why weren't they this good the last 8 years? Maybe the media isn't as liberal as you think?

What part of GOVERNMENT do you not get??
And, in my opinion, that's the biggest point that this whole fiasco makes. They were more than willing to villify and tear apart AIG in the media and let all the stupid Americans believe that they were trying to protect the tax payer from the big evil corporation when the exactly the opposite was the case. Like someone mentioned above, the corporations own the government, and the government is complicit with the corps, they are all in it together. The government is not here to look out for the american citizen, whether it's democrat or replublican. You people who worship the Obama administration and the leftist idealogy they represent need to wake up, they don't give a damn about you.

Do you admit the GOP doesn't give a damn about you?

When the hell are you gonna wake up Ziggy?? GOVERNMENT doesn't care about us. :rolleyes:

Neither does Blackwater & Haloburton in Iraq, the bankers that own the Federal Reserve, the CEO's that gave themselves bonus', the companies going overseas for cheaper foreign labor, or the Republicans.

So why do you bother voting if the GOP is no better than the Dems? Heck, they are worse about this.

They are only outraged now because they can blame the Dems now.

But don't forget, the GOP would be doing the exact same shit. Only there wouldn't be any transparency.
Will you stop it! For years and years the GOP got more from corporate America, because they did the most favors for them, and because they were in charge.

So now the GOP are impotent in Congress, so why would corporations give them anything?

As soon as the tide turned with who had power, so did the donations.

Now, I'm pretty pissed about Chris Dodd putting in writing that their bonus' are guaranteed, but I have to look into this much deeper before I'll take your spin on this.[/QUOTE]

Thank you Bobo for that last part - I truly respect that.

Chris Dodd received far and away the most money from AIG. Chris Dodd adds an amendment to protect the very AIG bonuses he now claims to be against.

This stinks to high heaven and frankly, I want the guy to step down.

Add this to his Countrywide shenanigans, and his zealous protection of Fannie and Freddie, and the guy is clearly among the most corrupt of the DC rank and file...

I have emailed him demanding to know why/if he did that.

Now Fanny & Freddy, I don't buy that one because if the economy didn't crash, those poor people would still have jobs and they would still be paying their loans. And it wasn't freddy/fanny that inflated the prices of homes, or put those people in bad sub prime loans, or bundled all the loans together. Right?

Even Bush encouraged all Americans to buy instead of rent. I even remember him saying that he didn't want people to just own starter homes, but FABULOUS homes. I wish I could find the tape where he said it.

So the Freddy & Fanny thing I don't buy.

And I understand that if the exec's have a contract, they have a contract.

But we own 80% of the company.

But that doesn't mean we can renig.

So the solution might be that we take it back in a new tax, like an EXCESSIVE BONUS tax.

Or, instead of giving AIG the next $30 billion, take out a billion for this bullshit.

But this is making Obama look very bad. I don't think he's in on it, because this is sabotaging his political capital.

But I don't want to be a partisan hack, so I'm starting to get a bad vibe from this Chris Dodd character.

Damn it, because he really impressed me when he championed the NO Retro Immunity for the Telecoms cause last year. Remember that?

But then I think, if he's really good, his political enemies are going to attack him the most.

So I don't know what to think. But I do need to know why he wrote in that bonus' should be guaranteed, because that's fucked up.

Right now it looks like Chris Dodd put that guarantee in the bill because AIG paid him to do so. I hope that is not the case. But it wouldn't be the first time a politician did something like that.

And why the outrage now? Because the GOP were smart enough to bring this to the public's attention.

Del said that both parties are equally bad/corrupt. I still don't think so. All this banking crisis bullshit happened between 2000-2008. Deregulations, letting the prisoners run the assilum, no oversite, etc.

But I am curious to see how Obama and the Dems handle all this moving forward. If they would just have the balls to end the Federal Reserve. But they don't. Only Dennis Kuchenich and Ron Paul have the courage.

You are going to find out in the next 4 years that there are a few corrupt/sleezy Democrats. I just hope it isn't from the top down. I know it was with the GOP, but right now it just seems as if the AIG's of the world have gotten to a few of our guys, like Chris Dodd.

And I'm not even sure of that yet, but I am open to the possibility. Mother fuckers.

Trust me, if the DEM party goes bad, I will not defend them. You guys are doing a great job exposing any bs.

I just wish you would have listened to us in 2003, 04, 05, 06 & 07 when we were trying to tell you that your party was fucking up the country.

The dems don't get our/my undying loyalty.

But I haven't lost faith in them, yet. Not the party as a whole. Chris Dodd? Maybe.

Both parties are corrupt to the core, and they both take their marching orders from their masters, the bankers. I agree with you on ending the (not really Federal) Fed Reserve. It was created with the help of Woodrow Wilson, a Democrat and shortly there after The IRS. I'm glad you realize that the only 2 people in high office today that want to end the Fed are Paul and Kucinich, the so called kooks. I hope more readers of this forum will take the time to read about the Fed Reserve and how it has enslaved us since 1913. It is no surprise that some politicians get angry when the Fed doesn't disclose where nearly 2 trillion$ went. They don't even realize that it is not obligated to disclose anything, as it is not part of the Federal Gov. We have been lied to and abused for so long, we all need to wake up and see what really is going on and how it all started and by whom.

How The Federal Reserve Was Founded

In 1907, rumours emerged that caused the latest of a string of large-scale bank runs. Fears of an economic depression shattered the confidence of the American people, who soon called for bank reforms.

A group of wealthy businessmen – led by J P Morgan, Paul Warburg and John D Rockefeller – intervened to pave the way for the establishment of a private central bank. With their connections, they soon put a banker-controlled plan to President Woodrow Wilson.

In a decision that would later come to haunt him, President Wilson signed the Federal Reserve Act into law. In doing so, he effectively placed control of the US economy squarely in the hands of the private bankers, who would go on to create massive amounts of credit – backed by absolutely nothing.

They did this by printing new bank notes and lending them with added interest to the Government for redistribution. This means that every single dollar in circulation has a debt attached, payable to the creators of the Federal Reserve. Today the national debt is over $9.2 trillion.

In 1919, President Wilson expressed his profound regret over his decision, stating:

“I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men.” ¹

Read more: "What Is The Federal Reserve? A History of The US Central Banking System" - What Is The Federal Reserve? A History of The US Central Banking System

The Money Masters
When the hell are you gonna wake up Ziggy?? GOVERNMENT doesn't care about us. :rolleyes:

Why don't you admit that it isn't just government? Who is government helping here? The rich? The oil companies, bankers, federal reserve, wallstreet, corporations going overseas, etc?

I'll admit Democrats are corruptable.

But what you guys seem to be suggesting is that Republicans are a better choice? is that what you are implying? Because what's going on right now was happening when Bush/Tom Delay were running things, only the media wasn't covering it like they are this. Maybe NPR or Air America would dish, but the mainstream media was pretty much quiet.

For example, I showed you from the Huffington Post that Bush/Paulson tried to slip this by last year. Why didn't Fox or you cry about this then? Hacks!

Just like they "liberal" media hounded Clinton, they are now all over Obama. So why weren't they this good the last 8 years? Maybe the media isn't as liberal as you think?

What part of GOVERNMENT do you not get??

I say the Dems are still the better alternative, if you make less than $250K a year.

My grandma agrees with you. She says, "they're all crooks.....but at least the dems give a dog a bone every once in awhile."

For example, FDR was rich and the rich called him a traitor to his class for all the good he did for the middle class. He got a lot of grief for it too.

And the only things I don't like about Bill Clinton were the things he did that made him seem like a Republican or centrist.

And you don't like him, even though he spent less than Bush, Bush and Reagan. Explain that.
Do you admit the GOP doesn't give a damn about you?

When the hell are you gonna wake up Ziggy?? GOVERNMENT doesn't care about us. :rolleyes:

Neither does Blackwater & Haloburton in Iraq, the bankers that own the Federal Reserve, the CEO's that gave themselves bonus', the companies going overseas for cheaper foreign labor, or the Republicans.

So why do you bother voting if the GOP is no better than the Dems? Heck, they are worse about this.

They are only outraged now because they can blame the Dems now.

But don't forget, the GOP would be doing the exact same shit. Only there wouldn't be any transparency.

Why do you bother voting if the Dems are no better than the Republicans?

Transparency?? :rofl:


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